Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 5, Cd 2+ : Cd 2+ ΛCd 2+

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1 ISSN CN gQ 16 5 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 5, ΑΑ-cD NA Cd 2+ 3 (,, ), Β, Α Α Β, ΑΑ PCR ΑΑ2cDNA A T G AA CA, CaM V 35S ΑΑ2cDNA pgptv d35s2 ΑΑ, (ba r) N C89 Sou thern W estern ΑΑ2cDNA N o rthern ΑΑ2cDNA Cd 2+,, Cd 2+, Cd 2+ Cd 2+ ΑΑ2cDNA Cd 2+ : 200 m o lgl CdC l2, 400 m o lgcdc l2 100 m o lgl CdC l2 ΑΑ, cdna, Cd 2+, Q 78 Expression of the M ouse M eta lloth ione in M utan t ΑΑ-cD NA Im prov ing Cadm ium Resistance in Tran sgen ic Tobacco ZHAN G X iao2yu, ZUO X iao2feng, X IAO Chuan2ying, SHAN L ong, RU B ing2gen 3 3 Tel: (010) , E2m ail: Rulab@pku. edu. cn,, , (T he N ational L aboratory of P rotein E ng ineering and P lant Genetic E ng ineering, : , : Colleg e of L if e S ciences, P ek ing U niversity, B eij ing , Ch ina) Abstract M etallo th ionein is a m etal b inding p ro tein w ith sm all m o lecu lar w eigh t, w h ich has Β and Α tw o dom ain ṡ M ou se M etallo th ionein m u tan t ΑΑ has been con structed by rep lacing the Β dom ain of the m etallo th ionein w ith the o ther Α dom ain. Som e nucleo tides beside A T G w ere changed to AA CAA T G by PCR m ethod, w h ich w ere favo red in p lan tṡ CaM V 35S235SgΑΑcDNA exp ression vecto r pgptv d35s2ααw as con structed w h ich had herb icide (PPT ) 2resistance gene ba r as a selectab le m arkeṙ T he ch im eric gene via A grobacterium m ediated tran sfo rm ation w as in troduced in to the tobacco (N icotiana tabacum L. c. v. N C89). A cco rding to Sou thern b lo t and W estern b lo t analysis of som e putative tran sfo rm an ts, it w as found that the in troduced ΑΑcDNA w as in tegrated in to tobacco genom e and cou ld be exp ressed. N o rthern b lo t analysis indicated that the tran scrip ts of ΑΑ cdna in roo ts w ere stronger than these in leaveṡ D eterm ination of Cd 2+ concen tration and its distribu tion in side the p lan ts dem on strated that the tran sgen ic tobacco cou ld accum u late m o re Cd 2+ in its roo ts than the con tro l,w h ich cou ld reduce the con ten t of Cd 2+ in the leaveṡ T he experim en t of the resistance to Cd 2+ p roved that the exp ression of ΑΑcDNA in tobacco enhanced the p lan t to lerance tow ards Cd 2+. U nder 200 m o lgl CdC l2, p lan ts w ith no rm al grow th w ere ob served. T ran sgen ic tobacco cou ld even live in the m edium con tain ing 400 m o lgl CdC l2,

2 w h ile 100 m o lgl CdC l2 becam e tox ic du ring 30 days grow th period. Key words M etallo th ionein m u tan t ΑΑ, cdna, Cd 2+, R esistance (Cd 2+ ) : ΑΑ2cDNA Cd 2+, Cd 2+ Cd 2+, Cd 2+,,, Cd 2+ Cd 2+ [ 1 1, ] Cd 2+, Cd 2+, M T ΑΑ2 pu C18, LBA 4404, helper pr K2013, 1987, D. D. L efebvre [ 2 ] 35S (M T ), pb I426, pgptv 2BA R Cd 2+ M T M T, E cor I H indg X ba g Cd 2+ G. J. W agner [ 3 ], M T PCR D IG (digox igen in) D IG Cd 2+, (Boeh ringer M annheim ), RNA Q IA GEN (M etallo th ionein, M T ) 112 M T PCR Α Β, Α Cd 2+ ΑΑ2cDNA pu C18, H g 2+, Β Cu 2+ [ 4 ] 35S ΑΑ2cDNA, M T 2cDNA (ba r) Β Α,, [7 ] M T ΑΑ ΑΑ2cDNA ΑΑ M T E. coli,, Cd 2+ m ggl (ba r) 200 m o lgl CdC l2 M S M T ΑΑ Sou thern SD S [ 8 ] Cd 2+, DNA, 15 g DNA ΑΑ2cDNA 112%,, Cd 2+ Sou thern, PCR digox igen in (D IG), ;, D IG CD P2Star TM Cd 2+,, Cd 2+, 111, Cd 2+, cdna pbsαα(pb luescrip tks + ΑΑ), S acg P rom ega, N C89, 6 Cd 2+ M T, N o rthern 200 m o lgl CdC l2 M T Cu 2+ Fe 2+, 100 m g, [ 5 ] Q IA GEN (Germ any) RNA, Phytochelatin ( PC s ), RNA D IG [ 6 ] M arker g PCR D IG M T cdna, D IG CD P2Star TM

