N-acetyl- l-cyste ine im proves function of islet Β cell in hyperl ip idem ic rats and its m echan ism. V o l 36 N o , NA C PCR

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1 ( ) JOU RNAL O F ZH EJ IAN G UN IV ERS IT Y (M ED ICAL SC IEN CES) V o l 36 N o h ttp: www. journals. zju. edu. cngm ed Β 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 ( 1. 2., ) [ ] : 2N 2 (N 2acetyl2l2cysteine, NA C) Β : 59 8 SD (N C ) (H F ) + NA C (NA C ) 20, (1) (M DA ) (GSH ) ; (2), ; (3), Β ; (4) PCR 21 ( IR S21) 22 ( IR S22) 22 (Glu t22) mrna : (1)H F M DA N C, GSH N C, NA C ; (2)H F (G IR ) N C (P < 0101), NA C G IR (P < 0101) ; H F (GS IS), NA C ; (3) H F IR S21 IR S22 Glu t22mrna 4213% 2811% 2219% ( P < 0105 ) ; NA C IR S21 IR S22 Glu t22 mrna H F 4012% 3012%, 1911% (P < 0105) :,, NA C [ ] ; g ; g ; N 2 ; Β ; PCR [ ] R [ ] A [ ] (2007) N-acetyl- l-cyste ine im proves function of islet Β cell in hyperl ip idem ic rats and its m echan ism W AN G B ing, L I Hong2liang, YAN G W en2ying, et al (D ep a rtm en t of E nd ocrinology, Ch ina J ap an F riend sh ip H osp ita l, P ek ing U n ion M ed ica l Colleg e, B eij ing , Ch ina) [Abstract ] Objective: To investigate the effect of N 2acetyl2l2cysteine (NA C ) on islet Β cell function in hyperlip idem ic rats and its m echan ism. M ethods: F ifty2n ine m ale SD rats of 8 w eek o ld w ere random ly divided in to 3 group s: no rm al diet group (N C, n= 20), h igh fat diet group (H F, n= 20) and NA C treated group (NA C, n= 19,NA C 300 m g kg - 1 d - 1 and h igh fat diet). A t the : : : ( ). : (1977- ),,, ; E2m ail: w angbing 000@ sina. com. cn. : (1946- ),,,, ; Em ail: w fl921@yahoo. com. cn

2 576 ( ) 36 end of 20 w eek s, fasting serum in su lin ( In s), gluco se (Glu), m alonaldehyde (M DA ) and reduced glu tath ione (GSH ) w ere determ ined in p lasm a and pancreas tissue. T he gluco se infu sion rate (G IR ) w as m easu red by euglycem ic hyperin su linem ia clamp to evaluate the peripheral in su lin resistance. Pancreatic islets w ere iso lated and sub jected to a perifu sion m edium con tain ing 3. 3 mmo1gl gluco se fo r 15 m in, fo llow ed by mmo1gl gluco se fo r 30 m in, in su lin con ten t of perifu sion m edium w as m easu red by R IA. T he exp ression s of IR S21, IR S22, Glu t22 gene in islets w ere detected by real tim e PCR. Results: (1) T he in su lin, gluco se and M DA concen tration in H F group w ere h igher than tho se in N C group, bu t GSH levels in p lasm a and pancreas w ere low er. NA C in terven tion cou ld reverse these effectṡ ( 2) T he G IR w as decreased sign ifican tly in H F group compared w ith N C group [ ( ) vs ( )m g m in - 1 kg - 1, P < ], NA C in terven tion reversed these effect: G IR [ ( ) vs ( )m g m in - 1 kg - 1, P < ]. (3) mmo lgl gluco se increased the in su lin secretion in the islet cells of the th ree group s, bu t the peak w as low er in H F group. NA C in terven tion reversed these effectṡ (4) T he gene exp ression of IR S21 w as sign ifican tly decreased by 42. 3% in H F group (P < 0. 05), and the exp ression s of IR S22 and Glu t22 w ere decreased by 28. 1% and 22. 9% (P < 0. 05) compared w ith N C group. In con trast, the exp ression s of IR S21, IR S22, Glu t22 in NA C group increased by 40. 2%, 30. 2% and 19. 1%, respectively than tho se in H F group. Conclusion: NA C can reverse functional diso rder of islet Βcells induced by h igh2fat2diet feeding. T h is an tiox idan t effect m igh t be associated w ith upgrading gene exp ression of in su lin signal tran sduction mo lecu les in islet Β cells. [ Key words ] A cetylcysteine; Islets of langerhan sgcyto l; In su lingsecret; N 2acetyl2l2cysteine; Islet Βcells; R eal2tim e PCR [ J Zhejiang U n iv (M edical Sci), 2007, 36 (6) : ] Β 2 ( T 2DM ), T 2DM,,, T 2DM [122 ] N 2 (N 2acetyl2l2cysteine, NA C ),, Β, PCR, NA C SD 59 (SPF, ), (N C, n = 20) (H F, n= 20) + NA C (NA C, n = 19) N C ( 64% 23% 13%, ), H F ( 20% 21% 66%,, ), NA C NA C 300 m g kg - 1 d - 1 (NA C Sigm a, 115K01261), , L inco (m alonaldehyde, M DA ) ( reduced

