A (GPA ), (Perco ll) A, Gene Express ion of Erythrocyte M em brane Glycophor in A in N IDDM

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1 14 5 V o l114,n o Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy O cṫ 1998 g GPA 3 (, ) g (N IDDM ) A (GPA ), (Perco ll) N IDDM, RNA, N o rthern GPA GP W estern, N IDDM GPA m RNA ( , P < 0101), 6 N IDDM 3a 3b, 3 3a 3b 4 N IDDM GPA,, N IDDM (RCD ) : ( ), A, Gene Express ion of Erythrocyte M em brane Glycophor in A in N IDDM J i Q iong2m ei 3 L iu Jun2Fan L u Y i2q ing (L aboratory of B lood B iochem istry, H unan M ed ical U niversity, Chang sha ) Abstract To study the gene exp ression of eryth rocyte m em b rane glycopho rin A (GPA ) in patien ts w ith non2in su lin2dependen t diabetes m ellitu s (N IDDM ), hum an reticu locytes w ere separated by discon tinuou s den sity gradien t of perco ll from peripheral b lood of 15 healthy sub jects and 25 N IDDM patien ts, and to tal RNA s of their reticu locytes w ere iso lated U sing the reticu locyte RNA s, the gene exp ression levels of m em b rane GPA w ere estim ated by N o rthern do t hyb ridization W estern b lo tting w as perfo rm ed by alkaline pho sphatase2linked imm unodetection T he con ten ts of GPA m RNA in N IDDM group w ere sign ifican tly increased than tho se of the con tro l group ( vs in tegrated OD, respectively; P < 0101) T he W estern imm unob lo ts of eryth rocyte m em b rane GP revealed ill2defined de2 m arkation betw een bands 3a and 3b in 6 N IDDM patien ts and w eak ly stained bands of 3a, 3b and 4 in o ther 3 patien tṡ T herefo re, it is inferred that the reduction of eryth rocyte m em b rane GPA in N IDDM m ay p rom o te the com pen sato ry elevation of its gene exp ression, and the aberration w ou ld occu r in related tran slation step T h is deduction is po ssib ly in acco rdance w ith the findings of distinct decrease of red cell defo rm ab ility (RCD ) in N IDDM patien tṡ Key words: D iabetes m ellitu s, N on2in su lin2dependen t (N IDDM ), E ryth rocyte m em b rane, Gly2 3 (, ) : , : China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved

2 copho rin A, Gene exp ression [ 1, 2 N IDDM (RCD ) ], RCD RCD Schw artz [ 3 ] 20 N IDDM, Β2 (Β2sp ec2 trin), 412, 35% 15%,, RCD,,, A (GPA ), [ 4 ] N IDDM, GPA, N o rthern N IDDM GP GPA N IDDM RCD, (1) g W HO (1980) N IDDM 25, 17 8 ; , (2) 15 ( 9, 6), Perco ll2400, (D EPC ), Β2 cdna ( ) ; D T T,N P240,BSA, (Sigm a) ;M O PS (BR I) ; P stg, RN ase, P ro tob lo t (P rom ega) ; (B io2r ad) ; N C (Sch leicher & Schuell) ; Α2 32 P2dCT P ( ) DU 27 (Beckm an), GL 220A ( ), (A pp ligene), 60002IS (Beckm an), (B io2r ad) XL (L KB ) [ 5, ] 017 cm 65%, 60%, 55%, 50% perco ll 013 m l, 015 m l, g 25 m in, ( ), PBS 2, RNA [7 ], g (0114 m o lgl N ac l, 115 mm o lgl M gc l2, 0101 m o lgl T ris2hc l ph 810, 015%N P240, m o lgl D T T ) 200 Λl 012 m o lgl (V RC) 20 Λl,,, 200 Λl g (7 m o lgl, 1% SD S, 0135 m o lgl N ac l, 10 mm o lgl ED 2 TA 2N a2, 10 mm o lgl T ris2hc l, ph 810), g g ( ) 3,, T E, 115 GPA-cD NA M GPA Α(ΑM GPA ) cdna GPA (ph GPA 23) Fukuda, 500 bp cdna, ng cdna, ( Λg DNA cpm ) [8 116 Northern ],, cdna h 3, 30 m in,, XA R 25 (Ko China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved

3 dak) d XL U ltrascan, [ ],, GP, IgG ( ) (A P), A P, 118, t 2 211, 3,, 212 RNA RNA, 114%, 28S 18S 5S rrna (F ig 1) A 260gA RNA 213 GPA N IDDM RNA, GPA cdna Β2, N o rthern, N IDDM F ig 1 114% agaro se electropho resis of to tal RNA GPA (P hum an reticulocytes (015 TBE, 5 V gcm ) a, b, c, d: H ealthy subjects; e: Size m arkers of mo lecular < 0101), Β2 w eigh t fo r RNA N IDDM ( ), (T ab le 1, F ig 2) Table 1 A comparison of GPA and Β2actin gene exp ression analyzed by N o rthern do t blo tting betw een no rm al subjects and N IDDM patients Gene exp ression Group of no rm al subjects Group of N IDDM patients t test GPA (5 Λg loaded) Β2actin (10Λg loaded) Gases exam ined Integral value of OD (x θ x ) Cases exam ined Integral value of OD (x θ x ) in P < 0101 P > 0105 F ig 2 N o rthern do t blo ts of reticulocyte to tal RNA from two healthy subjects (N ) and three N IDDM patients (D ) hybridized to the GPA cd2 NA p robe 5, 10 and 15 Λg of samp les w ere loaded China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved

4 214 GP (F ig 3) F ig 3, GPA, GP (a ) [ 9 7 ], 1 (GPA ) 2 (GPA GPB ) 3a 3b (GPB ) 4 (GPA ) 5 (GPD ) 6 (GPB ) 10 N IDDM, 1 (n ) 3b, 9 3a 3b (e m ), 3 4 (k m ) 6 (e j ) 3 (k m ) GP, GP, GPA GPB F ig 3 W estern imm unoblo ts of healthy subjects ( lane a ) and N IDDM patients ( lanes e to n) show ing m em brane GPA and GPB bands 3 RCD,, N IDDM, N a + 2K + 2A T P, [ 10 A T P ], [ 11, ] Schw artz [ 3 ],, N IDDM [ 11 GP ], RCD, [ 4 ], GPA GP, GPA B C D E,, GPA B, M N Ss, [ 4 ], GPA 411 N o rthern, N IDDM GPA 9 GP 3a 3b, 3 GPA ( 4), GPA, RCD, China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House All rights reserved

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N-acetyl- l-cyste ine im proves function of islet Β cell in hyperl ip idem ic rats and its m echan ism. V o l 36 N o , NA C PCR

N-acetyl- l-cyste ine im proves function of islet Β cell in hyperl ip idem ic rats and its m echan ism. V o l 36 N o , NA C PCR 36 6 2007 ( ) JOU RNAL O F ZH EJ IAN G UN IV ERS IT Y (M ED ICAL SC IEN CES) V o l 36 N o 6 2007 h ttp: www. journals. zju. edu. cngm ed Β 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 ( 1. 2., 100029) [ ] : 2N 2 (N 2acetyl2l2cysteine,

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UPTAKE OF CAROTENO ID S BY INTESTINAL M UCOUS CELL S OF LAY ERS AND GOATS IN V ITRO 1997, 20 (4): 54 59 J ou rna l of N anj ing A g ricu ltu ra l U n iversity Ξ (, 210095) (Β2 ) : Β2, Β2 (P > 0. 05);, ( 15 Λmo lgl ) Β2 ; Tw een 20, ; (Υ) 013% Tw een 20 Β2 A ; 015 mo lgl Β2 (P < 0. 01)

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Con struction and D emon stration of an Index System of Know ledge Amoun t of Po sition

Con struction and D emon stration of an Index System of Know ledge Amoun t of Po sition 2004 9 9 : 00026788 (2004) 0920038209,, (, 20005) :, PAQ, : ; ; ; : C93 : A Con struction and D emon stration of an Index System of Know ledge Amoun t of Po sition DA I Chang2jun, FU L ei, XU H ua (Glo

