Στατιστική Ανάλυση Δεδομένων ΙII. Γραμμική Παλινδρόμηση με το S.P.S.S.

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1 Στατιστική Ανάλυση Δεδομένων ΙII Γραμμική Παλινδρόμηση με το S.P.S.S. μέρος Β (πολλαπλή παλινδρόμηση) Νίκος Τσάντας Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών Τμήμ. Μαθηματικών Μαθηματικά και Σύγχρονες Εφαρμογές Ακαδημαϊκό έτος Η απλή παλινδρόμηση δεν είναι παρά ένα μοντέλο πρόβλεψης των τιμών μιας μεταβλητής από τις τιμές μιας άλλης. Η πολλαπλή παλινδρόμηση είναι η λογική γενίκευση αυτού του μοντέλου: χρησιμοποιείται προκειμένου να προβλεφθούν οι τιμές μιας μεταβλητής από τις τιμές πολλών άλλων μεταβλητών. είναι ένα υποθετικό μοντέλο της σχέσης μεταξύ διαφόρων (πολλών) μεταβλητώ ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 1

2 Γραμμικά μοντέλα πρόβλεψης: Στην πολλαπλή παλινδρόμηση η ζητούμενη σχέση καταγράφεται με μια παραλλαγή της εξίσωσης για την ευθεία γραμμή: y b0 b1 x1 b2 x2 bnxn? Εύρεση b 0, b 1,, b n b 0 intercept είναι η τιμή της y-μεταβλητής όταν όλα τα x s = 0. είναι το σημείο στο οποίο το επίπεδο της παλινδρόμησης τέμνει τον y- άξονα (οριζόντιο). b s είναι ο συντελεστής παλινδρόμησης για τη μεταβλητής x s είναι οι κλίσεις ως προς την x 1, x 2, Πολλαπλή Παλινδρόμηση (female life expectancy) = b 0 + b 1 (infant mortality) + b 2 (fertility) + ε Statistics Descriptives Analyze Regression Linear... Plots Produce all partial plots ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 2

3 ??? the independent variables have strong correlations with life expectancy. the correlation between the two independent variables is also strong. infant mortality appears to have the strongest linear relation with life expectancy. negative sign For multiple regression models, R is the correlation between the observed and predicted values of the dependent variable. R 2 is the square of this correlation. For this model with the two variables R 2 is 0.929, an increase of more than 25% over the model using just one variable (literacy with R 2 = 0.67). Knowing infant mortality and fertility explains almost 93% of the variability of life expectancy. The sample estimate R 2 tends to be an overestimate of the population parameter. Adjusted R 2 is designed to compensate for the optimists bias of R 2. It is a function of R 2 adjusted by the number of variables in the model and the sample size: R 2 a R 2 2 p 1 R n p 1 ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 3

4 The F test looks at whether the variance explained by the model (SS M ) is significantly greater that the error within the model (SS R ). So, it tell us whether using the regression model is significantly better at predicting values of the outcome (dependent variable) that using the mean. The F statistic is highly significant, indicating that the simultaneous test that each coefficient is 0 is rejected. The fact that the associated probability (Sig) is so small does not imply that each of the independent variables makes a meaningful contribution to the fit of the model. Πολλαπλή Παλινδρόμηση (female life expectancy) = (mortality) 0.662(fertility) i.e. for baby mortality =10 and average number of kids =2 female life expectancy = = b values are the change in the outcome associated with a unit change in the predictor. (i.e. b 2 =-0.662, so each time a child is added, the life expectancy decrease by years). In order to assess the usefulness of each predictor in the model, you can t simply compare the coefficients. Even if the independent variables are all measured in the same units, a comparison of their size may not be revealing. When they are correlated, it is hard to quantify the unique contribution of each variable. ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 4