3 6,. Β 577 glu tath ione, GSH ) % (50 m ggkg),,,,, 12 mu kg - 1 d - 1, 20% mmo lgl, 5 6 (gluco se infu sion rate, G IR ),, 1. 4 (1) 3% (50 m ggkg),,,, 5,,,, 1 m ggm l p 8 m l,,, 6 m l H ank s (2) m in, 15 s,, 4 10 m l 4 H ank s 30 m l (3) 600 Λm, 50 m l rgm in 4 1 m in,, 4 H ank s,, H ank s 2 15 m l, rgm in 4 2 m in, (4) 25% F ico ll 4 m l, 23% 20% 11% F ico ll H ank s 2 m l, rgm in, 4 20 m in, 23% 20% 20% 11%, 4 H ank s 50 m l m l EP 1. 5 Pharm acia U pp sala 50, : (0 15 m in), 3. 3 mmo lg L, ; (16 45 m in), mmo lgl 30 m in [3 ] 1. 6 PCR T rizo l ( Invitrogen, ) RNA, ; RNA R evert ra A ce2 ΑcDNA (TO YOBO, ) cdna [4 ] AB I R PR ISM 7300 ( AB I B io system ) PCR SYBR R Green PCR M aster M ix TO YOBO ( ) PCR : SYBR R Green R ealtim e PCR M aster M ix 25 Λl, 18 Λl, 1 Λl, 1 Λl, cdna 5 Λl : s, 1 ; s; s; s; CT (GA PDH, sen se 5 2T GGGT GT G AA CCA CGA GAA 23, an tisen se 2GGCA T G GA CT GT GGTCA T GA 23, 145 bp; IR S21, sen se 5 2CA CCCA GT T T T TCGA CA CCT 23, an tisen se 5 2GCT T GT TCT T GGA GTCA GCC 23, 284 bp; IR S22, sen se 5 2CTA CCCA CT G A GCCCAA GA G23, an tisen se 5 2CCA GGG A T GAA GCA GGA CTA 23, 152 bp; Glu t22, sen se 5 2TA GCAA CT GGGTCT GCAA T 23, an tisen se 292 bp ) 5 2GTA GTCCTA CA CTCA T G23, 1. 7 SPSS x θ s,, ( ), SN K2q , H F (FBG) (F IN S) N C, NA C H F ( 1) 2. 2 H F M DA N C, GSH N C,NA C ( 2) m in [ ( 4. 80