3 5 : ΑΑ2cDNA Cd W estern Cd 100 m o lgl CdC l2,, rg 4 N C89 ΑΑ m in, 18 % SD S2PA GE ΑΑ M T 80,,, 100 m g 500, 1 m o lgl HC l [ 9 N C, ] 5 m l, Cd, M T, 3 ΑΑcDNA M T cdna (99 bp ), M T M T 2 ΑΑ2cDNA 211 (F ig. 1) F ig. 1 Sketch m ap of p lant exp ression vecto r of mouse M T m utant gene ΑΑ2cDNA F ig. 1, p GPTV d35s2αα CaM V 35S, m RNA RNA, ΑΑcDNA AM V 5 2 N o s F ig. 3 ba r ( ) LBA 4404, 5 E cor g E cor g, E cor g 500 bp 212 Southern Cd 2+, PCR DNA, 15 g, Sou thern, PCR D IG M T cdna M T M T cdna ΑΑcDNA 100 bp, ΑΑ cdna, F ig. 2 : E cor g ( 1 4 ) 500 bp X ba g gs acg 215 bp ( 2 ) X bag H indg DNA ( 5 7 ) : 213 Northern F ig. 3 RNA F ig. 2 Southern blo t analysis of transgenic p lants w ith the p robe of M T cdna 1, 2, 3: T ransfo rm ant N o. 1 digested w ith E cor g (1), X ba g gs ac g ( 2 ) and H ind g ( 3 ) ; 4: T ransfo rm ant N o. 2 digested w ith E cor g ; 5, 7: T ransfo rm ant N o. 3 digested w ith X bag (5) o r H indg (7) ; 6: N on2transfo rm ant contro l; 8: Po sitive contro l of M T cdna (206 bp) 112 RNA 214 W estern 10 g, 112%, Sou thern, F ig. 3

4 634 16, M T ΑΑ M T, Cd 2+,,, Cd 2+ SD S 6 500, E. coli ΑΑ 6 583, : M T SD S ( ΑΑ, ΑΑ2cDNA ) M T Cd 2+ 47% 62% M T M T cdna, Cd 2+ M T, 47% 6012% F ig. 5 F ig. 6 F ig. 4 : 7 M T, 6 1, 5, 8 F ig. 5 Comparative Cd 2+ tobacco and contro l seedlings content analysis of transgenic F ig. 3 N o rthern blo t analysis of transgenic p lant ( to tal RNA iso lated from two transgenic p lants) 1: RNA m arker; 2, 5: F rom leaves; 3, 4: F rom roo ts F ig. 6 T issue Cd 2+ tobacco seedlings distribution in transgenic and contro l F ig. 4 W estern blo t analysis of transgenic p lant 1, 2, 4, 5, 6: Po sitive transgenic tobacco samp les; 3: N egative transgenic tobacco samp le; 7: Rabbit2liver M T p ro tein; 8: Contro l of N C Cd 2+, Cd 2+, 75 m o lgl CdC l2, CdC l2 100 m o lgl N C89 : 200 m o lgl CdC l2,,,, CdC l2 300 m o lgl,, CdC l2 400 m o lgl, 215 Cd, Bo rne [ 10 ], M T 300 m o lgl CdC l2 Cd 2+ [ 11, ]

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T IM P-1 cd NA CO S-7. Clon ing of Human T IM P-1 cd NA and its Expression in COS-7 Cells. 21 (tissue in2 ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 3 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 3, 306 311 2000 6 T IM P-1 cd NA 3 CO S-7 3 3 (,,, 100853) GenBank T IM P21, R T 2PCR T IM P21 cdna T 2A pcr R

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Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 6,

Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 6, ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 6 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 6, 814 819 2000 12 3 RNA 3 3 (, 200032) upa R RNA pu RA S M DA 2M B 2231, G418 N o rthern upa R RNA, R T 2PCR upa

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Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου

Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου Δυναμικό Coulomb Εξίσωση Schrödinger h e (, r, ) (, r, ) E (, r, ) m ψ θφ r ψ θφ = ψ θφ Συνθήκες ψ(, r θφ, ) = πεπερασμένη ψ( r ) = 0 ψ(, r θφ, ) =ψ(, r θφ+, ) π Επιτρεπτές ενέργειες

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U (x, y ) = : K (x i- x k) K (x i- x k, y j- y l), 2. 1

U (x, y ) = : K (x i- x k) K (x i- x k, y j- y l), 2. 1 22 5 V o l 22, N o 5 2002 9 TR IBOLO GY Sep, 2002,, (, 100084) :, (FFT )., 2 (Green ),,, 3,. ; ; FFT; ; TH 117. 2 A 100420595 (2002) 0520390205,.,,,. L ub rech t [1 ]. (FFT ) [2 5 ]., [4, 5 ].,L iu [6

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(H ipp op hae rham noid es L. ) , ; SHB 2g , 1. 0, 2. 0, 3. 0, 4. 0, 5. 0 ml mm. : Y = X - 0.

(H ipp op hae rham noid es L. ) , ; SHB 2g , 1. 0, 2. 0, 3. 0, 4. 0, 5. 0 ml mm. : Y = X - 0. 34 10 () V o l. 34 N o. 10 2006 10 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) O cṫ 2006 Ξ 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2 (1, 712081; 2, 712100; 3, 123000) [ ],,, : V ( ) V ( 95% ) =

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Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy. (o steoarth ritis, OA )

Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy. (o steoarth ritis, OA ) ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 2001 4 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy 17 (2): 244 249 1) 1), 3, 2), 1), 1), 1), 2) 2), ( 1), 710032; 2), 100044) ( rheum ato id arth ritis, RA

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(P seudo rab ies, PR ) (A u jeszky, s D isease, AD ), (Pesuderab ies viru s, PRV )

(P seudo rab ies, PR ) (A u jeszky, s D isease, AD ), (Pesuderab ies viru s, PRV ) 34 9 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 9 2006 9 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep. 2006 W G Ξ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 (1, 712100; 2, 723600) [ ]ge2el ISA 6 187 (P seu2 do rabies

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T he Op tim al L PM Po rtfo lio M odel of H arlow s and Its So lving M ethod

T he Op tim al L PM Po rtfo lio M odel of H arlow s and Its So lving M ethod 2003 6 6 00026788 (2003) 0620042206 H arlow, 2 3, (., 70049; 2., 7006; 3., 200433) H arlow,,,,, ;, ; ; F832. 5; F830. 9 A T he Op tim al L PM Po rtfo lio M odel of H arlow s ad Its So lvig M ethod W AN