5 Beta coefficients are an attempt to make the regression coefficients more comparable. You would get the same coefficients if you transformed the data to z-scores prior to your regression run. As infant mortality increases by (deaths per 1000 live births), average female life expectancy decrease by = years. As fertility increases by (average number of kids), average female life expectancy decrease by = years. Πολλαπλή Παλινδρόμηση (female life expectancy) = (mortality) 0.662(fertility) The t-statistics provide some clue regarding the relative importance of (each) variable in the model. The probabilities should not be used for a formal test regarding the importance of each variable. These probabilities are appropriate if you want to do one preselected test and not if you are looking, say, for the strongest variable. For such a test, you would need the distribution of the largest t, and that is affected by the number of variables scanned, their correlation structure and the sample size. As a guide regarding useful predictors, look for t values well below -2 or above +2. In this example, the t s are and -2.5, so both independent variables meet the guideline. However, infant mortality is the strongest predictor; fertility is more marginal (see the partial residual plots). ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 5

6 The Partial Residual Plots provide a graphical version of the t statistic for each predictor, or its partial correlation with the dependent variable after removing the linear effect of the other variables. These plots are useful for identifying cases that mask, or falsely enhance, the predictive power of a particular independent variable. If the target model holds, linearity must be evident in the display. Two sets of residuals are displayed regressing the dependent variable life expectancy on fertility regressing infant mortality on fertility (when your model has three or more independent variables, each regression is computed using all independent variables). the correlation between the two sets of residuals is the partial correlation that measures the relation between life expectancy and infant mortality after adjusting for fertility. Notices Observations with influence on the infant mortality coefficient stand out on the x axis (Afghanistan is furthest from 0). The slope for the regression line through the origin is the same as that for the full model (-0.24). The residuals (vertical deviations from this regression) are the same as those from the full model. ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 6

7 The simple correlation between fertility and life expectancy is In the plot here, after the effect of infant mortality has been removed, this relation is considerable diminished. Zambia is well separated from the other plot points vertically, but not extreme in the x direction. Thus, it may not exert undue influence on the coefficient for fertility. We know that that numbers in the regression output do not provide a complete picture of how well the estimated model fits. We need to plot the residuals in order to identify such problems as unusual values in the dependent variable, nonlinearity and a need for transformation. Here, we will look at diagnostics for identifying outliers among the independent variables: Mahalanobis distance and leverage. The computations for both ignore the dependent variable and use the values of the independent variables to compute the distance of each case to the mean of all cases. Values of leverage range from 0 to (n-1)/n. Values less than 0.2 appear safe, values between 0.2 and 0.5 risky and values above 0.5 are to be avoided. ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 7

8 Cook s distance is a statistic measures the change in all of the regression coefficients if the i-th case is deleted. Cook s distance for a case depends on both the Studentized residual and the leverage values. Countries, ordered by Cook s measure, exerting the most influence on the estimates of the coefficients are Afghanistan, Zambia, Somalia and Uganda. It is possible to run the regression analysis with a case included and then rerun the analysis with that case excluded. If we did this, undoubtedly there would be some difference between the regression coefficients. The difference between a parameter estimated using all cases and estimated when one case is excluded is known as the DFBeta. This difference would tell us how much influence a particular case has on the parameters of the regression model. DFBeta is calculated for every case and for each of the parameters in the model. Since the units of measurement used will affect these values, the SPSS also produces the standardized DFBeta. ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 8

9 Graphs Sequence (firstly, sort by region ) The first 21 cases are OECD countries. Cases 36 through 52 are countries in the Pacific Asia group. The DfBeta value for Afghanistan is the tall spike at the beginning of this group. The descending spike for fertility is Zambia -4 th group- We suspect that the sample may not be homogeneous; the model seems to fit less well for one or more subsets of observations. DfFits is a related statistic, which is the difference between the predicted value for a case when the model is calculating including that case and when the model is calculated excluding that case. The SPSS also produces standardized versions of the DFFit values. Except of Afghanistan, the estimates of the coefficients and their variances are most sensitive to countries in the fourth interval (Africa). Graphs Sequence (firstly, sort by region ) ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 9