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PUR IF ICATION AND CHARACTER IZATION OF EXTRACELL ULAR PROTEASE ECPASE 54 FROM A EROM ONAS H YD RO PH ILA 1 9 9 6, 1 9 ( 3 ) : 8 8 9 4 J ou rna l of N anj ing A g ricu ltu ra l U n iversity ECPase 54 Ξ 3 3 (, 210095) (A h) J21 56 (ED TA ) (PM SF), (ECPase), A h J 21 SD S2PA GE, 37,, 5 A h J21 D EA E2 Sephadex

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D ynam ic changes of som e blood indexes and horm one levels of wa ter buffa loes w ith chron ic F 1hep a tica infection

D ynam ic changes of som e blood indexes and horm one levels of wa ter buffa loes w ith chron ic F 1hep a tica infection J ou rnal of N anj ing A g ricu ltu ral U niversity 3 1 1 1 J. Gonzalez2Gallego 2 1 ( 1, 210095; 2, 24071) 8 Do t2el ISA (n= 5) (n= 3) 60, 20 d :, CR 1 2, ; 19,, ; T, B, 22 IgG,, T 3 T 4,, IgG, ; ; ; ;

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Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects of L odging on Gra in Y ield and Qual ity

Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects of L odging on Gra in Y ield and Qual ity 2006, 26 (1): 87 92 Journal of T riticeae C rop s Ξ,,,,, ( g, 225009) : 6,,,,,,, : ; ; ; ; : S 512. 1; S 318 : A : 100921041 (2006) 0120087206 Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects

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Expression of Functiona l D oma in g of Ca lpa sta tin in E. coli and Prepara tion of An tiserum Aga in st Pur if ied GST-Ca lpa sta tin

Expression of Functiona l D oma in g of Ca lpa sta tin in E. coli and Prepara tion of An tiserum Aga in st Pur if ied GST-Ca lpa sta tin ISSN 100727626 CN 1123870gQ 16 1 Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 1, 23 27 2000 2 g 3 1) 2) 2) 1) ( 1), 2), 100094) PCR (calpastatin) cdna g (404 bp ), pgex2kg pgex2calp 4 IPT G

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IRBB 4 (Xa24) IRBB 7 (Xa27) IRBB 21 (Xa221) 6

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The Targeted Express ion of Human IL -2gIFNΑ2b Fused Gene in Hepa toma Cells

The Targeted Express ion of Human IL -2gIFNΑ2b Fused Gene in Hepa toma Cells 15 4 1999 8 V o l 15,N o 4 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy A ug, 1999 3 IL -2gIFNΑ2b (, 200032), DNA IL 22 IFN Α, A FP galb, EA FP2PALB A, IL 22gIFN Α2b A FP IL 22 IFN IL

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BAY ES IAN INFERENCE FO R CO INTEGRATED SY STEM S 997 2 3 JOU RNAL O F SYST EM S EN G IN EER IN G 997 V o l 2 N o 3 (, 300072), :,, : F224 BAY ES IAN INFERENCE FO R CO INTEGRATED SY STEM S Zhag Sh iy ig Zhu Hui Zhag X ibi (Schoo l of M aagem e t T ia

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A ( SPA ) Su lfo succin im idyl 62[ 3 2( 22pyridyldith io ) p rop ionam ido ]hexanoate (Su lfo2l C2SPD P) C E2m ail: w

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Fo recasting Stock M arket Q uo tation s via Fuzzy N eu ral N etw o rk Based on T 2S M odel

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Fe, Cu, Zn,M n, Se I 54. 0, 9. 2, 11. 0, 66. 5, 0. 08, m ggkg, 100%, 200%, 300%

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Error ana lysis of P2wave non2hyperbolic m oveout veloc ity in layered media

Error ana lysis of P2wave non2hyperbolic m oveout veloc ity in layered media 28 1 2009 3 Vol128 No11 GLOBAL GEOLOGY Mar1 2009 : 1004 5589 (2009) 01 0098 05 P 1, 1, 2, 1 1., 130026; 2., 100027 :,,,, 1%,,, 12187%,, : ; ; ; : P63114 : A Abstract: Error ana lysis of P2wave non2hyperbolic