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F ig. 1 Flow chart of comprehen sive design in the research of com patibil ity. E2m ail: ac. cn

F ig. 1 Flow chart of comprehen sive design in the research of com patibil ity. E2m ail: ac. cn V o l. 25 N o. 9 2 0 0 4 9 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 1632 1636,,,, (, 116011) H PL C2PAD 2M S,,.,. H PL C2PAD 2M S.,.,,. 2 ; ; O 652. 7 A 025120790 (2004) 0921632205,,., [1 5 ]

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cd NA ,, Expression and Character iza tion of Type-1 Pla sm inogen Activa tor Inh ibitor in P ich ia p astoris PA I21 , 1% 7 d, W estern b lo t

cd NA ,, Expression and Character iza tion of Type-1 Pla sm inogen Activa tor Inh ibitor in P ich ia p astoris PA I21 , 1% 7 d, W estern b lo t 14 5 V o l114,n o15 1998 10 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy O cṫ 1998 g cd NA P p astoris 3 (, 200032) 379 PA I21 cdna AOX1 PHO 1, py IS21 P p astoris, H is + M u t -,, 1%

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G IS N N E E, , km 2, 92% A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA 55 4 2000 7 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 4 July, 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 0420407210 G IS,, (, 100101) : G IS, 1982 1997 ;, : ; ; ; G IS; : F301124; F29312; N 94511 : A 20 80 90, [1, 2

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Estimation of grain boundary segregation enthalpy and its role in stable nanocrystalline alloy design

Estimation of grain boundary segregation enthalpy and its role in stable nanocrystalline alloy design Supplemental Material for Estimation of grain boundary segregation enthalpy and its role in stable nanocrystalline alloy design By H. A. Murdoch and C.A. Schuh Miedema model RKM model ΔH mix ΔH seg ΔH

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Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects of L odging on Gra in Y ield and Qual ity

Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects of L odging on Gra in Y ield and Qual ity 2006, 26 (1): 87 92 Journal of T riticeae C rop s Ξ,,,,, ( g, 225009) : 6,,,,,,, : ; ; ; ; : S 512. 1; S 318 : A : 100921041 (2006) 0120087206 Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects

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1. 2 , N RC (1998) d m g 1

1. 2 , N RC (1998) d m g 1 33 2 () V o l. 33 N o. 2 2005 2 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Feb. 2005 Ξ,,,,, (, 450002) [ ] 48, 6, 8, 0, 40, 60, 80, 100 120 ggkg : (1) (P > 0. 05), (P

Διαβάστε περισσότερα

,, 1 mm,, : 250 g, 200 g, 120 g, 50 g 1. 1. 2 50 2 450 g T, 80, , ;,, ,,,,, 1. 2. 1%, 2%, 3% 2005209230 11230, 15 d, 60 d ( ) 1 2 1.

,, 1 mm,, : 250 g, 200 g, 120 g, 50 g 1. 1. 2 50 2 450 g T, 80, , ;,, ,,,,, 1. 2. 1%, 2%, 3% 2005209230 11230, 15 d, 60 d ( ) 1 2 1. 34 6 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 6 2006 6 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A ri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Jun. 2006 Ξ,, (, 712100) [ ] 80 50 T,, 16,,, 1%, 2%, 3%,,,,,, 2% T,LH, FSH (P < 0. 05); T, L

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, 4, 6, 8 m in; 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% 100% 15, 30, 45, 60, s V c

, 4, 6, 8 m in; 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% 100% 15, 30, 45, 60, s V c 32 6 ( ) V o l. 32 N o. 6 2004 6 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) June 2004 Vc Ξ 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3 (1, 712100; 2, 450002; 3, 453003) [ ], V c, V c, V c ; V c,

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Stud ies on Chem ica l Con stituen ts and M orpholog ica l Characters of the Fruits of Seven Labia tae Plan ts

Stud ies on Chem ica l Con stituen ts and M orpholog ica l Characters of the Fruits of Seven Labia tae Plan ts 2003, 21 (3): 276 280 J ourna l of W uhan B otan ica l Resea rch 7 1, 2, 1 1, Ξ (1., 361005; 2., 350007) : ; ; ; ; ; : Q 946; Q 949. 777. 6 : A : 10002470X (2003) 0320276205 Stud ies on Chem ica l Con

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(g ) A quanau tics,, , 33. 1%. O , O CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES (,,, )

(g ) A quanau tics,, , 33. 1%. O , O CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES (,,, ) V o l. 19 N o. 10 1 9 9 8 10 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 1584 1588 (g ) (,,, 300071) (, ),,..,, 1. 0 g1,., 33. 1%.,,, O 632. 5, O 629. 7. (H b),., Bonaven tu ra 80, H b, H b 50 100

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A ( SPA ) Su lfo succin im idyl 62[ 3 2( 22pyridyldith io ) p rop ionam ido ]hexanoate (Su lfo2l C2SPD P) C E2m ail: w

A ( SPA ) Su lfo succin im idyl 62[ 3 2( 22pyridyldith io ) p rop ionam ido ]hexanoate (Su lfo2l C2SPD P) C E2m ail: w V o l. 25 N o. 1 2 0 0 4 1 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 44 49 -C 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3 (1., 400038; 2., 400032; 3. 26, 400060) A T 10M H z, C, 2 5 2C.. 215 16010 m IU gl C 01375 1210 nggml,

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TR IBOLO GY N ov, 2004 , P I2. , 120 M Pa, P I. 6 mm 7 mm 30 mm [7, 8 ] mm,. JSM 25600LV 1. 1 (EDXA ).

