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1 .. IUvaOOH(1I una' EniTpon'j... npovofq TOU.IE JaO'~uT6TOU. APXIEnt(JKonou 242 Ceveand St., Redfen, Te ,,,< ~ usnaua, FGE, Y.Kai En"I'o9f'!O'QV 6naVTE~ n V U~aTO O;;. Ayou, Kai i'jpeovto AaAEiv ETEpa... vawoaoc;», (np6~ewv 2:4) OFFICIA PUBICATION OF THE GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AUSTRAIA 'ET'aa Iu.,,6po~'- Annua Subsiption $ VOUME 7 No.8 Registeed by Aus1aia Post Pubiation No NAR 3565 Teuxo; 806v MIAwVTOe; ya Ti Oxeo'1 0EoAoyioe; Koi ~w~e; otie; buo npo '1 - VOU ~ EVES ouvexeiee; TOO ap8pou TOUTOU, npoo n 08~00J,JE v6 unooe i~o ~E ~e ouvtoj,jia Ti e; OWOTee; 6voAovfEe; nou pu8 J,J!~ O U V T~ V KOTa 0eov eu8uv TWV J,JeAwv T~e;. EKKA'1o ioe;, OTO ouvoao TOUe; 6AAo Kof we; eni )Jepoue; npoownwv.. Aq,oO unev8u)j ioo J,JE TOV 661YTIKO poao nou EXOUV oi noi)jeves Koi IOOOKOAo J,Jeoo OTO ouvoao TWV motwv, n pen EI TWPO va OOO ~E, J,Je (300'1 J,JEPIKO O U YKeKp ~ eva nopooeiv)jo Ta, TO owe; oi motoi vev IK We; aopkwvouv ati K08'1)JEPIVi ~wi Koi (310- noa'1 TWV Tie; (3oOKee; oai8eee; T~e; niotews, nou EK npwt'1s 04JEWe; <poivovtoi Via TOUe; 6~U'1TOUe; 8EWP'1TIKO <POVToOioKoni- J,JOTO. ETvOi noau <PUOIKO va apxioou IJE an ' mho TO OOVJ,JO VIOTi onwe; evoi YVWOTO anote Aei TiV 010 avikouot'1 Koi TiV XOPOKT PIOTIKWTEP'1 OoOOKoAio nou ~Exwpi~EI P I ~IK6 TOV XPIOT IO VaJO 6n' oao TO aaao 8p'1 0Ke U)JOTO, aaao Koi nou ouvxpovwe; SiVEI OTO XPIOTIOVIOIJO TiV aoopa)jiaa) EUPU T'1TO, K080AIKOT'1TO Koi OPIOTIKOT'1TO TOU. MnopEi oi ooaoi motoi va J,Jiv EivOi novto oe 8eo'1 va ouaaa(3ouv - nveuijotik navto Koi oxi ouaaoyiotika - Ti V (308uTep)8EoAoVIKi OOOUOOIOT'1TO TOO Tp.aOIKOO OOV J,JOTOe;, KI o)jwe; au TO TO OOVIJO o anot i~ e 6AOKA'1p) Ti ~w i TOUe;. MnopEi o'1aooi va J,Jiv ouaaoj,j(3avouv)je naip) EvepVEo TV ono$oo OTiKi onouoo,ot'1to nou EXEI Via TV OVTfA'1J i JOe; nepi 0EOO, KOO J,J OU Koi ov8pwoou TO va noteuoj,je OTI 0 0EOe; Eiva Tpoo KOe; Koi OIJOOUOOe; OTO Tpia 0eia npoowno, ai080vovtai OIJWe; oo<paaws J,J EOO TOUe; nwe; IJIO TEToia o,oookoafo ek$pa~e Eva npwto<pov~ Kaf onopoiji AAo OUVO IJIOJ,JO nou KOToKAu~e oao KA'1p) T ~w Kof Ti O'1J,JouPyio. '0 8eoe; Tfje; HAooo<pio e;, n.x. TO '''"PWTOV KvoDv» TOO 'ApoToTeA'1, oev IJnopei va E K <PPO~E I OUVOJ,JIOJ,JO ~w~e;. oti 6 $IAooO<PIKOe; OUTOe; 8eoe; nopoj,jevei eva otoxeio onpoowno, oq,iao, onokooj,jo Ko i OKOIVWV'1TO. " Evoe; «(N6pKaaD~» eivoi KaT ' ouoiav 0 8eoe; TOO. ApoTOTeA), 0$00 oive IJev IJIO npwt) w8)oq OTOV KOOJ,JO Via vo Kv)8ei, 6AA6 EKeivoe; JEVe «ikivf]to~», o'1aaoi OOoq)QpOe;, ona8ie;, aoxetos, )J' Eva Aovo : aauykivtoe; J.mpooTo OTVTTepaTEpw "opeia Koi f,joipa TOU KOaIJOu. " Evoe; TETOIOe; eeos Ei voi IJ)XOVIK o<pet)pio Kvioewe;, ox. ~WV TO V O'1J,Joupvia Kai npovoa VIO owt) pio.. 0 TpooKo e; 0eoe; avt8hw<;, eivoi J,JIO oevo ) 6VOKUKA'1o '1 Kof ouaaetoupvfo ovon) e; Kof ~wfje; evootpaokw<; npwtiotwe;. To 8Eia npoowna TfjS. Avioe; Tp ooae; eupiokovtoi ouvexwe; Koi aooaefntwe; oe J,J'0 (308UTOTO «nepixwpf]af]», 0' EVa 80 AEyo IJe app)kto Koi aa)kto 6AA'1AoEVOVKOAI0J,J0 oneipou ov6n'1c;. nou oeixve OTi oev exouv KO J,JJ,JIO 6noAuTWe; J.ETO~U TWV oo op6 Duaiae; KO! 8eAiJ.aTo;. aaao Koi nou e~oo oai~ei ouyxpovwe; T'jV 60UYXUT'1 OKEPOIOT]TO Kof TIIJi TOO Kaee npoownou.. AOI- E>EOI\OnA ~A'IE IZ{i'F jodo\.~chd'ocess OF AUSTRAIA ST. ANDREWS THEOOGICA CO EGE () IBRARY OIPETWC; "on6v evw~e:va Ka! iauyxu TWC; nepixwpou~ EVa TO pia npoawna OTiV EOWTEP 1K TWV ~w.. AAA6 Kaf atii axe-a TWV «np6~ o e{w». TO 'ioo EVWJ..IEVa I-IEVO UV Ka! aauyxuto n :i np6- Dwna T~ S 'Avie; TPI06o), wae Ko8e EvepYEo TWV va eivo KOIV. - ETm 6UJoupyei EK TOU J.I.,oev6~ 6 notp. 010 TaU Viou EV. Ayi'+ nveuj,oti.. OA6K'\~P~ ~ TTopeia T~, 6~ ~, oupyia" OTTO T~ V opx~ ~E XP ' auvteaeioe; TWV oiwvwv, eivo. J,JIO «OiKDvDJ.Jia,., eva «VDIKDKUpEUJja» TOO KOOJ,JOU nou TO npovj,jotonoioov OOOOXIK6 TO n po owno T~ e; 'Aviae; Tpaooe; YIO va TOV 60'1V'j00uv OTiV OWT'1pio. ~ ETm EXO J,JE oe npwt'1 OOI TV oikovoj,jio TOO notpoe;, oe oeu Tep'1 CPOO'1 Tiv OiKOvoJ,Jio TOO YioO, Koi oe TpiT' oo' TiV OiKOVO IJia TOO 'AViou n veu J,JOTOe;.. 0 Vioe; ovepwvei OTOV KOO)JO TOV n OTepo, Koi TO n veo J,Jo ovepwvei TOV Via.. Ev TOUTOIC; Ko f OTOV evov8pwnf~e J,Jovov 6 Vioe;, Sev XWp i ~ETO I ana TOV notepo Kof TO nveoj,jo, OUTE noai OTO V nej,jnetoi TO n VEO J,JO XWpf~ETO ana TOV n OTEpO Kof TOV Vio. Oi o)jeoe; npoktk e<; ouvene EI) YIO Ti ~wi ma ~.H O TeTOo T pa60aoy.ki 8eoAovio, etvoi ~ nenoi8f')o'1 OTi 0 KOO~Oe; OTO ouvoao TOU evoi epyo avd nf') C; Koi npovoioe; TOO SeoO. ~ E voe; TeTOIOe; KOOIJOe; J,Jnopei ~ev iotopiko Ko f XPOV IKO va xwpi~etoi oe KOO)JO npo XPIOTOO Koi!JETO XPIOTOV, am' OJTO 6ev o'ijoive OTI a8tes oi Suo iotopkee; doeie; oaa'aoo nokaeiovtoi. Oi XPIaTovoi 6ev )Jnopouv VO onoppijouv J,JiTE va un otj,j i oouv O, TIO SEOe; eoij,jioupy'oev EK TOO J,J'oevas 610 TOO YioO EV 'AVi4J nveujon.. a npo XPIOTOO.; 6 ~akpov OKO~' TOO XPIOTOO eupiokoj,jevoe; KOO J,JO e; 6ev noue va EX! OT'j P!~O TOU on6 T'j OTIV)JI) Tfe; EK TOO J,J'J6evo ; O'J,Joupvioe; 8EIJeA0 TOV ~I O I O TOV /\OVo TOO 0eoO. ' auto ako)j' Koi ndvw ana TO OKOTOOIO Koi TO npwtopxiko Xdo; Tf ; O'J,Joupvioe; «nveujjo BEOU fne Epeo,. (EV. 1 : 2).. OAOKAIP' Aomov Ti O'~oupV i o TOU 0eoO 8d Ti V 600J,e 6oaanooT) Koi EVIOio OTiV npwtopxiki iepot'to Tie;, VIOTi Via DAo TO otoxeio T' e; ono av8,ke 0 SEOe; OTI eivoi «Ko16 Aiav,. ( ev. 1 : 31). Kei oev J,JnopoOOE va eivoioopopetka, 0$00 TO EKTIOE «fk od Jjf]6EV6~» 0 Seo;, o'aoo fj onwe;. EKeivoe; ii8eae ' ~ Av ~ )JoTia )Joe; 6ev EXEI OUTi Ti v oj,jepoanti euput'to, TOTE - xwpie; -Iowe; va TO KO To Ao~a ivo!j e - SIXOTOJ,JoO)Je aueai PETO OXI J,Jovoxa Ti 6')JOuPvia, oaa6 OIXOTOIJO O)JE Koi TfJ V ~I O I O Ti V ouoio TOO SeoO, WOO v oaao; Sea) va eo'j,joupv'oe TOV KOO J,JO, Koi aaaoc; 0eo; va EPXETOI Via va TOV owoe Eivo ovepo nwe;)je TEOIO EUPUTTO npene va SOO J,JE Kof TO OPIO Tfje;. EKKA'oioe;. ' Eov oao TO KTIOTO eivoi nepouaio TOU SEOO, TOTe eivo. autovoto OTI oaoka'p' OU TfJ ) nepouaio npene va ~nei OTiV «<pwt6,. Tfje; OWT'pioe;, 6'A06i v6 IJETO~ OP w8ei oe 0 8opoio. "OAo TO KTI OTO npenei va EVaW J,J OTWeOOV OTiV. EK KA'oio nou eivoi Ii BOOiAEio TOO SEOO. oti ~O VOV we; «ovoi<e ooiwaf] TWV n6vtwv» (. E EO. 1 : 1 O)"opuoe 0 XPIOTOI) TV. EKKA,oia. Be(301o oi opo~oi nou oivouv oi 8EOAovoi nepi 77