4 578 ( ) 36 1 Table 1 Comparison of body w eigh t, visceral fat ratio, fasting b lood gluco se and in su lin level in the th ree group s of rats [x θ s o r m edian (range) ] g ( g FBGg F IN Sg g ) g% (mmo l L - 1 ) (m IU L - 1 ) N C ( ) H F # # # ( ) # NA C ( ) # F H F vs N C o r NA C vs H F, 3 P < 0. 05, # P < Table 2 Comparison of ox idative stress indexes in p lasm a and pancreas in the th ree group s of rats (x θ s) M DA g (nmo l m l - 1 ) GSH g (m g m l - 1 ) M DA g (mmo l m g - 1 p ro t) GSH g (m g g - 1 p ro t) N C H F # # # # NA C F H F vs N C o r NA C vs H F, 3 P < 0. 05, # P < )mmo lgl ], H F N C G IR [ ( ) m g m in - 1 kg - 1 vs ( )m g m in - 1 kg - 1, P < ] NA C G IR H F [ ( )m g m in - 1 kg - 1 vs ( )m g m in - 1 kg - 1, P < ], Β (gluco se stim u late in su lin secretion, GS IS) H F, F = , P < 0. 01; vs H F, 3 P < 0105, N C [ ( )m IU gl vs ( )m IU gl, P < 0. 01), GS IS,, 1g 4,, # P < F ig. 1 Comparison of gluco se infu sion rate in the th ree group s NA C H F [ ( ) 4213%, IR S22 Glu t % m IU gl vs ( ) m IU gl, P < 0. 01), 2219% (P < 0. 05) NA C IR S21 GS IS H F 2, 2 mrna H F 40. 2%, IR S PCR N C Glu t % 1911% ( P <, H F IR S21 mrna 0105), 3

5 6,. Β 579, F = , P < 0. 01; vs H F, 3 P < 0105, # P < F ig. 2 Changes of in su lin secretion du ring perifu sion in the th ree group s of rats H F N C NA C H F, 3 P < PCR F ig. 3 Changes of gene exp ression 3, Β, Β,, Β, [5 ], T 2DM Β,, T 2DM,, Β [6 ],, N C, H F, ; NA C, H F, 76. 8%, NA C, Β,,,, H F N C, mmo lg L H F, ; NA C, GS IS H F, NA C GS IS Β, Β Β Kubo ta [7 ], IR S22, Β, Β, : Β IR S21, IR S22 Glu t22mrna, H F IR S21 IR S22 Glu t22 N C 57. 7%, 71. 9% 77. 1%,, NA C IR S21 IR S 22 Glu t22 H F 40. 2%, 30. 2% 19. 1%, Β, Β, NA C, [8 ], Β? Calsson,, GS IS, ( reactive oxygen species, RO S), GSH, [9 ]

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26 3 V o l. 26 N o A cta Eco logiae A n im alis Dom astici M ay ,

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Supplemental file 3. All 306 mapped IDs collected by IPA program. Supplemental file 6. The functions and main focused genes in each network.

Supplemental file 3. All 306 mapped IDs collected by IPA program. Supplemental file 6. The functions and main focused genes in each network. LIST OF SUPPLEMENTAL FILES Supplemental file 1. Primer sets used for qrt-pcr. Supplemental file 2. All 1305 differentially expressed genes. Supplemental file 3. All 306 mapped IDs collected by IPA program.

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IL - 13 /IL - 18 ELISA PCR RT - PCR. IL - 13 IL - 18 mrna. 13 IL - 18 mrna IL - 13 /IL Th1 /Th2

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F ig. 1 Flow chart of comprehen sive design in the research of com patibil ity. E2m ail: ac. cn

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T IM P-1 cd NA CO S-7. Clon ing of Human T IM P-1 cd NA and its Expression in COS-7 Cells. 21 (tissue in2 ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 3 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 3, 306 311 2000 6 T IM P-1 cd NA 3 CO S-7 3 3 (,,, 100853) GenBank T IM P21, R T 2PCR T IM P21 cdna T 2A pcr R