TR IBOLO GY N ov, 2004 , P I2. , 120 M Pa, P I. 6 mm 7 mm 30 mm [7, 8 ] mm,. JSM 25600LV 1. 1 (EDXA ). 24 6 V o l 24, N o 6 2004 11 TR IBOLO GY N ov, 2004,,, (, 730000) : MM 2200 (PT FE) M os2 (P I) GC r15, X P I, PT FE M os2 P I, P I+ 30%M os2, P I 50%. P I+ 10% PT FE+ 20%M os2, P I, P I+ 20% PT FE+ 10%M

Διαβάστε περισσότερα

D esign and Imp lem en tation of Parallel Genetic A lgo rithm

D esign and Imp lem en tation of Parallel Genetic A lgo rithm 2004 6 6 : 100026788 (2004) 0620061206 1, 2, 1 2, (1., 230027; 2., 230039) : PGA, : ; ; : T P301. 6 : A D esign and Imp lem en tation of Parallel Genetic A lgo rithm fo r F inding Roo ts Comp lex Functional

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D NA , ) SCGE DNA. 14 5 V o l114,n o15 1998 10 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy O cṫ 1998 SCGE D NA (, (, 030006) 030006) (SCGE) ; SCGE Χ DNA, Χ DNA, :,DNA,, Pr inc iple and M ethod of the Single

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ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΣ ΠΙΝΑΚΑΣ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΝ ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟΣ ΠΙΝΑΚΑΣ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΝ Περίοδοι περιοδικού πίνακα Ο περιοδικός πίνακας αποτελείται από 7 περιόδους. Ο αριθμός των στοιχείων που περιλαμβάνει κάθε περίοδος δεν είναι σταθερός, δηλ. η περιοδικότητα

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A R, H ilbert2h uang T ran sfo rm and A R M odel

A R, H ilbert2h uang T ran sfo rm and A R M odel 004 10 10 : 10006788 (004) 1000906 H ilberth uang A R,, (, 41008) : H ilberth uang A R H ilberth uang IM F ( Intrinsic M ode Function), IM F, IM F A R, M ahalanobis,, : H ilberth uang ; ; ; A R ; ; : TH

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Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep , 1 [7 ] ,, 2 ,, 1 85% [1 4 ], [ ]

Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep , 1 [7 ] ,, 2 ,, 1 85% [1 4 ], [ ] 33 9 () V o l. 33 N o. 9 2005 9 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep. 2005 60 Co Χ Ξ,,, (, 712100) [ ] 3 60 Co Χ, 3,, 60 Co Χ, Χ, ; 60 Co Χ,,,, ;, 60 Co Χ, 3,

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N 120 kgghm 2, m (N ) m (P 2O 5) m (K 2O ) = ,

N 120 kgghm 2, m (N ) m (P 2O 5) m (K 2O ) = , 34 11 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 11 2006 11 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) N ov. 2006 α 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3 (1, 450002; 2, 610000; 3, 409600) [],,, 3 6 25 62 252

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Νόµοςπεριοδικότητας του Moseley:Η χηµική συµπεριφορά (οι ιδιότητες) των στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού.

Νόµοςπεριοδικότητας του Moseley:Η χηµική συµπεριφορά (οι ιδιότητες) των στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού. Νόµοςπεριοδικότητας του Moseley:Η χηµική συµπεριφορά (οι ιδιότητες) των στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού. Περιοδικός πίνακας: α. Είναι µια ταξινόµηση των στοιχείων κατά αύξοντα

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17 1 V o l. 17 N o CH IN ESE JOU RNAL O F COM PU TA T IONAL M ECHAN ICS February 2000 : A

17 1 V o l. 17 N o CH IN ESE JOU RNAL O F COM PU TA T IONAL M ECHAN ICS February 2000 : A 7 V o l. 7 N o. 000 CH IN ESE JOU RNAL O F COM PU TA T IONAL M ECHAN ICS February 000 : 0074708 (000) 000808 Ξ, (, 0098) :,,,,,,, N ew tonr aph son,, : ; ; ; : TU 3933; O 48 : A 80, [, Geiger Fu ller ],

Διαβάστε περισσότερα

Fo recasting Stock M arket Q uo tation s via Fuzzy N eu ral N etw o rk Based on T 2S M odel

Fo recasting Stock M arket Q uo tation s via Fuzzy N eu ral N etw o rk Based on T 2S M odel 2001 2 2 : 100026788 (2001) 0220066207 T 2S,, (, 400044) : T 2S,,, ( ),,. : ; ; α Fo recasting Stock M arket Q uo tation s via Fuzzy N eu ral N etw o rk Based on T 2S M odel CH EN X ing, M EN G W ei2dong,

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copula, 5 3 Copula Κ L = lim System s Engineering M ay., 2006 : (2006) ,,, copula Ξ A rch im edean copula (Joe,

copula, 5 3 Copula Κ L = lim System s Engineering M ay., 2006 : (2006) ,,, copula Ξ A rch im edean copula (Joe, 24 5 ( 149 ) V ol. 24, N o. 5 2006 5 System s Engineering M ay., 2006 : 100124098 (2006) 0520088205 copula Ξ, (, 230052) : (copula), A rch im edean copula, Gum bel2hougard copula,, : Copula; ; : F830 :

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Con struction and D emon stration of an Index System of Know ledge Amoun t of Po sition

Con struction and D emon stration of an Index System of Know ledge Amoun t of Po sition 2004 9 9 : 00026788 (2004) 0920038209,, (, 20005) :, PAQ, : ; ; ; : C93 : A Con struction and D emon stration of an Index System of Know ledge Amoun t of Po sition DA I Chang2jun, FU L ei, XU H ua (Glo

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Fe, Cu, Zn,M n, Se I 54. 0, 9. 2, 11. 0, 66. 5, 0. 08, m ggkg, 100%, 200%, 300%

