L L. L l [ [ TO HelKO nepiexomeno THI.dHMOKPATIAI (r') 'Yno rod 'APXIWIOKonou AUOTpoMoC; LTUAlOvoD

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1 _Kai EnA'a9.,oav 6naVTEe; nveu~atoe;. Ayou. Kai "P~OVTo AaAEiv Ed"pae; vawaooe;-, (npaeewv 2:4) IUVT600(OI un6. Enpo!ij~, npovoiq 100!(P00I1I1I11010U. ApXtEnOK6nou 242 Ceveand St., Reden Te OFFICIA PUBICATION OF THE GREEK ORTHODOX ARCHDIOCESE OF AUSTRAIA ' ffoio Iuv6po1t - Annua SubscTipion $15.00 VOUME 8 NO. 8 Reisteed by Austeia Post Pubicetion Na NAR 3565 TEuXa; 92av TO HeKO nepiexomeno THI.dHMOKPATIAI (') 'Yno od 'APXIWIOKonou AUOTpoMoC; TUAOvoD V.!:ev onoka feoi J-e 000 E'mOJ-E mo navw va OIJ-IOUPY'}- 61KE i evninwoi OTI OTiv v oeaavki noawoi apiotepos - oe~os ekoutipaooj- J-OVO Tiis npwtis T'}V ExnTWOI ono TiV nopooooi Kof iv e6viki OAOKAIPio. ' OUTO npenei va nooj-e eow onepicppooto on onws ono Tiis apiotepos TiV anoauti OPVITIKOTITO npoekuve ouv T4:i XpOV4J. EOTW oov CPWTEIV'} J-eIOVCPio, J-a 8EPJ-i KOTaCPOa Tiis nopooooews, TOI Kai ono Tiis OE~IOS TiV AEAoYIOJ-EVI emcpuaoktikotito Kai OUVTIPITIKOTITO ekcpuaia6k ouv 4:i XPOV4J J-a Ta~1 OTEVOVUXI Kof TUPOVVIKi, nou oev ~TOV OUVOTO vo J-iv 601yiO 1 oe e6viko ooe~ooo. T6 motonotika «KOIVWVIKUh POVfJ.1aTWV» - yvwpi~ouj-e oao KoAo noioi Koi Ya noaa XPOVIO TO KPOTIOOV ev ioxu'i, YI ' oms oev EXEI VOIJ-O va eykoaoovtoi J-OVO OUTOV nou TO eioiyi8ik! -, oi ouaaive1s, 01 EKTonioeS, 01 ~uaooopj-oi Koi TO j3000vioti PIO OTa TJ-iJ-OTO. AocpoAeios oev ovokoaucp61kov ev J-IQ VUKTi TiV 2111 'AnpIAiou, 'H TUPOVVIKi entoeio uniip~e aocpo AwS v060v, oaao onwooinote <PUOIKO TeKvov J-IOS notpookan AEioS nou OTOOIOKO eixe ovontux6ei ono noaaes O KOETi S. ' auto oi npoyj-otikoi 61J-OKPOTIKOi av6pwnoi Tiis OE~aS ~ Tiis OpOTEPOS j3pe8ikov ooea<pwj-evoi oov oywvo KOTO TfjS XOUV TOS, OXI ~ocpvk6 Koi ovonovtexo, oaao Aeiws <puoioaoyiko Koi VO J-OTEAEIOKa. VI.' EnenpwTO OJ-WS ouxws va emj3u,ijoouv cao TO OTOIXEio TOO enapotou 6AOKAIPWTOJ-00, TOOO o oe~i(' 000 Koi OTV OPIOTEpO. oti onaouotoo oev ej-eooaoj3oe, CPOfVETOI, J-eTavOa J-TE KOTOAAoy. " ETOI, J-ETO T'jV J-ETonoAiTEUOI, KOTOOIKa- 081KOV Koi <puaokiosikov J-OVO oi OTPOTIWTKOi npo~ikonj-otie S, EJ- IVOV oe eaeusepo Koi OOUOOTOI oi nveuj-0- 'IKoi Koi 8eWPnKoi TWV noepes. oe J-EpKes oe nepmtwoes Koi npoj3j3ao8ikov Ya VO OVOJ-OPCPWOOUV TO "1010 O'KTOTOP IKO TV IJETO-OIKTOTOPIK 'EAAaoo. ME noe OJ-wS AOYIK ononouj-e J-eyoAHEPI eu8u~io otis nveuj-ot'kes o~ies Tiis!:1J-OKpaios ono TOUS OTponWTIKOU') Kai TOUS <PUAOKi~ouJ-e oov TiS KOTOAuouv, TOUS oe «nvfuj.atikou~» otuaopates Koi KaT' ouoiov J-eVTOpe') TWV OJ-VIOT UOUJ-e Toaov ovetws;!:ev ;..eye Koveis va J-~V TIJ-WPOOVTOI oi npo~ikonj-otie'), No TIJ-WPOOVTOI OJ-WS 6Ao KOTO TO J-eTpO TIS evoxiis TWV TouAoXIOTOV on06e6e YJ-evo Koi ouveoo ouvenpa~ov Eis TO npo~ikonj-o. Koi eyvov J-EV J-E T~ J-ETonoAiTEUOI wpioj-evo SeaJ-aTIKa j3ij-oto EKOIJ-OKPOTOJ-OO TOO OIJ-ooiou j3iou J-OS - nopaaaiao J-e naii- 80S E~oAAwoUVES KI OV nftpentes YIO T V veoeaaiv'k KOvwvio OKPOTIT S - onws n x i voj-ij-onoiioi oo K.K.E., i ovoyvw PIOI Tiis e8vikiis OVTOTOOeWS oe oao TO J-ETwno, ianaonoioi TOO yawooikoo opyavou, i ev noaaois e~iowoi TWV OUO q,uawv, i eaeu8ep,onoioi TOO oonkoo KWOIKO, 6 noaitiko,) yaj-os WS oo~euktiki'j 6UVOTOTITO, i oe J-epiKO TouAoXIOTOV OIJ-eio j3eai Wa TOO oikoyeve,okou okoiou K.a... OJ-WS Koi KaT' OUTiV o KOJ- Tiv J-OVOOIK OTO XPOVIKO TOO vew Tepou. EAAIVIKOO KpaTOUS nepiooo!:1j-okpotio,) Eupwna"iKoO Tunou, oev EAeVov oi OKOVooAwoeS nepmwoes ovnoj-okpotikiis OUJ-nEp1<popOS oe KecpaAoI,i.o ~ITJ-OO TOO OIJ-ooiou j3iou. To TpaYIKo oe eivoi O J-E Ti,) oaq,op S OUTes J-EToppuSJ-ioeIS ovontuxsike OKOJ- nep,oootepo KI EVo') oq,opos AO'IKIOJ-OS OT'jV ev yevei noaiti OT'KI'j ~W J-OS,!.Ie T'j yawook'j oe J-EToppu8J-IOI enekpotoe ois OIJ-OOes unpeoies Koi OTO P0610TIAeonTIKa J-eoo J-o~IKiiS evwepwoews J- oj3oppapotito aveu npojyouj-evou.. H j3opj3o POTITO autoneikovi~eo, XOPOKTIPIOTIKO OXI J-OVaXO OTO onopooekto Ae~ I AoY o Kof oe nafjsos ono oni8oves yawooikes KoaoKeue,). oaa6, npok IJ-EVOU nepi TWV ojj-oofwv umweowv, akoj-1 Koi OT~V anafj KOTOPYIOf Ti)S npoocpwv'joews Koi TfjS noaitioj-evis KooKAEiooS