Lie Symmetry Group of the Nonisospectral Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation

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1 Lie Symmetry Group of the Nonisospectral Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation Yong Chen ab and Xiaorui Hu b a Shanghai Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Computing East China Normal University Shanghai 0006 China b Nonlinear Science Center and Department of Mathematics Ningbo University Ningbo 5 China Reprint requests to Y C; chenyong@nbueducn Z Naturforsch 6a 009; received April 00 / revised June 00 The classical symmetry method and the modified Clarkson and Kruskal C-K method are used to obtain the Lie symmetry group of a nonisospectral Kadomtsev-Petviashvili KP equation It is shown that the Lie symmetry group obtained via the traditional Lie approach is only a special case of the symmetry groups obtained by the modified C-K method The discrete group analysis is given to show the relations between the discrete group and parameters in the ansatz Furthermore the expressions of the exact finite transformation of the Lie groups via the modified C-K method are much simpler than those obtained via the standard approach Key words: Nonisospectral KP Equation; Classical Symmetry Method; Lie Symmetry Group; Modified C-K Method Introduction As it is well known the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili KP equation [] plays an important role in many fields of physics particularly in fluid mechanics plasma physics and gas dynamics David Kamran Levi and Winternitz [] studied the Lie point symmetry group of the KP equation via the traditional Lie group approach Lou and Ma [] developed the direct method presented by Clarkson and Kruskal C-K [] to construct the finite symmetry group of the KP equation However recently more and more people study the nonisospectral and variable coefficient generalizations of completely integrable nonlinear evolution equations In this paper we will investigate the nonisospectral KP equation [5 6] u t +yu xxx +6yuu x +xu y x +yu yy +u y = 0 which may provide more realistic models in the propagation of small-amplitude surface waves in straits or large channels of slowly varying depth and nonvanishing vorticity Here the classical symmetry method and the modified C-K method are used to obtain the Lie symmetry group of this nonisospectral KP equation Lie Symmetry Group of the Nonisospectral KP Equation Obtained by the Classical Symmetry Method In this section the classical symmetry method is used to obtain the Lie symmetry group of the nonisospectral KP equation Then some special solutions are given At first we give a brief outline of the theory of Lie s one-parameter group of transformations for invariance of a partial differential equation with three independent variables [] Generalization to more variables is straightforward We investigate a general partial differential equation with one dependent variable u and three independent variables x yandt: Hxytu x u y u t u xx u xy u xt u yy u yt u tt Let one parameter ε group of transformations of the variables x y t and u be taken as x = f xytu;ε t = pxytu;ε y = gxytu;ε u = hxytu;ε Let u = θxyt be a solution of If we replace the variables u x y t in by vx = f xytu;ε y = 09 0 / 09 / $ 0600 c 009 Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung Tübingen

2 Y Chen and X Hu Lie Symmetry Group and the KP Equation 9 gxytu;ε t = pxytu;ε respectively becomes Hx y t vv x v y v t v x x v x y v x t v y y v y t v t t =0 Then v = θx y t is a solution of That is to say in the case of transformation v = θx y t is a solution to whenever u = θxyt is a solution to This condition implies if and have a unique solution then θx y t =hxytθxyt;ε 5 Hence θxyt satisfies the one-parameter function equation θ f xytθ;εgxytθ;ε pxytθ;ε 6 = hxytθ;ε Expanding about the identity ε = 0 we can generate the following infinitesimal transformations: x = x + εξxytu+oε y = y + εηxytu+oε t = t + ετxytu+oε u = u + εφxytu+oε The functions ξ η τ φ are the infinitesimals of the transformations for the variables x y t and u respectively We shall denote the infinitesimals for u x u y u t u xx u xy u xt by φ x φ y φ t φ xx φ xy φ xt ; for example we have φ x =φ ξ u x ηu y τu t x + ξ u xx + ηu yx + τu tx = φ x + φ u u x ξ x + ξ u u x u x η x + η u u x u y τ x + τ u u x u t φ t =φ ξ u x ηu y τu t t + ξ u xt + ηu yt + τu tt = φ t + φ u u t ξ t + ξ u u t u x η t + η u u t u y τ t + τ u u t u t φ xx =φ ξ u x ηu y τu t xx + ξ u xxx + ηu yxx +τu txx φ xt =φ ξ u x ηu y τu t xt + ξ u xxt + ηu yxt + τu ttx φ yt =φ ξ u x ηu y τu t yt + ξ u xyt + ηu yyt + τu tyt Using these various extensions the infinitesimals criteria for the invariance of under the group is given by VH H=0 = 0 9 where the prolongation of the tangent vector field V is given by V = ξ x + η y + τ t + φ u + φ x u x + φ y 0 + φ t + φ xx + u y u t u xx Here and in the following we denote all ξ xytu ηxytu τxytu φxytu by ξ η τ φ The purpose is to solve ξ η τ φ by taking and 0 into 9 Then we collect together the coefficients of u u x u y u xx u xy u yy and set all of them to zero At last we get a system of linear partial differential equations from which we can find ξ η τ and φ in practice Next we will use the above method to find the Lie symmetry group of the nonisospectral KP equation The prolongation of the tangent vector field of is V = ξ x + η y + τ t + φ u + φ x u x + φ y + φ xx + φ xy + φ xt u y u xx u xy + φ yy + φ xxxx u yy u xxxx u xt Then 9 reads [here H =u t + yu xxx + 6yuu x + xu y x + yu yy + u y ]: φ xt + yφ xxxx + yu x φ x + 6yuφ xx + 6yu xx φ + 6φ y + xφ xy + yφ yy + u xxxx η + 6u x η + 6uu xx η + u xy ξ + u yy η = 0 Substituting and u xxxx = y u xt + 6yu x + 6yuu xx + 6u y + xu xy + yu yy for φ x φ y φ xx φ xy φ xt φ yy φ xxxx in we get a system of linear partial differential equations We set all the coefficients of u x u y u t u xx u yy u xt to zero Then we get ξ = y g t t+y ht+xf t t+ xgt y yf tt t η = yf t t+y gt τ = f t 5 φ = xht uf t t ugt 9 y 5 y xg t t 9 y f tttt g t t y + h t t y x 6 gt y