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D ynam ic changes of som e blood indexes and horm one levels of wa ter buffa loes w ith chron ic F 1hep a tica infection

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THE EFFECTS OF SEVERAL 5-HT RECEPTOR ANTAGON ISTS ON THE MOTOR ACTIV ITY IN SCH ISTOSOM A J A PON ICUM 1997, 20 (4): 8 87 J ou ra l of N aj ig A g ricu ltu ra l U iversity 52 α (, 210095) 52 (52H T ) : (1) 10 - mo lgl 10-4 mo lgl 52H T 0 m i,, 10-5 mo lgl, 10 - mo lgl (tryp tam ie), 10-4 mo lgl 10-5 mo

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Effects of PD on IL -6- induced Growth Arrest and Term ina l D ifferen tia tion of M 1 Cells

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Investiga tion on L ipoprote in (a) Receptor in the M em brane of M onkey L iver Cells

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SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Fully Automated Total Metals and Chromium Speciation Single Platform Introduction System for ICP-MS

SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Fully Automated Total Metals and Chromium Speciation Single Platform Introduction System for ICP-MS Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Fully Automated Total Metals and Chromium

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OPN antisense oligodeoxynucleotide inhibits p roliferation and apop tosis of human breast carcinoma cell line

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Error ana lysis of P2wave non2hyperbolic m oveout veloc ity in layered media

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Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects of L odging on Gra in Y ield and Qual ity

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Fo recasting Stock M arket Q uo tation s via Fuzzy N eu ral N etw o rk Based on T 2S M odel

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Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου

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ΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΠΑΝ. Εικόνα 1. Φωτογραφία του γαλαξία μας (από αρχείο της NASA)

ΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΠΑΝ. Εικόνα 1. Φωτογραφία του γαλαξία μας (από αρχείο της NASA) ΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΠΑΝ Φύση του σύμπαντος Η γη είναι μία μονάδα μέσα στο ηλιακό μας σύστημα, το οποίο αποτελείται από τον ήλιο, τους πλανήτες μαζί με τους δορυφόρους τους, τους κομήτες, τα αστεροειδή και τους μετεωρίτες.

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Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy. E, m RNA T IR

Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy. E, m RNA T IR ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 2001 2 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy 17 (1): 29 34 m RNA 5 3,, (, 200031) 21 bp B 50 PCNA 2L ac Z m RNA SD 11 bp H ind g, B 50il B 50i2 m RNA,B

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Problemas resueltos del teorema de Bolzano

Problemas resueltos del teorema de Bolzano Problemas resueltos del teorema de Bolzano 1 S e a la fun ción: S e puede af irm a r que f (x) está acotada en el interva lo [1, 4 ]? P or no se r c ont i nua f (x ) e n x = 1, la f unció n no e s c ont

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: H IV. Screen ing of 1F7 Id iotyp ic An ti-gp160 An tibod ies from Phage An tibody L ibrary

: H IV. Screen ing of 1F7 Id iotyp ic An ti-gp160 An tibod ies from Phage An tibody L ibrary 14 1 V o l114,n o11 1998 2 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy Feb 1998 H IV-1 gp 160 2) 1) 1) 1) 3) (, 100850; 2), 100071; 3), 130062) : H IV m RNA, IgG Fd Fab, pcom b3, XL

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Postna ta l D evelopm en ta l Expression of Phosphoprote in s in Synaptosom e

Postna ta l D evelopm en ta l Expression of Phosphoprote in s in Synaptosom e 14 1 V o l114,n o11 1998 2 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy Feb 1998 3 (, 100875),,, (PND ) 3 d 7 d 21 d,, ; PND 21d, :,,, Postna ta l D evelopm en ta l Expression of Phosphoprote

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1998, 18 (1): 1 7. A cta T heriolog ica S inica (,, ) (Grow th layer group s, GL Gs) 168, 42,