oo «J.1fTa TJ.1i1e;» ov onooo'jnote unpeoioki 6AAIAoypocpio J-e TOV noaiti. "000 oe Ya TO noai nko ~8J, ioiws ono TiV avooo TOO naok oniv E~ouofo, auto naeov TO oeppwoe TeAeiws i unokpoia, i OIJ-oywyio, i KOJ-J-O TKonoio TWV n6vtwv KO! 6 KUVIOJ-OS. Koi oev evvoouj- j3ej301o eow TV KUPEPVITK'j ouj-nep'<popo 0XETIKO J-e TO NATO, Tiv KOv'j. Ayopo, Koi TiV ev yeve e~wtepik noa't1k, KupiwS evvow ouj-e TV TeAeiws akotovoti O'KTOTOPIK OUJ-nePcpopa TWV Ku~epvwvTwV OTO eowtepko Ti'iS xwpos - nou OE OTIYJ-ES OUTO KPITIKfj,) 0 K. nonovopeou ixe TV eiaikpiveo va XOPOKH1Pioei eotw EntEIKWS W') «aaa(oveia Tie; ifouaiae;» -, TV nep<ppovjoi TOO KOIVOj3ouAEUTIKOO EAEyxou Koi ooaoyou, ioioitoto oe TOV EK veou OIXOOJ-O TOO AooO Je T~V T!:Aeiws TexvT'} noawo apotepas - 6e~os, Koi J-aAIOTO oe enoxi TWV J-EyoAuTEpWV e8vikwv KIVOUVWV. nws eivoi OUVOTOV va J-,Aa Koveisono TO EVa J-epo') Ya e8vik OJ-oJ.UXio Koi OU J-<PIAiwOI, YIO Ae TOO ntkpoo nopea- 80VTO'), KI ana o aaao J-epos vo See I j300ko ouv61j-0 OX' J-OVO npoekaoyiko, 6AAa Koi oe Ko8e onyj-i OVaJ-ETp;OEWS Koi Aoyooooios TO ej-npiotko K ivo «0 Aa6~ oe-v (exvti Ti GfJ.1aivf Of (I a»;!:ev 60 J-nopOUO Koi ionooo'jnote CAAI nopato~1 vo XOAKEU De ovaaoyo OIXOOTIKO OUvS'jJ-OTa ya TOUS OVTTIoAouS TIS; noios eivo eni TEAou') OTV. EAAaoo «0 Aa6~» Koi noa EivOi «ij oe(ci»; W AAAo nopaoeyj-o OXI J-OVaXO unokpoios Koi OIJ-oywyioS. aaaa Koi 8pooUTOTiS UnOTIJ-OeWS iis VO' IJ-00UVIS TWV. EAAvWV eivoi TO OTi ono TO EVa J-epOS XOPOKTJpi~ETOI - Kai noau opsa - WS OIJ-OYWYIKo Kof XOUVTKO ek ivo TO «' EAAa~. EAAjvwv XP/oTovwv», ano TO aaao oe J-EPOS npoj3aaaetoi TO «ij ' EAAaoa atou~ -EAA7vee;» WS 0 UVOTOS J-ETO T'j OIKTOTOpio 8VI KO') OTOXOS.. EPWTOTOI OJ-WS: eivoi AIYJTepO OIIJOYWYIKO Koi XOUVTIKO TO oeutepo ono TO npwto; 80 ;..eyoj-e J-aA'OTO on Ya va {1J-OOTE OiKOIOI Sanpene TO OEuepo va TO XOPOKTpioOjJE OKOJ- novpoepo ono TO npwto, KOTa TO J-ETPO nou ekeivo J-ev TO npoj3aaaov eykecpoao OTponWTIKoi, Ev4:i TO oeutepo <PWTIOJ-E VO, unoti8etoi, OKOOIJ-o'iKof avo pes.. EmTpEnovTo OJ-w') OOV onooo'jnote un u8uvo Kof OIJ-O KPOTIKO av8pwno TeTOIO V uoii ouv81'jj-oto oe J-10 enox nou of 77

2 E8vIKIO'J.JOi TOO nopea80vtoe; exouv unoxwpoe oi081ta o" eva KAiJ,JO navov8pwnvfe; 6AAfAeVVUIe; Kai ouvepvooioe;;. EnTpenOVTOI noau nepoootepo OTO xeiaf EVoe; ~ EAAIVOe; owooiou 6vapoe; TeTOa O'UV8J,JOTa, OTOV EivOI VVWOTO on TO,.1100 TOO. EAAIVIKOU na8uoj,jou OJ,JEpa PpiOKETOI e;w ono T V ' EAAa60 oov. An061J,J 0e;, EAAfVIOJ,J Oe;; Ti 80 VIVOTOV oaoe; OU TOe; 6 KOOJ,JOe; - nou TOOO OUXvo J,JO AIOTO TOV EnKOAouJ,JOOTE otie; E8v IKE<; Kpioee; - OV OAE<; 01 XWPE<; e8etov w<; e8viko OTOXO TOU<; TETOIO O'uv8iJ,JoTa;, AAAa Koi i evavti Tii<; ' EKKAfOio<; O'UJ,JnepCpopo TWV oj,je PIVWV KuI3epvTwv Tii<;. EAAa60<; e1voi OKPW<; ooq>wno'tik we; npo<; TO 8EJ,J0 «j]pokpoio», VIOT! nopouoia~e KpouvoAEo q>0 VO J,JEVO npwtoqovou<; 6AoKA fpwtio'j,jou Koi unokpio'ia<;: ono TO Eva J,J epoe; 6voJ,J a~ ouv TV. EKKA'O'io «Kopupoio 8fOp6 od ''E8vou~» J,Je unev8uj,j IOf TOU noaa 6 EiAEI TO EVOe; OT V MfTepo Koi TPOCPO TOU. Op8060;io, KI ono TO 6AAo TV J,JETOXEIpi~ovTa we; TJ)V 010 ovunoa'nti TO;f ov8pwnwv OVEXOJ,JEVOI, 6v J,J Koi u n060ua i ~ovtee; TEXVIEVTWe;, TOV 610 novto<; J,JEOOU 010- OUP J,JO Tie;.. H OVTI 6 'J,JoKponK Koi OKpWe; EX8pIK OUT KO TO Tiie;. EKKAIO'iae; OUJ,JnEpepopO CPaVIKe,,611 ovoyauep Koi onpo KoAunTI ono Ti V OVE ITITUX; eu TUX We; npoon08eio va empa'8ei ono T') V KUPEPVIOf TOU n AOK 6 noaitikoe; VOJ,Jo<; w<; voj,jo<; OVOVKOOTIKO<;, napa TO on ~Tav d'it'j,ja EAaxoTI<; noa ITIKOno' J,Jev'e; Kof Kupfw<; EJ,Jnep tototou J,JeO 4Jf4>io<; TOU. Op8ooo;ou ' EAAIVIKOO Aoou. KopUq>w8Ke oe we; VVWOTOV OUT') Ii OKOTOVO'T' EX8poT'Ta OTOV 4J1q>108EVTO uno nov60j,jov0 OIO J,JOPTUPIWV ovoj,jo vo J,Jo nou onoj3aenei OTiv napf E;o8Aiwo' KO! E;ou8evwo' Tiie; ' EKKAIO'ia.;, VI' auto KO! oj OXETIKe<; 6toJ,JopTupiee; OEV eoto J,JOTIOO V, om,' ovn8ewe; KAIJ,JOKWVOVTOI EupuTepa EVTO<; Koi EKTO<; T; e;. EAAooo<;. ' Ev TOUTOI<;, OUT Ii onopooekti Ku3epvf') nki O'U J.mEp4>opO En' ouoevi J,Jo e; onaaaoooei ono TV unoxpe W0' va KOUTIPIOOOU J,JE - oe J,JIO TiJ,JIO OUTOKPITIKi - KI 000 6VTIOIJ,JOKPOTI