3 0 Y Chen and X Hu Lie Symmetry Group and the KP Equation So the infinitesimal operator of is Q = ξ x + η y + τ t + φ u = y g t t+y ht+xf t t+ + yf t t+y gt y + f t t xht + uf 9 y 5 t t ugt y xgt y + h t t f tttt g t t x gt y y u = xf t t yf tt t x + yf tt y + f t t + f tttt uf t t u + + xgt y g tt t y + y ht x + y y g t t x + y gt y x gt y h t t y yf tt t x xg t t 9 y xg t t ugt 9 y y u + xht 9 u = X f +Yg+Zh Here f t gt and ht are all arbitrary functions of t Q is a general element of the Lie algebra of The commutation relations for this Lie algebra are easily to obtain: y 5 [X f X f ] = X f ḟ ḟ f [X f Y g] = Y f ġ ḟg [X f Zh] = Z f ḣ ḟh [Y g Y g ] = Zġ g g ġ [Y gzh] = 0 [Zh Zh ] = 0 where the dots indicate derivatives with respect to tto solve from we can also get d dε x y t u =Qx y t u x y t u ε=0 =xytu or dx ξ = dy η = dt τ = du φ = dε 9 Here ξ η τ φ are obtained by insteading x y t u in ξ η τ φ by x y t u From 9 5 and 6 we can get x y t u but their impressions are too complicated For simplicity we only discuss the case where f t =gt =0ht 0 From we obtain Q = Zht = y ht x + h t t + xht y 9 y 5 u 0 Then we solve the equations dy 0 = dt = dε 0 dx dε = y ht du dε = h t t + x ht y 9 y 5 The solution is u = h t ε + h t t+ htx ε y y y + ux y htεyt That is to say if uxyt is a solution of u in is also a solution of Lie Symmetry Group of the Nonisospectral KP Equation Obtained by the Modified C-K Method In this section we will use another method a simple direct method to investigate In [] Clarkson and Kruskal introduced a direct method to derive symmetry reductions of a nonlinear system without using any group theory For many types of nonlinear systems the method can be used to find all possible similarity reductions In [] Lou and Ma modified the C-K direct method to find the generalized Lie and non-lie symmetry groups for the well-known KP equation Here we will use this modified direct method to discuss At first we introduce the main idea of this modified C-K direct method [ 0] Given a general partial differential equation PDE with the variables x i and u Fx i uu xi u xi x j =0 i j = n 5 The general form of solutions of 5 reads u = Wx x x n UX X X n X i = X i x x x n i = n 6

4 Y Chen and X Hu Lie Symmetry Group and the KP Equation It requires U to satisfy the same PDE 5 under the transformation ux x x n UX X X n We can see that it is enough to suppose that the group transformation has some simple forms say ux x x n =αx x x n +β x x x n UX X X n instead of 6 for various nonlinear systems especially for those models where the C-K direct reduction method does work Next we will apply this method with the proof of the generality of to At first we will show that in the following ξ η τ are functions of x y t and that they are different from ξ η τ in Section There are no relations between them Substituting u = WxytUξ ητ into and requiring Uξ ητ is also a solution of the nonisospectral KP equation but with independent variables Uξ ητ [eliminating U ξτ and its higherorder derivatives by means of ] Then we get Using condition is reduced to yw UU ξ x U ξξ + G xytuu ξ =0 Now vanishing the coefficient of U ξξ in we have W UU = 0 5 That is to say we can use u = αxyt+β xytuξ ητ 6 to substitute the general solution Now the substitution of 6 with into the nonisospectral KP equation leads to βξ x yξ x τ t ηu ξξξξ + ξ x yβ x ξ x + βξ xx U ξξξ +6yββ xx + β x U + 6βξ x yβξ x τ t ηu ξ + [ 6yβ β x ξ x + yξ xx U ξ + 6βξ x yβξ x τ t ηu ξξ +xβ xy + yβ xxxx + 6yαβ xx + 6yβα xx + yβ yy + 6β y +β xt +yα x β x ] U+ yβξyy + yβ x ξ xxx + yαβ x ξ x +6yβ xx ξ xx + β t ξ x + 6yβ y ξ y + yβα x ξ x + 6βξ y +yξ x β xxx +6yαβξ xx yβξ xxxx + xβ y ξ x + β x ξ t +xβ x ξ y + βξ xt + xβξ xt Uξ +β x η t + 6βη y y W U ξ x τ x U ξ 0 +GxytUU ξ U ξ 9U η U τ =0 9 +yβη yy 6βξ x τ t + 6yβ y η y + xβ x η y U η + β x τ t U τ + yβξ xx +6yαβξ x +βξ x ξ t +yβξ y +yβξ x ξ xxx where U ξ n = n U and G is a complicated U ξ n ξ 0- independent function Equation 9 is true for an arbitrary solution U only for all coefficients of the polynomials of the derivatives of U being zero From 9 the coefficient of U ξ 0 should be zero So we have y W U ξ x τ x = 0 0 Obviously W U should not be zero and one can prove that there is no nontrivial solution for ξ x = 0; so the only possible case of 0 is τ x = 0 i e τ = τyt Substituting into 9 we get yw U τ y U ττ +η x U η +G xytuu ξ =0 Setting the coefficients of U ττ and U η in to zero we have τ τt η ηyt +yβ x ξ x ξ xx + 6yβ xx ξ x + xβξ x ξ y Uξξ + β ξ x η t ξξ x τ t + xξ x η y + yξ y η y Uξη + β ξ x τ t η +yη y U ηη + xα xy + yα yy + 6yαα xx + yα xxxx +α xt + 6yα x + 6α y = 0 Setting the coefficients of the polynomials of U and its derivatives to be zero can be read as yξ x τ t η = 0 β x ξ x + βξ xx = 0 ββ xx + β x = 0 β x ξ x + yξ xx = 0 xβ xy + yβ xxxx + 6yαβ xx + 6yβα xx + yβ yy +6β y + β xt + yα x β x = 0 yβξ yy + yβ x ξ xxx + yαβ x ξ x + 6yβ xx ξ xx 9 +β t ξ x + 6yβ y ξ y + yβα x ξ x + 6βξ y 0 +yξ x β xxx + 6yαβξ xx yβξ xxxx + xβ y ξ x + β x ξ t +xβ x ξ y + βξ xt + xβξ xy = 0