1998, 18 (1): 1 7. A cta T heriolog ica S inica (,, ) (Grow th layer group s, GL Gs) 168, 42, 1998, 18 (1): 17 A cta T heriolog ica S inica Ξ (,, 210097), 3,, 3 C (O dum, 1983), 0 2, 24 11 3 R 0 Κ1, rm 0,, ; ; ; ;, (Sh i2 rak ihara, 1993; Gao, 1993)Gao (1993) 3 56,, (, 1995),, 3,, 1974 229, 86,

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Con struction and D emon stration of an Index System of Know ledge Amoun t of Po sition

Con struction and D emon stration of an Index System of Know ledge Amoun t of Po sition 2004 9 9 : 00026788 (2004) 0920038209,, (, 20005) :, PAQ, : ; ; ; : C93 : A Con struction and D emon stration of an Index System of Know ledge Amoun t of Po sition DA I Chang2jun, FU L ei, XU H ua (Glo

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ACTA CHINESE MEDICINE. diabetic nephropathies DN 24. urine protein quantitation in 24 hours 24hUTP serum creatinine Scr

ACTA CHINESE MEDICINE. diabetic nephropathies DN 24. urine protein quantitation in 24 hours 24hUTP serum creatinine Scr * TGF-β1 215600 diabetic nephropathies DN 24 urine protein quantitation in 24 hours 24hUTP serum creatinine Scr -β1 transforming growth factor-β1 TGFβ1 STZ DN SD 10 10 10 8 24hUTP Scr HE ELISA TGF-β1 24hUTP

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; (A con itum kusnez of f ii R eichb. ),.

; (A con itum kusnez of f ii R eichb. ),. V o l. 26 N o. 4 2 0 0 5 4 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 638 641,,, (, 130022) (, 021400)., 4,.,,. ; ; O 657 A 025120790 (2005) 0420638204 (A con itum kusnez of f ii R eichb. ),, [1

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IRBB 4 (Xa24) IRBB 7 (Xa27) IRBB 21 (Xa221) 6

IRBB 4 (Xa24) IRBB 7 (Xa27) IRBB 21 (Xa221) 6 J ou rna l of N anj in ricu ltu ra l U n iversity Ξ F 1 (, 210095) 12 7 10 : Xa24 xa25 Xa27 xa213 Xa221 5 3 I 4 (Xa24) I 7 (Xa27) I 21 (Xa221) 6 5, F 1 KS266 ZJ2173, Xa27 Xa221 F 1, Xa24 F 1 Xa27 Xa221

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Con struction and B ioactiv ity of Cys57 M utan t of Human In testina l Trefo il Factor

Con struction and B ioactiv ity of Cys57 M utan t of Human In testina l Trefo il Factor ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 5 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 5, 606 611 2000 10 57 3 (,, 100871) PCR C 57 h IT F pgex24t 21, IT PG, Glu tath ione2sepharo se 4B, Sephacryl S

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Expression and Pur if ica tion of W ild and M utan t Type NAD H-Cytochrom e b5 Reducta se in E. coli

Expression and Pur if ica tion of W ild and M utan t Type NAD H-Cytochrom e b5 Reducta se in E. coli ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 4 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 4, 452 457 2000 8 NAD H- b5 (, 350025) NADH 2 b5, (b5r ), (C203Y) b5r cdna pgex22t, BL 21 W estern GST 2b5R 2Sepharo

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0. 35g kg ~ 2. 0cm 10min. Nar- 15μL 6mm

0. 35g kg ~ 2. 0cm 10min. Nar- 15μL 6mm 22 Journal of Ningxia Medical University 34 1 2012 1 1674-6309 2012 01-0022 - 03 1 2 1 3 1. 750004 2. 750004 3. 750004 60 SD 300 ± 20 g 5 S ICH M 2 M 4 M 8 12 Deinsberger S M 2 4 8 - ICH 10min 2 4 8 mg