KO Koi ovnnveuj,jon KO exouv EmOIJ,Jov8Ei KO TO KOIpOU<; OTiv oai o UJ,Jnep4>opo wpoj,jevwv AeTouPVwv Tii <; ' EKKAoiae;, Kupfwe; ' IEPOPXWV, OXI OE J,Jovo KOTO n;v nepi060 T; e; XOUVTOe;, oaao Koi O'e nepooou<; eip VIe; Kof oj,jokponkiie; OIOKUj3EpviOEW<;. Koi J,J ' auto oev Evvoo OJ,Je 3ej3oo K080Aou TO nepi «i:.kka]aaaikij~ 6IKaIOaU VI]~», nou TOOO emnoao o Koi OKPITO 8eAouv TWPO TEAEUTOfw e; VO TpononOiaouv eni TO op80- AOVtaTKWTEpOV OVOPE<; nou OVVOOUV TeAeiwe; TiV iepotita TOU XPIOTOAoVIKOU XPIOTOJ,J IJ,J TOU O;IWJ,JOTO<; TOU ' EmoKonou Koi Ti v ev veve 8eoAovio Tiie; ' EKKAoio<;. ' EVVOOUJ,JEV o J,J we; onwooinote K08e J,JoP i oeonotoj,jou, OU TO PXIK;<; vootponio<; Koi oui.mep<fopo<;, oouaonpeneio<; evovtt TWV ekootote KPOTOUV TWV, <POTPIOOJ,JOU Kai euvookpotio <;, nou OEV o4>vouv OTUXW<; novtote va cpavei TO KOVOVI{HtKO KOpO<; Tii<; ev Ti]. EKK A'oiQ 8EOKOTOOTaTOU O;IOKpOTioe;. ia va ovoxot080uv oaa aua TO J,JewTIKO oo KUPOU<; iie;, EKKAIOfoe; CPOvoJ,JEva, 80 XPEa08ei vevvofo Koi ev q> EOU OUToKpKi Koi K08opJ,J0<;. TO naoioio oe ouiie; iie; enovpunv OEWe;, oev unapxeoj,jepj3oafa on Ii. EKKAIOio OXt J,Jovo 6q>EiAEI va ovex8ei oaaa Koi va emow;ei TOV VO J,JIJ,JO eie; TO OaXEIPIOTIKa '<; eaevxo ou ' EAEVKTK OO UVEOpiou, 6ivovoe; npw o napooei VJ,JO J,JIO <; EUVOJ,JOUJ,Jev'e; Koi XP 'o;<; ooikioewe;. KAeivovo<; OUTe e; e; yevkee; nopopo e1e; J,JE ')v EUKOpio Tii e; eq>eteiviie; mkp;<; eneteiou, oev vo J,Ji ~o J,J e nw e; eivoi unep3o AtKa ouopo TO EAIKO OU IJOepaoJ,Jo: OV AIq>8ei un' 04J1 noaa OKPI130 ij,j'j,jo Koej3oAE 6 Aooe; J,J oe; oe oaou<; TOU<; OJ,Jeie; Via o ioewoee; ii e; ).'J,JoKpoioe; o a eaeuoio nevivo XPOVIO, npene va OJ,JOAOViOEI KOVEi<; OTi Ii J,JETOXouvTIKi ' EAAooo OEV exe noa Aoue; Aovoue; va evkouxooi Via i<; oj,jcpij3oaee; npooooue; fe; we; KpOTOUe; okoiou Koi 6Af8Iv;<; \'J,JoKpoioe;.. H j308utepi ouveoonooi outii e; ii e; 6vooTOe; 6VOJ,JEOO oi<; 8uoEe; Koi TO 6noTeAf~ 0J,Joo ~owe; onoteaeoet Koi V OUOIOOTIKWTeP'onaPX TOO emj3aaao J,JEVOU ev npoke IJ,J ev4j navo'j,jou Ko8op J,Jo O. O! eneaou e; Ii \ 'J,JoKpo io OEV eivo onawe; EKAoVIK) ViKf}, 6AA6 epvwo'e; 1'j81K) KOaKIO'. 78 J J J I J J I II I Ji J I I I J I J J I I 1 I I I I I I I II II I I BIOk THk OkIAk MAPIAk THk AITJ1TIAk 40v Tou E 'A ), 0'5 TI4:np05 1J1,WII IwcPpoIOJ 'ApXU.TWKOTOJ ' IfpOaOA.tJ J1,wI 10'. MoAI<; OJ,J we; ekeivo OVTIA4>8'KE o ZWOJ,JO va epxeo ana J,JOKPa, OPXIOE va TPEXEI npo<; o eowepko i e; epj,jou. TOTE KI 6 ZwoqJae;, oav va ;exooe a VIPoeo TOU, KI CKOJ,JO xwpie; va AOYOPIOOEI Ko80Aou ;v KOUPOO' ono T V 060mopio, e~oae OAEe; ou ie; ouvo J,Jee;, Vo ~IO~OTOV va cp9aoe au a nou ov oneq>euve. Kt ou oe; IJEV Epexe VIO va o CP900EI, ekeivo oj,jwe; EcpeuVE KoOCI WKO IJevo. HOJ,Jw e; 6 ZWOJ,JOe; ~ ov oxutepoe; Koi OIvo -ova naoo~ E auto nou eq>euye. "O ov nmov nanofoae OPKETO, wae voj,jnopei va OKOUOTEi KoAo Kof i} <PWV, apxoe va CPWVO~EI 6 ZWO J,JO e; Koi va Aee 60KpuoJ,Jevoe;: oi J,JE onoq>euvee; ov yepo Koi cj,joptwao, 60uAE TOU oai81vou SEOU; nepij,jeve ~E, 6no10<; K OV EiOO, Via o 0eo, Via ov onoio Ko oikoee; ou' iv epwo' nepij,jeve J,JE OV oouvota Kof OVO;IO, Via T'v EAnioo nou Exee; o 80 Aaj3EIC) ovonocoo outau ou TOaD J,JevoAou Konou oou ooo'ou Ko i OWOE eux Kof EuAoVo o EJ,JEva o vepovto, VIO TO 0EO, nou 6ev onoopeq>eo no e Kovevov.. Evw eaeve auto J,Je 6aKPUO 6 ZWGIJ,JOe;, ~pe8ikov KI oi OUO ou<;, Ko8we; Epexov, oe J,JIO on08eoio, nou o ox;j,jo 'e; TOV aav ;EpOe; XEiJ,JoPPo<;. ).Ev J,JoO <poiveo on npav J,Jon ~ov KanOE XEi J,JoPPo<; - Vo i nwe; eva OUVOTO o EKEiv' ;v nepiox') va ej,jipov08ei xei~oppoe; - oaaa i on08eoio OUVEneoe va EXEI Eoo J,JoPCP'. I~. Ko8we; Ao mov ~p8ov OTOV Tone nou ovoepepo J,J e, EKeivo nou e EuYE KO T E~'Ke Ko f no.t OVEj3KE o) v 6nevovn naeupa, evw 6 ZWOJ,JOe; KOUpOOJ,J evoe; Koi J,J)v IJnopWv oe; va pexei oaao OToJ,JoIOE o o a.ao J,Jepoe; TOO onou nou e~oo~e J,Je Xei J,JopPo Kof npoo8eo'e o o OOKPUO KI oaao OOKPUO Kof oie; KPOUVe<; KI oaaee; Kpo uvee;, Wa E oj 8p;vo va OKOUVOVTOI Ka8apci naeov Kof oov ono noau Kova. Toe ekeivo o owj,jo nou Eq>euve J,JiA'OE Koi Ene: ' A~j3o ZWOIJ,JO, ouvxwpeoe J.Je Via ov KUPIO, oev J,Jnopw va opaq>w now Kof va 000 ej,j4>avi08w Eat J-IE TO npoowno, VoTI EiJ,JOI vuvoika Kof J,JoAoa VUJ,Jvi, K08we; j3mnee;, Kof exw OKaAunTf'! 