5 Y Chen and X Hu Lie Symmetry Group and the KP Equation β x η t + 6βη y + 6yβ y η y + yβη yy 6βξ x τ t + xβ x η y = 0 β x τ t = 0 yβξ x τ t η = 0 yβξ xx + 6yαβξ x + βξ x ξ t + yβξ y + yβξ x ξ xxx + yβ x ξ x ξ xx + 6yβ xx ξ x + xβξ x ξ y = 0 ξ x η t ξξ x τ t + xξ x η y + yξ y η y = 0 ξ x τ t η + yη y = 0 xα xy + yα yy + 6yαα xx + yα xxxx + α xt + 6yα x + 6α y = 0 The result reads 5 ξ = [τ t δc τ t y η0 + c η 0 y + yτ t x y τ t τ tt δc τ t τ t η 0t + τ tt η 0 y 5 τ t c η 0 τ tt + 6c τ t η 0 η 0t δτ t ξ0 y + 6τt η 0 δη 0 η 0t + c τ t ξ0 y 5 +τ t η0 c η 0 η 0t + δc τ t ξ0 y ] / τ t y δy τt + c η 0 η = δc y τt + η 0 β = τt δτ t + c η 0 6 α = τ t η0 + y y 5 η0 + 6δc τ t η0 y + 9c τ t y η 0 + 6δτ t y 5 0 η0 + δc τ t y + c τ t y [c δτ t τ t η 0t τ tt η 0 y 0 + 6τ t δτ t ξ0 + 6c τ t η 0 η 0t 6c τ tt η 0 y +τ t 0 η0 δτ tt η 0 + δτ t η 0t η 0 c τ t ξ0 y τ t η0 c η 0 τ tt + 9δc τ t ξ0 + 6c τ t η 0 η 0t y τ t η 0 6δc η 0 τ tt + 9δc τ t η 0 η 0t 6τ t ξ0 τ t η0 δc τ t ξ0 + 6τ t η 0 η 0t + η 0 τ tt y 5 +δc τ t τt τ ttt η 0 6τ tt η 0 τ t η 0t τ tt + 9τ t η 0tt y y ]x + τ t τt τ ttt τ tt y +6τ t δτ t τtt ξ 0 c τ t τ tt η 0t η 0 + 0c τ t η 0tt η 0 + 0c τ t τ ttt η 0 c τ tt η 0 δτ t ξ0t δτ t η 0 t y +τ t 696δτ t τ tt η 0t η 0 + 9c τ t τtt η 0 ξ 0 + 0δτ t η 0 τ ttt 6c τ t η0 ξ 0t 656δη 0 τ tt + 6δτ t η 0 η 0tt 0δτ t η 0t η 0 + 6c τ t η0t ξ 0 y +τ t 5 c η 0 τ tt + 60c τ t η 0 τ ttt + 0δc τ t η0t ξ 0 η 0 50δc τ t η0 ξ 0t 9τ t ξ0 +60c τ t η 0 η 0tt 5c τ t η 0 η 0t + δc τ t τtt η 0 ξ 0 c τ t η 0 η 0t τ tt y 0 +τ t η 0 δc τ t η 0 τ ttt 6δc τ t ξ0 0τ t η0 ξ 0t 60δac τ t η 0 η 0tt +δc τ t τ ttt η 0 η 0t + τ t η0t ξ 0 η 0 06δc τ t η 0 η 0t 9δc η 0 τ tt +5τ t η0 τ tt ξ 0 y +τ t η0 η 0 τ tt + δc τ t η0 τ tt ξ 0 5c τ t ξ0 50δc τ t η0 ξ 0t +6τ t η 0 τ tt η 0t δc τ t η0 η 0t ξ 0 5τ t η 0 η 0t + τ t η 0 τ ttt 6τ t η 0 η 0tt y +6τ t η0 c τ t η0 τ tt ξ 0 c τ t ξ0 η 0 η 0t δτ t 5 ξ0 + 0δc η 0 τ tt η 0t 6c τ t η0 ξ 0t 0δc τ t η 0 η 0tt 0δc τ t η 0 η 0t y x

6 Y Chen and X Hu Lie Symmetry Group and the KP Equation +η 0 6δτ t η0 ξ 0t + δτ t η0 τ tt ξ 0 c τ t η 0 η 0t + c η 0 τ tt η 0t τ t y 5 6δτ t η0 ξ 0 η 0t 9c τ t ξ0 c τ t η 0 η tt y / δc y τt η0 + c η 0 + τ t y δy τt + c η 0 Here ξ 0 ξ 0 t η 0 η 0 t τ τt are arbitrary functions of time t while the constants δ and c possess discrete values determined by δ = c = + i i i = At last we get if U = Uxyt is a solution of the nonisospectral KP equation u = α + τ t δτ t + c η 0 y Uξ ητ with 5 6 and where ξ 0 η 0 τ are arbitrary functions of t From with 5 6 and we know that for the real nonisospectral KP equation the symmetry group is divided into two sections: the Lie point symmetry group which corresponds to δ = c = and a coset of the Lie group which is related to δ = c = The coset is equivalent to the reflected transformation of x and yiey yt t accompanied by the usual Lie point symmetry transformation We denote by S the Lie point symmetry group of the real nonisospectral KP equation NKP by σ the reflection of y yt tby I the identity transformation and by C Iσ the discrete reflection group Then the full Lie symmetry group G RNKP of the real nonisospectral KP equation can be expressed as G RNKP = C S For the complex nonisospectral KP equation the symmetry group is divided into six sectors which correspond to δ = c = δ = c = + i δ = c = i δ = c = δ = c = + i δ = c = i That is to say the full symmetry group G CNKP expressed by with 5 6 and for the complex nonisospectral KP equation is the product of the usual Lie point symmetry group S δ = c = and the discrete group D ie G CNKP = D S D Iσ yt R R σ yt R σ yt R where I is the identity transformation and σ yt : yt y t R : uxyt + i u R : uxyt + i u + i + i x + i x + i y + i t y + i t We will show that the Lie symmetry group obtained via the traditional Lie approach is only a special case of the symmetry groups obtained by the modified C-K method When δ = c = we can find the Lie point symmetry group from with 5 6 and and we can see its equivalence with the result obtained in Section We set τt=t +ε f t ξ 0 t= εht η 0t= εgt 9 with an infinitesimal parameter ε Then with 5 6 and with δ = c = can be written as u = U + εσu+oε