10 SPSS can estimate coefficients for multiple linear regression models with more than two independent variables. When fitting such a model, you may know just which variables you want to include as predictors. If so, proceed using SPSS default equation-building method, Enter. All variables you select as independent variables are included in the model. Often, however a researcher may not know just which subset of variables contributes a good model. SPSS provides several methods for controlling the entry or removal of independent variables from the regression model: Forward selection enters variables into the model step by step. The first variable entered at step 1 is the one with the strongest simple correlation with the dependent variable. At each subsequent step the variable with the strongest partial correlation enters. At each step, the hypothesis that the coefficient of the entered variable is 0 is tested using its t statistic. Stepping stops when an established criterion for the F no longer holds. Backward elimination begins with all candidate variables in the model, and at each step, removes the least useful predictor (lowest F-to-remove). Variables are removed until an established criterion for the F no longer holds. Stepwise selection begins like forward stepping, but at each step, tests variables already in the model for removal. This is the most commonly used method, especially when there are correlations among the independent variables. Dependent: lifeexp Independent(s): babymort, fertility, urban, log_gdp, b_to_d, pop_incr ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 10

11 The simple correlations of each candidate predictor with the dependent variable life expectancy are displayed in the top row of this matrix. Infant mortality has the highest correlation (-0.962) and the birth-to-death ratio, the lowest (-0.079). The correlations not in the first row or first column are the correlations among the independent variables. This overview of the stepping process indicates that four of the six candidate predictors are included in the final model. They are entered into the equation in this order: babymort, urban, fertility, b_to_d, log_gdp. The second variable to enter, urban, is removed at step 6. ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 11

12 Here, R 2 for the final model is and adjusted R 2 is Notice that these values did not drop when urban was removed. Including irrelevant variables also increases the standard errors of the estimate (the standard error of the estimate decreases from 2.93 years when infant mortality is the only predictor to 2.52 years when th model includes four variables). At step 1, SPSS enters babymort as the first variable because it has the highest correlation with the dependent variable. Then you can use either of these statistics to see how variables entered/removed The t statistic for each candidate. At step 1, urban has the largest t, so it is entered into the step 2 model. Then At step 5 the t for pop_incr fails the default entrance criterion that an F statistic must be greater than 3.84 ( 3.84 = 1.96). Meanwhile, among the values reported in the Exclude Variables table, SPSS checks the t values for already entered variables to see if any have value less than 1.65 ( 2.71 = 1.65, default F removal criterion-). In step 5, the t for urban is The partial correlation of each candidate variable with the dependent variable after removing the linear effect of the variables already entered. Notice that at each step, the candidate variable with the largest t also has the strongest partial correlation. ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 12

13 Πολλαπλή Παλινδρόμηση (female life expectancy) = (babymort) 1.625(fertility) (b_to_d) (log_gdp). Collinearity refers to the troublesome situation where the correlations among the independent variables are strong. When you suspect that collinearity may be a problem, study the tolerance statistic. Only the values of the independent variables are used to calculate it. Values of tolerance range from 0 to 1. When its value is small (close to 0), the variable is almost a linear combination of the other independent variables. Tolerance should be more than 0.2. The variance inflation factor (VIF) is the reciprocal of tolerance. So, by definition, the variables here with low tolerances have large variance inflation factor. VIF should be less tan 10. ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 13

14 Eigenvalues provide an indication of how many distinct dimensions there are among the independent variables. When several eigenvalues are close to 0, the variables are highly intercorrelated (ill-conditioned). Condition indices are the square roots of the ratios of the largest eigenvalue to each successive eigenvalue. A condition index greater than 15 indicates a possible problem and an index greater than 30 suggests a serious problem with collinearity. The Variance Proportions are the proportions of the variance of the estimate accounted for by each principal component associated with each of the eigenvalues. Collinearity is a problem when a component associated with a high condition index contributes substantially to the variance of two or more variables. Here, for the final set of four variables (Model 6): the last condition index is , the last component accounts for 99% of the variance of the constant, 99% of the variance of log_gdp and 43% of the variance of babymort. Thus, for a more stable model, it might be wise to explore models with three variables. ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 14

15 Βιβλιογραφία Andy Field (2009). Discovering statistics using SPSS, 3 rd edition. SAGE Publications M.J. Norusis (2011). IBM SPSS Statistics 19 Guide to Data Analysis. Prentice Hall. ΠΟΛΛΑΠΛΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗ 15