2 , EKKA'aio e; nepopi~ovtci ouvi8ws ato va Tiv XOPOKT'piaouv ws «~v xdpm KOvwvio BEOu Koi dvtjpwttwv», anoviw; nepiaoj,f30vovtoc; KonOTe a ' OUT~ T~ V KOvw vio Koi TOUC; oyyeaou;1 Teoo OJ,WC; opojoi EXOUV IJIO EK n.ov npotepwv 6E6oJ,ev' ov8pwnoj,oviotiki J,OVOJ,epeIO, YI ' auto 6ev ovtonokpivovto ato npoyj,oa. ' EV41 OUJ,q>WVO Je TO ou8evtiko 6e6oJ,evo J,Oe; ana TIV. Ayio p oq>~ Ka i TI V ' Iepo nop0600' 8anpene va 6waoJ,e nepinou TOV OKoAou80 yevtkwtoto 6poIJ0 Tie; ' EKKA") o io e;: «'EKKAf}aia E/VGI I} Kod xapv KOvwvia KTaTOU Koi oki aou aauvxuw~ Kai ooiopiw }"». ' auto OKpf3we; OTis. Op806o~es eikove;, nou J,Oe; 6ei XVOUV TOV J,ETaJ,Opq>WJEVO KOOJ,O TaU Seou, 6ev f3,aenoje J,OVOXO npoowno, oaao Kof ~wo Koi f3ouvo Koi notoj,io Koi nepe; Koi ~uao, Koi Ao ove~ophws TO KTiaJ,O TO TaU Seou. io TOV ~ Aoyo Koi OTIV ' Op8060~' AOTpeio JOe; EXOUV TiV onopof3,ioot' 8eo' TOUC; Ko i Ao TO UAIKO oyo80 Tie; 6)Joupyia;: TO,+,W)..Ii. TO Kpooi, TO vepo, TO A061, TO ouyo, TO OToq>uAIO, TO Kepi, TO AIf3, OVI, TO av8' Koi aaao. " ETOI 6. Op8060~oS moto; npoun08hovtoe; )..110 TOOOV eupeio «EKKAf}0I0Aovia», nou TIv npo6ko~e KO VOvoTIKa ~ «TpaooAovia», 6ev evo onaw; OVOIKTOS ya 610Aoyo Je Ka8e av8pwno KoAie; 8eAioewe;, oaao Koi oio80veo we; «ooea ot;» JE Ao TO OTOIxeio T;e; q>uoews. ~ O n we; EKove KI 6 poykiokoe; Tie; ' Aooi~'e; nou EAeye 66eAq>o TaU T~V o)..uy6aa0, TOV aveijo, TO yoi60upaki TOU, ~ Koi TO 010 onojokpo OOTepio ei e; TaU S onepoue; yoao~ i e; TaU OTepeWJOTOe;.. AAAa J~n we; OKOJ' no ouy KAoVIOTIKOe; 6ev etvoi a ' OUT~ TI v nveuj,otiki euput'to ou 6., AYoe; ' aook 6 OpoC; nou ~~epe va aujnovo Koi va npooeuxe Ta Kof va KAoie OKOIJ' «Kai unip.iiv tx8p.iiv ijt; aaf}8eo:;», OKOJ' Koi «unip wv OGPovwv»/ B. T6 XPIO'TOAoYIKO 6yJ,Jo ' H onou6c10t'to KoiTOO 6oY IJ OTO e; TOUTOU eva npoq>ovis.. Ano TOV Tpono J,e TOV 6noio I'). EKKA'oio OVTAOIJf3aVETOI TO n poowno Kof TO epyo TaU XPIOTOU, E~OpTaTOI OJ,EoO Ii owt")pio.. 0 ' 16puT~ S T~S. EKKA~aas KupoS 6vo ~a ~ETa :!:wt~pas, akpf3we; YoTI 6ev evo anawe; EVOS 616aoKOAoe; TaU oyo80u i EVOS npoq>it'e; onwe; oi npo OUTOO. ' 0 XpoTOe; evo i KOPUq>WO', i EKnAipwo' Kof TO TeAoe; Ka8e npoq>")teio;, i JOV061Ki Koi eaeoi- 61K' 6UVOToT'TO owt'pioe;. EvCI «iaeo:; BED}"» Ya voj,nopei va 8eponEuoei TeAeiwe; Koi va AUTpwoe.. TOV Ctv8pwno. Eivo OIJWC; Koi «iaeo:; 6v8pwno:;» ya va JnopEi va yive «npwookoe:; ",ja,,~ K Tia.w~» (KoA. 1 : 15). OJ 6u6 <puaeis TOU Kupou, ~ eea 6]Ao6i Kat i av8pwmv', nou Evw8'KOV «oauvxu w:; Koi piw:;» OTO JOVa61KO npoowno TaU XPIOTOU, 6nOTeAouv TiV no neotiki J,opTupio OTI 6 Seo; oyon]oe oa'81vo TOV av8pwno Koi ToV KOO)..O. ' Eq>' ooov 6 dv8pwnoe; 80 mateuoe Koi 80 an06ex8ei OUTi Tiv 010 OViKOUOT' Evwo] 8eou Koi 6v8pwnivou ato npoowno TaU Kupiou, 6ev unopxe VOTOe;... OA] J,J0e; I') q>80ptot'to Koi i 8V'TOT'TO J.ETOJ.Opq>WVOVTOI oe o80vooio eq>' ooov EVaw IJOTw80uJe J.e Ti J.ETOVOIO Koi TO MuonPo TaU XPIOTOO ato novoyo WJo Tau nou evo I'). EKKA'oio. ~ OJ.We; OUTI i q>iaov8pwnio TOO GeoO 6ev npenei va 8ewP' - 6ei )..I")XOVIKi ~ J,JOYIKi IJETOJOpq>WO'.. H owt]pio, Yo va evoi npoy!jotiki, npene va nep ooei an ' TO otooio Tie; iv8p.mv's 60uv'e;. Au TOe; amwote eivoa Aoyoe; nou 6 XPIOToS J..eo Tiv ' AVOOTOO] KOTep]Ke «pixpe:; ~A5ou TOJ.Eiwv». eeoaovik~ :t:xoa~ TOU AnO:t:TOI\OV ANIIPEOV ' AvoKovouTo 6T1 ~6f) yvovo bektee; OIT')OEIe; Eyypa ~e; on6 600ue; etteuijouv va o1t')oouv eie; T')V EeoAoYIK')V xoa')v IJOe; 610 T6 oko61ijoik6v hoe; 1987, Kof npene va EXOUV unopa'eei IJEXPI TEAoue; AuyouOTou TOU T')V KaAuep Kof 6IKOI6Tep' EnAOy') nov ev6o epojevwv va ot\oouv ~ouv 60eei 0XETIICEe; 66yes eje; TOUe; KOTO T6noue; ' epe:ie;. nopakoaouvo oj ev6io ep6jevo vo aneueuv60uv eie; T6v ' IEpEO Tie; nepox~e; TOUe;. 78 ~ Av eivo UPPoTIKO va ntoteue Kovefe; nwe; 90 J..nopoOoe va owoei ~ OVo; TOU ToV eouto TaU, TOoO PAooq>]J..o 80 ~TOV va nepj,eve 6 av8pwnos n08'tika Kof xwpi~ npoawoiko iywvo Tiv owt")pio Qvwgev. Mie Aomov niot] 6EWP'TIKi xwpie; epyo - YIOTi TEOIO nfot] EXouv Kof TO 60JoVI0 - JiTe noai epyo xwpfs q>opo SEOU Kof euaof3eo, YoTi (fiou 5IKow8'}aETGI ff epvwv vo/jou "Gao a6p(» (Pw~. 3 : 20). ~ Onoos noipvet OTO oof3opo T~V ' Evov8pwn]o' TaU XPIooO Kat Tie; OUO q>uoeie; onwe; evw8")kov app] KTO Koi ovenovo A]na OTO 8eov9pwmvo n poowno Tau, oev ovexeot va unotiij'9ei IJ~Te va iok ") 8Ei OTO eaoxoto KOIJJ.IO ino Tie; 6uo OUTeS q>uoee;. Kof of ouo npenei va «OuvEpy}aouv»Yo va EmTEux8ei inoteaeo JOTI KO TO yeyovos T ~e; ow T]p ioe;. 4-'aAAovTos Kof 616aOKoVTO e; I'} ' EKKA]o o!joe; (I 6 Xp IOTO e; «owf}pio!ipv6aoo fv J.io~ ij~ yije:;», ojoaoyei OTI owt ")pio J Oe; 6ev evoi EVa npoowoiko KaTOp9wI-IO TOO en i JepOUe; 0I0TOO, 6AAo npoowmk~ I-IETOXi OTi OWTiPIO XOP' nou J,e TOV 8ovaTo Tau e~ooq>a Aoe 6 XpIOTOe; «f 6nof» Yo OAOKA'P ") TiV 6v8pwnoT]To. IT~V t>opiooi"ki Aotnov iv8pwnopeokei0 TWV euoef3iotwv Kai aiv onoi0060~] 66ot>opio TW V infotwv, i ' Op6060~io OVTTOOOe T~ V nepi «ouvepyeio:;» OIOOOKOAiO T'S, «IUVEPYOUC:; B!ou" 6ev ovo~o~e TOUe; motoue; Kaa ' AnOOTOAoe; nooaoe;(a' Kop. 3 : 9); Evo OUYKIV]TKO VO f3,ae ne Koveie; J.E nooous TPCnoue; 6 6nAos aaaa f308e10 8p]oKeUOJ,eVOe; Aooe; JOe; Eixe T~V EJnveuo' va EK6]Awoe T ~V nepi «auvepyeot;» 9Efou Koi 6v6pwnivou nopoyovtoc; n e noi8'0~ TaU, nou onwe; { mo)..e 6noTeAei Ti V ne-nauaia TOO XpoToAoYIKoO Ko awt]poaoyikoo OOYJ,OTOe;. S6 KAefoo J..E TOO TO TO ap8po IJO e; nopa8etovtoe; TO okoaeu60 XOPOKT'PoTIKinoTo nop06eiy}jo: Jexp o~jjepo OW~OVTOI oe noam ~EP~ T ~S. EAA660S - i610tepa OT~ 8.. EAAi6a - tis Kupa OVO)..OTO TO 'Ayopao'TOC; Koi TO poj,jj,jevoc;. n oao yvwpi~ouv OKOJ] nwe; npoeku410v Kof Ti o])..ioivouv auto TO 6uo nepiepyo 6VO ~ OTO; nwe;!jnopei Evoe; 6v8pwnoe; va 6VOJa~ETOI «'Avopoooe:;» i «poppivo:;»; ' 0 OKOUpOOTOe; JUOT")e; N.. n EV T(iK]e; nou OUVT'PEi OKOJ] 6voJeoo J,0 e; TO euyeveotepo «fv8uptij.oo» and Ti J,o Kpawvo Ko8]Jepvi npoakuv]o' TOG ~as OTa <VKaTa T ~ S A ETOUPVIK~S ~v~~~s T~S. Opeo6o~as, ~ou eowke npoaq>oto Ti OXET I K~ e~~y ]o"). ~ OTOV, AEEI, EVa ~e uy op i 6ev KOToq>epvE vo TeKvonoioEI, nopokoaoooe ToV XPIOTO Koi T~V novayio vo oteaouv Eva n0161. Kof 6ev 80 TO 6ewpoOoov 61KO TOUe; napa TaU XPIOoO Kof Tie; novoyioe;. ~ OTOV Aomov uotepa ono n pooeux~ Koi v'oteio yevvotov TO nooi, TO niya VOV Kof TO on08eov IJnpOoTO OTOO Noou Tie; eikovee;. To ~ovonopvov oo niti JOVO oq>ou enaipwvav EVa nooov Ya va 9UJ..OOVTOI o oa] Tf) ~wf) TOUe; nwe; TO nooi ~TOV «avopaopivo» Kof KOTOXWP ")J, EVO OTO KOTOOTOIXO Ti e; ' EKKAf)oioe;, o'a06i «ypoppivo». n Oe; aaaoe; AooS 6Ai8E0 nupoktw8]ke ono T~ q>wto Tis niotews a' auto TO po8j..0, WOTe VO KOvet TEOee; K09'J,epIVes EVOOpKEe; «ooaoaf}jji Ee:;» J..e TOV XPIOTo Kof Ti novovia; Move 6 ToneiVOe; ' Ope060~0e;. EAA'vIKoe; Aooe; KO Tooex6'Ke vo q>8aoe 6no 8eio TpeAAo J EXPI nopokpouoews oti 9p'OKeUTIK~ TOU ~wi. Koi auto, YIOTi i 8eoAoyio TWV ' Op8060- ~wv 6ev eivoi 6 op80aoyi0j,0e; TOU ioeoaojoo, «PPWOIC:;» Kof i «noa e:;» 6no TiV Tpone~o Tii e; ~wiie; TWV «EK(f}TOUvwv ov Kupov» nevj1twv. EJnepKf) oikeiwo) Kof KOTOq>Oo] TaU 6no KOTOPoAiie; KOOJOU «ia aypivou opviou». + A.. Geek Othodox Ahdioese of Austaia ST. ANDREWS Theoogia Coege ANNOUNCEMENT Appiations fo enoment at St. Andew's Theoogia Coege fo the aademi yea 1987 ae now being aepted and shoud be submitted by the 31st August Fo the bette and faie seetion of new students, appopiate dietions have been given to the oa Paish Piests. Pesons inteested shoud appoah thei Paish Piest.

3 . ~ '.:.. -: ' ', ," '. (IIOUK. 8 : 1 B). Mv ~~Ta 6n6 ~o ~ KavEvo eau ~a 6 Xp at 6~' KUPaK 17 AuyouoTou (MaTe. 14 : 14-22) EXEI i6aitep~ a~~aoia T6 y Vov6~ on 6.ap TO~ T;;~ (w;;~» (' Iweiv. 6 : 35), 6 «mivtotf (a8f(;jevo~ KG! JfJOfnOTE oanavw/je VO~» (moupyia XpuaoaT6~ou), AtT6~ nai 6IaK~pu~E nw~ «OUK En' apt4j p6v4j (tjoftoi avepwno~» (IIOUK. 4 : 4), oaxoaeitoi a~~epa ~e T~ 6aTpop~ EVO~ na~eou~, ~e Aiya 4'W~IO Kai 6uo VOpiO.. YnaPXEI e6tij,.11(:] avavipp" KOTopao TWV PIWTIKWV Koi KOIVWVIKWV J.OC; avaykwv 6n6 TOV XptaTO nau ppovti\ei Via Ti 8epaneia 6n6 6ppujOTIEC;. VCi TO VTUOIj..JO TWV YUj..JVWV, v'a TiV napvopo TWV novei-evwv - TEAIKO Via Tiv avaoo) wv VEKpWV. noaa uxvo nepopi<oujje TW 6noooA,; J.OC;, TOV XPI OToVoJ.6 OKOJ..J' Koi T6v ",6,0 T6v 8e6. oo nveu IJOTKO, ani AapEia T~~ ' EKKA~aio~, ato 61opopo <pya AE~~Oauv~~. BA<nOUiJE av KoBe 6""0 napa 6PI-Jo610T'TO /Joe; TO v6 oo8ouj,je 6inAa OTOV noxavto na'a/ov IJOC;, ativ au".movoio, auj.na SEta Koi ouj.mopaotooj TOO 6nOouo"nOTE ouvov9pwnou ~oe;. ::EXVa~E nwe; 6 XpIOTOe; ~ae; onokoauntetot OTO OUYKEKPI j,jevo np60wno nou OVTIj,JETwnj~ouj..JE OE j,jio ouykekpij,jevi wpo Koi OE,.110 ouykekpij,jeviovoyki. M Aj,Jo OEV UnPETI9Ei Ii OvaYKI OUT" TOO OOEA >oo IJOe; - { ITE E~u nipeteitoi J.E npooeux" {ITE J.E 4'w~i - T6TE napa~eaeitoi 6 '1610~ 0 0E6~ (Mae. 25 : 40, 45). /).EV 96npEnE a novej.evo e; ~ neiv00j.evoe; va t1>uyeon6 J.oe;xwpie; KanOIO avanouoi: «au XPfiov EXOUOIV mfa8fiv>j (at. 16). T 6 nopo60~o EivOt m.tie; oi "10101 nou VOJ.j~OUJ.E nwe; EXOUJ.E T"V 6E6000TI EvToA" va KIPUTTOUJ.E. vo «noi(oupe>j TOUe; Xpoovoue; Koi vo PO6oJ.E ono TO u,+,oe; T~e; nveuj.otikotitoe; J.O e; TOUe; ooea$oue; j,joe; nou OEv YvWPIOOV ov Xpoo (i mo OWOTa. ov Xpoo onwe; VO J.j~OUJ.E nwe; Tov yvwpiooj.e EJ.Eie;!), EJ.,Eie; nou E IJ.,OOe TOOO YEJ.,OTOI ono TOV eouo j,joe; Koi T"V open; J.,IOe; nou oui~ouj.,e j,je TOV Xpioo, oov j,j ae; ~ITeEi KaTI o OUYKE KPIj,J EVO Via va ~OEI 6 KOOf,JOC;, npopoaaouj,je TV «ane/vi}» TV 6VEnaPKEIa J.,IOe;: «OUK EXOPEV Waf fi J.!/J nivf tipou; Koi AVO ixbua;» (o. 17). ::EXVOJ,JE OIJWe; nwe; OEV KoAouj,JE60 va OWOOUJ,JE Ka n OIKO j,joe; 6AAd Ko oo 8EOO, EKEivo nou 6 XptOOe; npoat1>e PE oov KOOj,JO, 01A06" "v 6Van. ::EXVO j,je OKOJ.I nwe; TO Aivo nou «fxdupf» oev EIVOt OIKO IJO e; 6AA o TaU 8EOU, 61A06, Via ov 6AAo. «BAinuf ouv m.ii; OKDUETE' o; yap iav ix(] oo8jouoi Gutjj, Koi o; iav pi} fx(] KO; 6 OOKEi XfIV ap81}oftoi an ' outod». TO 800j,Jo 80 TO KOVEI Au TO e;, 6v Koi OTOV XPEIO~ETOt. f:::jev onotei 6no j,joe; n opo oo~o OIIJEio oaao napa600j TeAeia oov ouvav- 9pwno ~a ~. BepOio EIVOI EUKOAo va OKEt1>8Ei KOVEi<; AVai VEV1K Koi 06p10TI npeneioijwe; vo 6VO~IT E i KOVEie; AVai npoowmkti, AU OI nou va 6pxi~EI IJE T" OIK') TaU npoo<>opa. M IAoe; VH) novo nou unopxei ' anoauve TOV. MIAo<; Via TO,+, EOOOe; nou KUPIOPXEI' 6VTiopaOE j,je TV 6A,,8EIO, MIAo e; Via tiv 60Kia n00 ~anawve TOI' EnovooTOTI OE IJe niv 6van oou. oi KI eowotov OIIJEPIVO KOO IJO UnaPXEI «EpfJpO;» (o. 13). KI EOW unopxei 6VaVK' noaa (at. 15), oaa6 KI E&ij J.,nopEi va ouj,jpei TO 8aOj,Ja oo noaaanaa OIOOJ.OO. p8dvei va IJnOpoO },JE va 6n08eTOUJ.,E i ~W jjoe; EvWmov TOO 8EOU : «<PiPOf POI (auov;j wof" (o. 18). ITO XEPO TaU 8Emi: «i ayov navu; KGi EXOPToo9'oav, KG; fjpgv T6 nepoaeiov..." (at. 20). n. ' 1. X. SUNDAY 17 AUGUST (Matt. 14: 14-22) It is patiuay signifiant that the "bead of /ife " (John 6 : 35), who "is aways onsumed and neve exhausted" (itugy of Chysostom). who peahed that "man sha not ive by bead aone " (uke 4 : 4), is today peoupied with the feeding of a mutitude, with some oaves and two fish. Thee is hee an undoubed affimation of wody and soia needs on the pat of Chist who aes fo humanity, heas its wounds, desses its nakedness and onsoes its pain - utimatey who esuets its dead. How often we estit ou mission, Chistianity and even God Himsef. 10 spiitua affais, to Chuh sevies, to vaious woks of haity. We tun eveywhee in ode to tun away fom ou esponsibiity to stand beside ou suffeing neighbou, to sufe with, symphahse and suppot ou evey feow human being. We foget that Chist is e veaed though the speifi peson that we fae at a speifi time and with a speifi need. If this need is not seved - whethe by paye o by bead - God Himse f is negeted (Mat. 25 : 40, 45). No peson suffeing o hungy shoud eave us without some onsoation : "They need not depat " (v. 16). The paadox is that whie we beieve that we have the God-given ommand to peah, to "at" as Chistians and assit fom the heights of ou spi ituaity those of ou bethen who have not ome 10 know Chist (o, moe oety. who have not ome to know Chist as we th ink thai we know Him!). whie we ae so fu of ouseves and of ou vitue thai we identify with Chist. when we onfont an issueof ife and death fo Ihe wod, we popose ou insuffiieny "in a humiity": "We ony have hee five oaves and two fishes" (v. 17). We foget Iha we ae aed to give nothing but what beongs to God, what Chist offeed the wod, namey ove. Futhemoe we fo get Ihat the itte ''we do have" is not ous but fom God and beongs to ou neighbou. " Take heed theefoe, how ye hea: fo whosoeve hath, to him sha be given: and whosoeve hath not, fom him sha be taken even that whih he seemeth to have" (Matt. 8 : 18). Chist then does not expet miaes fom us; He wi pefom miaes, if and when Ihey ae needed. Chist does not demand sange signs fom us but simpy suende in ove to ou neighbou. Of ouse it is aways easy to offe a genea and abstat so ution. One must, howeve. seek a pesona soution, a so ution that ommenes fom onesef and invoves onesef. If you ae ompaining about pain, do something to ead iate it: i you ae woied about the hypoisy aound you, then po test with you sineity: if you ae onened about injustie in the wod, then evot with you ove. Fo in this wod. too. ae thee "deset paes" (v. 13) and many needs (v. 15); but at the same time th e miauous feeding of the mutitudes an ou hee, if we deposit ou ife befoe God: "Bing them hee to me" (v. 18). In the hands of God: "they did a ea t, and wee fied; and they ook up the fagments that emained... (v. 20). F J. C. NEA.IEY0YN:!:H PA<I>EI!N APXIEnI:!:KOnH:!: ME/\BOYPNH:!: 307 Buney Steet, Rihmond. Vi T.,h, '..,...'.",..".."."""".",.""""""",... 79