7 Y Chen and X Hu Lie Symmetry Group and the KP Equation σu= xf t t+ xgt y g t t yf tt t+y ht U x + yf t t+gty U y + f tu t y y gt + + f t t U + f tttt+ x gt + g tt t y y + xg t t 9 y 9 50 xht h t t y 5 y The equivalent vector expression of the above symmetry is V = xf t t yf tt t x + yf tt y + f t t + Uf tt f ttt U + y g t t+ xgt y x + y gt y + Ugt g tt x gt xg t t y y y 9 y U + y ht x + h t t + xht = X f t +Ygt + Zht 9 U y y 5 5 We can see that 5 is exactly the same as which we have obtained by the standard Lie approach in Section Remark: In [] Lou and Ma have obtained the full symmetry group of the complex KP equation It can be divided into six sectors In our result the full symmetry group of the complex nonisospectral KP equation is also be gotten similarly to the KP equation and it also has six sectors It is very interesting that the full Lie symmetry groups of the isospectral and nonisospectral KP equation have the similar algebraic structure Conclusions Based on two methods: the classical symmetry method and a simple direct method two Lie symmetry groups of a nonisospectral KP equation have been constructed It has been shown that the Lie symmetry group obtained via the traditional Lie approach is only a special case of the full symmetry groups obtained by the modified C-K method Using the modified C-K method we can also get more solutions of the equation from the old ones At the same time we showed that the full symmetry groups of the isospectral and nonisospectral KP equation have the same algebraic structure However from our result it was shown that the nonisospectral problem is much more complicated than the isospectral one Its calculation is more complex and corresponding reduction is more difficult than the isospectral one That might be because of its inherent variable spectral parameter which also makes the equation more valuable and general Acknowledgements We would like to thank Prof Senyue Lou for his enthusiastic guidance and helpful discussions The work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant No 0500 and Grant No 900 Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project No B K C Wong Magna Fund of Ningbo University and Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University IRT0 [] B B Kadomtsev and V I Petviashvili Sov Phys Dokl [] D David N Kamran D Levi and P Winternitz J Math Phys 5 96 [] S Y Lou and H C Ma J Phys A: Math Gen [] P A Clarkson and M Kruskal J Math Phys [5] D Y Chen H W Xing and D J Zhang Chaos Solitons and Fractals [6] S F Deng and Z Y Qin Phys Lett A [] M Lakshmanan and P Kaliappan J Math Phys 95 9 [] H C Ma and S Y Lou Commun Theor Phys [9] H C Ma Chin Phys Lett [0] H C Ma Commun Theor Phys 0 005

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6.1. Dirac Equation. Hamiltonian. Dirac Eq. 6.1. Dirac Equation Ref: M.Kaku, Quantum Field Theory, Oxford Univ Press (1993) η μν = η μν = diag(1, -1, -1, -1) p 0 = p 0 p = p i = -p i p μ p μ = p 0 p 0 + p i p i = E c 2 - p 2 = (m c) 2 H = c p 2

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Matrices and Determinants

Matrices and Determinants Matrices and Determinants SUBJECTIVE PROBLEMS: Q 1. For what value of k do the following system of equations possess a non-trivial (i.e., not all zero) solution over the set of rationals Q? x + ky + 3z

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Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016

Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016 Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016 Silvio Capobianco Exercise 1.7 Let H(n) = J(n + 1) J(n). Equation (1.8) tells us that H(2n) = 2, and H(2n+1) = J(2n+2) J(2n+1) = (2J(n+1) 1) (2J(n)+1)

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C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions

C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions Paul Liu November 15, 2007 Note that these are sample solutions only; in many cases there were many acceptable answers. 1 Reynolds Problem 10.1 1.1 Normal-order

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Quadratic Expressions

Quadratic Expressions Quadratic Expressions. The standard form of a quadratic equation is ax + bx + c = 0 where a, b, c R and a 0. The roots of ax + bx + c = 0 are b ± b a 4ac. 3. For the equation ax +bx+c = 0, sum of the roots

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Partial Differential Equations in Biology The boundary element method. March 26, 2013

Partial Differential Equations in Biology The boundary element method. March 26, 2013 The boundary element method March 26, 203 Introduction and notation The problem: u = f in D R d u = ϕ in Γ D u n = g on Γ N, where D = Γ D Γ N, Γ D Γ N = (possibly, Γ D = [Neumann problem] or Γ N = [Dirichlet

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Congruence Classes of Invertible Matrices of Order 3 over F 2

Congruence Classes of Invertible Matrices of Order 3 over F 2 International Journal of Algebra, Vol. 8, 24, no. 5, 239-246 HIKARI Ltd, Congruence Classes of Invertible Matrices of Order 3 over F 2 Ligong An and

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HOMEWORK 4 = G. In order to plot the stress versus the stretch we define a normalized stretch:

HOMEWORK 4 = G. In order to plot the stress versus the stretch we define a normalized stretch: HOMEWORK 4 Problem a For the fast loading case, we want to derive the relationship between P zz and λ z. We know that the nominal stress is expressed as: P zz = ψ λ z where λ z = λ λ z. Therefore, applying

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Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1.

Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1. Exercises 0 More exercises are available in Elementary Differential Equations. If you have a problem to solve any of them, feel free to come to office hour. Problem Find a fundamental matrix of the given

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Appendix to On the stability of a compressible axisymmetric rotating flow in a pipe. By Z. Rusak & J. H. Lee

Appendix to On the stability of a compressible axisymmetric rotating flow in a pipe. By Z. Rusak & J. H. Lee Appendi to On the stability of a compressible aisymmetric rotating flow in a pipe By Z. Rusak & J. H. Lee Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 5 4, pp. 5 4 This material has not been copy-edited or typeset

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( ) 2 and compare to M.

( ) 2 and compare to M. Problems and Solutions for Section 4.2 4.9 through 4.33) 4.9 Calculate the square root of the matrix 3!0 M!0 8 Hint: Let M / 2 a!b ; calculate M / 2!b c ) 2 and compare to M. Solution: Given: 3!0 M!0 8

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Space-Time Symmetries

Space-Time Symmetries Chapter Space-Time Symmetries In classical fiel theory any continuous symmetry of the action generates a conserve current by Noether's proceure. If the Lagrangian is not invariant but only shifts by a

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SOLUTIONS TO MATH38181 EXTREME VALUES AND FINANCIAL RISK EXAM SOLUTIONS TO MATH38181 EXTREME VALUES AND FINANCIAL RISK EXAM Solutions to Question 1 a) The cumulative distribution function of T conditional on N n is Pr T t N n) Pr max X 1,..., X N ) t N n) Pr max

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Problem Set 3: Solutions

Problem Set 3: Solutions CMPSCI 69GG Applied Information Theory Fall 006 Problem Set 3: Solutions. [Cover and Thomas 7.] a Define the following notation, C I p xx; Y max X; Y C I p xx; Ỹ max I X; Ỹ We would like to show that C

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Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests

Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests Shirsendu Mukherjee Department of Statistics, Asutosh College, Kolkata, India. shirsendu So far we have treated the testing of one-sided

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Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set

Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set May 6, 2008 Abstract A set of first-order formulas, whatever the cardinality of the set of symbols, is equivalent to an independent

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Ordinal Arithmetic: Addition, Multiplication, Exponentiation and Limit

Ordinal Arithmetic: Addition, Multiplication, Exponentiation and Limit Ordinal Arithmetic: Addition, Multiplication, Exponentiation and Limit Ting Zhang Stanford May 11, 2001 Stanford, 5/11/2001 1 Outline Ordinal Classification Ordinal Addition Ordinal Multiplication Ordinal

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On the Galois Group of Linear Difference-Differential Equations

On the Galois Group of Linear Difference-Differential Equations On the Galois Group of Linear Difference-Differential Equations Ruyong Feng KLMM, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Ruyong Feng (KLMM, CAS) Galois Group 1 / 19 Contents 1 Basic Notations and Concepts

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Strain gauge and rosettes

Strain gauge and rosettes Strain gauge and rosettes Introduction A strain gauge is a device which is used to measure strain (deformation) on an object subjected to forces. Strain can be measured using various types of devices classified

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Second Order RLC Filters

Second Order RLC Filters ECEN 60 Circuits/Electronics Spring 007-0-07 P. Mathys Second Order RLC Filters RLC Lowpass Filter A passive RLC lowpass filter (LPF) circuit is shown in the following schematic. R L C v O (t) Using phasor

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Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude

Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude Jan Behrens 2012-12-31 In this paper we shall provide a method to approximate distances between two points on earth

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Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1

Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8  questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1 Eon : Fall 8 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 Email questions or omments to Dan Fetter Problem. Let X be a salar with density f(x, θ) (θx + θ) [ x ] with θ. (a) Find the most powerful level α test

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If we restrict the domain of y = sin x to [ π, π ], the restrict function. y = sin x, π 2 x π 2

If we restrict the domain of y = sin x to [ π, π ], the restrict function. y = sin x, π 2 x π 2 Chapter 3. Analytic Trigonometry 3.1 The inverse sine, cosine, and tangent functions 1. Review: Inverse function (1) f 1 (f(x)) = x for every x in the domain of f and f(f 1 (x)) = x for every x in the

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Other Test Constructions: Likelihood Ratio & Bayes Tests

Other Test Constructions: Likelihood Ratio & Bayes Tests Other Test Constructions: Likelihood Ratio & Bayes Tests Side-Note: So far we have seen a few approaches for creating tests such as Neyman-Pearson Lemma ( most powerful tests of H 0 : θ = θ 0 vs H 1 :

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Reminders: linear functions

Reminders: linear functions Reminders: linear functions Let U and V be vector spaces over the same field F. Definition A function f : U V is linear if for every u 1, u 2 U, f (u 1 + u 2 ) = f (u 1 ) + f (u 2 ), and for every u U

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CRASH COURSE IN PRECALCULUS CRASH COURSE IN PRECALCULUS Shiah-Sen Wang The graphs are prepared by Chien-Lun Lai Based on : Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus by J. Stuwart, L. Redin & S. Watson, 6th edition, 01, Brooks/Cole Chapter

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3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β

3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β 3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS Page Theorem cos(αβ cos α cos β -sin α cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α NOTE: cos(αβ cos α cos β cos(α-β cos α -cos β Proof of cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α Let s use a unit circle

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Parametrized Surfaces

Parametrized Surfaces Parametrized Surfaces Recall from our unit on vector-valued functions at the beginning of the semester that an R 3 -valued function c(t) in one parameter is a mapping of the form c : I R 3 where I is some

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Jesse Maassen and Mark Lundstrom Purdue University November 25, 2013

Jesse Maassen and Mark Lundstrom Purdue University November 25, 2013 Notes on Average Scattering imes and Hall Factors Jesse Maassen and Mar Lundstrom Purdue University November 5, 13 I. Introduction 1 II. Solution of the BE 1 III. Exercises: Woring out average scattering

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If we restrict the domain of y = sin x to [ π 2, π 2

If we restrict the domain of y = sin x to [ π 2, π 2 Chapter 3. Analytic Trigonometry 3.1 The inverse sine, cosine, and tangent functions 1. Review: Inverse function (1) f 1 (f(x)) = x for every x in the domain of f and f(f 1 (x)) = x for every x in the

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Finite Field Problems: Solutions