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Queensland University of Technology Transport Data Analysis and Modeling Methodologies Queensland University of Technology Transport Data Analysis and Modeling Methodologies Lab Session #7 Example 5.2 (with 3SLS Extensions) Seemingly Unrelated Regression Estimation and 3SLS A survey of 206

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2 Composition. Invertible Mappings

2 Composition. Invertible Mappings Arkansas Tech University MATH 4033: Elementary Modern Algebra Dr. Marcel B. Finan Composition. Invertible Mappings In this section we discuss two procedures for creating new mappings from old ones, namely,

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Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude

Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude Jan Behrens 2012-12-31 In this paper we shall provide a method to approximate distances between two points on earth

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6.3 Forecasting ARMA processes

6.3 Forecasting ARMA processes 122 CHAPTER 6. ARMA MODELS 6.3 Forecasting ARMA processes The purpose of forecasting is to predict future values of a TS based on the data collected to the present. In this section we will discuss a linear

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ΑΝΑΛΥΣΗ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ. Δρ. Βασίλης Π. Αγγελίδης Τμήμα Μηχανικών Παραγωγής & Διοίκησης Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης

ΑΝΑΛΥΣΗ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ. Δρ. Βασίλης Π. Αγγελίδης Τμήμα Μηχανικών Παραγωγής & Διοίκησης Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης ΑΝΑΛΥΣΗ ΔΕΔΟΜΕΝΩΝ Δρ. Βασίλης Π. Αγγελίδης Τμήμα Μηχανικών Παραγωγής & Διοίκησης Δημοκρίτειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θράκης Πολλαπλή Παλινδρόμηση Δρ. Βασίλης Π. Αγγελίδης Ανάλυση Δεδομένων (Εργαστήριο) Διαφάνεια

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ΠΡΟΚΑΤΑΡΚΤΙΚΗ Στατιστική Ανάλυση με το S.P.S.S.

ΠΡΟΚΑΤΑΡΚΤΙΚΗ Στατιστική Ανάλυση με το S.P.S.S. ΠΡΟΚΑΤΑΡΚΤΙΚΗ Στατιστική Ανάλυση με το S.P.S.S. μέρος B Νίκος Τσάντας Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών Τμήμ. Μαθηματικών Μαθηματικά και Σύγχρονες Εφαρμογές Ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2011-12 Ξέρουμε πια τα στατιστικά

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Lampiran 1 Output SPSS MODEL I

Lampiran 1 Output SPSS MODEL I 67 Variables Entered/Removed(b) Lampiran 1 Output SPSS MODEL I Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method 1 CFO, ACCOTHER, ACCPAID, ACCDEPAMOR,. Enter ACCREC, ACCINV(a) a All requested variables

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the total number of electrons passing through the lamp.

the total number of electrons passing through the lamp. 1. A 12 V 36 W lamp is lit to normal brightness using a 12 V car battery of negligible internal resistance. The lamp is switched on for one hour (3600 s). For the time of 1 hour, calculate (i) the energy

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Math221: HW# 1 solutions

Math221: HW# 1 solutions Math: HW# solutions Andy Royston October, 5 7.5.7, 3 rd Ed. We have a n = b n = a = fxdx = xdx =, x cos nxdx = x sin nx n sin nxdx n = cos nx n = n n, x sin nxdx = x cos nx n + cos nxdx n cos n = + sin

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Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016

Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016 Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016 Silvio Capobianco Exercise 1.7 Let H(n) = J(n + 1) J(n). Equation (1.8) tells us that H(2n) = 2, and H(2n+1) = J(2n+2) J(2n+1) = (2J(n+1) 1) (2J(n)+1)

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Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1.

Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1. Exercises 0 More exercises are available in Elementary Differential Equations. If you have a problem to solve any of them, feel free to come to office hour. Problem Find a fundamental matrix of the given

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6.1. Dirac Equation. Hamiltonian. Dirac Eq.