4 "Oav, npiv noaa6 Xp6V IO, eixe yive I npooo o ov OiKOU ~ EV I K6 nopopx'. A8voy6pa, va IJETo epei TO n opopxeio Konou 6""00.!-ETa ') v Q!J06IK'} eni8eof TWV TOUPKWV KOH n.ov EAAf')vwv OTV n6ai. T6v EnTEI-'PPIO TOO 1955, 6 oeijjvotos notpiopx's an']vtoe apvittko, 6,KOIOAoYWVTOS v 6:pvno'] TOU J-E TO E~fi<; "OVIO: «Ka; TO DOa TWV npovdvwv pm;, nod 86 6 ap,oqujjf!.; 6nou 1<1 av na,of/(; a. auto TO XW/JO, UfTOPXOUV 6"(0 JJa~ KOKKoAa. AUTO O V 86 yvei no{..».. HA8o/JE oov navwupko TOUTO. EanepvD, 66 "4>01 J.I0U, Via va 6oS600U J-E TO "OVDJ.O TaU TPI06,KOU 0eou, TOU OVTW<;. «f)oupgoou tv ai) 'Ayio!) Auou». "HA8ojJE Vo TO Bi:AOjJE!JOVOI jjot;. xwpi<; KOI_1I0 e~wtep IK'J ni o'j i esavaykooijo. Kai IJE v napouoia!joe; EK6)AwVOU J-E T') V ouj-nopootoo 'J J- oe:, OT, V KOvwvio nvv. Ayiwv Tii e:, 'EKKA)oioe:, J-oe:,. To AE ij)ovo TWV ' Ayiwv, J-npOOTO OTO anoia npooeuxoj-oote, J-oe:, KOVOUV ~wv+ TOV') Koi T') 61K') TOUe:, nopouoio 6VO J-EOO J- Oe:" 'AnOJ,.E, TV EVTOVI napouoio Tiie:, EKAEKTii e:, VUJ-CPIe:, TaU XP IOTOU, nopo+ OKEU fe:, Tii e:,. A8A ICPoPOU Koi. OOIO J-OpTUPOe:,. NUJ-$1 XPIOTOU, Tf;V WOJ-OOE. EKKAIOio J-O e:,. 8EAoVTOe:, J-E T')V EiKOVO TaU yoj-ou va EKCPPOOEI (mao KOt 6vnAInTo T')V 6nAET ~ xop6 T~ e;. Avioe; wi TO ~EvoAEiov T~e; 66~ ~ e; TOU 0eou ouyxp6vwe:,. I:T')V EKCPPOOTfK') EiKOVO TOU YOJ-OU apioketa Ii eae IOTEPI h6')awoi Tiie:, ovone:, TOU 0EOU npoe:, TOV Qv8pwno. nou ~EnEpVOEI TO DPIO TOU J-OVIKOU EPOOTOU. K08we:, enioie:, Kai Tii e:, avon)«; TaU 6v6pwnou npo e:, TOV 8 EOV. OTO. Onoiov J-OVOxa EupioKEI avonauoi1. KaTo TOV )"6vo TOU iepot AUVOUOT tvou.. H EiKOVO TOU VO J-OU, nopj-evion ' T')V"16,0 T'J ~W, 6Ev EXEI OKano va J-0e:, 6WOEI J-10 i6eoaiotk') 8EwPI01 Tiie:, ~wfe:,. MoAAov. 6ive OTOV av8pwno, OTOV Ka8Eva J-ae:" J-IO evotito 8ewpioe:, Koi n p6~ ~ e; ~eoa OT~ n ootik~ T60~ T~e; ~w~e;. 6ivEI OKpaWe:, auto nou npoo$epei OTOV av8pwnoa I:OPKW+ J-EVO e:, Vioe:, TOU 8eou: «' EVei ja8ov 'iva (w'/v Xwo/ Koi ft PIOOOV EXWOI' ( w6v. 10 : 1 a). AU T~ T~V 6KEpaI6T~TO, O UT~ T~ V n A ~p6 - Ti TO Tii e:, v Xp IOT43 ~wiie:, T')V E~100V oi "AVIOI. nou EVIVOVVIO J-oe:, 6eiKTE e:, pwevoi Koi motoi 661voi J-O ~. Via va J-nOpEOOUJ-E va ~~oau~e KI E ~ E ie; ~o~i TOUe; T~ V "16,a na ~pot~to T~e; EV XPIOTt;; ~w~e;, O~~EPO, ~e Tie; 61Kee; ~o e; npoun08eoeie; OT~V AUoTpoAio. "Av pisauj-e J-10 J-OTIO OTa ouvosopio Kai TO MapTupoAoVa TWV. AViwv, oopoawe:, 60 ovokaau4jouj-e TOV i610itepa Tp6na J-E TOV 6noo Ko8e DOIOe:" KoBe J-OpTupae:" K08E CiVae:, E~10e T6v <PWTO T~e; 'Op8060~ io e;, T~ ~UO TIK~ 6v6n~ ~ e TOV Nu~<!>io XPI OT6, OE EVO XOPJ-6ouvo novwupi nveu J-OTKOU va J-ou J-E TOV Eeov, nou apxoe e6w OT') vii Kai ouvexi~e TWPO ot6v oupavo. T DO KOt TETOIO ~TOV Ii OKOToviKITI eowtep IK') 61aSEo TWV AViwv, woe va npoxwpouv npoe:, TO J-apTUpIO, OOVVO n')voivov OT') xapo TOO VOJ-OU. ' H. Avia. OOI0~6pTUe; nop OOKEU~ <VIVE ~ EKAEKT~ VU ~<!>~, nou 6EXTIKE T')V CPWv') TaU NUjJ$iou XP IOTOU Kai os Iw81Ke Tfj e:, avw KA')oewe:,. 'Oe:, J-OPTUe:, XP IOTOO, oaoj,.uxo EnoSIoe TOV 0eov Kaf EAaaE T6v OTE OVOV Tfj«; ~wfje:,. Koi OV06Etx8'Ke, onwe; J)oAoJ-e OTOV ' Eonepvo, «OUVOI/Aoe; 'AVVAwv, VUI!J TOO nav+ 6vOKTOt;, OKEDot; TOO nv UIOTOe;». av - EM~VEe;. Op8660~0I, <XOU~E buo 6UV010Ue; ~ayv~tee; nou jjoe:, EAKUOUV npoe; TOV 8EOV: T'JV OiKoVEveo Kai T')V. EKKAI aa: T')V KaT ' OiKOV. EKK AIoia Kai TO I:wjJa TaU XPIOTOU OTO 8Eav8pujmvo KaSi6puJ-a, nou EVVUOTOI T')V OWTIPo jja e;. To on In jja~euei oaa TO J-EAI Tfje; OiKOVEVEIOe:" onwe; Ii. EKKAoia K'tpuYfJO fie; ov 'EonEpvov ye; 'Ay.nOpooKwije; Bfaktown. N.S. W. "v 25'1v '/ouaiou 1986, und EV. 'ApXIEpuKoiJ 'mpoi1du, n. M,A mioou Xpuoauyij. 80 NYM<I>H XPI:TOY* OUVOVEI DAo TO aannoj-evo J-EA' Tie:, OT'}V npooeux'j, OT,V AOTpeia, OTV KOIV) T pone~a. M Eoa OT UVaSI1 TOUTI, OTOV novw upko TOUTO. EonEpv6. oi "AVIOI apiokovtoi OE AEITOUp VIK') KOvwvio J-a~i ).JOe; KO! jjoe; EjJnVEOUV va 6KoAoue~aOUJ-E TO napooeivijo TOU<;.. Av6 epo OT)V 6pX~ T)V OUVKIVIT K Koi npo<pit K) on6v TI TOU 6ejJv~o TOU notpapxi1. A81vavopa, va j.j) <PUVEI TO notpapxeio ana T~V n oai, on6 OEaOO)..O npoe; TO OOTO TWV 80J-EVWV EKEI, Via va KOTOA~sw OE J-10 KonOIO OUVKP101 OXETIKO )..IE T~ ~w') KO! T~V onootoa'j jjoe:, OT'}V AUoTpoAa. E'IIJOOTE KI EJ-Eie; <puaakee; niiv OOTWV niiv notepwv J-o<;, nou ovanouovto OT) Xwpa TOUTI. Kai oeaoj-oote TO OOTO TOU<;)..IE )..110 EuAoaEo nou ouvavwvi~ TOI EKEiv' nou EK61AwVOU J-E Via TO AE ij)ovo niiv. AViwv J-Oe;. CPTOVEI va i6ei Koi va OKOUOEI KOVEie; T~V n pooeux~, TO J-0IpoA6VI, Hv OU~)TIO nou KOVEI ~ novej-evi )..Iova OTO IJV~jJo TOU ovanjjevou Tie;, KO! va T'Jv nopoj-oiooei J-E T) eepjj~ npooeux'} nou -,6,0 6vOnEJ- nei )..InpOOTO ani iepo Aei4Jova. Oi notepee; J-ae;, TO 66EA$10 jjoe;, we; Kai )..II KPO n06,0 I-'Oe; KO! v ~nt a, nou Eva I 80)..EVOI ato KOIJ-)T~P I O Tfje:, AUOTPO Aioe;, EivOi Via novto oi OKoiJTOI poupoi Kai 6EiXTee; Tfje;. opeo- 60~ioe;. PI~w~evOi ~a8ea OTO AuoTpaAovo XW ~o, Ko8aV o ~ouv T~ V~ nod ~ae; <!>IAo~EvEi Koi vivetoi Via ~a e; ve<!>upa np6e; TOV oupovo. Movov a n avovvwotje; SEOe;, «0 f6(wv VE POUt; Kai Kopoiat;», VVWpi~EI TOV aa8j-o Tfie; 6YIOTIT Oe; OTO na Pw J-a Tii e; E6t.ii. EKKA)oiae;. '0 noaue; ojjwe; an6poe; nou EIVOI neoj-evoe; a; vii TouI, OEV jjnopei napa va KopnO Op~O 1 T~ V OVoTa, va jjoe; OWOEI KonOTE TOUe; TOntKOue; 1J0e; 'Avioue;, nou 80 EJ-nvEouv, 80 Ko806 ~ vouv, 86 6V6~ouv 6A6KA~p~ T~ V o~oveveo, om KA~p~ T~V AUoTpaAia. "DOTE vo ViVETOI 6A6KA~p ~ ~ ~w~ ~o e; Evae; novjvupikoe; eonepvoe;. ) I apk~e; Seia I\ETouPvia, jja OUvExt;e; 60~oAoVio npoe; TOV Seov. SSSSSSSS$S~~::SSSSSSSSSSSSSS A PRAYER To the Hoy and Righteous Vigin Paaskevi o hoy Vigin Paaskevi. who at goious among the Saints befoe the Thone of Amighty God, whom you have peased exeedingy with you paye and ife: we feventy ask you to hea ou petitions and to inteede with God that He may stengthen us with His gae and enabe us to foow you exampe in the way of tuth and savation. Whie you wee hee on eath, you head the a fom the od and you esponded to it gady, theeby winning the own of ighteousness that has been pepaed fo a who ove the od. May we aso, hea the a fom the same od and espond to it joyfuy by tuning away fom sin, onfusion and despai. Fo in you, 0 hoy Paaskevi, we see the ikeness of ou Make, the iving spiit of the Gospe, the vey foundation of ou Othodox Faith. You have beome the tempe of God, the goy of the Matys, the feow-itizen of the Anges. May you pue ife be aways a soue of inspiation, a mode fo ou ife in Chist and an enouagement fo ou stugge to abide in Him. You hoy eis, befoe whih we a stand in eveene, ae indeed a poof of you iving pesene in ou midst. May they be fo us a soue of divine powe and an instument of heaing; and on the day of the Resuetion of a at the Seond Coming of Chist, may we be wothy, by God's gae, to join you in meeting ou od and Saviou in His heaveny kingdom. Fo ou eanest desie, that satisfies the inn~ mu,t pat of ou whoe being, is to ive fo eve with Him, with the Fathe, and the Son and the Hoy Spiit. Amen.

5 In the two pevious pats of this atie onening the eationship between theoogy and ife, we tied to indiate biefy the oet anaogies whih eguate esponsibiity In God of the membes of the Chuh, both in thei entiety as we as individuay. Having eminded the guiding oe of the Shepheds and Teahes among the faithfu, we must now give sevea onete exampes as to how the faithfu geneay inanate in thei daiy ife and onen the basi tuths of Faith whih at fist sight appea as theoetia fantasies fo the uninitiated. (a) The Tinitaian Dogma It is ony natua that we ommene with this dogma beause it onstitutes the most oigina and haateisti teahing that adiay distinguishes Chistianity fom a othe eigions but whih at the same time gives Chistianity its inompaabe beadth, univesaity and definitiveness. The simpe faithfu may not aways be in a position to oneive - spiituay, not inteetuay - the deepe theoogia signifiane of the Tinitaian dogma, yet it pemeates thei entie ife. In othe wods, pehaps they annot oneive with fu aity the deisive signifiane of ou undestanding of God, the wod and man fo ou beief that God is Tinitaian and onsubstantia in the thee Divine Pesons, yet they suey fee within themseves that suh a teahing expesses an oigina and inompaabe dynamism that inundates the entie ife and eation. The god of Phiosophy, fo instane, the "fist move" of Aistote, annot expess the dynamism of ife. Fo this phiosophia god emains an impesona, fiendess, distant and unsoia eement. The god of Aistote is essentiay a "Naissus" sine he gives the fist push fo the wod to move but emains "motioness", namey indiffeent, impossibe, ieevant, in a wod: unmoved by the futhe destiny and fate 01 the wod. Suh a god is a mehania soue of motion, not iving eativity and povidene fo savation. On the ontay, the Tinitaian God is a easeess iuation and an eebation of ove and ife pimaiy within the Tinity. The divine Pesons of the Hoy Tinity ae ontinuay and easeessy invoved in a deepe "intepenetation ", in an unbeakabe and unending mutua embae of boundess ove, that poves that thee is absoutey no diffeene in essene and wi among them, but whih aso safeguads the unonfused integity and honou of eah Peson. The thee Pesons, theefoe, ae insepaaby united and un onfusedy intepenetated in thei inne ife. But in thei "outwad" eationship aso, the Pesons of the Hoy Tinity emain united and unonfused, so that thei evey at is ommon. Thus the Fathe eates out of nothing though the Son and In the Hoy Spiit. The entie ouse of eation, fom beginning to the end of ages, is an "eonomy", a "househod odeing" of the wod whih the Pesons of the Hoy Tinity aange in suession in ode to ead it to savation. Thus we have in the fist instane the eonomy of the Fathe, in the seond instane the eonomy of the Son and in the thid the eonomy of the Hoy Sp iit. The Son eveas the Fathe to the wod, and the Spiit eveas the Son. Yet even when the Son aone is inanated, He is not sepaated fom the Fathe and the Spiit, no again when the Spiit is sent is it sepaated fom the Fathe and the Son. 82 THEOOGY AND IFE (e) The immediate patia onsequenes fo ife fom suh a Tinitaian theoogy is the onvition that the wod in its entiety is a eation of the ove and povidene of God. Suh a wod may histoiay and tempoay be sepaated into the wod befoe and afte Chist but this does not mean that the two histoia phases ae mutuay exuded. Chistian s an neithe ejet no undeestimate what God has eated fom nothing though the Son in the Hoy Spiit. The wod befoe and even apat fom Chist does not ease having in its oots, fom the moment of eation ex nho, the vey Wod of God as its foundation, This is why even above the dakness and pimodia haos of eation "the spiit of God moved" (Gen. 1 : 2). We sha see, theefoe, the entie eation of God insepaabe and united in its oigina saedness, beause God has deaed that a its eements ae "vey good" (Gen. 1 : 31). It oud not be othewise, sine God eated eveything "out of nothing", namey as He wished! Uness we see things in this impatia beadth, then - pehaps without peeiving it - we abitaiy sepaate not ony eation but aso the vey essene of God, as if one God eated the wod and anothe God omes in ode to save it! It is obvious that with the same beadth of mind wemust aso see the boundaies of the Chuh. If a eation is the popety of God, then it is sef-evident that a this eation must ente the "ak" of savation, that is it must be tansfomed into inouptibiity. A eation must be embodied in the Chuh. Beause Chist founded the Chuh ony as the "eapituation of a" (Eph. 1 : 10). Now the definitions of the Chuh given by the theoogians ae usuay estited to its designation as "ommunion by gae between God and peope", aey o oasionay inuding the anges, too, in this ommunion! Suh definitions, howeve, have an a pioi anthopomonisti one-sidedness and do not, theefoe, oespond to eaity. Wheeas, aoding to authenti data fom Hoy Siptue and Tadition we shoud pehaps give the foowing vey genea definition of the Chuh: "the Chuh is ommunion by gae between eated and uneated unonfusedy and insepaaby". This is why in Othodox ions that depit the tansfigued wod of God, we do not ony see pesons, but aso animas, mountains, ives, stones, wood and a eations of God without exeption. Fo the same eason, in Othodox woship thee is an invioate position fo a mateia goods of eation : bead, wine, wate, oi, eggs, gapes, ande, inense, fowes and othes. Thus the Othodox faithfu, in pesupposing suh a boad eesioogy that the Tinitaian dogma nomativey defines, is not simpy open to diaogue with evey peson of good-wi but aso fees as a "bothe" with a eements of natue. Just as St. Fanis of Assisi aed the amond tee, the mind, his donkey, and even the vey emote stas in the infinite gaaxies of the fimament, his bothes. But even moe stiing in his spiitua beadth is St Isaa the Syian who knew how to be ompassionate, to pay and even to shed teas "fo the enemies of tuth" and "o the demons"! (b) The Chstooga Dogma The signifiane of this dogma is aso ea. Savation depends diety on the way the Chuh undestands the I