Finite Field Problems: Solutions Finite Field Problems: Solutions 1. Let f = x 2 +1 Z 11 [x] and let F = Z 11 [x]/(f), a field. Let Solution: F =11 2 = 121, so F = 121 1 = 120. The possible orders are the divisors of 120. Solution: The

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates

Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the

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Math221: HW# 1 solutions

Math221: HW# 1 solutions Math: HW# solutions Andy Royston October, 5 7.5.7, 3 rd Ed. We have a n = b n = a = fxdx = xdx =, x cos nxdx = x sin nx n sin nxdx n = cos nx n = n n, x sin nxdx = x cos nx n + cos nxdx n cos n = + sin

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Homomorphism in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Automata

Homomorphism in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Automata International Journal of Fuzzy Mathematics Systems. ISSN 2248-9940 Volume 3, Number 1 (2013), pp. 39-45 Research India Publications Homomorphism in Intuitionistic

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SOLUTIONS TO MATH38181 EXTREME VALUES AND FINANCIAL RISK EXAM SOLUTIONS TO MATH38181 EXTREME VALUES AND FINANCIAL RISK EXAM Solutions to Question 1 a) The cumulative distribution function of T conditional on N n is Pr (T t N n) Pr (max (X 1,..., X N ) t N n) Pr (max

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A Note on Intuitionistic Fuzzy. Equivalence Relation

A Note on Intuitionistic Fuzzy. Equivalence Relation International Mathematical Forum, 5, 2010, no. 67, 3301-3307 A Note on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Equivalence Relation D. K. Basnet Dept. of Mathematics, Assam University Silchar-788011, Assam, India

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Problem Set 9 Solutions. θ + 1. θ 2 + cotθ ( ) sinθ e iφ is an eigenfunction of the ˆ L 2 operator. / θ 2. φ 2. sin 2 θ φ 2. ( ) = e iφ. = e iφ cosθ.

Problem Set 9 Solutions. θ + 1. θ 2 + cotθ ( ) sinθ e iφ is an eigenfunction of the ˆ L 2 operator. / θ 2. φ 2. sin 2 θ φ 2. ( ) = e iφ. = e iφ cosθ. Chemistry 362 Dr Jean M Standard Problem Set 9 Solutions The ˆ L 2 operator is defined as Verify that the angular wavefunction Y θ,φ) Also verify that the eigenvalue is given by 2! 2 & L ˆ 2! 2 2 θ 2 +

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates

Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the

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Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics

Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics Fourier Series MATH 211, Calculus II J. Robert Buchanan Department of Mathematics Spring 2018 Introduction Not all functions can be represented by Taylor series. f (k) (c) A Taylor series f (x) = (x c)

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Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------

Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- ----------------- Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. 1. Sin ( ) = a) b) c) d) Ans b. Solution : Method 1. Ans a: 17 > 1 a) is rejected. w.k.t Sin ( sin ) = d is rejected. If sin

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PARTIAL NOTES for 6.1 Trigonometric Identities

PARTIAL NOTES for 6.1 Trigonometric Identities PARTIAL NOTES for 6.1 Trigonometric Identities tanθ = sinθ cosθ cotθ = cosθ sinθ BASIC IDENTITIES cscθ = 1 sinθ secθ = 1 cosθ cotθ = 1 tanθ PYTHAGOREAN IDENTITIES sin θ + cos θ =1 tan θ +1= sec θ 1 + cot

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Section 7.6 Double and Half Angle Formulas

Section 7.6 Double and Half Angle Formulas 09 Section 7. Double and Half Angle Fmulas To derive the double-angles fmulas, we will use the sum of two angles fmulas that we developed in the last section. We will let α θ and β θ: cos(θ) cos(θ + θ)

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DiracDelta. Notations. Primary definition. Specific values. General characteristics. Traditional name. Traditional notation

DiracDelta. Notations. Primary definition. Specific values. General characteristics. Traditional name. Traditional notation DiracDelta Notations Traditional name Dirac delta function Traditional notation x Mathematica StandardForm notation DiracDeltax Primary definition x Π lim ε ; x ε0 x 2 2 ε Specific values

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SCITECH Volume 13, Issue 2 RESEARCH ORGANISATION Published online: March 29, 2018

SCITECH Volume 13, Issue 2 RESEARCH ORGANISATION Published online: March 29, 2018 Journal of rogressive Research in Mathematics(JRM) ISSN: 2395-028 SCITECH Volume 3, Issue 2 RESEARCH ORGANISATION ublished online: March 29, 208 Journal of rogressive Research in Mathematics

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Envelope Periodic Solutions to Coupled Nonlinear Equations

Envelope Periodic Solutions to Coupled Nonlinear Equations Commun. Theor. Phys. (Beijing, China) 39 (2003) pp. 167 172 c International Academic Publishers Vol. 39, No. 2, February 15, 2003 Envelope Periodic Solutions to Coupled Nonlinear Equations LIU Shi-Da,

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SPECIAL FUNCTIONS and POLYNOMIALS SPECIAL FUNCTIONS and POLYNOMIALS Gerard t Hooft Stefan Nobbenhuis Institute for Theoretical Physics Utrecht University, Leuvenlaan 4 3584 CC Utrecht, the Netherlands and Spinoza Institute Postbox 8.195

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1 String with massive end-points

1 String with massive end-points 1 String with massive end-points Πρόβλημα 5.11:Θεωρείστε μια χορδή μήκους, τάσης T, με δύο σημειακά σωματίδια στα άκρα της, το ένα μάζας m, και το άλλο μάζας m. α) Μελετώντας την κίνηση των άκρων βρείτε

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ECE Spring Prof. David R. Jackson ECE Dept. Notes 2

ECE Spring Prof. David R. Jackson ECE Dept. Notes 2 ECE 634 Spring 6 Prof. David R. Jackson ECE Dept. Notes Fields in a Source-Free Region Example: Radiation from an aperture y PEC E t x Aperture Assume the following choice of vector potentials: A F = =