Fe, Cu, Zn,M n, Se I 54. 0, 9. 2, 11. 0, 66. 5, 0. 08, m ggkg, 100%, 200%, 300% 31 2 ( ) V o l. 31 N o. 2 2003 4 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) A p ṙ 2003 Ξ 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 (1, 712100; 2, 711700; 3, 712100) []170 540 3, 3, (P > 0. 05),

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IRBB 4 (Xa24) IRBB 7 (Xa27) IRBB 21 (Xa221) 6

IRBB 4 (Xa24) IRBB 7 (Xa27) IRBB 21 (Xa221) 6 J ou rna l of N anj in ricu ltu ra l U n iversity Ξ F 1 (, 210095) 12 7 10 : Xa24 xa25 Xa27 xa213 Xa221 5 3 I 4 (Xa24) I 7 (Xa27) I 21 (Xa221) 6 5, F 1 KS266 ZJ2173, Xa27 Xa221 F 1, Xa24 F 1 Xa27 Xa221

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ZrO 2, ZrO 2. (M ) W O 3g ( 100% ) SO 4 2- W O 3 M oo 3, SO ( Zr (OH ) 4 ) ( ( 0. 1 mo l. L - 1 A gno 3 ), Zr (OH ) 4 SO (0.

ZrO 2, ZrO 2. (M ) W O 3g ( 100% ) SO 4 2- W O 3 M oo 3, SO ( Zr (OH ) 4 ) ( ( 0. 1 mo l. L - 1 A gno 3 ), Zr (OH ) 4 SO (0. 14 2 V o l. 14,N o. 2 2000 4 JOU RNAL O F M OL ECULA R CA TAL YS IS (CH INA ) A p r. 2000 : 100123555 (2000) 0220111208 WO 3gZrO 2 - g. ZrO 2,,, 1) (, 130022) : ZrO 2 WO 3gZrO 2 SO 4 2- gzro 2 M oo 3gZrO

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F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE

F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE 839 1, 1, 2, 2 1Ξ, (11, 110015; 21, 110016) : 10, 10, 10, 10,,,,,,, 27 14, 10 ( 7 ), 9 : ; ; : R 283; R 286102 : A : 0253 2670 (2006) 06 0839 05 F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE GUO T

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A Knowledge M odel for D esign of Population Nutr ien t Index D ynam ics in W heat

A Knowledge M odel for D esign of Population Nutr ien t Index D ynam ics in W heat 2005, 25 (3): 47 52 Journal of T riticeae C rop s Ξ,,,, ( g,, 210095) :,,,,, ( ) 2,, RM S E 8. 13 kgghm 2, RM S E 0. 20%, : ; ; ; ; : S 512. 1; S 311 : A : 100921041 (2005) 0320047206 A Knowledge M odel

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SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Fully Automated Total Metals and Chromium Speciation Single Platform Introduction System for ICP-MS

SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Fully Automated Total Metals and Chromium Speciation Single Platform Introduction System for ICP-MS Electronic Supplementary Material (ESI) for Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. This journal is The Royal Society of Chemistry 2018 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Fully Automated Total Metals and Chromium

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V o l122, N o13 M ay, 2003 PRO GR ESS IN GEO GRA PH Y : (2003) , : TU 984. , (Eco logy fo r evil) [1 ] (R ich Boyer), 2.

V o l122, N o13 M ay, 2003 PRO GR ESS IN GEO GRA PH Y : (2003) , : TU 984. , (Eco logy fo r evil) [1 ] (R ich Boyer), 2. 22 3 2003 5 PRO GR ESS IN GEO GRA PH Y V o l122, N o13 M ay, 2003 : 100726301 (2003) 03203162010, (, 710061) :, (R ich Boyer), 2001,, : ; ; ; ; : TU 984 1,,, (Eco logy fo r evil) [1 ], ( ), (D avid1 Sm

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Ι ΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΤΟΜΩΝ. Παππάς Χρήστος Επίκουρος Καθηγητής

Ι ΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΤΟΜΩΝ. Παππάς Χρήστος Επίκουρος Καθηγητής ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΝΙΚΗ ΟΜΗ ΚΑΙ Ι ΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΤΟΜΩΝ Παππάς Χρήστος Επίκουρος Καθηγητής ΤΟ ΜΕΓΕΘΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΤΟΜΩΝ Ατομική ακτίνα (r) : ½ της απόστασης μεταξύ δύο ομοιοπυρηνικών ατόμων, ενωμένων με απλό ομοιοπολικό δεσμό.

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T. Kaw akam i. B ru ton. , Sf9

T. Kaw akam i. B ru ton. , Sf9 14 3 V o l114,n o13 1998 6 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy Jun 1998 Bruton T Kaw akam i (L a Jo lla Institute fo r A llergy and Imm uno logy, San D iego, CA, U SA ) ( ;,

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Effects of PD on IL -6- induced Growth Arrest and Term ina l D ifferen tia tion of M 1 Cells

Effects of PD on IL -6- induced Growth Arrest and Term ina l D ifferen tia tion of M 1 Cells ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 2001 2 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy 17 (1): 115 120 PD 098059 IL -6 M 1, 3,,, (, 100850) IL 26 M 1 R asgm A PK, M EK PD 098059 R asgm A PK,

Διαβάστε περισσότερα

IL -4 . IL 24, cp IL 42PE38KD EL,.