6.1. Dirac Equation. Hamiltonian. Dirac Eq. 6.1. Dirac Equation Ref: M.Kaku, Quantum Field Theory, Oxford Univ Press (1993) η μν = η μν = diag(1, -1, -1, -1) p 0 = p 0 p = p i = -p i p μ p μ = p 0 p 0 + p i p i = E c 2 - p 2 = (m c) 2 H = c p 2

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519.22(07.07) 78 : ( ) /.. ; c (07.07) , , 2008

519.22(07.07) 78 : ( ) /.. ; c (07.07) , , 2008 .. ( ) 2008 519.22(07.07) 78 : ( ) /.. ;. : -, 2008. 38 c. ( ) STATISTICA.,. STATISTICA.,. 519.22(07.07),.., 2008.., 2008., 2008 2 ... 4 1...5...5 2...14...14 3...27...27 3 ,, -. " ", :,,,... STATISTICA.,,,.

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Numerical Analysis FMN011

Numerical Analysis FMN011 Numerical Analysis FMN011 Carmen Arévalo Lund University carmen@maths.lth.se Lecture 12 Periodic data A function g has period P if g(x + P ) = g(x) Model: Trigonometric polynomial of order M T M (x) =

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ST5224: Advanced Statistical Theory II

ST5224: Advanced Statistical Theory II ST5224: Advanced Statistical Theory II 2014/2015: Semester II Tutorial 7 1. Let X be a sample from a population P and consider testing hypotheses H 0 : P = P 0 versus H 1 : P = P 1, where P j is a known

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SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions

SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES GLMA Linear Mathematics 00- Examination Solutions. (a) i. ( + 5i)( i) = (6 + 5) + (5 )i = + i. Real part is, imaginary part is. (b) ii. + 5i i ( + 5i)( + i) = ( i)( + i)

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Example Sheet 3 Solutions

Example Sheet 3 Solutions Example Sheet 3 Solutions. i Regular Sturm-Liouville. ii Singular Sturm-Liouville mixed boundary conditions. iii Not Sturm-Liouville ODE is not in Sturm-Liouville form. iv Regular Sturm-Liouville note

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C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions

C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions Paul Liu November 15, 2007 Note that these are sample solutions only; in many cases there were many acceptable answers. 1 Reynolds Problem 10.1 1.1 Normal-order

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Aquinas College. Edexcel Mathematical formulae and statistics tables DO NOT WRITE ON THIS BOOKLET

Aquinas College. Edexcel Mathematical formulae and statistics tables DO NOT WRITE ON THIS BOOKLET Aquinas College Edexcel Mathematical formulae and statistics tables DO NOT WRITE ON THIS BOOKLET Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced GCE in Mathematics and Further Mathematics Mathematical

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Matrices and Determinants

Matrices and Determinants Matrices and Determinants SUBJECTIVE PROBLEMS: Q 1. For what value of k do the following system of equations possess a non-trivial (i.e., not all zero) solution over the set of rationals Q? x + ky + 3z

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Supplementary Appendix

Supplementary Appendix Supplementary Appendix Measuring crisis risk using conditional copulas: An empirical analysis of the 2008 shipping crisis Sebastian Opitz, Henry Seidel and Alexander Szimayer Model specification Table

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Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme

Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme. (a) Note: Award A for vertical line to right of mean, A for shading to right of their vertical line. AA N (b) evidence of recognizing symmetry

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Instruction Execution Times

Instruction Execution Times 1 C Execution Times InThisAppendix... Introduction DL330 Execution Times DL330P Execution Times DL340 Execution Times C-2 Execution Times Introduction Data Registers This appendix contains several tables

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ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ. Ψηφιακή Οικονομία. Διάλεξη 7η: Consumer Behavior Mαρίνα Μπιτσάκη Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών

ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ. Ψηφιακή Οικονομία. Διάλεξη 7η: Consumer Behavior Mαρίνα Μπιτσάκη Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ Ψηφιακή Οικονομία Διάλεξη 7η: Consumer Behavior Mαρίνα Μπιτσάκη Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών Τέλος Ενότητας Χρηματοδότηση Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό έχει αναπτυχθεί

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Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ.

Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ. Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο The time integral of a force is referred to as impulse, is determined by and is obtained from: Newton s 2 nd Law of motion states that the action

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The challenges of non-stable predicates

The challenges of non-stable predicates The challenges of non-stable predicates Consider a non-stable predicate Φ encoding, say, a safety property. We want to determine whether Φ holds for our program. The challenges of non-stable predicates

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DESIGN OF MACHINERY SOLUTION MANUAL h in h 4 0. DESIGN OF MACHINERY SOLUTION MANUAL -7-1! PROBLEM -7 Statement: Design a double-dwell cam to move a follower from to 25 6, dwell for 12, fall 25 and dwell for the remader The total cycle must take 4 sec

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Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5

Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5 Solutions to Eercise Sheet 5 jacques@ucsd.edu. Let X and Y be random variables with joint pdf f(, y) = 3y( + y) where and y. Determine each of the following probabilities. Solutions. a. P (X ). b. P (X

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates

Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the

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Πρόβλημα 1: Αναζήτηση Ελάχιστης/Μέγιστης Τιμής

Πρόβλημα 1: Αναζήτηση Ελάχιστης/Μέγιστης Τιμής Πρόβλημα 1: Αναζήτηση Ελάχιστης/Μέγιστης Τιμής Να γραφεί πρόγραμμα το οποίο δέχεται ως είσοδο μια ακολουθία S από n (n 40) ακέραιους αριθμούς και επιστρέφει ως έξοδο δύο ακολουθίες από θετικούς ακέραιους

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2. THEORY OF EQUATIONS. PREVIOUS EAMCET Bits. EAMCET-. THEORY OF EQUATIONS PREVIOUS EAMCET Bits. Each of the roots of the equation x 6x + 6x 5= are increased by k so that the new transformed equation does not contain term. Then k =... - 4. - Sol.

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Λυμένες Ασκήσεις για το μάθημα:

Λυμένες Ασκήσεις για το μάθημα: Λυμένες Ασκήσεις για το μάθημα: ΣΤΑΤΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΑΝΑΛΥΣΗ ΜΕ ΧΡΗΣΗ Η/Υ ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ ΖΑΦΕΙΡΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ Τμήμα: ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΩΝ ΣΠΟΥΔΩΝ Άδειες Χρήσης Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό υπόκειται σε άδειες χρήσης Creative

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department listing department name αχχουντσ ϕανε βαλικτ δδσϕηασδδη σδηφγ ασκϕηλκ τεχηνιχαλ αλαν ϕουν διξ τεχηνιχαλ ϕοην µαριανι

department listing department name αχχουντσ ϕανε βαλικτ δδσϕηασδδη σδηφγ ασκϕηλκ τεχηνιχαλ αλαν ϕουν διξ τεχηνιχαλ ϕοην µαριανι She selects the option. Jenny starts with the al listing. This has employees listed within She drills down through the employee. The inferred ER sttricture relates this to the redcords in the databasee

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Solution Series 9. i=1 x i and i=1 x i.

Solution Series 9. i=1 x i and i=1 x i. Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Mete SONER Coordinator: Yilin WANG Solution Series 9 Q1. Let α, β >, the p.d.f. of a beta distribution with parameters α and β is { Γ(α+β) Γ(α)Γ(β) f(x α, β) xα 1 (1 x) β 1 for < x

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[1] P Q. Fig. 3.1

[1] P Q. Fig. 3.1 1 (a) Define resistance....... [1] (b) The smallest conductor within a computer processing chip can be represented as a rectangular block that is one atom high, four atoms wide and twenty atoms long. One

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Άσκηση 11. Δίνονται οι παρακάτω παρατηρήσεις:

Άσκηση 11. Δίνονται οι παρακάτω παρατηρήσεις: Άσκηση. Δίνονται οι παρακάτω παρατηρήσεις: X X X X Y 7 50 6 7 6 6 96 7 0 5 55 9 5 59 6 8 8 5 0 59 7 7 8 8 5 5 0 7 69 9 6 6 7 6 9 5 7 6 8 5 6 69 8 0 50 66 0 0 50 8 59 76 8 7 60 7 87 6 5 7 88 9 8 50 0 5

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Démographie spatiale/spatial Demography

Démographie spatiale/spatial Demography ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑΣ Démographie spatiale/spatial Demography Session 1: Introduction to spatial demography Basic concepts Michail Agorastakis Department of Planning & Regional Development Άδειες Χρήσης