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ω ω ω ω ω ω+2 ω ω+2 + ω ω ω ω+2 + ω ω+1 ω ω+2 2 ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω+1 ω ω2 ω ω2 + ω ω ω2 + ω ω ω ω2 + ω ω+1 ω ω2 + ω ω+1 + ω ω ω ω2 + ω

ω ω ω ω ω ω+2 ω ω+2 + ω ω ω ω+2 + ω ω+1 ω ω+2 2 ω ω ω ω ω ω ω ω+1 ω ω2 ω ω2 + ω ω ω2 + ω ω ω ω2 + ω ω+1 ω ω2 + ω ω+1 + ω ω ω ω2 + ω 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ω ω + 1 ω + 2 ω + 3 ω + 4 ω2 ω2 + 1 ω2 + 2 ω2 + 3 ω3 ω3 + 1 ω3 + 2 ω4 ω4 + 1 ω5 ω 2 ω 2 + 1 ω 2 + 2 ω 2 + ω ω 2 + ω + 1 ω 2 + ω2 ω 2 2 ω 2 2 + 1 ω 2 2 + ω ω 2 3 ω 3 ω 3 + 1 ω 3 + ω ω 3 +

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Optimal Parameter in Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian Splitting Method for Certain Two-by-Two Block Matrices

Optimal Parameter in Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian Splitting Method for Certain Two-by-Two Block Matrices Optimal Parameter in Hermitian and Skew-Hermitian Splitting Method for Certain Two-by-Two Block Matrices Chi-Kwong Li Department of Mathematics The College of William and Mary Williamsburg, Virginia 23187-8795

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Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5

Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5 Solutions to Eercise Sheet 5 Let X and Y be random variables with joint pdf f(, y) = 3y( + y) where and y. Determine each of the following probabilities. Solutions. a. P (X ). b. P (X

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k A = [k, k]( )[a 1, a 2 ] = [ka 1,ka 2 ] 4For the division of two intervals of confidence in R +

k A = [k, k]( )[a 1, a 2 ] = [ka 1,ka 2 ] 4For the division of two intervals of confidence in R + Chapter 3. Fuzzy Arithmetic 3- Fuzzy arithmetic: ~Addition(+) and subtraction (-): Let A = [a and B = [b, b in R If x [a and y [b, b than x+y [a +b +b Symbolically,we write A(+)B = [a (+)[b, b = [a +b

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SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions

SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES GLMA Linear Mathematics 00- Examination Solutions. (a) i. ( + 5i)( i) = (6 + 5) + (5 )i = + i. Real part is, imaginary part is. (b) ii. + 5i i ( + 5i)( + i) = ( i)( + i)

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Section 9.2 Polar Equations and Graphs

Section 9.2 Polar Equations and Graphs 180 Section 9. Polar Equations and Graphs In this section, we will be graphing polar equations on a polar grid. In the first few examples, we will write the polar equation in rectangular form to help identify

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ST5224: Advanced Statistical Theory II

ST5224: Advanced Statistical Theory II ST5224: Advanced Statistical Theory II 2014/2015: Semester II Tutorial 7 1. Let X be a sample from a population P and consider testing hypotheses H 0 : P = P 0 versus H 1 : P = P 1, where P j is a known

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Numerical Analysis FMN011

Numerical Analysis FMN011 Numerical Analysis FMN011 Carmen Arévalo Lund University Lecture 12 Periodic data A function g has period P if g(x + P ) = g(x) Model: Trigonometric polynomial of order M T M (x) =

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Differential equations

Differential equations Differential equations Differential equations: An equation inoling one dependent ariable and its deriaties w. r. t one or more independent ariables is called a differential equation. Order of differential

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( y) Partial Differential Equations

( y) Partial Differential Equations Partial Dierential Equations Linear P.D.Es. contains no owers roducts o the deendent variables / an o its derivatives can occasionall be solved. Consider eamle ( ) a (sometimes written as a ) we can integrate

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MATH423 String Theory Solutions 4. = 0 τ = f(s). (1) dτ ds = dxµ dτ f (s) (2) dτ 2 [f (s)] 2 + dxµ. dτ f (s) (3)

MATH423 String Theory Solutions 4. = 0 τ = f(s). (1) dτ ds = dxµ dτ f (s) (2) dτ 2 [f (s)] 2 + dxµ. dτ f (s) (3) 1. MATH43 String Theory Solutions 4 x = 0 τ = fs). 1) = = f s) ) x = x [f s)] + f s) 3) equation of motion is x = 0 if an only if f s) = 0 i.e. fs) = As + B with A, B constants. i.e. allowe reparametrisations

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ΗΜΥ 220: ΣΗΜΑΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ Ι Ακαδημαϊκό έτος Εαρινό Εξάμηνο Κατ οίκον εργασία αρ. 2

ΗΜΥ 220: ΣΗΜΑΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ Ι Ακαδημαϊκό έτος Εαρινό Εξάμηνο Κατ οίκον εργασία αρ. 2 ΤΜΗΜΑ ΗΛΕΚΤΡΟΛΟΓΩΝ ΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΜΗΧΑΝΙΚΩΝ ΥΠΟΛΟΓΙΣΤΩΝ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΥΠΡΟΥ ΗΜΥ 220: ΣΗΜΑΤΑ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΣΤΗΜΑΤΑ Ι Ακαδημαϊκό έτος 2007-08 -- Εαρινό Εξάμηνο Κατ οίκον εργασία αρ. 2 Ημερομηνία Παραδόσεως: Παρασκευή

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2. THEORY OF EQUATIONS. PREVIOUS EAMCET Bits. EAMCET-. THEORY OF EQUATIONS PREVIOUS EAMCET Bits. Each of the roots of the equation x 6x + 6x 5= are increased by k so that the new transformed equation does not contain term. Then k =... - 4. - Sol.

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Commutative Monoids in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets

Commutative Monoids in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets Commutative Monoids in Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets S K Mala #1, Dr. MM Shanmugapriya *2 1 PhD Scholar in Mathematics, Karpagam University, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu- 641021 Assistant Professor of Mathematics,

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b. Use the parametrization from (a) to compute the area of S a as S a ds. Be sure to substitute for ds!

b. Use the parametrization from (a) to compute the area of S a as S a ds. Be sure to substitute for ds! MTH U341 urface Integrals, tokes theorem, the divergence theorem To be turned in Wed., Dec. 1. 1. Let be the sphere of radius a, x 2 + y 2 + z 2 a 2. a. Use spherical coordinates (with ρ a) to parametrize.