IL -4 . IL 24, cp IL 42PE38KD EL,. V o l. 26 N o. 5 2 0 0 5 5 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 874 879 IL -4 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2 (1., 110016; 2., 100039; 3. Beckm an R esearch Institute, C ity of Hope N ationalm edical

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Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 2, K 3 (A 6D )

Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 2, K 3 (A 6D ) ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 2 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 2, 234239 2000 4 (P I4-K) 3 1) (,, 100101; 1), 100871) (P I 42K) (A 6D ) 2, 71510 6 610 8 (m o lgl ) - 1 11910-7

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The Changes of Card iova scular Respon se to O rthosta tic Stress Caused by Hypovolem ia Inuced by W e ightlessness: A Sim ula tion Study

The Changes of Card iova scular Respon se to O rthosta tic Stress Caused by Hypovolem ia Inuced by W e ightlessness: A Sim ula tion Study J B iom ed Eng 2002; 19 (1) 48 52 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 ( 100084) 2 ( 710032) M elch io r (1994) ( ) 15% ; 5% LBN P HR BP The Changes of Card iova scular Respon se to O rthosta tic Stress Caused by Hypovolem ia

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Further Study on the Spon taneous Fold ing of Ch icken Apocytochrom e c

Further Study on the Spon taneous Fold ing of Ch icken Apocytochrom e c 15 1 1999 2 V o l 15,N o 1 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy Feb 1999 3 c 3 3 (, 100101) c V 92A 17, V 92A gc17s W gc17s IA EDAN S A EDAN S2Cys214 A EDAN S T rp 259 V 92A c

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(M u ltidrug resistance, M DR )

(M u ltidrug resistance, M DR ) V o l. 26 N o. 8 2 0 0 5 8 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 1446 1450 1, 1, 2 (1., 132013; 2., 130023) V CR Bel27402 M DR,.,, V CR. Bel27402, V CR, V CR G2, P2170, M DR 1gmRNA, Topo gαmrna.

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, ( CO 2+ O 2+ N 2, ], N 2 [ 14, 15 ] O 2. ( 0. 1 ml ) ; (23 Jayasingh h atm ) (2001) [ 7 ]

, ( CO 2+ O 2+ N 2, ], N 2 [ 14, 15 ] O 2. ( 0. 1 ml ) ; (23 Jayasingh h atm ) (2001) [ 7 ] 156 19 3 2003 5 T ransactions of the CSA E V o l. 19 N o. 3 M ay 2003 1 2 2 2 (1. 030801; 2. 100094) : CO + CO 2+ N 2 O 2+ CO 2+ N 2 O 2+ CO 2+ N 2 (4 1) 21 d (ph TVB2N TBA ) : 1)CO 2M A P CO 2M A P 21

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FXR1 FM R 1 12 14 15 6 FM R P FXR 1. In teraction s between Six FM RP Isoform s and FXR1 Prote in

FXR1 FM R 1 12 14 15 6 FM R P FXR 1. In teraction s between Six FM RP Isoform s and FXR1 Prote in 14 4 V o l114,n o14 1998 8 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy A ug 1998 FM RP 3 6 FXR1 A Sittler 3 3 J2L M andel 3 3 (, 100005; 3 3 IGBM C, CN RS2IN SERM 2UL P, 67404 Illk irch,

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(TPP)Co 1. 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] V o l. 3 N o. 4 N ov EL ECTROCH EM ISTR Y ) ) ,, Co V V. (T PP) Co (Py) , - 1.

(TPP)Co 1. 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] V o l. 3 N o. 4 N ov EL ECTROCH EM ISTR Y ) ) ,, Co V V. (T PP) Co (Py) , - 1. 3 4 1997 11 EL ECTROCH EM ISTR Y V o l 3N o 4 N ov 1997 (TPP)Co a 3 b a a (a 110015) (b 230026) (Py) (T PP)Co 1 22 Py Co (g ) gco (g ) 0 25-0 40 V (vṡ SCE) Py Co (g ) gco (g ) 0 25 V - 0 40 V Py Co (g

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1998, 18 (1): 1 7. A cta T heriolog ica S inica (,, ) (Grow th layer group s, GL Gs) 168, 42,

1998, 18 (1): 1 7. A cta T heriolog ica S inica (,, ) (Grow th layer group s, GL Gs) 168, 42, 1998, 18 (1): 17 A cta T heriolog ica S inica Ξ (,, 210097), 3,, 3 C (O dum, 1983), 0 2, 24 11 3 R 0 Κ1, rm 0,, ; ; ; ;, (Sh i2 rak ihara, 1993; Gao, 1993)Gao (1993) 3 56,, (, 1995),, 3,, 1974 229, 86,

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S ingula r C onfigura tion Ana lys is a nd C oo rd ina te C ontro l of Robo t

S ingula r C onfigura tion Ana lys is a nd C oo rd ina te C ontro l of Robo t 36 8 2002 8 JOU RNAL O F SHAN GHA I J IAO TON G UN IV ER S IT Y V o l. 36 N o. 8 A ug. 2002 : 100622467 (2002) 0821138205,,,, (, 200030) : 6R,,.,,. J - 1 (J Jacob ian ). : ; ; ; : T P 391 : A S ingula

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Bank A ssetgl iab ility Sheet w ith Em bedded Op tion s

Bank A ssetgl iab ility Sheet w ith Em bedded Op tion s 00 8 8 : 10006788 (00) 08005506, (, 710049) :,, ;, ; : ; ; ; ; ; : F830 : A α Con tro l O ver In terest R ate R isk of Bank A ssetgl iab ility Sheet w ith Em bedded Op tion s LU O D aw ei, W AN D ifang

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STUD IES ON THE GENOTOX IC ITY OF 83- ITS M AJOR M ETABOL ITE 1 HERB IC ID E AND. H eng Zhengchang 1, T O ng 2 1997 9 3 Carcinogenesis T eratogenesis and M utagenesis V o l 9 N o 3 1997 831 1 T O ng 2 1 610041 2 D ivision of R esp irato ry D isease Studies,N IO SH,U SA Am es V 79 H PR T (SCE) 831 ( ) 2, 4 6 (DCA

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Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 3, U CP. (P < 0101) ; U CP 2 m RNA , R T 2PCR

Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 3, U CP. (P < 0101) ; U CP 2 m RNA , R T 2PCR ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 3 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 3, 394 399 2000 6 3-1 2 3 3 3 (,, 100730) 21 2 3 (U CP1, 2, 3), R T 2PCR U CP 1, 2, 3 m RNA U CP 1. U CP 2, 3,

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Appendix B Table of Radionuclides Γ Container 1 Posting Level cm per (mci) mci

Appendix B Table of Radionuclides Γ Container 1 Posting Level cm per (mci) mci 3 H 12.35 Y β Low 80 1 - - Betas: 19 (100%) 11 C 20.38 M β+, EC Low 400 1 5.97 13.7 13 N 9.97 M β+ Low 1 5.97 13.7 Positrons: 960 (99.7%) Gaas: 511 (199.5%) Positrons: 1,199 (99.8%) Gaas: 511 (199.6%)

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:,UV IKON 810, 700 nm. DU 27Spectropho to neter 1. 1 U S2KT P

:,UV IKON 810, 700 nm. DU 27Spectropho to neter 1. 1 U S2KT P 31 3 ( ) V o l. 31 N o. 3 2003 6 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) June 2003 Ξ,,,, (, 712100) [],, 100, 217,, 18, 8,, 36. 34, 1. 32, 2. 4 : 1 15 45 2 h, 2 10 70

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,,,. , 1. 2 1. 1. 1 BM B 005 ( ] 1. 1. 2 , SJM - IM L - 90 ( V ellank [ 15 ] 1. 2. 1 1. 5 2. 0 2. 5 3. 0. 49. 7 58. 5 67. 3 76. 1 84.

,,,. , 1. 2 1. 1. 1 BM B 005 ( ] 1. 1. 2 , SJM - IM L - 90 ( V ellank [ 15 ] 1. 2. 1 1. 5 2. 0 2. 5 3. 0. 49. 7 58. 5 67. 3 76. 1 84. 21 2 2005 2 T ransactions of the CSA E V o l. 21 N o. 2 Feb. 2005 25,,, (,,, 430070) : 30 75 750 rgm in,,,, A rrhenius,, : ; ; ; : Q 81 : A : 100226819 (2005) 0220025205,,,. [J ]., 2005, 21 (2): 25-29.

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ΝΟΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΠΕΡΙΟ ΙΚΟΤΗΤΑΣ : Οι ιδιότητες των χηµικών στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού.

ΝΟΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΠΕΡΙΟ ΙΚΟΤΗΤΑΣ : Οι ιδιότητες των χηµικών στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού. 1. Ο ΠΕΡΙΟ ΙΚΟΣ ΠΙΝΑΚΑΣ Οι άνθρωποι από την φύση τους θέλουν να πετυχαίνουν σπουδαία αποτελέσµατα καταναλώνοντας το λιγότερο δυνατό κόπο και χρόνο. Για το σκοπό αυτό προσπαθούν να οµαδοποιούν τα πράγµατα

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On- l ine com puter detecting system of p ipel ine leak and its algor ithm

On- l ine com puter detecting system of p ipel ine leak and its algor ithm 19 4 V o l. 19 N o. 4 Con trol and D ecision 2004 4 A p r. 2004 : 100120920 (2004) 0420377206, (, 110004) :,.,,, GPS.. : ; ; ; : T P277 : A On- l ine com puter detecting system of p ipel ine leak and its

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, cm ; C (h), , cm 3 g cm - 3 g d - 1, , cm ; E (t), cm g d - 1 ; hl (t) 1 h (z, t) h 2. ], d - 1 ; T p ; L nrd (z ) h (L, t) = hl (t) t > 0 (4)

, cm ; C (h), , cm 3 g cm - 3 g d - 1, , cm ; E (t), cm g d - 1 ; hl (t) 1 h (z, t) h 2. ], d - 1 ; T p ; L nrd (z ) h (L, t) = hl (t) t > 0 (4) 20 4 2004 7 T ransactions of the CSA E V o l. 20 N o. 4 July 2004 1 ( - 100094) : : : ; ; ; ; : S152. 7; S512. 1 : A : 100226819 (2004) 0420001206 0 [ 9 - ] [ 1 ] 1 1. 1 [ 2-7 ] [ 2 8 ] W u [ 9 ] ; D irk

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ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΤΩΝ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΝ (1) Ηλία Σκαλτσά ΠΕ ο Γυμνάσιο Αγ. Παρασκευής

ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΤΩΝ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΝ (1) Ηλία Σκαλτσά ΠΕ ο Γυμνάσιο Αγ. Παρασκευής ΠΕΡΙΟΔΙΚΟ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑ ΤΩΝ ΣΤΟΙΧΕΙΩΝ (1) Ηλία Σκαλτσά ΠΕ04.01 5 ο Γυμνάσιο Αγ. Παρασκευής Όπως συμβαίνει στη φύση έτσι και ο άνθρωπος θέλει να πετυχαίνει σπουδαία αποτελέσματα καταναλώνοντας το λιγότερο δυνατό

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Investiga tion on L ipoprote in (a) Receptor in the M em brane of M onkey L iver Cells

Investiga tion on L ipoprote in (a) Receptor in the M em brane of M onkey L iver Cells ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 1 Ch in J B iochem M o l B io l 2000, V o l 16, N o 1, 96 100 2000 2 (a) 3 (, 310009; 3, 030001) SD S2PA GE, LDL LDL L p (a) PL G 3, 370 kd 290 kd 80 kd, L p (a) + PL G L

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Regula tion Effect of Cultiva ted M ea sures on Gra in Y ield and Bak ing Qua l ity in Bread W hea t

Regula tion Effect of Cultiva ted M ea sures on Gra in Y ield and Bak ing Qua l ity in Bread W hea t 28 6 V ol. 28, N o. 6 2002 11 797802 A CTA A GRONOM ICA S IN ICA pp. 797802N ov., 2002 Ξ 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ( 1, 100081; 2, 301800), :,,,,,,,,,,,, ; ; ; : S512 : A Regula tion Effect of Cultiva ted M ea sures