6 H Peson and the mission of Chist. The od who founded the Chuh is aed Saviou, peisey beause He is not simpy a Teahe of good o a Pophet, as wee those befoe Him. Chist is the onsummation, the fufiment and the end of a pophey, the unique and fina possibiity of savation. He is "pefet God", abe to fuy hea and deive humanity. He is aso "pefet man", in ode to be the "fist-bon Son of a eated things" (Co. 1 : 15). The two natues of the od, the divine and the human, united "un onfusedy and insepaaby" in the unique peson of Chist onstitute the most pesuasive evidene that God tuy oved man and the wod. If man beieves and aepts this unhead of union between divine and human in the peson of Chist, then thee is no death. A ou ouption and motaity ae tansfomed into immotaity when we ae embodied though epentane and the Mysteies of Chist into His a-hoy Body that is the Chuh. Yet this ove of God shoud not be onsideed mehaniao magia tansfiguation. Fo savation to be ea, it must pass though a stages of human pain. This in any ase is the eason that Chist, afte His Resuetion, desended "to the uttemost hambes of Hades". If it is basphemous to beieve that one may be saved aone, it is equay basphemous fo man to expet, passivey and without any pesona stugge, savation fom above. Neithe, then, theoetia faith without woks - beause even demons have suh faith - no again woks without the fea and eveene of God, fo "no one is justified though woks of aw" (Rom. 3 : 20). Whoeve takes seiousy the Inanation of Chist and the two natues as they wee united insepaaby and unepeataby in His theanthopi Peson, annot toeate any undemining of o injustie to eithe of these two natues. Both must "synegise" fo the effetua ahievement of the event of savation. Chanting and teahing that Chist "effeted savation in the midst of the wod", the Chuh onfesses that au savation is not a pesona ahievement of the individua faithfu, but a pesona patiipation in the saving gae that Chist seued though His death "one fo a" fo the entie humanity. Against the phaisai dispay of the pietists and the pessimisti indiffeene of the faithess, Othodoxy offes its dotine on "synegy". The Aposte Pau as the faithfu "owokes of God" (1 Co. 3: 9). It is moving to see the many ways in whih ou simpe yet deepy eigious peope was inspied to expess its onvition onening this "synegy" of divinity and humanity whih, as we have said, onstitutes the quintessene of the Chistoogia and soteioogia dogma. We sha ose this atie by quoting the foowing haateisti exampe: to this day in many pats of Geee -and espeiay in N. Geee -the names Agoastos (bought) and Gammenos (witten) suvive. How many know the oigin and meaning of these two uious names? How an one be named "Agoastos" o "Gammenos"? The tieess mysti N.G. Pentzikis, who sti peseves fo us the nobest "eoetions" fom the age-od daiy veneation of ou peope in the depths of the itugia memoy of Othodoxy, eenty gave me the appopiate expanation. When a oupe oud not give bith, he said, they payed to Chist and the Vigin May to send them a hid whih they woud not onside thei own but Chist's and the Vigin May's. Thus, when afte paye and fasting the hid was bon, they paed it befoe the ions of the Chuh, and took it bak home ony afte having paid a sum of money in ode to emembe foeve that the hid was "bought" and egisteed in the books of the Chuh, namey "witten". Whih othe peope was onsumed by the fie of faith to this degee, so as to make suh daiy inanated "negotiations" with Chist and the Vigin May? Ony the humbe Geek Othodox peope eahed this divine madness in its eigious ife. This is beause Othodox theoogy is not ationa ideaism but "eating" and "dinking" fom the tabe of ife of the humbe "who seek the od". This is an expeientia appopiation and an affimation of the "sain amb" fom the foundation of the wod. + A. ~. IFE IN CHRIST ooking at the ife in the Monastey and the Chuh geneay we see: 1. The monastey/huh is the Body 01 Chist and Chist aes fo it. as He does fo His own Body. 2. Ou daiy pogamme of paying. hanting. eading. doing is paying the Wod. hanting the Wod. eading the Wod. doing the Wod and in this way the wod takes on fesh (6 A6yQ(, o6p~ EyEVETO) so that these ae both means to appoahing ose to God and atuay a vision of God. EpOVTO oiten epeats something of 81. Gegoy of Nyssa that "the iouney towads Chist is the vision of Chist". Moeove. agood theoogian does not just know the Wod o speak the Wod but does the Wod and In this way the Wod takes on fesh. Paying. sevies. eading, asting. 610K6v)JO e. is the "ife in Chist" that St. Pau and N. Cabasias tak about. Chist aso said He is the way. the ight, the ife and it is inteesting to note that the subjets in the Hoy Bibe ae nepnotoovto, KOTOKEi~EVOV, avokeii..e ' VOI<; et. To waste time is to tun you bak on Chist and takeno notie of Him (spiitua suiide!) and how often do we do this and fee sapped of ou stength in Chist. On the othe hand, to saifie yousef fo Chist is the soue of enegy in Chist. 3. Chist is ove, mey et. and when we ive the vituous ifewe ive Chist. Monk J. NATIONA YOUTH OFFICE As may be known, a Nationa Youth Offie opeates in the Geek Othodox Ahdioese. The Offie was estabished in 1985 to: a) pan and o-odinate the ange of utua, soia, eduation. spoti ng and othe sevies povided within the Geek-Austaian ommunity. b) foundation of a nationa youth oganisation with banhes at State and oa paish eves. ) deveop the biennia Nationa Youth Confeene and the intevening State Confeenes as majo foums fo youth by disseminating papes. eommendations and patiipant's omments. Contat Tef. No. fo the Offie is KENTPIKO PACI>EIO NEOI\AIA: Onw; ETvOI YVWOTOV. AEITOUPYEi OTI'V. APXIEniOKon'j J..OC;; TO pa Eio NEOAooC;.. hon6s TOO popeiou ETvOI: 0) 6 npoypo~j..otaj.j6s Koi OUVTOVI0J..0C; Tii; OEIPOC; nveui..otkwv, KOIVWVIKWV, EKn06EUTKWV, a9a'tkwv Kof omwv unpeo.ov nov npoa$epovtoi OT'}V. EAAivo-AuopoAovI'j KOvwvio 13) Ii 8e).JEAwo novouotpaaovoo po Eou NEOAoioC; ~E nopopn' ~OTO OE noaiteioko Koi ' Evopo/ KOIVOTIKO enine60. y) " av'mtu~11 TOO novauotpaaiovoo Iuve6pou NEOAoioC; Koi TWV noaiteiokwv YII) onoteaeoi..otikft QU\I'jTOI J..E TOUe; veou; IJOC;. TyA. ou po dou (02)

7 Moments in the Divine itugy THE KISS OF PEACE Just befoe the Ceed is eited, the fotowing diatogue takes pae between the piest and the ongegation (though the hoi): Piest: Choi: Piest: Choi: Peae be to a And to you spiit. et us ove one anothe, that with one mind we may onfess: The Fathe, Son and Hoy Sp iit, Tinity, One in essene and undivided. Duing a oneebation of the Divine itugy, the main eebant (o the Bishop) stands in font of the aita (faing East), whie the othe piests ine up on the Noth (eft) and South (ight) sides of the aita, in o de of age. Whie the Choi sings the Tinitaian Fomua above, the piests and deaons a bow thee time towads the ata, saying eah time: "I wi ove thee, 0 od, my stength. The od is my im suppot, and my euge, and my deivee." (Psam 17: 2-3, XX). To indiate the soue fom whih peae and ove a e to be deived, the main eebant then kisses the disos. the haie, and the edge of the ata; he then moves to the ight side of the aita. The othe eebants moving in a singe fie, in an anti ok wise dietion about the ata, eah epeat the ations of the main eebant. The seond eebant exhanges the "Kiss of Peae" with the main eebant and then stands on his ight. The thid eebant exhanges the "Kiss of Peae" with the main eebant and the seond eebant and son on, unti the youngest piest has epeated these ations. The "Kiss 01 Peae" is pefomea by the oneebating piests in the foowing way. Whie hoding eah othe's ight hand, they fist kiss eah othe on the eft shoude and then on th e ight. The moe senio piest says: "Chist is in ou midst", whie the othe piest epies: "He is and sha be" (o at Easte time, "Chist is isen" and "Tuy He is isen"). The kiss is one of the most anient paties and dates fom Od Testament times. Chist epoahed Simon the phaisee fo not giving Him the ustomay kiss befoe the mea: "You gave me no kiss, but fom the time I ame in, she has not eased to kiss my eet" (uke 7: 45). Oiginay, at the Divine itugy, the "Kiss of Peae" was exhanged not ony amongst the bishops and piests, but aso amongst the deaons and the peope of the ongegation. St Cyi of Jeusaem (4th Centuy) wote, '''Embae one anothe, and et us saute eah othe. The kiss is a sign that ou sous ae united and that we banish a emembane of injuy". Thi s fits in with the Bibia admonition, "fist be eonied to you bothe, and then ome and offe you gift at the ata". (Matthew 2: 24) In eaie times, the kiss was moe a sign of espet athe than as a sign of affetion as it has often beome. In those day, the kiss was offeed on the ips fo as St. John Chysostomos says, "It is though these doos that Chist entes us... wheneve we eeive ommunion... " Men and women woud aso exhnge the kiss, but not with atehumens, fo they did not yet beong to the "ommunion" of the Hoy Spiit, the Chuh. ate, the kissing between men and B4 women was fobidden in the huh - the men woud kiss eah othe, and the women eah othe. Is this pehaps the eason fo the physia sepaation of men and women in ou huhes? Sti ate the exhanging of the kissamongst the aity eased atogethe. In onusion, we oud mention that in some othe taditions, the "Kiss 01 Peae " has been etained amongst the peope of the ongegation in modified fom. Foexampe, in the Amenian Chuh, the faithfu bow to eah othe whi e they exhange thei geeting, whie the hoi hants the beautifu wods: "Hoy geeting hath been enjoined, The Chuh is made as one peson, This kiss given as bond 01 uness. " JvdH BOOK REVIEW Teatise on Paye: An Expanation of the Sevies Conduted in the Othodox Chuh. By Symeon of Thessaonike. Tansated by H..N. Simmons. Bookine, Mass.: Heeni Coege Pess, Avaiabe at the Ahdioesan Book Cente, 242 Ceveand Steet, Redfen Pie $ In eent yeas thee has been muh inteest in the ife and wok of St Symeon 01 Thessaonike (d. 1429: Feast Day. Septembe 15th) who was anonized by the Eumenia Patiahate in Pio to the appeaane of this admiabe edition of St Symeon's Teatise on Paye by D Hay Simmons - who. as most eades wi know, teahes at the Univesity of New South Waes and St Andew's Theoogia Coege - those seeking an Engish tansation of any of St Symeon's eigious witings woud have had a fuitess seah. The pesent edition is in fat a tansation of a potion of a vey ong wok, whih as a whoe onstitutes, as the tansa to notes, "a kind of handbook fo the egy". D Simmons' edition of Symeon's "Teatise on Paye" is bound to be eagey seized upon by those who wish to know something of the thought and spiituaity of so eent an addition to the Chuh Caenda. Cetainy this wok does evea a good dea about its autho, but it is impotant aso fo a quite diffeent eason. Symeon is onened moe with the daiy pubi paye 0 1 the Chuh than with pivate devotion. He i sts the omponents of the daiy offies togethe with some othe obsevanes (suh as the payes used at meas in the monasteies) noting many inteesting detais onening the way the sevies wee onduted in the eay Fifteenth Centuy, and adding many omments on the symboi intepetation of the itug y. What mak es this patiua itugia ommentay so impotant, howeve, is that Symeon inudes omment on the od Byzantine Catheda Rite (aso known as the Asmat Rite) as we as the monasti Jeusaem Aite. whih was destined to epae the fome univesay. SI Symeon's Catheda of Hagia Sophia at Thessaonike was the vey ast huh to use the Catheda Rite; with the exeption of its use on thee days of the yea at Hagia Sapia in Constantinope. St Symeon stove feventy to peseve the Asmat Rite at Thessa on ike: "/ beseeh you in Chist that this ode be maintained foeve, and that the tadition of the Fathes emain among you as a kind of divine spak". (pp. 21-2). But it was not to be. Six months afte the death of the Saint, Thessaonike fe to the Tuks and its Catheda beame a mosque. Then, in the unthinkabte happened : Constantinope itsef fe, and its Geat Chuh 01 Haga Sophia 100 beame a mosque. The daiy ound of Asma sevies. By D Guy Feeand, Univesity of New South Waes.