'v vpon TOU aw J,Jo oe; J,Jou. 'AAA6 eav n6vw e; geaei<; va xopioee; oe oj,jopwa VUVOfKO J,Ja eux), pi!;e J,Jou o noao pooxo nou <popae; Via va KoAuVW J,J ' aua ) VUVOIKEo c08eveo Kof OTE 86 otpoq>wae O'evo Koi 80 nopw Tie; euxee; aou. ToE eq>p!;e Koi TO. XOOE 0 ZWOJ,JOe;, Ko8w<; eaeye, oov OKOUOE npiv Aivo va ov 4>wvo~e J,Je o ovoj,ja TOU, ZWOIJ,JO. of, Ko8we; 0 vepovoe; ii ov esook 'J,J evo<; ov nveuj,jotk 6viA'4Jf') KofVeJ,JaTO<;ooq>ia OOOV oq>opo o 8eia npavj-ioto, KOTaAoj3E OTI oev 80 iiov ouvoo va ov q>wvo!;e J,JE TO OVO J,JO ou, ) oyj,j nou noe 6Ev TOV EoE Kaf note oev OKOUOE YI' ouov, eov OEV ~ov KOOJ,JIJ,JeVf 6Aoq>OVEPO J,JE o npoopotiko xopoj,ja. IV '. 'EKeAouoe Aomov VPVOPO iv nopaka'of) ie; Kaf j3vo~o V T O<; TO noao Koi ~opwj,jevo paoo nou eixe, iie; o eowoe pixvovoe; o npoe; a njaw. ' EKeiv TO niipe Kof evtuoe TOV eouo 'e; 600 tov ouvoo Kof 64>ou KoAu4Je Eat J,JePIKa J,JEP' TOO owj,jooc), nou ii ov 6voVKI va KoAuq>80uv neptoooepo 6no TO 6A.o, o e VUpi~EI npoe; o ZWOJ,JO KoioO Aee : of 000 <POVIKE KoAo ZWatJ,JO, va ep8eic) va oeie; J,JIO oj,jopwa I'} VUVOiKO; Ti nep J,Jevovoe; va J,Ja8eC) ~ va oei<; ano J,JEVO, oev oioooee; va KavEI<; TOOO Kono; ToE 6 Zwo J,J ae; VOVOTIOE Kof ~qoooe va Ao3e euaovia, Koo T OUV8EIO, 6AAo KI Ou ~o~e J,JeOVOJO, KI ~TOV KI oi OUO oue; vovotiotof ~ fwvo<; 6 EVOe; va EuAoYioe ov oaao. Kof 6Ev 80 okouve Kovei<; va AEve KI of OUO oue; inoe oaao, napa o Eu Aoy'oov.. Aq>oO nepooe noaa wpo, Ene i} VUVOiKO oo ZWOJ,JO:. Aj3j3o ZWOJ,JO, OE OEVO OIP a~e va EuAo V OEI<; Kof va euxi8eie;, Vof eou exeie; TIJ,Jf8Ei J,Je o o;iwj,jo TOU npeoj3uepou KI ana noaaa XPOVIO unpeteie; o avto 8uoooipO Koi noaaee; <popee; Exee; npooq>epe o GEio \Wpo. To AOYo aua ej3oaov TO ZWOJ,JO oe J,JEvoAuepo 6~0 KOj 6vwvio Koi Ko8w<; 6 VEpovOe; ~ o v YE J,J aoe; TPOJ,J O, nepj3pexotov an ' ov iopwto Koi OEVO~E Kof ookonotov Ii q>wv ou. (Xuvcxi(uII)

3 H AJ\H0EIA ia THN EKKJ\H:IA TH: AY:TPAJ\IA:. EnEI6~ J3AenOUIJE va E~aKoAou900v ouo 9PIOKEUTIKEI) ecp") jjepioet; va npoj36aaouv T~V naevi, TO 4JE060t; KO! T~ aukocpavfa we;. Op866o~ES apetet; Kof we; fjeaa KooanAwoewc; TJiwvepya TWV TOO EuayveAiou, Kof eneo' Koomv npwtopouaiac; KO; npookaioewc; oo Iej3aa,.JWTCITOU. ApXIEnOKonou AuoTpaAiac; K. IuAovou jjoe; CneOTEIAa v of ' Iepet; MovES IJOC) KOTa TO TEAeuaia E} yuj nveufjotk 610Kovia ov. EKKAOio iic; Auopa AioC; Kof E~ aitioe; OUTaO Vvwpi~ouJe npoawna Koi KooOTooee;, 8ewpoujJE Enj3ej3AJEV unoxpewojoc; va YVWOTOnoaoUjJE Tiv EjJnEpia )Joe; ae Ko8e KoAonpoaipeo av8pwno. ' 0 iaxupof.,joc; on an;v AUOTpaAia OHi/KOVOI oj EuoeJ3eic; Xponovoi 6n6 TiC;. EKKAI")OIOOTKES. APXES dva TEAeiwc; Kof e~ 6AoK/\PoU 4JeuO)e;, noponaov'tikos Kof OUKOq>OVTKOS. 'H ' EKKA'Oio OTiv AUOTpoAio, onws o$eiae Koi K08e TomK). Op8000~' ' EKKA'Oio, neppoaaeje OTOPVi Kaf Ovon' TO Thva T'S Kof ouyxpovwe; Je naip' ouvoio8'o' Tiie; eu8uv'e; T'e; TO nep$poupei ono Tie; onoeooinote EmpouAee; TOO EX8poO, 'H oai8ea EV npokejev4j eivootio Ex8poe; Tiie; 'EKKA'oiae; oopoaoe;, e 80vqoe niv E},I<POVft ee; novtae; npoooo Tiie; 'EKKA'oiae; OT)V AUOTpoAio, iofwe; KOTO TO eaeutoio T' Kof EvepoAe OTi OKE4J' HOV nveuijotikwv Thvwv TOO M'TpOnoAiTou Awpi Vie; K. AUVOUOTivou, onwe; OUToonoKoAouVTOI, VO },IOIPO~OUV q>uaaooo Kof IJOVvTOq>wv'},Evee; TOvfee; IJE K'PUV},IOTO OIKO TOU Kof TWV nepi OUTOV 8eoAovwv OTOUe; 'Iepoue; Nooue; Tiie; ' ApXemOKon;e; xwpie; KOIJIJta o6eo ~ VVWOI TOU 'EnOKonou Kof TWV, epewv, },IaAIOTO Oe },IE EIJ<pavii nep,q>povioi TOUe;... EVtvov noa Aee; npoon68eee; - iofwe; 6no TOV EV MeApoupv) EnioKono E>EOq>tAEOTOTO.6EPP'e; K. ' e~ekia - Via vo oex80uv va ep80uv oe KonOIO ouvevvoioi IJe TiV ' ApXIEmoKoni. uveot)8' },IOAIOTO eiok) EnTponi npoe; TOUTO IJE },IEAI Tie; KA'PIKOUe; Kof AOIKOUe; ana OUTOUe;, wote 6.11 viveo va viveo )..IE KOVOVIKi ooeto Koi euaovio Tiie;. EKKAnoia<;. Ko8we; Koi Via va unapxe IJIO uneu8uvi) },IEPjJVO Via TO nepexojjevo nov npooq>epojjevwv K'PUYjJOTWV, noaao TWV onoiwv avoq>epovtot OE KOTOOTaOe C; 6YVWOTee; OTiV AUOTpaAia. IJE onoteaeojjo va 0'IJ10UPYoOv av OXI OKovooAIOjJO TouAoXIOTOV anopia. 