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Bank A ssetgl iab ility Sheet w ith Em bedded Op tion s

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Use of Site-D irected M utagenesis to Investiga te the Properties of Recom binan t H irud in-hv2

Use of Site-D irected M utagenesis to Investiga te the Properties of Recom binan t H irud in-hv2 14 1 V o l114,n o11 1998 2 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy Feb 1998 (, 100101),,, rhv 2 47 11 rhv 2 Gln11 A sn47 H is11 L ys47, rhv 22H 11 30%, rhv 22K47 61% K i, rhv 22

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Rub isco. Rubisco. R ubisco R ubisco , R ubisco

Rub isco. Rubisco. R ubisco R ubisco , R ubisco (Ch inese J R ice S ci) 2001 15 (1) : 35 40 Rub isco Rub isco ( 310029) R ub isco A ctivase and Its R egu lation on D iu rnal Changes of Pho to syn thetic R ate and the A ctivity of R ibu lo se 1 52B ispho

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Im pact of capac ity a lloca tion on bullwh ip effect in supply cha in

Im pact of capac ity a lloca tion on bullwh ip effect in supply cha in 7 4 00 8 JOU RNAL O F SYST EM S EN G IN EER IN G V o l 7 N o 4 A ug 00 ( 30007) : - - - : ; ; ; ; : F5 : A : 000578 (00) 04034009 Im pact of capac ity a lloca tio o bullwh ip effect i supply cha i W AN

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T he Op tim al L PM Po rtfo lio M odel of H arlow s and Its So lving M ethod

T he Op tim al L PM Po rtfo lio M odel of H arlow s and Its So lving M ethod 2003 6 6 00026788 (2003) 0620042206 H arlow, 2 3, (., 70049; 2., 7006; 3., 200433) H arlow,,,,, ;, ; ; F832. 5; F830. 9 A T he Op tim al L PM Po rtfo lio M odel of H arlow s ad Its So lvig M ethod W AN

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(classical sw ine fever, CSF) (CSFV ) (O IE) A 15, 1999202212 96,, C2,, 20 70 80, 1. 1 SXZZ), 1. 2

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Human In sulin- like Growth Factorg in M ethylotroph ic Y ea st P. p astoris

Human In sulin- like Growth Factorg in M ethylotroph ic Y ea st P. p astoris 15 6 1999 12 V o l. 15,N o. 6 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy D ec., 1999 g P. p astoris 3 (, 100005), : 5 IGF2g ; ; Α P. p astoris, IGF2g ;, 60 m ggl P. p astoris rh IGF2g,,N

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The toxicity of three chitin synthesis inhibitors to Calliptamus italicus Othoptera Acridoidea

The toxicity of three chitin synthesis inhibitors to Calliptamus italicus Othoptera Acridoidea 2011 48 4 909 914 * 1 2** 2 2 2 2 2*** 1. 110161 2. 100081 026000 3 Calliptamus italicus L. 3 LC 50 LC 90 1. 34 14. 17 mg / L LC 50 LC 90 2. 09 45. 22 mg / L 50 mg / L 14 d 87% 100% 50 mg / L 50% The toxicity

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(A ntifreeze p roteins, A FP s) (afp ),

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DY NAM IC CHANGE OF EP ID ERM AL STEM CELL S IN THE WOUND HEAL ING COURSE OF D IABETIC RATSg 693 (diabetes m ellitus, DM ) (ep iderm al stem cells, ESC s), ESC s DM 48 W istar,, 180 200 g DM, 24 DM DM 115 cm 118 cm 2154 cm 2 ( 96 ), 3 7 14 21, ;, H E 19 (keratin 19, K19) Β1, 3 7 14 21, 24148%

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(P seudo rab ies, PR ) (A u jeszky, s D isease, AD ), (Pesuderab ies viru s, PRV )