8 , / TO XPONIKON THI: APXIEnI:KOnHI: MAI: A' APXIEnIKOniKH nep<i>epeia T6v I E p,oo~t"otov 'Apxu:nioKonov I<.K. ITUAov6v EsenpOOwn' QEV 0 EV IK6<;. APXIEPOTIK O<:,. EniTpono, n. MIATo6'<; Xpuoauy;;, eie, TO C, KaWa, K6qAwOEI<; T 1V T ETOPHv, 20v. ova10u. nopeoh eie; IUYKEv pwov. E8EAoVTWV TOU KEVPOU npovoioc;. 6 1opyovw8eioav uno Tii ; I(OC; Mopia, To 6~o VAou, TaU. EAA'VIKOO KEVTPOU npovoim, 610 T'Jv 610Pyovwov TWV OUvovT)oewv ' HAIKIWI- EVIV ei;6io 6pou,. EvopiQ(,IKoIV6T'TO C, Ti,A '. ApXIEnoKon IK;;, n ep >Epe io,. Tf'v nopookeu'!v, 4fv ' ouaiou, QUVE py608'-eto TaU!J.IOK6vou n. ' Iwowou Xpuoouyii. TOU Ka8WiTOU K. N. Ii)JjJovC; Koi Tie; avtnpoownou TOU 'Ynoupyeiou n06eio, O B. BakaU Eni TOU 9EJJOTO<; Tii /) KoAuTEPOC; AEToupyio; TaU npoypoi-)joto<; <0,.\101) Tii; 0EoAOV"(f~ IxoA ii ~ TOU. AnoOToAou. Av6pEOU. T'jv TpiHv, 8}v. 10uAiou, nop}koaousioe T'jV ~J Vo io IUVE6pioOv Tii~ K evt pikii~ 4>IAomwxou. A6EA4>6HTO~ Ei~ TO po >Eio Tii ~ ' I Epa~. APXIEnIOKOnii~, 6nou OUVE~ }T'jS"OO V SEIJOTO O$OPWVTO TO~ IJEAAoVTI ' KO~ ek6 "AWoEI~ Tii ~ KEVTPIKii~ 4>IAonTwxou. T 'jv n EJm.,v, 10w ' ouaiou, OUV06EU6IJEVO~ un6 TOU D.oK6vou n. ' Iwowou Xpuoouyii Koi TOU KOS"YiTOO K. NIKOAoou IiJJov~ enwke $9., T6 Cathoi Institute of Sydney Ei~ Many Koi ouveipyaosf IJE KoSfYfTO ~ Tii~ EV A6~ IxoAii~ Eni SEIJOTWVO$OPWVTWV T'jV ovoyvu".pi OIV TWV 0EOAoYIKWV IxoAwv noveoiotfij10koo EnmE60u uno TOU ' YnoupYEiou. AVWTOTf ~. EKn06 E uoew~ o'iv AUOTpoAio. ' O ~ yvw OOV, i 0 eoaoy IK 'j1j0~ IxoA'j TOO. AnooT6Aou. Av6peou ovoyvwpi<etot uno TOO. Ynoupyeiou no6eio ~ E$ ' 600v 90 EKnAqpti.tvEI WptOIJEV OC, npounoseoec; EKnoI6EuTIKii; $UOEWC; OS np6s Tf)V noiotto TaU KOSI) YI)TtKOU IOIJOTOC;, TaU npoypojjjjotoc; 6t60 0KOAios KOt 6Mwv OUVO$WV oujeiwv. To IOfJfJOOV, 12IV ' ouaiou, nopeoti) oe D.Einvo, 61Wpyovw9Ev uno 1I1 ~ IUVT OV tottkii~. EnTponii~ TOU KUnptOKOu. Aywvo~ OT~V A'ISOUOO Tiis KpI)TKii~. A6EA4>6TI)TO ~, en' EUKOtpiQ Tii~ 12' ~ 'E neteiou Tii ~ T oup KtKii~ EiofJoAii; E i ~ T'jV M EyoA6vv)oO Tii~ Kunpou Tiv TpiHv, 151)v ' ouaiou, nopekos'oe ot6 et ')o to EUIJO Tii~ KEv, ptkii~ 4>IAonTwxoU. A6EA4>6Tf TO~ Tii~ ' I epo~. APXtEOIOKonii~, 6nou Koi 61EfJifJoOE Ti~ Eux6~ Koi euaoyio~ TOU IEfJOOJtW TOT OU ' ApXIEntOK6nou IJO ~ K.K, ITUAtOvoU. KOa TO EUIJO WJiAI)OE.. eni Tiis ' EOPTii~ Tii~ ijjepo~ i KO ' ouaino. AVTWVt060u, KOSI)y'jTptO TWV. EAAfVIKWV Ei~ T'jV 0EOAoyt KiV IxoAiv TOU. AnOOT6Aou ' Av6peou. T'v nopookeu,v, 18'1v ' ouaiou, e6exsq Ei~ estijouoik,v enioke -. H Ka8f7ytjpw wv 'EAA"VIKWV KO 'oujtia 'AvwV66ou PE o"e~ ij; G OJtOYIKy; pa; XxoJtij; o7v AifJouaa owm( wv. V/V Ei ~ TO po$eio Tis 'IEPOC;. Apx EntoKD m~ TiV e~ ' EAM60~o$IXSEi oov KOV XopiKAeto Zo vvou, EKTEAEOTIKOV oteaexos TOU IWIJOTOS ' EM'vwv. 06.,ywv. T'v KOV X. Z6vvou ouvw6euov oeaex) TOU IWjJo TOe;. 061)ytijv AUOTpoAio~, jjeto TOU K,. nono61)jf1tpiou.. AKOAouaw~ TiV KOV x. Zowou Koi TOU~ Aomou~ EOioKemos e~ev6y)of fi~ TOU~ xwpou~ Tii ~ 0 EOAo ytkf~ IxoA~6. Yn06teu9uvT'C; Tii ~ IXoAii~, npwt061 ' OKOVOC, n ' w6vvq, Xpuoouyii<:..,v KUPIOK V, 20'iv ' ouaiou, CVEnEJ4Jf EnjJV)IJOouvov 6efOv eis T6 KevOTo$ ov Matin Paza eni Tij 121]. EnHeip Tis TOUPKtKiis eiofjoaiis ei, T'}V M eyoa6vqoov Kunpov. 'AK OAouSw ~ nop'koaousi)oe OUYKEV ' IPWOtV ii ~ K u nptok~ KO IVOT'OS e i~ TO owe Sydney Town Ha. onou Koi 6 IEfJiJ3IOE 0XET tko jjt')vuijo TOU IEfJOOIJ1WTCTDU. Tiv TEToPTIV, 23qv oua;ou. napqkoaou6qof OUYKevpwov TaU IuvoeoJou ' Epwepiwv TWV NOOOKOIJEiwv TOU I u6veu, 6nou aventuxs.,,6 Sepa 'fi, avttijetwnioew~ TOU n6vou Koi iie; 9Ai4JewSOE nepmtwoei~ 8avoTOu. T'jv n EJn)v. 241)v ' ouaiou, wijiaioe n p6~ T'jV 61J060 $DITI)TWV TOU noventot'jiou!u6veu IJE 6EjJo.,'0 'I"oou; Xpo6; wf'p ou K60jJou». T6 j3p66u Tii~ i6io~ IJEPOS, nop)<.oaous"of OUYI<.EvpwDV. OpSo- 66~wv On)Twv fis T.,V A"Souoov Tii~ ' IEpOS. ApXIEno<.onii~, 6nou npoefjat')91) SPfOKEUTIK6 $iaij. I I I I - basia y (eaving aside the itugy) Vespes, Matins and Tthekte (a sot of ombination of the Thid and Sixth Hous) - was in many espets eay bette suited to atheda and paish huh use than that of the essentiay monasti Jeusaem Aite.ts oss must be aounted amongst the tagedies of the histoy of Othodoxy; ih and spendid though the Jeusaem monasti Aite be. It is inteesting to note that the deine of the Catheda Aite seems to have been the esut, not ony of a gowing dominane of the monasti ove the seua egy, but aso of a stong pefeene of the aity fo the itugia poety to be found in the Jeusaem Rite ove the soidy Siptua Asmati sevies. In a despeate bid to save the Catheda Aite fo posteity, Symeon tes us that he pemitted the addition of a stity imited numbe of veses fom the Kanons to theasmasevie. Today thee is a demand, patiuay amongst ou young peope, fo a geate emphasis on the Siptues, The eintodution, in modified fom, of the od Catheda Rite fo non-monasti use woud, fo this and othe easons, have a geat dea to ommend it. St Symeon's symboi intepetation of the huh buiding and the sevies is of geat inteest. Symboi intepetation enihes, deepens and extends ou undestanding of the Siptues, the sevies and so on - and indeed its existene is one of the geat ihes of Othodoxy - but geat vigiane is needed whee it is used to defend pesona theoogia opinion oto justify eesiastia paties, An exampe, noted by D Simmons, of what is eay iegitimate use of symboi intepetation, is Symeon'sdepoyment of Tinitaian symboism to justify the gouping of the daiy monasti offies into thee boks, The monasti offies ae designed to santify, o edeem, the patiua hous of the day, and they ose a geat dea of thei effetiveness and meaning if they ae bunhed togethe; indeed, it is suey diffiut to see suh bunhing as anthing moe than itugia abuse (even if it is "taditiona" abuse!). D Simmons tansation is ea and eadabe. Howeve, the headings of the vey shot haptes, whih ae neithe Symeon's no Simmons', ae etainy miseading in some instanes. I was vey puzzed on fist skimming though the voume to ead fou ines into 'Chapte 22, The Tisagion Hymn': "". th is hymn.., is aed Geat Doxoogy", The mystey was ony esoved when going to the pevious hapte I disoveed that Symeon teated the Tsagon as pat of the Geat Doxoogy; so, in fat. Chapte 22 is ontinuous w ith Chapte 21. I notied a few typogaphia eos. At east one ine seems to be missing at the beginning of the seond paagaph on p, 78. and one o moe wods fom the seond sentene of Chapte 63. D Simmons' intodution is bief - in fat, pehaps a itte too bief given the omission by the pubishe of the footnotes whih. the tansato te s me, shoud have been added to the text - but hepfu and infomative, I am muh ooking fowad to eading the tansation of futhe potions of St Symeon's eigious witings whih D Simmons is pepaing fo pubiation, 85

9 T'Jv nopookeu'v. 25'}V ouaiou. Mo!3E IJEPOC, Ei, TOV novwupkov 'EOnEpVOV Tie,. Evopio,KovOTITOC, 'Ayioe; n OpOOKEUie; B aktown. 6nou Koi EK'PU~E TOV 6Eiov Aoyov. To Io!3!3OTov, 26'}V 'oua10u. IJo<i IJE amoue; ' IEpei, K01 Aou<ou,. une6ex61 Ei, TO ' AEP06pOIJ IOV i6veu TOV E!300IJU.iTOTOV ' ApXIEnioKOnov iijwv K.K. uaovov. eniotpe4jovto e~ ' EAM60e,. B ' APXIEnI:!:KOniKH nepiq>epeia KivIOS 0EO<!>,AEOTCTOU BO80u. ETTIOKOTTOU a epi3 1S K.. IE~EK'oiA T~v TpiTIV 11'V ' ouaiou E. :. eaeitojpyioe Koi ektipu~ev Eie; TOV 'I. Noov TWV 'Ayiwv 'Avopyupwv Oakeigh, METa TO nepoe; Tie; 0.I\EI Toupyioe; nopekoeoev Eie; eujjo IJETO TOO 'epot. npoiotoj,jevou. TOO npoe6pou Ko i nov IJEAwv TOO ).IOIK, UIJf3ouAiou. Tie; IAOnTWXOU. A6eAq>OTI'TOe; Koi notwv Tie; nepoxie;. TO 6noiov nopeeeoev Ii IMmwxoe;. To 'AnOYEUIJO Tie; i6ioe; ijjepae; MEXe' eie; TO poq>eio Tie;. APXI T110Konie; T~V KOV XopiKAeov Z6wou. jjeaoe; TOO IWJoToe;, EM'vi- 6wv ' 061Ywv e~, EAA060e;. npookaeeioov un6 TOO AUOTpoAOvoO Iw IJOTOe; '06wwv, T')v n apookeu'tv 4'}V ' ouaiou E,E. TO npwi ouv06eu6jevoe; uno TOO Ai6eOIJoAoYwToTou n.. HMo KevTpwTi eneokeq>9' TOV nepq>epeiokov 61EueUVTtiv TOO 'YnoupYEiou n O6e iae; Koi OUVE~tiTfOE jjet' OUTOO eeijoto 6 opwvta T~V ' Evopiav Tie; ' YnonovTie; TOO 1WTipoe; Cobug. To onoyeujjo Tie; i6ioe; JiIJEpOe; e6ex9f Eie; TO pa eio Tie;' APXIEnIoKonie; Ti')V KOV NiKIV n ouaou. 61eUeUVTpiOV TOO' EMIVIKOO KoMEyiou 'Ayiwv 'Avopyupwv Oakeigh 610 ekn06eutiko eeijoto. To Io!3f3Oov 51v ' ouaiou E.E, OUV06EUOIJEVOe; uno TOO npwtonpe Of3UTEPOU BOOiAe iou XpIOTO i nopeoti' E i ~ T}V XopoEonepi60 Tie;' Evopiae; Tie; MeoIJOpq>WOEWe; TOO 1WTfjpoe; ao -Thom astown. T'Jv KUPIOK')v 51v 'ouaiou E.E, EAeIToupYoe Ko i EK}pu~ev eie; T6v navi1yupi~ovto 'I. Noov nov' Ayiwv 'Avopyupwv Oakeigh.. Ev ouve Xei;t ETEAwE TOV 'AYooJov nov eupavo ~iwv nov 810IJePIOjJOTWV nou av'tyepev 'J EV AOY41 'Evopio- KovOTIe; Eie; TOV nepi!3oaov TOO ' I. NooO, Koi nope6woe TO KAe610 eie; TOUe; EvoiKOUe; yepovtae;. METa TO nepae; Tfj e; eaefje; n apekoeaev eie; EOJa I-E9' oaou TOO EKKAIOIOOIJOToe;. TOO ).IOIKITIKOO 1UIJf3ouAiou Ka i nomwv npookekafjevwv eie; TO XwA Ti e;, EKKAIOoe;. To anoyeujo. Eie; ov 'I. Noov TOO TJou IToupou Box H i ETEAwE TV BOnTOIV Tie; euyotpoe; TOU K. Kai KOe; M. MnoPJnoYovvq, npompou Tie; ).oikn Kie;. EniTponie; TOU KEVTPOU npovoioe; Tfje; 'I. 'APXIEnIOKO nie; EV MeAf3oupv], Ttiv ).eutepov 71v 'ouaiou E,E, TO EonEpae; npoti6peuoe ouve6pooewe; Tie; KevTpKie;. EniTponie; NEOAoioe;eie; TO poq>eio Tie; 'I.. ApXeO okonie; EV South Meboune. T;v TpiTv Bfv ' ouaiou U:. ouv06euejevoe; uno TaU n pwtonpe Oj3UTEpou BOOAeiou XpoTo<t>A nopeoti eie; o uve6pioov TaU H ousing Commssion OxeTKWe; IJE T'tV EYKPIOIV Tie; nopaxwpioewe; oikone60u eie; TO Nunawading npoe; T'JV 'Evopiov TOO' A nootoaou 'Av6pEOU. To EonEpOe; nopfkoaoueoev TO 1ejJvopov NeoAoioe; ei e; TOV 'I. Naov TOO' Ayiou NeKTOpiou Fawkne onou wjiafoev 6 A i6eojjoaoyw TOTOe; n. uaavoe; M evie;. 86 'A"6 6 Eyoo VEOIO n'j~ KEvpKij~ (/haomwxou 'A5EAtp6'7o~ yv Tpif7, 15 '/oua/ou, T'Jv TeopTv 9 11v ' ouaou E.. TO EonEpOt; npoeoti ouve6pooewe; T~e;. EOiTponie; oveyepoewe; TOO KTpiou TWV po eiwv T;e; 'I. 'ApXeOoKonie; EV MeAf3oupv:!. Tv KUPIOKV 13 1v. 10uAou E,E, ~ETo!36t; EV Iu6vEu EAeToupYf10EV eie; TOV 'I. Noov wv 'Ayiwv Pa o~a, NIKOAaou Kai Eip i')vf1e; ivepoo 130 I eou~evoe; uno TOO ' epot. n poiotaij EVOU n, XP ~ O TOU BEPYOU KOI TOO Ai6eo, OiKOV. n. 'Iwovvou Kon ETo, To onoyeu -0 Tie; 1610e; IJEpOe; eumyoe TOUe; YO IJ oue; TOU K. 'AXIA AEwe; Kap6i jj eo Tie; 8/60e;. A8ava oioe; n enov, euyotpoe; TOO K. Koi KOe; x. nen 6v. OOTe; EXPJOTOeV eni ETf1!JEAoe; TOO M IKTOO I UIJf3ouAiou Tie; 'I. 'ApXeOiOKon;e; Kof npoe6poe; Tfit; KOIV6TITOe; Koi. Evopioe; TWV ' Ayiwv novwv Bemoe. KOTO T~ V 6E~iwOV, ~Te; i:609f1 eie; TO Menzies Hote. 6 0EOq>IAEoTOoe;. 6Ief3 if3ooev eie; TOUe; veovujjq>oue; Kof TOe; oikoyevefoe; o uwv TOe; euxoe; Ko i EuAoyio; TOO Ie3.. ApXeniOKOnOU ~jjwv K,K, ITuAOvoO. T~v n EjJnTV 171v ' ouaiou E. :. TO npwi i:6exe Eie; TO po Eio Ti e; -I. ' ApXenoKonie; TOV 61eueuvTiv TOO noaueevikoo P0610 wvikoo 1T EA K. John Abe Kat ouve~} T oe!jet' OUTOO 9EjJOTO 0$0- pwvto TO EAAIVIKO npoypo--oo Ka i i61oitepwc; TO epokeu TKov. To I6f3f30TOV 1 Bv ' ouaiou E.E-. TO EonEpoe; ouv06euojjevoe; uno TOO npwton peoj3utepou BOOiAEiou XpoToq>i nopeoti eie; TV ETOiOV Xopo Eonepi6a Tiie; 'EAAfVIKie; 'Ope060~ou 'Evoptoe;-KoIVOTI1TOe; TWV' Ayiwv 'Avopyupwv Oakeigh. T';v 20t)v 'ouaou E.E. EAEITOUPYIOE KOt EKPU~EV ei; Tev ' Iepov Noov TOO ' Ayiou NEKTOpiou Fawkne. T}v ).eutepov 21 Iv ' ouaiou E,E, napeoti' eie; auve6pioov Tie; ).IOI KIT1Kie; 'EniTponie; TOU KevTpou npovoioe; Tie; ' I. ' ApXem okonie; EV MeAf3oupv:!. T;v TpiTfV 220v ' ouaiou E.E. napeoti jje amoue; ' Iepeie; Eie; TO IEI-IvopOV Tie; NeoAoioe;. TO 6noiov EAaf3e xwpav eie; TO XwA nopanaeupwe; TaU 'IEpoO NaoO T;e; 'Ayoe; Tp1060e; Rihmond eie; TO 6noiov wjiai10ev 6 K. 0EjJIOTOKAit;. A6oJon ouaoe;. 0eoMyoe;. Tiv TETOPTW 231v 'ouaiou Ko8' iv ~ye TO 6VOJaOT}pO TOU, 6 0EO<IIAEOTOTOe; EAE TouPYIOEV eit; TOV ' Iepov 'APXIEOIOKO nikov Naev ou 'Ayiou EUoToeiou. KaTo Tv 0eiov \etoupyiov Ej,aMev ~ Bu~ov Tv') Xopw6ia nov EV M eaf3oupv, ' epewv Joe;. Oi nepoootepo TWV iepewv nopikoaoueoov T}V 0eiov \etoupyiov Kat oujjnpooeux}e1 Kav EvOe; TOO' IEpoO B';IJOTOe;. METa TO nepee; Tie; 0eoe; I\EToupyioe; 6 0eoq>IAEUTOOe; MEx911 TOe; euxoe; Koi TO OUYXOP'Ti PIO nov 'Iepewv Koi TWV notwv oi onoioi nap KoAoueOOv T';V 0eiov \etoupyiov. Eie; ';v A-Ieouoov 6e~ woewv ev T4I OiK}IJOT Tie; 'I. 'Ap X emokon~e;, onou oi Kupiee; Tie; KevTpKie; C!>IAonTW Xou ev MeAj3oupv] npooe epov yaukio-ato Koi avoj,ukt1ko. To Eo nepae; T;e; i6iae; ~jjepoe; nopeuti eie; Ti')V I-vOiOv ojaiov Ti e; N EOAo io; Ei e; TOV 'I. Noov TOO' Ay. EUoTo8iou. 8th Meboune K08' ';v wjjiai10ev a K, 0 eijiotoka; e; 'A60jJonouAoe;, T~v n EJnTI1V 24qv ' ouaou E.E. TO npwt ouv06euoijevoe; uno oo Ai6eOIJOAoYIWTOTOU n. ' HAio KEVTPWTi Koi TaU Ai6w. n. NIKOAo ou I\IAJnoKI1 en eoke 9t EnioijJWe; TO KoAAi:Yov.. EuoyyeMoTpO" Koi wji AIOE npoe; TOU e; Ko9IYITOe; Koi TOUe; Jo9fTO e; TOO KoAAEyiou _ 'Ev ouve- T6 KoAAfYIOV oo 'AViou "upi6wvo~ Koa t1v UVOUAO fj~ KEvpKij~ (/JIAonwxou, 6,7, 1986.