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ 24/3/2007 Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Όλοι οι αριθμοί που αναφέρονται σε όλα τα ερωτήματα μικρότεροι του 10000 εκτός αν ορίζεται διαφορετικά στη διατύπωση του προβλήματος. Αν κάπου κάνετε κάποιες υποθέσεις

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Μοντέλα Πολλαπλής Παλινδρόμησης

Μοντέλα Πολλαπλής Παλινδρόμησης Μοντέλα Πολλαπλής Παλινδρόμησης Πέτρος Ρούσσος Πρόγραμμα Ψυχολογίας, ΦΠΨ, ΕΚΠΑ ΕΙΣΑΓΩΓΙΚΑ 1 Ορολογία Προβλεπτικές μεταβλητές ή παράγοντες (predictors) Μεταβλητή κριτήριο (criterion) Απλή και πολλαπλή παλινδρόμηση

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Lecture 2: Dirac notation and a review of linear algebra Read Sakurai chapter 1, Baym chatper 3

Lecture 2: Dirac notation and a review of linear algebra Read Sakurai chapter 1, Baym chatper 3 Lecture 2: Dirac notation and a review of linear algebra Read Sakurai chapter 1, Baym chatper 3 1 State vector space and the dual space Space of wavefunctions The space of wavefunctions is the set of all

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Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1

Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8  questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1 Eon : Fall 8 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 Email questions or omments to Dan Fetter Problem. Let X be a salar with density f(x, θ) (θx + θ) [ x ] with θ. (a) Find the most powerful level α test

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TMA4115 Matematikk 3

TMA4115 Matematikk 3 TMA4115 Matematikk 3 Andrew Stacey Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet Trondheim Spring 2010 Lecture 12: Mathematics Marvellous Matrices Andrew Stacey Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet

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Srednicki Chapter 55

Srednicki Chapter 55 Srednicki Chapter 55 QFT Problems & Solutions A. George August 3, 03 Srednicki 55.. Use equations 55.3-55.0 and A i, A j ] = Π i, Π j ] = 0 (at equal times) to verify equations 55.-55.3. This is our third

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Lecture 34 Bootstrap confidence intervals

Lecture 34 Bootstrap confidence intervals Lecture 34 Bootstrap confidence intervals Confidence Intervals θ: an unknown parameter of interest We want to find limits θ and θ such that Gt = P nˆθ θ t If G 1 1 α is known, then P θ θ = P θ θ = 1 α

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PARTIAL NOTES for 6.1 Trigonometric Identities

PARTIAL NOTES for 6.1 Trigonometric Identities PARTIAL NOTES for 6.1 Trigonometric Identities tanθ = sinθ cosθ cotθ = cosθ sinθ BASIC IDENTITIES cscθ = 1 sinθ secθ = 1 cosθ cotθ = 1 tanθ PYTHAGOREAN IDENTITIES sin θ + cos θ =1 tan θ +1= sec θ 1 + cot

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Section 7.6 Double and Half Angle Formulas

Section 7.6 Double and Half Angle Formulas 09 Section 7. Double and Half Angle Fmulas To derive the double-angles fmulas, we will use the sum of two angles fmulas that we developed in the last section. We will let α θ and β θ: cos(θ) cos(θ + θ)

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Lecture 2. Soundness and completeness of propositional logic

Lecture 2. Soundness and completeness of propositional logic Lecture 2 Soundness and completeness of propositional logic February 9, 2004 1 Overview Review of natural deduction. Soundness and completeness. Semantics of propositional formulas. Soundness proof. Completeness

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Reminders: linear functions

Reminders: linear functions Reminders: linear functions Let U and V be vector spaces over the same field F. Definition A function f : U V is linear if for every u 1, u 2 U, f (u 1 + u 2 ) = f (u 1 ) + f (u 2 ), and for every u U

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Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------

Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- ----------------- Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. 1. Sin ( ) = a) b) c) d) Ans b. Solution : Method 1. Ans a: 17 > 1 a) is rejected. w.k.t Sin ( sin ) = d is rejected. If sin

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Biostatistics for Health Sciences Review Sheet

Biostatistics for Health Sciences Review Sheet Biostatistics for Health Sciences Review Sheet http://mathvault.ca June 1, 2017 Contents 1 Descriptive Statistics 2 1.1 Variables.............................................. 2 1.1.1 Qualitative........................................