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nested touch down PCR

nested touch down PCR 33 2 () V o l. 33 N o. 2 2005 2 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Feb. 2005 nested touch down PCR CAPN1 EST Ξ 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3 (1, 712100; 2, 730070; 3, 100083;

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Error ana lysis of P2wave non2hyperbolic m oveout veloc ity in layered media

Error ana lysis of P2wave non2hyperbolic m oveout veloc ity in layered media 28 1 2009 3 Vol128 No11 GLOBAL GEOLOGY Mar1 2009 : 1004 5589 (2009) 01 0098 05 P 1, 1, 2, 1 1., 130026; 2., 100027 :,,,, 1%,,, 12187%,, : ; ; ; : P63114 : A Abstract: Error ana lysis of P2wave non2hyperbolic

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(H yaluronic acid, HA ) , HA,. HA,, HA. N T G (S trep tococcus zooep id em icus J 18), 50 g

(H yaluronic acid, HA ) , HA,. HA,, HA. N T G (S trep tococcus zooep id em icus J 18), 50 g V ol. 25 N o. 5 2 0 0 4 5 CHEM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 853 857 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1 (1., 130023; 2., 130022) N 2 2N 2 2N 2 (N TG),., Savage D EA E2 (D E52) Sephadex G275., (S trep tococcus

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A Study of the O rigin of Comp lex ity in the Science of Comp lex ity

A Study of the O rigin of Comp lex ity in the Science of Comp lex ity 2002 10 10 : 100026788 (2002) 1020066206 1 2, (1., 510090; 2., 519070) : Λ, Λ,, Λ :, Λ, 20 90 (CA S), Λ CA S Λ,, Λ, Λ : ; ; : N 94 : A A Study of the O rigin of Comp lex ity in the Science of Comp lex

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τροχιακά Η στιβάδα καθορίζεται από τον κύριο κβαντικό αριθµό (n) Η υποστιβάδα καθορίζεται από τους δύο πρώτους κβαντικούς αριθµούς (n, l)

τροχιακά Η στιβάδα καθορίζεται από τον κύριο κβαντικό αριθµό (n) Η υποστιβάδα καθορίζεται από τους δύο πρώτους κβαντικούς αριθµούς (n, l) ΑΤΟΜΙΚΑ ΤΡΟΧΙΑΚΑ Σχέση κβαντικών αριθµών µε στιβάδες υποστιβάδες - τροχιακά Η στιβάδα καθορίζεται από τον κύριο κβαντικό αριθµό (n) Η υποστιβάδα καθορίζεται από τους δύο πρώτους κβαντικούς αριθµούς (n,

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1 g, , CO 2 5% CO 2 , 37,, Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) M arch 2004 , 2

1 g, , CO 2 5% CO 2 , 37,, Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) M arch 2004 , 2 32 3 ( ) V o l. 32 N o. 3 2004 3 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) M arch 2004 Ξ,,,, (, 712100) [ ],,,, ;,, ;,, ( );,,,,, ;, 2 4 ;, ; ; ; [ ] ; ; ; [ ] S827. 9

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(diam inobenzidine,dab ) ; 0. 5 mmo lgl, : N ac l 8 g, KC l 0. 2 g T ris 3

(diam inobenzidine,dab ) ; 0. 5 mmo lgl, : N ac l 8 g, KC l 0. 2 g T ris 3 34 8 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 8 2006 8 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) A ug. 2006 Ξ 1, 2, 1 (1, 712100; 2, 100850) [ ] g,,, 85%,,, 8 ; 6. 5 10 5 g; Fas2L, 95% ;, [

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A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA 55 6 2000 11 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 6 N ov., 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 0620744207, (, 510070) :, 6 87, 3 ( ), 1485 1897, 3 1485 1527 1606 1767 1835 1897, 2 3 016, - 1 : ; ; : P53416;

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Αλληλεπίδραση ακτίνων-χ με την ύλη

Αλληλεπίδραση ακτίνων-χ με την ύλη Άσκηση 8 Αλληλεπίδραση ακτίνων-χ με την ύλη Δ. Φ. Αναγνωστόπουλος Τμήμα Μηχανικών Επιστήμης Υλικών Πανεπιστήμιο Ιωαννίνων Ιωάννινα 2013 Άσκηση 8 ii Αλληλεπίδραση ακτίνων-χ με την ύλη Πίνακας περιεχομένων

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Jou rnal of M athem atical Study

Jou rnal of M athem atical Study 38 4 2005 12 Jou rnal of M athem atical Study V ol 38 o 4 D ec 2005 α (, 361005),, (SVV ), SVV, SVV, SVV - H elm holtz, (SEM ); (SVV ); O 174 52 A 1,, 1g, ( ),, 80,, ( [ 4 ]),,,, (e g [ 1 ]),, Gibbs,,,,,,

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A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA 55 2 2000 3 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 2 M ar., 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 0220129210 1, 1, Guen ther F ischer 2, Sylvia P rieler 2 (11, 100101; 21, ) : 1958 1997 310,, 3, H adcm 2 CGCM

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N-acetyl- l-cyste ine im proves function of islet Β cell in hyperl ip idem ic rats and its m echan ism. V o l 36 N o , NA C PCR

N-acetyl- l-cyste ine im proves function of islet Β cell in hyperl ip idem ic rats and its m echan ism. V o l 36 N o , NA C PCR 36 6 2007 ( ) JOU RNAL O F ZH EJ IAN G UN IV ERS IT Y (M ED ICAL SC IEN CES) V o l 36 N o 6 2007 h ttp: www. journals. zju. edu. cngm ed Β 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 ( 1. 2., 100029) [ ] : 2N 2 (N 2acetyl2l2cysteine,

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