10 ,( 1<;1 napeko8'joev e;1) Eu~a IJETO TaU 61EU8uVTOCi TOO KoAAeyou Kof TaU 66oKTIKOU npooujnkoo, T~v nopaokeuv 2511v ' ouaou E. :. TO Eonepa; nepooixouj,evoc; uno TOO iepoo KAjpou MeAj3oupvC; ExopOOOT'OE KOTO TOV ' Eonepv6v eie; TOV navtyupj~ovto ' ep6v Na6v ii). Ayie; n apookeuiis Sf. Abans Kof wj..iaioev eie; o noauna18et; 'EKKAOiooJ,o.. Ev ouvexeq napeko91eve;; einvov ).JETO TOO' I. KA'!pou, nov IJEAtiiv TaU.o.IOIKITKOO IUJ,f3ou A.ou Ko daawv npookuvi1twv. T')v en0-evfv Iai3aov 26V. ouaiou E.E. KupwvujJov i'ijepav Tiis Eopfje; Tfit;. Avioe; nopookeuii;. EeAeoe T}V 0eov AEITOupyiav eie; ov -.bov ' Iepov No6v. T6 Eonepa; ie; ibio!) nijepoc; nepotoixoujjevoc; uno TOO ' I. KAPou MeAj30upvS ExopooOT'OE Kof wjjiauev eie; ov navwup~ovto ' I. Noov TOU 'AVou n ovteae')jjovot; Dandenong, METa TO nepot; TOU ' Eonepvou nopeka8110ev eit; \einvov jjeto TWV ' epewv, TWV jjeawv TOU \IOIKITIKOU IUjJ~ouAou, T~S <piaomwxou ' A6eA oti1tot;, Ti t; NeoAoot; KO/ 6Awv TWV 6.AAwv npookuvi1twv es TO XwA Tis KOvOTITOS noponaeupws Tit; ' EKKAIO/Ot;, T')v EnojJevv, KUPIOK')V 271v ' oua/ou E,E, KUPIWVUjJOV I'jjJepov Tis EOPTis TOU ' AViou novteae')jjovot; i:aetoupvoev Kof EKPU~EV eit; TOV -1610V ' Iepov Noov, TI'jv TETaPTI1V 3Djv ' ouaiou E,E, npookai8eis uno TOU E~OXWTaTOU KuJ3epvTOU BIKTWpot; K, M. Cauhey nopek0810ev eis eujjo eit; TO Govenment House nopote8ev npot; TjJfiv TOU n peo~ewt; K. Eu8ujJiou T~O EPI, OOTt; i:neoke 81 EntofijJws Tfiv MeA~oupvv, ' APXIEn:KOniKH nep<i>epeia Kiv']US 0eo</)fe<1T(iTou BO']eoii. ETTI<1KOOU Xp'O'T,avouoews K. nauou ' EntOTpEJ.IO't; EK TOU npookuvjjotkou To~ e 1610u TaU eis ' AV, T6nous, Kwv/ noav KO'i eveeipov 0 0eo.EOTOTOS, TI'jV \eutepo Ko TpfTIV 71v Koi Sv 'ouaou E.E., EKTOS Tit; O'uvepVooios Tfiv onoio'v eixe jje apketous ' Iepeis, n poe6pout; Koi jjeai1 \IOIKI1TIKWV IUjJJ30uAiwv n.iv 'EVOPIWV-KoIVOTI'j TWV ~OS E6EX9) eis akpoooiv Koi OPKETOUS EK TWV ojjovevwv jjos. Tfiv TeTopT)v 9)v ' ouaiou E.E. npo6peuoe ouve6pooews Tit; KeVTpiKit; <piaomwxou Koi ouvepvoo8) jjeto TWV KUPIWV TOO TjJjJOTOS TO onoiov oujjnopiototo et; TO EPVOV Tit;. EntTpOn~t; St. Basi's Homes fo the Aged in S,A. 'Yno jjev TwV KUPIWV Tis KeVTp I K~S <PIAonTwxoU EnpoVPojJjJOo8) unheon 610 TI')v 30'!v AUVOUOTOU E.E. eis TO City Sape, uno 6E n.ov KUPIWV Tit;.. BooIAeI060t;" anaveujjotvi'i EK61'jAwoIS KOe 'jv O1v AuvauoTou E,E. eis TV 0"190uoov TOO' Av. ewpviou Thebaton. TI'jv nopookeufiv 1V ' ouaou E.E. ouva6euojjevosuno TOO novo O'IoA.. APXjJ. n. NEKTopiau KeAAii nopeupe81 et; nv OVA Tpi~vav AOjJJ36vauoO' xwpav ouve6poov TWV Heads af Chuhes in South Austaia, Tfiv KUPIO'KI'V 1311v ' ouaou E.E. iepaupv10e Koi 6jJiA'0EV EntKOipwS e s TOV ' I. Noov ' Av. novteaefijjavos Geneg. TI')v \eutepo 1411V 'ouaau E, :. ouvepvo09) JJETe TOO npoe6pau Koi TWV jjeawv Tiis. EnITpan~t; KOIvWVIKi'jt; n pavoos. METO~U TWV OAAwv one ooi0811 nwt; TO Wak-A-Thon, unep oikovojjkiis evoxuoewt; TOO KevTpou, MJ3) xwpov Tfiv KUPIOKV 511v. OKTWJ3piou e,e. TI')v TpiTv 151v ' ouaou e.e. E6ex9) eis e81jjotuntkv eniokej.iv T'V uno TOU IWjJOTOS ' 06IVWV AUOTpoAioS I Ao~evoujJeVf1 v K. XOpiKAEIOV Zowou, \IK)VOPOV, "vetiko oteaexos TOO IWjJOTOS. EAAIvi6wv ' 06)Vwv. To IO~~OTOV 1911v 'ouaiou e.e, naooouj-evos un6 TOO' I. KApau. A6EAoi6as exopaotot)oe KOTO Tev M. 'Eonepvov EIS Tev novvupi ~OVTO. Noev Tau npa au. HAau Nowood. ojjai'oos KoaAAAws.. AK oaau8wt;, napeupi:9) eis TV Eoiov Eonepi6o T~ S ' Evapiot;. Av. novteaejjovas " onoo EAoJ3e xwpov eis T'V o-180uoo Ta u Pympton High Shoo. T v KUPIOK')V 2Djv 'ouaau e, :, oui.mo'poototauj-evos uno TWV ' Iepewv OiKav. n. ITOUPOU KWToovanouAou. n, NIKOA. nouaou Koi n, IToupau 4JapOJ-J-OTI iepoipv1oe Kof ojjia)oev enkopws EvwnOv nukvao EKKAIOOOjJ OTOt; es TOV ' I. Noov npo ')Tou. HAaO Nowood, 610J3Ij3ooos npos 6AouS TOS euxot; Koi TI')V notpkfiv euaaviov TaU IeJ3O' OjJWTOTOU. ApX1entOKOnou J-oS K.K. ITuAovau.. Ev ouvexeq nopauaa TOO evtjj. ev, npo~evau Ti s eveeipos I'jJ-WV K. Kwv/ vo u KopojJnEOI. TOO noaiteiokoo ' YnauPvaO no6eios M Geg, Cafte, TOU npoe6pou TijS IUVTOVIOTIKiis. EntTpon~t; KunpoKou OVWVOS K, T. \ojjovti611, TOO n poe6pau Tiis Ev 'A6eAoi61 Kunpo(~S KOvoTITas K, N, Hodge )(01 daawv EKnpOOWnwv ' OjJoveveoKwv 0PVOVWOEWV Ko. A6eA 0TI'TWV, npoeot) enj-v1jjoouvou 6ef)oews. unep Twv Ev Kunp4J neo6v TWV unep niotews Ko i notpi6as, TI')v ~eoij-j3pov Tis OUTI't; I'jjJepos eis Edes Pak ojja)oev enkoipws eis OUVKEVTPWOIV 6J-avevwv npovpojjjjoto8eioov uno T~t; I.E.K.A. TI'jv napookeuv 25)v ' ouaiou te. exapoototi10e Koi o~.daoe KoTO TOV nov1vupik6v ' Eonepvov Eis TO nopekka')0i0v Tiis. AV. nopo OKEUiis Tis ' Evapiot;-KOIVOT)TOS Pospet. To IO~j30TOV 26)v ' aua/ou e. :, iepaupv)oe Koi 6jJA)oe KOTOM') Aws eie; ov npoovo ep6evto ' I. Noov. 'Ev OUVEXEiQ nopek0910ev eis TEiov TO 6noiov npooe EPE npos T6 EKKAIOioo~o f <pimmwxos 'A6eAq,o)S T~S WS ovw ' Evopioe;-KovoT)Tat;, To ' Eonepos T~S O'UT~S ~jjepot;, naoooujjevot; uno Tau' KAI')pou 'A6eAoi'60t;, EXoPOoToToe Ko ojji A)oev EiS TOV nov)yup~avto 'I. Naov. AV, novteae')jjovas Geneg. T,v KUPIOKfiv 27)v 'ouaou e. :. iepoupvioe KoojJAoev EvwOIav nukvao EKKAI10100jJOTaS eit; TOV npaovo ep8evto ' I. Noov. ' Ev ouve XeiQ. JJETe TOO ' epo. n poiotojjevou novoooa.. ApXjJ. n. N. KeM~ TWV ouaaetoupvioovtwv. epewv Koi TOO ekkaooojjotas, nopeupe9) eis e~iwov Tv onaio'v nape6eoev i <pia6mwxos. A6eA 6T)S T~S WS avw ' Evopas, eis T,V d8auoov TWV ev ' A6EAoi61 po eiwv Tiis ' I. ' ApXeOoKonis JJOt;. E' APXIEn1:KOniKH nepiq>epeia ' Yno 'v oivi60 Tii~ ' Iepae, ' ApXentOKOniis AUOTpoAioS Koi Tf)V ouvepvaoio TWV ' EMvop9060~wv KavaT Twv \UTIKiie, AUOTpaAioe,. TJ-I~('nWV NeoAoios Koi 6Awv TWV ' EAA'VIKWV opvovujoewv. 610PVovW' VETOI TO npwto uve6po NEaAoia,. eie, TOSS, 9, Koi 1 OAUYOUOTOUE.E. ~E 6EjJO; "NEO)'oio, 'EKK),f]O;O KO; OiKOyivEIO", Tf'v EVOp~) TWV epvoowv TOO Iuve6piou 66 KIPu~) ' unoupvoe, NeaAoioe, TIi~ noaitetokiis Kuj3EPV')oewS Ko. E.K. Haahan Koi TO onaio 86 euaovf'0' ~E TI')V TeAEo) TOU 'AVIO'OjJOU, 6 GEo IAEoTOOC,. Enio(o, no, \epj3qe, K.K. ' e(e)( II')A, 0 onaioe, 80 evoi Koi 0 kupiws o~ia)tf's. -AAAa ojjaitoi 8d eivoi: ' 0 iopot; TEppu nitoikos jje 8E~0. Neo Aoio Ko KOvwvio, Koi a no'tf'p novoviwt)e, 1'1J-)TpOkOe, ~e 6ejJa. NEO Aoio Koi oikoveve o.. EniofjJo npookei(a'1~evoi 86 nopeupe60uv:. 0 -EMvoS 1fi~op, xo, Tiie, n ep6)s K. Mxo')A MxofiA Koi a n po~evos Tis 'EMo6o<; 1(,. A80voOo, KoAAI66nouAo,. Unde the auspies of the Geek Othodox Ahdioese and the o-opeation of the Heeni & Geek Communities of W.A. and espeiay, the Heeni Univesity Students & Heeni Institute Students, Soieties, (Huss & Hiss) of W.A. the inaugua State Othodox Youth Confeene is oganised fo the 8, 9 and 10 of August, The theme of the Confeene is: Youth, Chuh and the Famiy, Bishop Ezekie of oevis wi ead the opening payes, bess the Confeene and deive the Keynote addess on the topi: Youth and the Chuh. The Ministe of the Youth, The Hon. E.K. Haahan is to offiiay open the onfeene. Guest speakes on the topis: a) Youth and the Community. and b) Youth and Famiy, ae D Tey Pitsikas and Fathe Panagiotis Oimitakos espetivey. Td XOPEUTIKO GUYKpOf1J10 Bemoe Koo "v IuvauAiav fj) KEvp Kfj) (/>f),onwxou "v 6,7,86, 87

11 ~,_,_~u, _ nakoimia\xpiitianika NEA '_.~... ~o _. ~td "'. " POYMAN IA -. H AUTOU MaKOpoT~~ 6 natpapm~ Pou~aviae; K. ' IOUOTivoe; EKOjJ~8) EV Kupi4J T~V 31 'ouaiou, H NeKpwOIjJo<.;. AKoAou8ia evve eie; TO BouKoupeOTI T~V KupaK~ 3 AUYOUOTOU. ' 0 notpiopx)e; ' ouativoe; ESeAeY) TOV 'IOUVIO, Xpe natpopxikoo 'EmTponou EKTEAei 6 MITponoAiT')<'; MoA6of3ioe; K. 8eOKTOTo<,;. AYfPA\A - '0 Pa6opwvKO~ Kai T~AEanTKo~ 2T08~0~ AuoTpaAia~ npoep~ OTO 610po~0 TOO D David Miikan w~ VEOU EU8uvToO TWV 8P)OKEUTKWV npoypojjjjotwv. ' 0 D Miikan, nou So 6voAo~E' T')V Seo') TOU OTO!U6VEU TOV!enTejJ PPIO TOO 1986, eonou6aoe OT~ MEApoupv~ Kai eaape TO OKTOpaTO 8eoAoyio<.; OT')V. AjJEPIK'), evw OUYXPOVw,; 6'0SETEI eupeio neipo YIO TO Spf')OKeUTIKO SejJOTO Koi Ti<.; ' EKKA')oie<.; OT~V AUOTpaAia. AY:HPAI\IA -. 0 AUOTpaAavo~. Epu8po~ 2TOUPO~ exei Ka8IEpWOEI T~ V KupaK~v 17~v AUYOUOTOU 1986 w~ KupaK~ TOO' EpuSpoO!TOUPOO. KoAwVTo<,; Ti,;. EKKA')oiE<'; VO npooeuxf SoOv VIO T~V euo6wof TOO 6vSpwnOTIKOO Koi uaov8pwmkoo epyou TOU. n'ney -. ApI8~0~ XpOTavwv nou Ev6,a<>epovTOI 6,0 T~V emkpotf')o' T~,; 6IKOoo0v'<; Koi TI;<; eip')v',; EXOUV 6no hwv 6,opyovwoe OUV6EOjJO nou >epei TO 6vojJO POOf 6,0 noyko OjJO 'AvonTusf, '0 ouv6eoj,j0<; EK6i6e evtj,jepwtko q>uaa061o Koi 6,0PVOVWVEI OUYKEvTpWoe,; 610 T'jV npows'o'j,jo,; 61KOio,; Kai Eip~vIK~~ KOvwvia~. (T~A ) y NEY -. H AuoTpaAav~ EKoTpaTEia 6,0 T~V E~aAEI"~ T~~ nevo; 80 6,eSoye T')V. ET'jOO M EKKAIOI OT') Neo NOTto DuoAo ~ETO~U EmE~ppiou, 1986, TEAEwvOVTa~ ~e - Epavo Ei~ TO!niTio T')V KUPIOK') 21 entej,j~piou. ' H EKOTPOTEio OUT'j 16p0S'Ke npiv 25 XPOVIO oov onoteaeoj,jo T~,; npwto~ouaio,; TWV. HVWJ,JEvWV. ESvwv. KINA -. H Kiva Enepe4JE noat T; ouvexta T~,; AOTpeuTIK;e; ~w~~ T~~. Op8060~~~. EKKA~aia~ OTa auvopa ~ETO~U Kiva~ Kai oj3ietikii<.;.. Evwo'<';. nepinou 100 motoi E6pTaoov TO nooxo Ya npwti <popa JJETa 20 XPOVIO ono T~V enox~ Tii<.; jjop<pwtkae; EnavaoTOo~~ TOO Mao. (. H XpoTavIK~, ). TOYPKIA -. H. IEpa 2uv060~ TOO OiKOU~EVIKOO napap XEiou E~EAE~E TOV 6aKEKp~evo Ka8~Y~T~ T~~ 0EoAoyia~ K. ' Iwovvf Z'~100Ao oe M'TponoAiTI nepvojou. ' H XEIPOTovio TaU oe. EnoKono eyve KOTO T; 0eio!\ETouPyio Tii<.; nevt')kootiie; OTOV notptopxiko Noo TOO ' AViou ewpyiou. EI\I\AA - T~v KupaK~ 11 ~ Maiou, 0 2EP. M~TponoAiT~~ KooJ,Jou Koi e.aivou K. EiP'voio<,; E AeOeTO eykoivo TOO nopek KA~oiou T~~. Op8066~ou. AKa6~~ia~ KP~T~~, TO 6noio ii<i>epw- 8'Ke ot00,; 600 oyiou<.; Koi ieponootoaou,; K0pIAAo Koi MeSo610. AI\I\IA - T~v 1 ~ Kai 20. AnpAiou 1986 npay~atono~8~ke ~ ET~oia KA~pIKoAaiK~ 2uvEAEUO~ T~~. I. M~Tpon6AEw~ amia~ uno T'}V npoe6pio TOU ep. M'TpOnoAiTou oaaio,; K. MeAETiou. T~ V uveaeuo'. OT'jV 6no0 EAopov J,Jepo<; oi ' IEpei,; Koi 01 EKnp6ownoi TWV ' Evop'wv Tfje; MITpon6Aew<.;, KUP'OI 6jJAfTe<; ioav oi novoooa.. ApXjJav6piTEe; n. KupIAAoe;. ApyevTIe; Koi 2Te<>avo~ XapaAa~ni6~~. AynTO -. H AUTOO MaKapI6T~~ 6 natpapx~~. AAE~av - 6pefo,; Ka! n601')<'; AiyunTou N'K6Aooe; np60<pata ('oua,ov) EKOI jj'jsi EV Kuph.+-, EV~ eupioketo ei; T'jV Pwoia np6; EnioKE4J' TOU natpapxeiou Mooxa~.. 0 napapx~~ NIK6Aao~ E~EAEy~ 6,0 TOV 8p6vov. AAE~av6pEia~ T~V 1 O~v Maiou, ROMANIA - His Beatitude Patiah Justin of Romania sept in the od on 31 Juy, The Funea Sevie was hed on Sunday 3 August in Buhaest. Patiah Justin was eeted as Patiah in oum tenens fo the Patiahate is His Eminene Metopoitan Theoktist of Modavia. AUSTRAIA - The Austaian Boadasting Copoation has appointed a new Head of Reigious Pogams. He is D David Miikan, 41 yeas and wi take up his position with the ABC in Sydney in Septembe D Miikan has studied at Meboune Coege of Divinity and has eeived a Dotoate in Theoogy fom Fue Theoogia Seminay in the United States: at the same time he is widey invoved in eigious vaues and ideas in Austaia. AUSTRAIA - The Austaian Red Coss Soiety has set aside Sunday the 17th August 1986 as Red Coss Sunday and has equested a Chuhes to offe payes fo its humaniaian and haitabe wok. SYDNEY - A goup of Chistians inteested in the ause of justie and peae have fo yeas been oganised as a movement aed Ation fo Wod Deveopment (AWD). The movement pubishes a newsette, meets with peope and oganises goups fo ation towads buiding a just and peaefu soiety. (Te.: ) SYDNEY - The Austaian Feedom fom Hunge Campaign wi be onduting its Annua Appea in New South Waes fom Septembe 14-21, uminating with Dooknok on Sunday 21 Septembe. This Campaign was fomed 25 yeas ago as a esut of an initiative by the Food and Agiutua Oganisation (FAO.) of the United Nations. CHINA - China has given pemission fo the Othodox faithfu to hod sevies in the boundaies between China and the Soviet Union. Some 100 Othodox Chistians eebaed Easte fo Ihe fist time afte 20 yeas sine the time of the utua evoution of Mao. (Chistianiki, ). TURKEY - The Hoy Synod of the Eumenia Paiahate eeted the we known Pofesso of Theoogy, M John Ziziouas, to the titua see of the Metopoitan of Pegamos. His onseation as Bishop took pae at the itugy of Penteost Sunday at the saed Patiaha Chuh of St. Geoge. GREECE - On Sunday, 11th May, the Most Rev. Metopoitan Ienaeos of Kissamos and Seino onseated the Chape of the Othodox Aademy of Cete, dediated to the two Saints and Missionaies Cyi and Methodios. FRANCE - On the 1 st and 2nd Api 1986 the Annua Cegy aity Congess was hed by the Hoy Metopois of Fane unde the dieion of His Eminene, Metopoitan Meetios. Speakes at the Congess, attended by the piests and epesentatives of Paishes wee the Vey Rev. Ahimandites, Fathe Cyi Agentis and Fathe Stefan os Haaambidis. EGYPT - His Beatitude Patiah Nihoas of Aexandia and a Egypt passed away eenty (Juy) whie on an offiia visit to the Patiahate of Mosow. His Beatitude was onseated Patiah on 10 May, 1968.