6AAo oneq>uyov jje 4JeuoeiS ioxupojjoue; TiV onoiooinote npoon08eo Via ouvevvo'o). UVXPOVwe; apx1- oav va KOT)VOPOuv TOV iepo KAi;po Tije;. ApXemoKoni;e; )..IE TETOIO IJovio, nou ~enepv6 KI ' anoue; TOUe; XIAooTee;, Koi va o)joupyouv eneioooio J..IEOO OTOUe; '1. Nooue; OKO},O Koi EV WPQ E>eioe; I\EToupyioe;. MEoa OE auto TO KAi-O eq>8ooe OUTOKAITOe; o K. akkoe; Via va EVoxuoe TO cpova T OIJO nov 6noowv TOU Koi va iopuoe ouaaovo, WOTe Ii ovtopofo npoe; Tiv 'EKKAoia va etvo naeov opyovw/jev'. «' 0 okono<; jjae; dva va oaowooujje TOV op80 Aoyo TOU BEOU oe 6AoKAf]pf] Tfjv AuoTpaAia Kai 80 ouvexiooujje vo T6 KOVOUjJE napa Tie; avtppfjoee; Tije; ' ApXemoKonije; Kai TWV iepewv Tf]e;» (uvevteu~' TOU K.. appa, npoe- 6pou TOO oumoyou OT~ MEA~OUPV~, n upo6s, M6pTos 1987), ' outi Ti CPPOO' ekct:>po~etoi TO nveuijo Ti;e; OUTOVOIJfOe;, 6VTOPoioe; Kof nepq>povioewe; TOU iepoo KAipou nou E~ 6px;e; uni;pxe OTt}V npoono8eo oun.ijv TWV av8pwnwv, '0 ' ApXenioKonOe; AuoTpaAioe; n pottovtoe; onwe; 80 enpotte Kof Ko8E evti)..ioe; iepopxie; Koi q>povti~ovtoe; Via T'j OWTIPio TWV 4JUXWV TWV naoveijevwv TEKVWV TOU, OEv enepe4je OTa jjea) TOO iopu8evtoe; ouaaovou va KOIVWVOOV naeov nov. AXPOVTWV MUOTfPiwv jjexpi va IJeovoioouv, Via va TOUe; npocpuao~e 6no TO va KOIVWVOUV ee; Kpi-O Koi eie; KOToKPI},O, E~ aitiae; Ti;e; VeIJOTIe; ana unepq>oveo, ou8ooe0, iepokot'vopio Koi 8poooe; 4Juxi;e; TOUe;. (' EVKUKAoe; 'ApXtemoKonou , <1>wv~ 'Op806o~ i as, 'AnpiA, 1986) (np~a, =I' Kav,"v H' OiKOUJeVIKiie; ouvooou, nooaov o. 277). ' H op80tie; Ti;e; Evepveioe; outi;e; TOO ' ApXemOKonou ena- AI8eu81Ke ono TOV Tp6no OVTopooeWe; TOUe;, ono Ti CPOVEPWOI TaU nveu},iatikoo TOUe; nepiexojjevou. nafj80e; OPPEWV KOTO TaU nojjevopxou TOUe;, nou Exe Aope napo Kupiou TiV Esouoia TaU 6eoIJeiv Kai Auev, Esepxo~EvWV ana TapaVjJEv) Kopoio VEIJOTI ~;ooe;. 4>80vo, unepi4>oveo, xwpie; Eva Aoyo TonevwoeWe;, xwpfs oute oe Eva To'uAoXIOTOV OIIJeio va napa6ex80uv Konoo A080e; TOUe; Ka; vo '"noov evo «EuAoYf]oov». nwe; eiva 6UVOTOV EvaS KA'PIKOe; nou vvwpi~e T~V KOToooo aut~ n.ov ov8pwnwv va TOUe; KOvwv~ae; n opa8etou~e /JeptKO anoonaojjoa ono OIJtAio TOU K. WT'ponouAou, OTOV eneotpe4je ativ 'A8ivo, XOPOKTIPIOTIKO oeiv-ao Tfje; epyooioe; TOO iepanootoaikou KA'IJaKiou OTiv AUOTpaAfo, oaa6 Kof Tiie; nveu-ottki;e; TOUe; oto8jj's. (anojjovv't04>wv'i)..ievo). «T6 dna tkei TO Aew Kai tow. Ie-v npokeita YIO 'ApXIEni OKono. npokea V,a omoo iiv8pwno, VIO KaKo 8fJPio, YIO 8EOjJnaiKTfJ Kai Tupavvo,,a c5oao ovo akojj], 016T1 unokvei npoowna va KTUnouv Kai va oteavouv av8pwnou<; OTO VOOoKojJEia». «~ EOWKE EvoAfj 0 vevk6e; oeppivayae; ooue; iepeie;. av8pwnoue; wc; tni TO naeioov KaTwTepac; nveujjatikije; ot08jjf]e;, a(i OTOUe; TunoUe;. nou oue; mjpe 6 Aaoe; ana TO EPyoOTaOIG Kai ano TO Ta(i Kai ou<; EKavE KA]pKoue; VO Kpaouv TO OIOKOnOTf]pa VO KOIVWVEi 0 Aaoe; Kai 6iv i(etijjf]aav TfjV EuaipEIG ou Aaou, naoutoav, BfJoaupoav Kai Kaanaouv TO,0400. "'A{Eoa Dvm, nijpov EVTOAIj ana TOV 'ApXenioKono Kai f'vvav otpoopoi KaTfjvopoi jjoe;,» «1ev eivg nanac5ee; Eva nanac50kig, oev (ouv Ya Tfj 8PfJouia ou XPIOoU, (ouv ana Tfj 8Pf]OKEiO ou XPOoU. ev EIVG 6,0401. EvGI oi nepaootepo». «M6 TO EnAfjpwoav auto (oi iepeie;) OIOT EioepaAE 0 Aaoe; OTOUe; VOOUC; KaT6mv. Kai TfjV wpa nov oiv KOvwvouoav oue; motoue; av8pwnoue;, wva(e 0 Aaoe; «avo(ioe;», «avo(oc;», aaxoc;» (XEpOKpOT7jJaTa). Oi oi iepeic;, 6,.101 avoi oi avo(o. EXOUV yupw TOUe; Eva owjja ana jjnpopoue; Kai TpajJnouKOUe;. KaT Ko8apjJaa, Ka; omv oiv KOvwviiv TOUe; XPIGTOVOUe; Kai OGjJapTupova T6TE oi XPoTGvoi Koi AevE «VoTi oiv jjoe; KOIVW VOTE», oiv tptovei OTI oiv TOUe; KOIVWVOUV, EmTi8EVTGJ auoi 0; jjnpapo Kai TpojJnouKo Ka; KTunouv oue; XpIOTaVOUe;,» «TioG Ka80PJ.1om OT]pi(ouv TO 8povo ou 'ApXemaK6nou EuAOvou XapKaVOKf].» «TioJOue; iepeie; fxei 7 AUoTpoMa. KaTwTOTI]e; unoot68jjf]t)... I6v TOUe; iepeie; auouc; oujjnepi EpOVTGI Kai oi EniTpono,» «XepoTEpOC; eivgj 0 EnioKono<; 1ipPI]t) 'IE(EKfjA OT] MEA POUPVf]. ouaoe;, 60uAo<;. oiv EXEI TO o8evoe; note VO nei JJIO Ai(f] avti8ao OTO atpevtiko TOU TOV ApXIEnioKono. ouaoe;. oouaoe; TWV oouawv nw nw. AUT6e; oov