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STUD IES ON THE GENOTOX IC ITY OF 83- ITS M AJOR M ETABOL ITE 1 HERB IC ID E AND. H eng Zhengchang 1, T O ng 2 1997 9 3 Carcinogenesis T eratogenesis and M utagenesis V o l 9 N o 3 1997 831 1 T O ng 2 1 610041 2 D ivision of R esp irato ry D isease Studies,N IO SH,U SA Am es V 79 H PR T (SCE) 831 ( ) 2, 4 6 (DCA

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acrysta ll iferous stra in Btk BE20

acrysta ll iferous stra in Btk BE20 J ou rnal of N anj ing A g ricu ltu ral U niversity S18-4 - Btk BE20 3 1 2 2 2 2 ( 1, 321004; 2, 510275) S1824, PH T 3101, DNA P stl, B tk BE 20 SD S2PA GE, 2,, S1824 ; 2 ; ; S48217 Clon ing and expression

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Fe, Cu, Zn,M n, Se I 54. 0, 9. 2, 11. 0, 66. 5, 0. 08, m ggkg, 100%, 200%, 300%

Fe, Cu, Zn,M n, Se I 54. 0, 9. 2, 11. 0, 66. 5, 0. 08, m ggkg, 100%, 200%, 300% 31 2 ( ) V o l. 31 N o. 2 2003 4 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) A p ṙ 2003 Ξ 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 (1, 712100; 2, 711700; 3, 712100) []170 540 3, 3, (P > 0. 05),

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HIV HIV HIV HIV AIDS 3 :.1 /-,**1 +332

HIV HIV HIV HIV AIDS 3 :.1 /-,**1 +332 ,**1 The Japanese Society for AIDS Research The Journal of AIDS Research +,, +,, +,, + -. / 0 1 +, -. / 0 1 : :,**- +,**. 1..+ - : +** 22 HIV AIDS HIV HIV AIDS : HIV AIDS HIV :HIV AIDS 3 :.1 /-,**1 HIV

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Use of Site-D irected M utagenesis to Investiga te the Properties of Recom binan t H irud in-hv2

Use of Site-D irected M utagenesis to Investiga te the Properties of Recom binan t H irud in-hv2 14 1 V o l114,n o11 1998 2 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy Feb 1998 (, 100101),,, rhv 2 47 11 rhv 2 Gln11 A sn47 H is11 L ys47, rhv 22H 11 30%, rhv 22K47 61% K i, rhv 22

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, 300 # , 26. 7% g N ac l 0. 4 g KC l g CaC l2 2H 2O g N a2s 2H 2O g N ah 2PO 4. . P indbo rg [4 ],

, 300 # , 26. 7% g N ac l 0. 4 g KC l g CaC l2 2H 2O g N a2s 2H 2O g N ah 2PO 4. . P indbo rg [4 ], 23 1 V o l 23, N o 1 2003 1 TR IBOLO GY Jan, 2003 1, 3, 2, 1, 3 (1., 730000; 2., 200433; 3., 730050) : 3 ph,,, ;,. : ph = 4. 0, ; ph = 4. 0 ; ph = 2. 0 3.,,.,. : ; ; ; : TQ 174. 75 + 8 : A : 100420595

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Μελέτη της έκφρασης του ογκοκατασταλτικού γονιδίου Cyld στον καρκίνο του μαστού

Μελέτη της έκφρασης του ογκοκατασταλτικού γονιδίου Cyld στον καρκίνο του μαστού Σχολή Θετικών Επιστημών Τμήμα Βιολογίας Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών Κατεύθυνση: Εφαρμοσμένη γενετική και βιοτεχνολογία ΜΕΤΑΠΤΥΧΙΑΚΗ ΔΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ Μελέτη της έκφρασης του ογκοκατασταλτικού γονιδίου