(a,b) Let s review the general definitions of trig functions first. (See back cover of your book) sin θ = b/r cos θ = a/r tan θ = b/a, a 0

(a,b) Let s review the general definitions of trig functions first. (See back cover of your book) sin θ = b/r cos θ = a/r tan θ = b/a, a 0 TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES (a,b) Let s eview the geneal definitions of tig functions fist. (See back cove of you book) θ b/ θ a/ tan θ b/a, a 0 θ csc θ /b, b 0 sec θ /a, a 0 cot θ a/b, b 0 By doing some

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1 3D Helmholtz Equation

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Anr.,,,,1"\1" ~" r~ MJ(lffl~LIj\ " " \t eobl..:t3g. + ~HMHTPIO:r. 6~IJ,oupvia TOO 0EOO eo em~liao, 6 eavotos eo IiTT~eij, ~

Anr.,,,,1\1 ~ r~ MJ(lffl~LIj\   \t eobl..:t3g. + ~HMHTPIO:r. 6~IJ,oupvia TOO 0EOO eo em~liao, 6 eavotos eo IiTT~eij, ~ ~ '""~" JI'! I NU OX ST. AN RE An.,,,,1"\1" ~" ~ MJ(ff~Ij\ " " \t eob..:t3g ' 0 AbvoC; 610' OKOUETE auk EaT... EJ,O" _Kaf tna'obfooy 6noVTEC; nveuj,otos. Ayou. aam TOU ne-ii'ovtoc; ).IE notp6s-. ('Iweiv.

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l L L L L l L (AI 0EOl\OrlA KAI ZQH + A.r. 53 VOLUME 7 NO.6 Regiltlfed by Austr.lja Post Publicillion No NAA 3565 TeuXD<; 780v

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«Kai EfiAr\a8lloav anavte<; nve u ~ato. Ayiou. Koi i')pt;ovto AaAEiv ETEpOII; yawaaoll;_. (npaeewv 2:4) XPIUTOC; Koi. ETm II,IIII600ETo, 0n6 E",ponii~. npovoio TOU I (pnojwtoou "ApXfn,OKOnOu 242 Ceveand St., Redfen, 2016. Te. 698-5066 «Kai EfiA\a8oav anavte

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L L. L l [ [ TO HelKO nepiexomeno THI.dHMOKPATIAI (r') 'Yno rod 'APXIWIOKonou AUOTpoMoC; LTUAlOvoD

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3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β

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Στο εστιατόριο «ToDokimasesPrinToBgaleisStonKosmo?» έξω από τους δακτυλίους του Κρόνου, οι παραγγελίες γίνονται ηλεκτρονικά.

Στο εστιατόριο «ToDokimasesPrinToBgaleisStonKosmo?» έξω από τους δακτυλίους του Κρόνου, οι παραγγελίες γίνονται ηλεκτρονικά. Διαστημικό εστιατόριο του (Μ)ΑστροΈκτορα Στο εστιατόριο «ToDokimasesPrinToBgaleisStonKosmo?» έξω από τους δακτυλίους του Κρόνου, οι παραγγελίες γίνονται ηλεκτρονικά. Μόλις μια παρέα πελατών κάτσει σε ένα

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Exercise, May 23, 2016: Inflation stabilization with noisy data 1

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1 B0 C00. nly Difo. r II. on III t o. ly II II. Di XR. Di un 5.8. Di Dinly. Di F/ / Dint. mou. on.3 3 D. 3.5 ird Thi. oun F/2. s m F/3 /3.

1 B0 C00. nly Difo. r II. on III t o. ly II II. Di XR. Di un 5.8. Di Dinly. Di F/ / Dint. mou. on.3 3 D. 3.5 ird Thi. oun F/2. s m F/3 /3. . F/ /3 3. I F/ 7 7 0 0 Mo ode del 0 00 0 00 A 6 A C00 00 0 S 0 C 0 008 06 007 07 09 A 0 00 0 00 0 009 09 A 7 I 7 7 0 0 F/.. 6 6 8 8 0 00 0 F/3 /3. fo I t o nt un D ou s ds 3. ird F/ /3 Thi ur T ou 0 Fo

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Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics

Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics Fourier Series MATH 211, Calculus II J. Robert Buchanan Department of Mathematics Spring 2018 Introduction Not all functions can be represented by Taylor series. f (k) (c) A Taylor series f (x) = (x c)

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Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 (Εξαϋλωμένη Νύχτα, Έργο 4) Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)

Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 (Εξαϋλωμένη Νύχτα, Έργο 4) Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) 1 Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 (Εξαϋλωμένη Νύχτα, Έργο 4) Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) Αναγνώσματα από το βιβλίο Η Απόλαυση της Μουσικής (Machlis, Forney), για τους μαθητές που θα μελετήσουν το έργο: «Ο Σαίνμπεργκ

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Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set

Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set May 6, 2008 Abstract A set of first-order formulas, whatever the cardinality of the set of symbols, is equivalent to an independent

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Srednicki Chapter 55

Srednicki Chapter 55 Srednicki Chapter 55 QFT Problems & Solutions A. George August 3, 03 Srednicki 55.. Use equations 55.3-55.0 and A i, A j ] = Π i, Π j ] = 0 (at equal times) to verify equations 55.-55.3. This is our third

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Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door

Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door Right Rear Door Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door You may have been already guessed my steps, so there is not much to describe in detail. Old upper one file:///c /Documents

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Phys460.nb Solution for the t-dependent Schrodinger s equation How did we find the solution? (not required)

Phys460.nb Solution for the t-dependent Schrodinger s equation How did we find the solution? (not required) Phys460.nb 81 ψ n (t) is still the (same) eigenstate of H But for tdependent H. The answer is NO. 5.5.5. Solution for the tdependent Schrodinger s equation If we assume that at time t 0, the electron starts

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9.09. # 1. Area inside the oval limaçon r = cos θ. To graph, start with θ = 0 so r = 6. Compute dr

9.09. # 1. Area inside the oval limaçon r = cos θ. To graph, start with θ = 0 so r = 6. Compute dr 9.9 #. Area inside the oval limaçon r = + cos. To graph, start with = so r =. Compute d = sin. Interesting points are where d vanishes, or at =,,, etc. For these values of we compute r:,,, and the values

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Matrices and Determinants

Matrices and Determinants Matrices and Determinants SUBJECTIVE PROBLEMS: Q 1. For what value of k do the following system of equations possess a non-trivial (i.e., not all zero) solution over the set of rationals Q? x + ky + 3z

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Tutorial Note - Week 09 - Solution

Tutorial Note - Week 09 - Solution Tutoial Note - Week 9 - Solution ouble Integals in Pola Coodinates. a Since + and + 5 ae cicles centeed at oigin with adius and 5, then {,θ 5, θ π } Figue. f, f cos θ, sin θ cos θ sin θ sin θ da 5 69 5

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Instruction Execution Times

Instruction Execution Times 1 C Execution Times InThisAppendix... Introduction DL330 Execution Times DL330P Execution Times DL340 Execution Times C-2 Execution Times Introduction Data Registers This appendix contains several tables

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COONH THr OP60LlO,=IAr T A I.' 0 A6yo~ 6v iuouue OUK IOTIV E6~ ama TOO nt:p""avt6~ PE notp6~, Iwav, 4:24).. Ka ma\a9qaav anavte~ nveuiotqci ' Ayiou, Ka I'\pEaVTo AaAEIv.dpa~ yawaaa~'" Inp(EWV 2:4) COONH TH OP60O,=IA VOICE OF

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The Neutrix Product of the Distributions r. x λ

The Neutrix Product of the Distributions r. x λ ULLETIN u. Maaysia Math. Soc. Secod Seies 22 999 - of the MALAYSIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY The Neuti Poduct of the Distibutios ad RIAN FISHER AND 2 FATMA AL-SIREHY Depatet of Matheatics ad Copute Sciece

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Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES

Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES TEACHER s NOTES Time: 50 minutes Learning Outcomes: To relate the genetic code to the assembly of proteins To summarize factors that lead to different types of mutations To distinguish among positive,

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The Laplacian in Spherical Polar Coordinates

The Laplacian in Spherical Polar Coordinates Univesity of Connecticut DigitalCommons@UConn Chemisty Education Mateials Depatment of Chemisty -6-007 The Laplacian in Spheical Pola Coodinates Cal W. David Univesity of Connecticut, Cal.David@uconn.edu

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Section 9.2 Polar Equations and Graphs

Section 9.2 Polar Equations and Graphs 180 Section 9. Polar Equations and Graphs In this section, we will be graphing polar equations on a polar grid. In the first few examples, we will write the polar equation in rectangular form to help identify

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r ' Yrro 'Ap)(lETTlOKorrOV Avarpo}Jor:; K..[ TVAlavoV

r ' Yrro 'Ap)(lETTlOKorrOV Avarpo}Jor:; K..[ TVAlavoV ' 0 A6voC; 6v ''''OUETE 0";", EO'TIV fo6c; am6 TOU neoii4oiovtoc; ot: notpos-, ('w6v, 14:24) IUVTOOOE'QI VOUME uno ' EOiTponi'O, npov(iq TOCi I(poo~.I wt cf ou. APX1uo.6nou 242 Ceveand St.. Redfen, 2016.

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Math221: HW# 1 solutions

Math221: HW# 1 solutions Math: HW# solutions Andy Royston October, 5 7.5.7, 3 rd Ed. We have a n = b n = a = fxdx = xdx =, x cos nxdx = x sin nx n sin nxdx n = cos nx n = n n, x sin nxdx = x cos nx n + cos nxdx n cos n = + sin

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2 Composition. Invertible Mappings

2 Composition. Invertible Mappings Arkansas Tech University MATH 4033: Elementary Modern Algebra Dr. Marcel B. Finan Composition. Invertible Mappings In this section we discuss two procedures for creating new mappings from old ones, namely,

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wkal t na.r\ae.,oov 6nOVTEt; nv Eu ~atoc;. AVlou. Mal "P~OVTO "aadv TEPOI" yawooolc;_. (np6~ew V 2 :4) +'&HMHTPIO!:

wkal t na.r\ae.,oov 6nOVTEt; nv Eu ~atoc;. AVlou. Mal P~OVTO aadv TEPOI yawooolc;_. (np6~ew V 2 :4) +'&HMHTPIO!: wkal t na.\ae.,oov 6nOVTEt; nv Eu ~atoc;. AVlou. Mal "P~OVTO "aadv TEPOI" yawooolc;_. (np6~ew V 2 :4) EnIIHMD EKAOIII IEPA! APXIEnIIKonHI AYITPAAIAI IUYIOOOETOI uno ' Enllpon1o:;. npovojq IOU IdJoo!JII,II('nou

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I am. Present indicative

I am. Present indicative εἰμί eimi Present indicative εἰμί εἶ ἐστί(ν) ἐσμέν ἐστέ εἰσί(ν) John 3:28 εἰμὶ ἐγὼ ὁ χριστός eimi ego ho christos John 3:28 εἰμὶ ἐγὼ ὁ χριστός eimi ego ho christos the Christ John 1:19 Σὺτίςεἶ; Su tis

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21 YNE PIO I O O IA 21st INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHILOSOPHY INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR GREEK PHILOSOPHY 5, SIMONIDOU STR., 174 56 ALIMOS GREECE TEL: +30210-9956955, +30210-7277545, +30210-7277548 FAX: +30210-9923281, +30210-7248979 Website: http://www.hri.org/iagp,

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Section 7.6 Double and Half Angle Formulas

Section 7.6 Double and Half Angle Formulas 09 Section 7. Double and Half Angle Fmulas To derive the double-angles fmulas, we will use the sum of two angles fmulas that we developed in the last section. We will let α θ and β θ: cos(θ) cos(θ + θ)

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14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense

14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense Day one I. Word Study and Grammar 1. Most Greek verbs end in in the first person singular. 2. The present tense is formed by adding endings to the present stem.

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ANSWERSHEET (TOPIC = DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS) COLLECTION #2. h 0 h h 0 h h 0 ( ) g k = g 0 + g 1 + g g 2009 =?