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Solution Series 9. i=1 x i and i=1 x i.

Solution Series 9. i=1 x i and i=1 x i. Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Mete SONER Coordinator: Yilin WANG Solution Series 9 Q1. Let α, β >, the p.d.f. of a beta distribution with parameters α and β is { Γ(α+β) Γ(α)Γ(β) f(x α, β) xα 1 (1 x) β 1 for < x

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CHAPTER 101 FOURIER SERIES FOR PERIODIC FUNCTIONS OF PERIOD CHAPTER FOURIER SERIES FOR PERIODIC FUNCTIONS OF PERIOD EXERCISE 36 Page 66. Determine the Fourier series for the periodic function: f(x), when x +, when x which is periodic outside this rge of period.

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Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme

Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme. (a) Note: Award A for vertical line to right of mean, A for shading to right of their vertical line. AA N (b) evidence of recognizing symmetry

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ANSWERSHEET (TOPIC = DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS) COLLECTION #2. h 0 h h 0 h h 0 ( ) g k = g 0 + g 1 + g g 2009 =?

ANSWERSHEET (TOPIC = DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS) COLLECTION #2. h 0 h h 0 h h 0 ( ) g k = g 0 + g 1 + g g 2009 =? Teko Classes IITJEE/AIEEE Maths by SUHAAG SIR, Bhopal, Ph (0755) 3 00 000 ANSWERSHEET (TOPIC DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS) COLLECTION # Question Type A.Single Correct Type Q. (A) Sol least

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Lecture 2. Soundness and completeness of propositional logic

Lecture 2. Soundness and completeness of propositional logic Lecture 2 Soundness and completeness of propositional logic February 9, 2004 1 Overview Review of natural deduction. Soundness and completeness. Semantics of propositional formulas. Soundness proof. Completeness

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Tutorial problem set 6,

Tutorial problem set 6, GENERAL RELATIVITY Tutorial problem set 6, 01.11.2013. SOLUTIONS PROBLEM 1 Killing vectors. a Show that the commutator of two Killing vectors is a Killing vector. Show that a linear combination with constant

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Variational Wavefunction for the Helium Atom

Variational Wavefunction for the Helium Atom Technische Universität Graz Institut für Festkörperphysik Student project Variational Wavefunction for the Helium Atom Molecular and Solid State Physics 53. submitted on: 3. November 9 by: Markus Krammer

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Tridiagonal matrices. Gérard MEURANT. October, 2008

Tridiagonal matrices. Gérard MEURANT. October, 2008 Tridiagonal matrices Gérard MEURANT October, 2008 1 Similarity 2 Cholesy factorizations 3 Eigenvalues 4 Inverse Similarity Let α 1 ω 1 β 1 α 2 ω 2 T =......... β 2 α 1 ω 1 β 1 α and β i ω i, i = 1,...,

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Lecture 15 - Root System Axiomatics

Lecture 15 - Root System Axiomatics Lecture 15 - Root System Axiomatics Nov 1, 01 In this lecture we examine root systems from an axiomatic point of view. 1 Reflections If v R n, then it determines a hyperplane, denoted P v, through the

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Orbital angular momentum and the spherical harmonics

Orbital angular momentum and the spherical harmonics Orbital angular momentum and the spherical harmonics March 8, 03 Orbital angular momentum We compare our result on representations of rotations with our previous experience of angular momentum, defined

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New bounds for spherical two-distance sets and equiangular lines

New bounds for spherical two-distance sets and equiangular lines New bounds for spherical two-distance sets and equiangular lines Michigan State University Oct 8-31, 016 Anhui University Definition If X = {x 1, x,, x N } S n 1 (unit sphere in R n ) and x i, x j = a

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Lecture 34 Bootstrap confidence intervals

Lecture 34 Bootstrap confidence intervals Lecture 34 Bootstrap confidence intervals Confidence Intervals θ: an unknown parameter of interest We want to find limits θ and θ such that Gt = P nˆθ θ t If G 1 1 α is known, then P θ θ = P θ θ = 1 α

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Nowhere-zero flows Let be a digraph, Abelian group. A Γ-circulation in is a mapping : such that, where, and : tail in X, head in

Nowhere-zero flows Let be a digraph, Abelian group. A Γ-circulation in is a mapping : such that, where, and : tail in X, head in Nowhere-zero flows Let be a digraph, Abelian group. A Γ-circulation in is a mapping : such that, where, and : tail in X, head in : tail in X, head in A nowhere-zero Γ-flow is a Γ-circulation such that

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General 2 2 PT -Symmetric Matrices and Jordan Blocks 1

General 2 2 PT -Symmetric Matrices and Jordan Blocks 1 General 2 2 PT -Symmetric Matrices and Jordan Blocks 1 Qing-hai Wang National University of Singapore Quantum Physics with Non-Hermitian Operators Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme Dresden,

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The challenges of non-stable predicates

The challenges of non-stable predicates The challenges of non-stable predicates Consider a non-stable predicate Φ encoding, say, a safety property. We want to determine whether Φ holds for our program. The challenges of non-stable predicates

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On a four-dimensional hyperbolic manifold with finite volume

On a four-dimensional hyperbolic manifold with finite volume BULETINUL ACADEMIEI DE ŞTIINŢE A REPUBLICII MOLDOVA. MATEMATICA Numbers 2(72) 3(73), 2013, Pages 80 89 ISSN 1024 7696 On a four-dimensional hyperbolic manifold with finite volume I.S.Gutsul Abstract. In

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Overview. Transition Semantics. Configurations and the transition relation. Executions and computation

Overview. Transition Semantics. Configurations and the transition relation. Executions and computation Overview Transition Semantics Configurations and the transition relation Executions and computation Inference rules for small-step structural operational semantics for the simple imperative language Transition

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