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates

Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the

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Chapter 6: Systems of Linear Differential. be continuous functions on the interval

Chapter 6: Systems of Linear Differential. be continuous functions on the interval Chapter 6: Systems of Linear Differential Equations Let a (t), a 2 (t),..., a nn (t), b (t), b 2 (t),..., b n (t) be continuous functions on the interval I. The system of n first-order differential equations

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+ ε βελτιώνει ουσιαστικά το προηγούμενο (β 3 = 0;) 2. Εξετάστε ποιο από τα παρακάτω τρία μοντέλα:

+ ε βελτιώνει ουσιαστικά το προηγούμενο (β 3 = 0;) 2. Εξετάστε ποιο από τα παρακάτω τρία μοντέλα: ΑΝΑΛΥΣΗ ΠΑΛΙΝΔΡΟΜΗΣΗΣ, 6-5-0 Άσκηση 8. Δίνονται οι παρακάτω 0 παρατηρήσεις (πίνακας Α) με βάση τις οποίες θέλουμε να δημιουργήσουμε ένα γραμμικό μοντέλο για την πρόβλεψη της Υ μέσω των ανεξάρτητων μεταβλητών

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9.09. # 1. Area inside the oval limaçon r = cos θ. To graph, start with θ = 0 so r = 6. Compute dr

9.09. # 1. Area inside the oval limaçon r = cos θ. To graph, start with θ = 0 so r = 6. Compute dr 9.9 #. Area inside the oval limaçon r = + cos. To graph, start with = so r =. Compute d = sin. Interesting points are where d vanishes, or at =,,, etc. For these values of we compute r:,,, and the values

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Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics

Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics Fourier Series MATH 211, Calculus II J. Robert Buchanan Department of Mathematics Spring 2018 Introduction Not all functions can be represented by Taylor series. f (k) (c) A Taylor series f (x) = (x c)

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Correction Table for an Alcoholometer Calibrated at 20 o C

Correction Table for an Alcoholometer Calibrated at 20 o C An alcoholometer is a device that measures the concentration of ethanol in a water-ethanol mixture (often in units of %abv percent alcohol by volume). The depth to which an alcoholometer sinks in a water-ethanol

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Does anemia contribute to end-organ dysfunction in ICU patients Statistical Analysis

Does anemia contribute to end-organ dysfunction in ICU patients Statistical Analysis Does anemia contribute to end-organ dysfunction in ICU patients Statistical Analysis Xue Han, MPH and Matt Shotwell, PhD Department of Biostatistics Vanderbilt University School of Medicine March 14, 2014

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Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set

Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set May 6, 2008 Abstract A set of first-order formulas, whatever the cardinality of the set of symbols, is equivalent to an independent

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ΒΙΟΣΤΑΤΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΙΙ. ΜΑΘΗΜΑ 11 Συµπερασµατολογία για την επίδραση πολλών µεταβλητών σε µια ποσοτική (Πολλαπλή Παλινδρόµηση)

ΒΙΟΣΤΑΤΙΣΤΙΚΗ ΙΙ. ΜΑΘΗΜΑ 11 Συµπερασµατολογία για την επίδραση πολλών µεταβλητών σε µια ποσοτική (Πολλαπλή Παλινδρόµηση) Ενότητα ιαφάνειες Μαθήµατος: - Ενότητα ιαφάνειες Μαθήµατος: - ΠΜΣ ΕΠΑΓΓΕΛΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΚΑΙ ΠΕΡΙΒΑΛΛΟΝΤΙΚΗ ΥΓΕΙΑ, ΙΑΧΕΙΡΙΣΗ ΚΑΙ ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΗ ΑΠΟΤΙΜΗΣΗ ΑΚ. ΕΤΟΣ 006-007, 3ο εξάµηνο.. Γενίκευση του µοντέλου ΜΑΘΗΜΑ

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