ANSWERSHEET (TOPIC = DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS) COLLECTION #2. h 0 h h 0 h h 0 ( ) g k = g 0 + g 1 + g g 2009 =? Teko Classes IITJEE/AIEEE Maths by SUHAAG SIR, Bhopal, Ph (0755) 3 00 000 www.tekoclasses.com ANSWERSHEET (TOPIC DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS) COLLECTION # Question Type A.Single Correct Type Q. (A) Sol least

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1 ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ Δ. ΤΡΙΤΑΡΗΣ 69 Φεβρουάριος 2011 Περιεχόμενα Η συμβολή του Ιωάννη Καποδίστρια στην εδραίωση της ανεξαρτησίας και της ουδετερότητας της Ελβετίας σ. 1 Οι νέες ισορροπίες στην Ασία και Μ. Ανατολή Η ινδοϊστραηλινή συνεργασία

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Solutions to the Schrodinger equation atomic orbitals. Ψ 1 s Ψ 2 s Ψ 2 px Ψ 2 py Ψ 2 pz

Solutions to the Schrodinger equation atomic orbitals. Ψ 1 s Ψ 2 s Ψ 2 px Ψ 2 py Ψ 2 pz Solutions to the Schrodinger equation atomic orbitals Ψ 1 s Ψ 2 s Ψ 2 px Ψ 2 py Ψ 2 pz ybridization Valence Bond Approach to bonding sp 3 (Ψ 2 s + Ψ 2 px + Ψ 2 py + Ψ 2 pz) sp 2 (Ψ 2 s + Ψ 2 px + Ψ 2 py)

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Chapter 29. Adjectival Participle

Chapter 29. Adjectival Participle Chapter 29 Adjectival Participle Overview (29.3-5) Definition: Verbal adjective Function: they may function adverbially or adjectivally Forms: No new forms because adverbial and adjectival participles

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Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5

Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5 Solutions to Eercise Sheet 5 jacques@ucsd.edu. Let X and Y be random variables with joint pdf f(, y) = 3y( + y) where and y. Determine each of the following probabilities. Solutions. a. P (X ). b. P (X

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LESSON 12 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΩΔΕΚΑ) REF : 202/055/32-ADV. 4 February 2014

LESSON 12 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΩΔΕΚΑ) REF : 202/055/32-ADV. 4 February 2014 LESSON 12 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΩΔΕΚΑ) REF : 202/055/32-ADV 4 February 2014 Somewhere κάπου (kapoo) Nowhere πουθενά (poothena) Elsewhere αλλού (aloo) Drawer το συρτάρι (sirtari) Page η σελίδα (selida) News τα νέα (nea)

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FINAL TEST B TERM-JUNIOR B STARTING STEPS IN GRAMMAR UNITS 8-17 FINAL TEST B TERM-JUNIOR B STARTING STEPS IN GRAMMAR UNITS 8-17 Name: Surname: Date: Class: 1. Write these words in the correct order. /Γράψε αυτέσ τισ λέξεισ ςτη ςωςτή ςειρά. 1) playing / his / not /

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Calculating the propagation delay of coaxial cable

Calculating the propagation delay of coaxial cable Your source for quality GNSS Networking Solutions and Design Services! Page 1 of 5 Calculating the propagation delay of coaxial cable The delay of a cable or velocity factor is determined by the dielectric

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Οι αδελφοί Montgolfier: Ψηφιακή αφήγηση The Montgolfier Βrothers Digital Story (προτείνεται να διδαχθεί στο Unit 4, Lesson 3, Αγγλικά Στ Δημοτικού)

Οι αδελφοί Montgolfier: Ψηφιακή αφήγηση The Montgolfier Βrothers Digital Story (προτείνεται να διδαχθεί στο Unit 4, Lesson 3, Αγγλικά Στ Δημοτικού) Οι αδελφοί Montgolfier: Ψηφιακή αφήγηση The Montgolfier Βrothers Digital Story (προτείνεται να διδαχθεί στο Unit 4, Lesson 3, Αγγλικά Στ Δημοτικού) Προσδοκώμενα αποτελέσματα Περιεχόμενο Ενδεικτικές δραστηριότητες

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WEEK 21. The Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles OUTLINE DAY 1

WEEK 21. The Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles OUTLINE DAY 1 WEEK 21 The Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles OUTLINE DAY 1 I. The Feast of Firstfruits signifies the resurrected Christ as the firstfruits for our enjoyment as

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Jesse Maassen and Mark Lundstrom Purdue University November 25, 2013

Jesse Maassen and Mark Lundstrom Purdue University November 25, 2013 Notes on Average Scattering imes and Hall Factors Jesse Maassen and Mar Lundstrom Purdue University November 5, 13 I. Introduction 1 II. Solution of the BE 1 III. Exercises: Woring out average scattering

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Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1.

Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1. Exercises 0 More exercises are available in Elementary Differential Equations. If you have a problem to solve any of them, feel free to come to office hour. Problem Find a fundamental matrix of the given

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LESSON 8 REF : 202/047/28-ADV. 7 January 2014

LESSON 8 REF : 202/047/28-ADV. 7 January 2014 LESSON 8 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΟΧΤΩ) REF : 202/047/28-ADV 7 January 2014 Εκατό (Εκατόν) (Ekato, Ekaton) 100 Διακόσια (Diakosia) 200 Τριακόσια (Triakosia) 300 Τετρακόσια (Tetrakosia) 400 Πεντακόσια (Pendakosia) 500 Εξακόσια

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Fax no +302106505936 To. 2310263139 Page: 1/12

Fax no +302106505936 To. 2310263139 Page: 1/12 rom Ktimatoiogio SA ax no +302106505936 To. 2310263139 Page: 1/12 Date 11/19/2015940.39 Mv1 EeNtKo KTHMATOAOnO a XAPTOrPAeHlH A.I. A911va, 18/11/2015 A.n.: 15317781L\.AK 926 nuos: YnoOT]KoAaKdo Nto)v

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Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * *

Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * * Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * * In the first chapter, we practiced the skill of reading Greek words. Now we want to try to understand some parts of what we read. There are a

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.Kai tnal\a9'1oav 6novTE<; nveuljatoc;. Aylou Koi r'\p(avto AaAEiv c:d:palci vawooa.. ;_. (npli(ewv 2 :4) flatpiapxikh AnO.4EIEIE Em TQ, f7ad(a,

.Kai tnal\a9'1oav 6novTE<; nveuljatoc;. Aylou Koi r'\p(avto AaAEiv c:d:palci vawooa.. ;_. (npli(ewv 2 :4) flatpiapxikh AnO.4EIEIE Em TQ, f7ad(a, IuvTC~ao(fOI " 0 A6vo~ 6v OKOU ETE DUIt IUTIv 160; omo TOO n IIVOVT6C; IIE notp6o;-, Iwav. 14:24) uno 'E",'ponik. npovoq TaU doo~,""m.tou ApX'mo~6nOt 242 Ceveand St., Redfen, 2016. Te. 698-5066 VOUME 10

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ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ανοικτά Ακαδημαϊκά Μαθήματα στο ΤΕΙ Ιονίων Νήσων ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ενότητα 11: The Unreal Past Το περιεχόμενο του μαθήματος διατίθεται με άδεια Creative Commons

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Policy Coherence. JEL Classification : J12, J13, J21 Key words :

Policy Coherence. JEL Classification : J12, J13, J21 Key words : ** 80%1.89 2005 7 35 Policy Coherence JEL Classification : J12, J13, J21 Key words : ** Family Life and Family Policy in France and Germany: Implications for Japan By Tomoko Hayashi and Rieko Tamefuji

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LESSON 26 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΕΞΙ) REF : 102/030/26. 18 November 2014

LESSON 26 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΕΞΙ) REF : 102/030/26. 18 November 2014 LESSON 26 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΕΞΙ) REF : 102/030/26 18 November 2014 But Weekend I love The song I sing I smile I laugh Greek (thing) Greek(people) Greek (man) αλλά (το) Σαββατοκύριακο αγαπώ (το) τραγούδι τραγουδώ

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ΘΕΙΑΣ ΑΝΑΛΗΨΕΩΣ. Greek Orthodox Church. Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey ASCENSION

ΘΕΙΑΣ ΑΝΑΛΗΨΕΩΣ. Greek Orthodox Church. Ελληνική Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία. Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey ASCENSION Ecumenical Patriarchate Greek Orthodox Metropolis of New Jersey ASCENSION Greek Orthodox Church FAIRVIEW - NEW JERSEY Weekly Bulletin Sunday June 1 st, 2014 Fathers of the 1st Ecumenical Council Οικουμενικόν

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ο ο 3 α. 3"* > ω > d καΐ 'Ενορία όλις ή Χώρί ^ 3 < KN < ^ < 13 > ο_ Μ ^~~ > > > > > Ο to X Η > ο_ ο Ο,2 Σχέδι Γλεγμα Ο Σ Ο Ζ < o w *< Χ χ Χ Χ < < < Ο

ο ο 3 α. 3* > ω > d καΐ 'Ενορία όλις ή Χώρί ^ 3 < KN < ^ < 13 > ο_ Μ ^~~ > > > > > Ο to X Η > ο_ ο Ο,2 Σχέδι Γλεγμα Ο Σ Ο Ζ < o w *< Χ χ Χ Χ < < < Ο 18 ρ * -sf. NO 1 D... 1: - ( ΰ ΐ - ι- *- 2 - UN _ ί=. r t ' \0 y «. _,2. "* co Ι». =; F S " 5 D 0 g H ', ( co* 5. «ΰ ' δ". o θ * * "ΰ 2 Ι o * "- 1 W co o -o1= to»g ι. *ΰ * Ε fc ΰ Ι.. L j to. Ι Q_ " 'T

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22o YNE PIO I O O IA 22nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF PHILOSOPHY IE NH ETAIPEIA E HNIKH I O O IA 5, 17456 - TEL: +30210 9956955, +30210 7277545, +30210 7277548 FAX: +30210 9923281, +30210 7248979 website: http://www.hri.org/iagp/, http://www.iagp.gr E-mail: kboud714@ppp.uoa.gr

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Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests

Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests Shirsendu Mukherjee Department of Statistics, Asutosh College, Kolkata, India. shirsendu st@yahoo.co.in So far we have treated the testing of one-sided

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Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------

Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- ----------------- Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. 1. Sin ( ) = a) b) c) d) Ans b. Solution : Method 1. Ans a: 17 > 1 a) is rejected. w.k.t Sin ( sin ) = d is rejected. If sin

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Στεγαστική δήλωση: Σχετικά με τις στεγαστικές υπηρεσίες που λαμβάνετε (Residential statement: About the residential services you get)

Στεγαστική δήλωση: Σχετικά με τις στεγαστικές υπηρεσίες που λαμβάνετε (Residential statement: About the residential services you get) Νόμος περί Αναπηριών 2006 (Disability Act 2006) Στεγαστική δήλωση: Σχετικά με τις στεγαστικές υπηρεσίες που λαμβάνετε (Residential statement: About the residential services you get) Greek Νόμος περί Αναπηριών

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ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΠΑΛΛΗΣ SCHOOLTIME E-BOOKS ΟΜΗΡΟΥ ΙΛΙΑΔΑ ΑΛΕΞΑΝΔΡΟΣ ΠΑΛΛΗΣ SCHOOLTIME E-BOOKS www.scooltime.gr [- 2 -] The Project Gutenberg EBook of Iliad, by Homer This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions

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The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus

The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus Type Inference Instead of writing type annotations, can we use an algorithm to infer what the type annotations should be? That depends on the type system. For simple type systems the answer is yes, and

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ΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ. ΘΕΜΑ: «ιερεύνηση της σχέσης µεταξύ φωνηµικής επίγνωσης και ορθογραφικής δεξιότητας σε παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας»


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Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Understanding and Written Response

Advanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Understanding and Written Response Write your name here Surname Other names Edexcel GE entre Number andidate Number Greek dvanced Subsidiary Unit 1: Understanding and Written Response Thursday 16 May 2013 Morning Time: 2 hours 45 minutes

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.Kai tnar'jo8f')oav anavtet; nveuj,lotos. AVlou, Kal "p~avto AaAEiv ETtPOII; vawaaoll;-, (npaeelijv 2:4)

.Kai tnar'jo8f')oav anavtet; nveuj,lotos. AVlou, Kal p~avto AaAEiv ETtPOII; vawaaoll;-, (npaeelijv 2:4) lire, '4'24~.Kai tna'jo8f')oav anavtet; nveuj,lotos. AVlou, Kal "p~avto AaAEiv ETtPO; vawaaoll;-, (npaeeljv 2:4). L,VTOOOETO un6 ' EnHpon~~, npovojo TOU E!JoOj.JWTOTOU ' ApXfEmaltOnOu 242 Cleveland 51"

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KOlN: n.l1. IUjJcpwvo jje T'lV KOIVOTIK~ KOI 8VIK~ vojjo8 aio anayopeuetoi 11

KOlN: n.l1. IUjJcpwvo jje T'lV KOIVOTIK~ KOI 8VIK~ vojjo8 aio anayopeuetoi 11 EJ\J\HNIKH llhmokpatia ynoypreio ArpOTIKHI: ANAnTY::HI: & TPOIMON llini:h MET AnOIHI:HI:, TYnOnOIHI:HI: KAI noiotikoy EJ\ErXOY TMHMA OINOY KAI AJ\KOOJ\OYXON noton Tax. llivo"il: Axapvwv 2,101 76, A8HNA

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MATH 38061/MATH48061/MATH68061: MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS Solutions to Problems on Matrix Algebra

MATH 38061/MATH48061/MATH68061: MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS Solutions to Problems on Matrix Algebra MATH 38061/MATH48061/MATH68061: MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS Solutios to Poblems o Matix Algeba 1 Let A be a squae diagoal matix takig the fom a 11 0 0 0 a 22 0 A 0 0 a pp The ad So, log det A t log A t log

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Potential Dividers. 46 minutes. 46 marks. Page 1 of 11

Potential Dividers. 46 minutes. 46 marks. Page 1 of 11 Potential Dividers 46 minutes 46 marks Page 1 of 11 Q1. In the circuit shown in the figure below, the battery, of negligible internal resistance, has an emf of 30 V. The pd across the lamp is 6.0 V and

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LESSON 28 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΟΚΤΩ) REF : 201/033/28. 2 December 2014

LESSON 28 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΟΚΤΩ) REF : 201/033/28. 2 December 2014 LESSON 28 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΟΚΤΩ) REF : 201/033/28 2 December 2014 Place/Seat Right (noun) I am right I am not right It matters It does not matter The same (singular) The same (Plural) Η θέση Το δίκιο Έχω

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Adjectives. Describing the Qualities of Things. A lesson for the Paideia web-app Ian W. Scott, 2015

Adjectives. Describing the Qualities of Things. A lesson for the Paideia web-app Ian W. Scott, 2015 Adjectives Describing the Qualities of Things A lesson for the Paideia web-app Ian W. Scott, 2015 Getting Started with Adjectives It's hard to say much using only nouns and pronouns Simon is a father.

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Q π (/) ^ ^ ^ Η φ. <f) c>o. ^ ο. ö ê ω Q. Ο. o 'c. _o _) o U 03. ,,, ω ^ ^ -g'^ ο 0) f ο. Ε. ιη ο Φ. ο 0) κ. ο 03.,Ο. g 2< οο"" ο φ.

Q π (/) ^ ^ ^ Η φ. <f) c>o. ^ ο. ö ê ω Q. Ο. o 'c. _o _) o U 03. ,,, ω ^ ^ -g'^ ο 0) f ο. Ε. ιη ο Φ. ο 0) κ. ο 03.,Ο. g 2< οο ο φ. II 4»» «i p û»7'' s V -Ζ G -7 y 1 X s? ' (/) Ζ L. - =! i- Ζ ) Η f) " i L. Û - 1 1 Ι û ( - " - ' t - ' t/î " ι-8. Ι -. : wî ' j 1 Τ J en " il-' - - ö ê., t= ' -; '9 ',,, ) Τ '.,/,. - ϊζ L - (- - s.1 ai

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ 6/5/2006 Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Ολοι οι αριθμοί που αναφέρονται σε όλα τα ερωτήματα είναι μικρότεροι το 1000 εκτός αν ορίζεται διαφορετικά στη διατύπωση του προβλήματος. Διάρκεια: 3,5 ώρες Καλή

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΟΣ ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY 21 ος ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ Δεύτερος Γύρος - 30 Μαρτίου 2011 Διάρκεια Διαγωνισμού: 3 ώρες Απαντήστε όλες τις ερωτήσεις Μέγιστο Βάρος (20 Μονάδες) Δίνεται ένα σύνολο από N σφαιρίδια τα οποία δεν έχουν όλα το ίδιο βάρος μεταξύ τους και ένα κουτί που αντέχει μέχρι

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STARTING STEPS IN GRAMMAR, FINAL TEST C TERM 2012 UNITS 1-18 STARTING STEPS IN GRAMMAR, FINAL TEST C TERM 2012 UNITS 1-18 Name.. Class. Date. EXERCISE 1 Answer the question. Use: Yes, it is or No, it isn t. Απάντηςε ςτισ ερωτήςεισ. Βάλε: Yes, it is ή No, it isn

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Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ.

Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ. Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο The time integral of a force is referred to as impulse, is determined by and is obtained from: Newton s 2 nd Law of motion states that the action

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Q1a. HeavisideTheta x. Plot f, x, Pi, Pi. Simplify, n Integers

Q1a. HeavisideTheta x. Plot f, x, Pi, Pi. Simplify, n Integers 2 M2 Fourier Series answers in Mathematica Note the function HeavisideTheta is for x>0 and 0 for x

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2007 Classical Greek. Intermediate 2 Translation. Finalised Marking Instructions

2007 Classical Greek. Intermediate 2 Translation. Finalised Marking Instructions 2007 Classical Greek Intermediate 2 Translation Finalised Marking Instructions Scottish Qualifications Authority 2007 The information in this publication may be reproduced to support SQA qualifications

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4.6 Autoregressive Moving Average Model ARMA(1,1)

4.6 Autoregressive Moving Average Model ARMA(1,1) 84 CHAPTER 4. STATIONARY TS MODELS 4.6 Autoregressive Moving Average Model ARMA(,) This section is an introduction to a wide class of models ARMA(p,q) which we will consider in more detail later in this

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Writing for A class. Describe yourself Topic 1: Write your name, your nationality, your hobby, your pet. Write where you live.

Writing for A class. Describe yourself Topic 1: Write your name, your nationality, your hobby, your pet. Write where you live. Topic 1: Describe yourself Write your name, your nationality, your hobby, your pet. Write where you live. Χρησιμοποίησε το and. WRITE your paragraph in 40-60 words... 1 Topic 2: Describe your room Χρησιμοποίησε

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