jjovoojjivoe; TaUpO;. a6vauoaaojjevo OKUAi, 60EApoi jjou. VO jjaoei oe vooue; GUVeXEo...» «~ YIpWOE TIj wv7 TOU (0 Aaoe;) av Kai EYVWp(E OTI 86 EXEI auveneiae; ana TOUt) a8moue; KAfJpKou '0 Aaoe; wpyovwoe JJIO owo]awof] OTfj MEApoupv]. E(W ana TO Na6 6nou otie; 12 ' Iavouap;ou AeTouPyouoe 0 ' APXIEnioKOfTO; Koi 0 'Em'oKonOe; J.1E iepeie;. nevakooig GojJa e(w ana TO Nao JJE naakot, novw. «8iAoujJe ' EKKA]oia avan]e;», «0 'ApXenioKonOe; dvgj OIKTO TWp». «YaTi oiv jjoe; KOIVWVEiTE», «oiv (f]oujje TO OIKO aou a/jja 'ApXenioKone. TO ai jjo TOU XPOoU (f]oujje». «YoTi JJOt) TO OTEPEiTE». «KOTW oi ooaoq>ovo», noaao ouv8fjjjaa, nevak6o01 XPIOTovo Koi naijfjoe; an6 aotuvojjikouc;. ""EKave TI AEToupyiao 'ApXIEnioKonOe; uno TO Kpooe; ou 6pou.» «- 0,0401 oouaepov, EKEiVOI nou OEV oouaepov eivgi oi nano OEe; Kai oi oeonotooee;,» 79

4 Twpo Ti axe-o} ~nopouv va EXOU V cao auto ~e TO. Op80- oo~o.,80e;, TO. Op90oo~0 cppov}~a, ~ e Tie; opetee; Tiie; TonEvw oewe;, T'; V unokoiie;, Tiie; npaot]toe;, ~e T';V. Op80oo~J Geia \etoupyio, ~oe; EivOI TEAEiwe; okotavoto. ~ Av Ao13e Koveie; 6KO~O un' OJ.IV TOU Tie; enovetkee;6vo<p0- pee; Tiie; e<p I~epi ooe; TOUe; «' EKKA.. Aywv» Ya Ko9 1 P ~ EVOUe; Koi OXIO~OTIKOUe; J.EUOOKA}pIKOUe; OT';V AUOTpoAio (K09}p})..IevOe; iepeue; 1\0uToe;, Ka8 }P~ evoe;. ApXt~.. AAe~oYKOe;, vuv J.euoenioKonOe;, eniokej. TOU K. MnOTtOHOU, OUVEPYOTOU Tiie; e<p I~ e piooe;, OTOUe; OXIO~OTIKOUe; Tii e;, AOEAo'iooe; ~e TOV J.EuoenioKono ~nupiow vo Koi ev ouvexeq 0XETIK'; 6p9poypo<pio TOU). TOTE otontotwve Koveie; OTI oi EuoE3eie; oev OIWKOVTO t OT'; V AUoTPO Aio. 6AAo EAoxioT} 6~ooo ov9pwnwv owket Koi ouko<pavtei T'; V ' EKK AIOio. Koi npoketo npoy)..o TI nepi eaoxiotie; o~oooe; onoowv TOU e;. OTOV 0 ~IO IO e; 0 O}~EpIVOe; npoeopoe; TOO ouaaovou TOUe; at'; MEA30uPVI avocpepei oe OUVEVTEU~'; au (nupooe;. MOpT. 87). OTI 0 ouaaoyoe; Exe OtOKOOIO (200) ).. EA } Kai 6 K. ~wtiponouaoe; ~ EOO otie; ev80uoiwoeie; oijiaiee; TOU KaVe Aoyo Via nevtokooio (500) oajo. ~TtV npovijotik OTITO npoketoi Vta ~ ep IK ee; OEKa OEe; ToAa tnwpwv av8pwnwv nou KO Ta<PepO V va nopooupouv oj e~ ' EAAaooe; ",GEoAovo» Ko ev OVOIJOTt Tiie;. Op90oo~ioe; va TOUe; KaTaoT';oouV TuCPAa TOUe; opyovo Kai epvct ee; TWV 010 ovtop80- oo~wv Koi enoveoiotwv np o~ewv.. AnOKopU<pW IJO ti 8AII3EP'; 0106,;AwO TWV ekoto (100) 6naowv TOU e; (TOOOUe; IJnopeoav va OUVKEVTPWOOU V ana 6AOKA}P T'; V AUoTpoAia) nou ~o ~i /JE TO ToAainwpa nooo TOU e; E~u3pOav 3avo uoo TOUe; ' Op8060~oue;, ApXIEpeie; ev wpq Seiae; \etoupvioe;. KaAEOaV ~aaiota Oi~16101 T; V TI Aeopoo Via va TOUe; o n09avotioei. Koi Exe OiKIO 0 K. IWTJPonou Aoe; va KOUXIEOI. e<p' oaov KOTwp6woe )..Ie TOOO Aivoue; onaooue; va onooxoa';oet TO oeatio eio,;oewv opketwv OTae~w v Tiie; AuoTpoAtaviie; TIAeopaoEwe; Kaf va E~eUTeAioet KuptoAeKTIKO T';V. EAA} VIK';. O)..OVeVeO )..InPOOTa OTO ~atta eko TOIJ)..I upiwv TI Ae8eoTwv. ' H oai npoetoiijaoio Tiie; o oo}awoewe; evve oe oeinvo T';V napoijov. 11. avouopiou. nop6vtoe; ao «ieponootoaikoo KAI)..IOKiou :.> oe E~oAA} Koi <povoto)..evi OT)..IO O<POIPO. nou ~enepvouoe KI ' OUT T';V OTIJOO<pOIpo TWV VIneowv. ~ O Ao au TO )..Ia~i)..e TtiV o)..oaoyio OTt oi"toot exov KoAeoet Ttiv T}Aeopoo} TO EIOOIJe oe I3vTeoKoooETO. )..Iv})..Ieio YIO TO nod )..Inopei va 6o}vtioet TOV ov8pwno ti ejna6,eo Kof 6 <POVOTtO)..Oe;. 0eAoVTee; va OIKOIWOOUV Koi va 61KOoAoYoOUV Ttiv ou6ai PET} Kai ~ev I an6 K06e. EKKAIOt OOTtK n op0600 Koi KOVOVIKti Ta ~} eiontio}oti TOUe; OTiv. EKKAIOio Tiie; AUOTpoAioe;, of e~ ' EAAaooe;...,gEoAoyOI» oev O I OTa~OUV vo T OUKO<pOVToouv J.eu oeotototo OTt npoofoe TtiV. Op90oo~ I nioti. «1'JGmaTwaa/Je /Ji noaay 8MIpf} OT! OTO i:(wtepiko ouvteae'- Ta npoooa;a T!1~ n;otew~. OT! noaao; KAf}PIKO; Eiva C/)AOnamKo; Ka; OiKoupEVIoai. ' 0 ' ApXIEniaKono~ AuoTpaMa~ Eva ouatu Xw~ p'aonamko~, nanop'ao~. Ene Ka; EypapE OT!.JE'-~ oi. Op80-00(01 exope TyV unepopia Tij ~ 'AAI]8E;a~, EXOPE of}a, Tyv unepf}pavefa va AiYOPE OT! KGixopE Tyv. AAy8EIG.» (~wt~p6nouao,). ' H )..I OVI otkotoaovia nou )..Inopei va EXEt 0 K. IWT}ponouAoe; VI ' OUT; Ti xovopoeoii OUKo<paVTio Tii e;, EKKAJoioe; Tii e; AUOTPO Aioe; e1voi on onokaeio)..evoe; ana Tti ~wti Tii