(P seudo rab ies, PR ) (A u jeszky, s D isease, AD ), (Pesuderab ies viru s, PRV ) 34 9 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 9 2006 9 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep. 2006 W G Ξ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 (1, 712100; 2, 723600) [ ]ge2el ISA 6 187 (P seu2 do rabies

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Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep , 1 [7 ] ,, 2 ,, 1 85% [1 4 ], [ ]

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F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE

F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE 839 1, 1, 2, 2 1Ξ, (11, 110015; 21, 110016) : 10, 10, 10, 10,,,,,,, 27 14, 10 ( 7 ), 9 : ; ; : R 283; R 286102 : A : 0253 2670 (2006) 06 0839 05 F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE GUO T

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:,UV IKON 810, 700 nm. DU 27Spectropho to neter 1. 1 U S2KT P

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The Changes of Card iova scular Respon se to O rthosta tic Stress Caused by Hypovolem ia Inuced by W e ightlessness: A Sim ula tion Study

The Changes of Card iova scular Respon se to O rthosta tic Stress Caused by Hypovolem ia Inuced by W e ightlessness: A Sim ula tion Study J B iom ed Eng 2002; 19 (1) 48 52 3 1 2 1 2 2 1 ( 100084) 2 ( 710032) M elch io r (1994) ( ) 15% ; 5% LBN P HR BP The Changes of Card iova scular Respon se to O rthosta tic Stress Caused by Hypovolem ia

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Ch in. J. B iochem. M o l. B io l. 2000, V o l. 16, N o. 6,

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Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου

Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου Δυναμικό Coulomb Εξίσωση Schrödinger h e (, r, ) (, r, ) E (, r, ) m ψ θφ r ψ θφ = ψ θφ Συνθήκες ψ(, r θφ, ) = πεπερασμένη ψ( r ) = 0 ψ(, r θφ, ) =ψ(, r θφ+, ) π Επιτρεπτές ενέργειες

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A Knowledge M odel for D esign of Population Nutr ien t Index D ynam ics in W heat

A Knowledge M odel for D esign of Population Nutr ien t Index D ynam ics in W heat 2005, 25 (3): 47 52 Journal of T riticeae C rop s Ξ,,,, ( g,, 210095) :,,,,, ( ) 2,, RM S E 8. 13 kgghm 2, RM S E 0. 20%, : ; ; ; ; : S 512. 1; S 311 : A : 100921041 (2005) 0320047206 A Knowledge M odel

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H IV-1 gp160. Ana lysis and Expression of An ti-h IV-1 Id iotyp ic An tibody. H IV 21 gp 160. , 1) Fab. gp 160

H IV-1 gp160. Ana lysis and Expression of An ti-h IV-1 Id iotyp ic An tibody. H IV 21 gp 160. , 1) Fab. gp 160 14 4 V o l114,n o14 1998 8 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy A ug 1998 H IV-1 gp160 1) 2) (, 100850) ) 1F7 H IV 21 gp 160 3B Fab, 1D Fd Fd, V H V Hg, 3B ϑ Κ Fab 3 3B H IV 21

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THE EFFECTS OF SEVERAL 5-HT RECEPTOR ANTAGON ISTS ON THE MOTOR ACTIV ITY IN SCH ISTOSOM A J A PON ICUM 1997, 20 (4): 8 87 J ou ra l of N aj ig A g ricu ltu ra l U iversity 52 α (, 210095) 52 (52H T ) : (1) 10 - mo lgl 10-4 mo lgl 52H T 0 m i,, 10-5 mo lgl, 10 - mo lgl (tryp tam ie), 10-4 mo lgl 10-5 mo

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Νόµοςπεριοδικότητας του Moseley:Η χηµική συµπεριφορά (οι ιδιότητες) των στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού.

Νόµοςπεριοδικότητας του Moseley:Η χηµική συµπεριφορά (οι ιδιότητες) των στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού. Νόµοςπεριοδικότητας του Moseley:Η χηµική συµπεριφορά (οι ιδιότητες) των στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού. Περιοδικός πίνακας: α. Είναι µια ταξινόµηση των στοιχείων κατά αύξοντα

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