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copula, 5 3 Copula Κ L = lim System s Engineering M ay., 2006 : (2006) ,,, copula Ξ A rch im edean copula (Joe,

copula, 5 3 Copula Κ L = lim System s Engineering M ay., 2006 : (2006) ,,, copula Ξ A rch im edean copula (Joe, 24 5 ( 149 ) V ol. 24, N o. 5 2006 5 System s Engineering M ay., 2006 : 100124098 (2006) 0520088205 copula Ξ, (, 230052) : (copula), A rch im edean copula, Gum bel2hougard copula,, : Copula; ; : F830 :

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Jou rnal of M athem atical Study

Jou rnal of M athem atical Study 38 4 2005 12 Jou rnal of M athem atical Study V ol 38 o 4 D ec 2005 α (, 361005),, (SVV ), SVV, SVV, SVV - H elm holtz, (SEM ); (SVV ); O 174 52 A 1,, 1g, ( ),, 80,, ( [ 4 ]),,,, (e g [ 1 ]),, Gibbs,,,,,,

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Σύμφωνα με την Αμερικάνικη Εθνική Επιτροπή πρόληψης, διάγνωσης, εκτίμησης

Σύμφωνα με την Αμερικάνικη Εθνική Επιτροπή πρόληψης, διάγνωσης, εκτίμησης 34 Σακχαρώδης διαβήτης - αρτηριακή υπέρταση Γ. ΠΙΑΔΙΤΗΣ Δ/ντής Ενδοκρινολογικού Τμήματος - Κέντρου Διαβήτη Γ.Κ.Ν.Α. «Γ. Γεννηματάς» Σύμφωνα με την Αμερικάνικη Εθνική Επιτροπή πρόληψης, διάγνωσης, εκτίμησης

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Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 2, K 3 (A 6D )

Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 2, K 3 (A 6D ) ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 2 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 2, 234239 2000 4 (P I4-K) 3 1) (,, 100101; 1), 100871) (P I 42K) (A 6D ) 2, 71510 6 610 8 (m o lgl ) - 1 11910-7

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U (x, y ) = : K (x i- x k) K (x i- x k, y j- y l), 2. 1

U (x, y ) = : K (x i- x k) K (x i- x k, y j- y l), 2. 1 22 5 V o l 22, N o 5 2002 9 TR IBOLO GY Sep, 2002,, (, 100084) :, (FFT )., 2 (Green ),,, 3,. ; ; FFT; ; TH 117. 2 A 100420595 (2002) 0520390205,.,,,. L ub rech t [1 ]. (FFT ) [2 5 ]., [4, 5 ].,L iu [6

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19 Ενδοκρινολόγος. Φάρµακα που στοχεύουν το β- κύτταρο ΕΥΡΥΔΙΚΗ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΜΗΧΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΔΡΑΣΗΣ

19 Ενδοκρινολόγος. Φάρµακα που στοχεύουν το β- κύτταρο ΕΥΡΥΔΙΚΗ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ ΜΗΧΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΔΡΑΣΗΣ Φάρµακα που στοχεύουν το β- κύτταρο ΕΥΡΥΔΙΚΗ ΠΑΠΑΔΟΠΟΥΛΟΥ 19 Ενδοκρινολόγος ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΗ Οι σουλφονυλουρίες είναι η πρώτη κατηγορία υπογλυκαιμικών φαρμάκων που χορηγήθηκαν για την αντιμετώπιση του διαβήτη

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The p re pa ra tion a nd a ntiba c te ria l a c tiv ity in vitro of be rbe rine hyd rochlo ric na nom e te r m ic roem uls ion

The p re pa ra tion a nd a ntiba c te ria l a c tiv ity in vitro of be rbe rine hyd rochlo ric na nom e te r m ic roem uls ion 35 1 () V o l. 35 N o. 1 2007 1 Journal of N o rthw est A & F U niversity (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Jan. 2007 Ξ, (, 712100) [ ]4 ( IPM ) 3 (EL 40 Tw een280) ;,,,,, ( ), EL 402 2IPM ;, 56. 8 nm ;, ;, [ ]; ; ; ;

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