e; ' EKKAIoioe;vvwpoE )..IOVO TOU e; 6Aivoue; onaooue; TaU Koi OEV niipe E'tOOJ ana Ti V 6AISvi ~wti Tiie; ' EKK AIOioe; Kai ano TiV niot} iooiepo TWV KAIPIKWV Tie;, TOU e; onoioue;, xwpie; va vvwpioe OU Te )..Ita <papa, u~pi,ei ~6vauao.. H 6Ai8EtO eivoi OTt i ' EKKAIOio Tiie; AUoTpoAiae; K0800vou)..ev} o~we; ono TOV IE3oo~wToTo. ApXenioKono K. ITUAI ov6, TOUe; 0eo<pIAeoToTOUe;. EnoKonoUe; Kof OU )..InOVTO TOV iepo KAiipo Tiie; 'ApXentOKOniie;, Exe t naip o uvoio9}0 } Tiie; IJovao KOT}TOe; Koi Tii e; Ko80AIKOT}TOe; Tiie; 'Op80oo~ou niotewe; KOf nopaoooewe;. Aio60veTOt we; avavkoio npoun08eo Vta T V ent TuXio Koi KaTo~ i wo Tii e; ~w ii e;. OXI )..I OVOV TWV. EAAtivwv. 6AAo Koi 80 K08e ov8pwnou. ni OU~IJETOXi TOU OTO ~w v Tavo ~W)..O TOO 0eav8pwnou. TiV ' Op6ooo~ } ' EKKAIOio. to TO OKono auto )..Iox8ei VUX9})..IEPOV 0 iepoe; KAiipoe; Tiie;. APXtEntoKoniit; )..Ie TO \etoupyiko (of okoaou6iee; TeAoOVTOt IJE K08e ent )..eaeo). KIPU KTtKO (nap ' oaov OTt Evo t )..IOVOI TOUe; 01 iepeie; oe Ko8E evopia, q>povti~ouv K08e 1360J.ooo va KOVOUV Eva Koi OUO KIPuy~oTa), AVTtOIPETIKO (YIC va avti)..ietwnioouv Tie; noame; J.EuooeKKAIaiee; KO! oipeoee;, nou o08etouv O)..W e; a<p60vo 0AIKO )..Ieoa Kai eukoai niot}) Koi TO EV yevet noiijovttko aue; EPYO. npenei va oj.oaovtioou)..ie OTt noame; <popee; oi08ov8tiko)..e 8au)..oo)..o Koi VOtWoO )..E J.IKpoi Kai OVO~IOI )..InPOOTa ani )..IeyaA} nioti Koi ato TEpaaTtO EPVO nou entteaeoov Koi emteaoov noaao KA }PIKOi Tii e; ' ApXtentoKoniit;.. Enioe; oev npene va napaaeifj ou )..IE OTI ono TeAei KOIVIi ooniotwoi cawv n ov ' AVIOPEIT.i:iV nou OtOKOV}OOV TJiV TeAEUToio oekoetio OTiV AUoTpaAio. OTt 6 iepoe; KAiipoe; Tiie; ApXentoKoniie; anoteaei Eva napooeivj..ia nioewe; Koi <piaonoviae;. nou evtoxue Kai no p OO e I V )..IOTi ~E I Kage KoAonpoaipETo av9pwno. n epepxo-evoi Em ET J oaokai")p Tiv. ApXt entokoni AuaTpoAioe; oev auvavttioo )..e OUTe ana TOV iepo KAiipo oute an6 TO naip w)..o Tii e; ' EKKAOio e; KO )..IJa 010geo} unot)..ti oewe; Tfie; n iotewe; )..Ot; ~ 0a6EO 6 )..1oAoYIaKoO ouykpttoi-'ou. 6AA' evteawe; T6 ovti8eto., 1610iepa 6 I e3ao).. twtoa e; 'ApXenioKonoe; Eva YVOOe; Kof 80ppaAeoe; Ki pukoe; Tiie; ' Op9000~ou niotewe; navtote Kai np6e; ncivtae;.!j.ev Exe Koveie; napa va )..I eaetti oe TO I3t3Aio TaU «n.pi 6. AA08f)DV 1,,;. EKKAf)oia, EV o. Op8066f4J GwAoyi(1)> Koi «To nepi ' EKKAf]o;a~ ouvaypo Tij~ B ' BOTIKaV~ Iuvooou» Ya va TO OomOTWoe. ITO npwa 0<p00 OEIKvuETOt OTt TO oaa- 81 TO Tfi e;. EKKAIOioe; EK<ppa~ETOt 610 Tii e; Iuv060u TWV ' Ent OKOnwv Koi )..IOAIOTO Tii e; OiKou)..IEvIKiie; UVOOOU. anooe KVUETO t nepitpovq i na6v} TOO nontkou oaa8titou Koi 01 oae8pe e; ouvenetee; TOU OTi ~w i Tiie; PW)..IotoK080AIKi)e;. EKKAoioe;. ITO oeu TEPO ViVETOI ) Op80oo~J KPITtKi TOO KEt ~e VOU Tii e; B' BOTtKoviie; Iuvooou nepi ' EKKAIOioe;, onou iotoitepo KO TOKpive Ta TO nontko npwteio Koi oi ouvenei Ee; nou EXEt OTi OUVOOIK OOJi Ti)e;. EKKAIOioe;. )..I IOe; Koi Je auto TOV Tpono KOTapPoKwve TOI Ko6E Iuvo60e;. EntOKOnwv Koi au Tti OKO )..} i OiKoUjJeVIKi. e<p ' coov 6 n onoe; eivat avwtepoe; aue; Kai ti e~ouo fo TOU eni Tiie; EKKA}oioe; eivot anepiopiot} Koi oveseaevkti. ia va ota8ou )..Ie OTi oto otpebawo )..IOVO Tii e; <ppaoewe; au ApX entokonou «imepof/jia ij~ ' AAf}Beiof», 80 ovtnopea90u/je Tie; neptntwoete; TiisonooToAiie; TOU OTi 8POVIKi eopti Tii e; PW)..II e; KGi Tiie; npoeopioe; TOU oto 0eoAoVtKO taaovo )..e TOUe; PW)..IaIO K060AIKOUe;, OTOV anoia OU)..I)..I ETEXOUV OAEe; oi. Op8000~ee;, EKKA}oiee; - Ya va J..I 8eWPISOU)..Ie OTt UnOT )..OU )..IE Tt VOI)..O OUVI TWV avovvwotwv - eq> ' coov eivat YVWOTO OTt oev npoke Tat Via npoownke e; npwto3ouaiee;. oaaa YIO ekteaeo evtoaiie; TRe; npoi'oto-'evie; TOU opxiie;. T V onoio Koi ekteaei ~e na)p} a u vaia9 ~ a~ T~, EUeUV~, TOU ti,. Ope66o~o, IEp6pX~'... AAAwoTe oi... ee"oaoyo» o})..iaywvika ovo<pepovto, o TI e; <pwtovpo<piee; J..IOVO Koi note OTOUe; Aovoue; Koi otie; evepveee; TOO I ef3oo)..wh1tou, Via Ti e; onoiee; oav OU)..I <pwvee; nou eivo t )..Ie Ti e; onoti aee; Tiie; ' Op6000~ou nopooooewe;. oev EXOUV va nouv TinoTO. Ie 6)..1tAio TOU OTiv d'180uoo TOO. ApoTOTeAeiou n OvenoT) I-'iou 0eoaoAoviKIe; Ti 1011 Maiou 1985 avo<pepei npoe; TO TeAoe; TOV opo «unepopia Tij~ 'AAf}8eia~» Kai o uv Exi~e : «Mnopei va ExoU/JE TO 66YPG, 6 nw~ Eina. apxeioka GKEpGIO. To (O UpE akipao: AUTO 80 p6~ KaVe va OKEp8oiJ/JE noau. 6v OIKoou/JaaTE va EXOUJ.1E TETOIO uttepopia Tij ~ 6Af]eeia~». (oea. 25). ia Ko8e KaAomOTO avayvwo T} evot ooq>ee; OTt npokettoi Vta TiV eu8uvi noi EXOUJe e-'ei e; 01. Op800o~ot vo 3waOU )..I E Ti V. Op8ooo~I nioti Kai n opaoooi 1-I0e;, Tiie; onoiae; i aati6eo Koi )..IOVOOIKOTITO 8ewpoOVTOt oe60)..eva 6no TOV ouvvpa<peo. ITiv ~, o a oj.jtaio 6AAwOTE ovoq>epe : «nponavtwv ij.1ei~ oi. Op8660(0I vvwpi (OUpE OTI KOTEXOUPE 6vo),Ao;WTf] TyV 6Ay8EIG ij~ pii ~ aoope TOU EKKA]oio~. Ka; ETo E voi. 'AA)" i ' oaov eivoi ETo,,

5 imoxpeoujje8a, no),u m=poaotepo ana Ko8E oe odaoya an6 fuyvwjjoauv]. IGT; yvwpi(oupe ptpoio KoAA'OTO OTI j Op8ooo(ia Ja~ otv anote),ei iia aaw~ OIKO jja~ KGop8wpo, 6AII6 6<pdA. TGI OT,V OJ.1 Tpf) Euan),oxvia ou BEaD nou jjii~ taqoe pi TO npovdj.,jio va iijjoon. Op86oo(OI, va KPOoU/.1E jv 'AA,8EIG.» (a. 7) «vwp/(oufje 0;. Op86c5o(o/, OT/i} nvtwjjotikj e),eu8epia, onw; oaft; of E),EU8Ep;';t;. EXEI okp,p6 ifj'7j.1g KG! T6 n),f/pwvoupe EuXapioTWC;. vj va EipoOTE f7paypotiko. Op866o (01,» (a. 12)... H(hKG npinei va 0J.10Aoyjaouj.JE OTI of. Op866o(o nawvektouj.e EVaVTI TWV IJuTIKWV tino TO YEYOVOC; Koi )..Jova OTI EjJEit;. ijvi navto; Ttfj.Joot;. EKPOTjOGjJE ijv O),jfJEIG TijC; JfiC; EKK),fJOia; anapaxdpoktfj KO! 6vaAAoiwTf) Of(j nih aiwvwv. Koi otic; ouaxepionpf; OKOPf} atype; ou UJVIKou piau pa;.. H PWjJf} OUVEXOf va ouyka),f; Ti; ouvoaou; Tf7; w; OiKOUjJfVIKE;, YI ' auto KGi O"fTO)'PJaf va O),),OIwaf Tjv KOvj "iatf7 OE KaipO iip8pg. AUTO o"waai)"otf ajpoupyf'-pia fj8,ki) U"fPOXj ae pa;, YIOT; EKeivo; " au EXf a;kio, EKeiVOt; "au EPfIV PE Tjv 0),j8fI0, "OPOPEV I ),IOVTOPI, OKOpf} KI ' OTOV eivgi a"oupyit P,O),OYIKO t'j UOIO),OYIKO,» (a. 12) Koi noaao 6AAa onoanoo}joto cmo O)JIAiEe; ou IE(3aa)Jwoou 601.m opouao)je va ov04>epou)je (o)jiaia OTO eupavoi~a T~e; 0EOAoVIK~c.; xoa ~c.; KAn.), oaao 60 OPKE06ou)JE EOW aiv npoawoiki )JO c.; )Jopupia ono i ookavia )Joe; aiv AuopoAio, on ~ 'Op6ooo~ ) nio) Kai Zwi onoeaoov o K06t )Jepvo nepiexo)jevo TaU Aoyou, ~c.; OKE4JEWc.; Koi T~c.; ~w~c.; ou APXIEOIOKOnau. TaU onoiou oa ) ~ ~wi Eva I 64>IEPW)JEV) ono KAEIOTIKO oi ookovio ~ c.; ' EKKA)oioc.;. ' H nepi npooooioc.; ~ c.; niotewe; auko4>ovio Koo TOU ipwi KOU iepog KAipou ~c.; ' EKKAt0ioe.; ~c.; AuopaAioe.; uno TWV E~ EAAoooc.; «eeo),oywv» onoeaei ov OKOVeVO OTE4>ovo OTO OTOUPO TaU Ko6iKOVTOc.;, TOV 6noio)JE VEVVOIOT)TO 4>epEI a Ti)JIOc.; KA~p oc.; T~c.; ' APXIEOIOKoniic.;. n OVTWe; oue.; EivOI 610PKWc,; EUyVW )J OVE<, Ooi TOUe.; KOTEo)oav )JETOXOUe; TaU )JOKOPIOjJOU TOU Kupiou «pgkapoi EOTE oav oveaiawoiv upo; KGi OIW(WOI Kai (.i"wo "OV "OVf7POV pijpg KG8. upwv /peuaopevoi EVEKEv EPDU». (MoT6. 4, 11), )JE Tie.; 4JEUTIKEe; Koi 601KEe.; EVOVTiov oue.; KOTVOpiEe;. 06 6eAo)JE TEAoe.; v6 ot060u)je oe WPIO)JEVO o))jeio OKOjJ) TOU Aovou TWV E~ ' EAA660e.; «eeo),oywv», TO anoia oua6xiotov ~Evi~ouv TOV op60oo~0 okpooi. AEVOUV OTI onoteaoov «iepg"ooo),iko K),paKo».. E)JEie.; yvwpi~ou)je on K06E ieponootoai a,tiv. Op60oo~) 'EKKA)oia ono Kcmoo. EKK A)moonK ' Apxi anooteaaeto Kof EV OUVEXEi9 E~aPTaTOI Koi av04>epetoi. ETm ou jj(30ivei Koi o ij.. EPO JJE Ti e.; ' Op6060~ee; ieponootoae e.; OTiV. A4>PIKi. AAAwO TE EivOi OVUnopKTI )..IEOO OTiV ioopio T~c.; ' EKK Aoioe; onoo6inote ouo VO J..1 nveu jjotikj) Epyoofo. Ene6i ei va anoteaeojjo unep4>oveiae; Koi EnEoJ) otepeitoi Ti (3ooIKOTOTI OPET T~e.; u n oko~e;. Aevouv «/JEap,KGpf oti)v AuaTpa),ia, at,v JaKpuvj auty xwpa, va KIJPU(OUJE TO /\oyo ou emu aup wvo jje Ty efo),o YIKj Ja; iaiotf]ta Kai Tjv Emayj Tijt; OUVfI(5jOEWt; pa;» (IwTIponou,o~), '0 6n,ov~~ I\oyo~ TOU 8eou, 6~" TO ' Op8060\0 KipuV)..Io. OEV voi61ke note ~EXWPO ono TO MUoTJ)PIO ~e.; EKKAIOioe.;, Koi TO MUOTJ)PIO T~e.; ' EK KAIO ioe.; nou OUVKPOTEi i XOPI TOU novoviou nveuj,jotoc.; OEV e1voi a4>tpi)jevi EVVOIa, oaa6 OPOTi npov)jotikotito TOU ~WVTOVOO IWJ..OTOe.; TOU XPI otou EJ.4>OVI~OJ,JEVOU 010 TOO KOVOVIK OU 'Op 6060~ou. EOIOKO nou oe K06e nepoxi, 0 onoioe.; Koi jjovoe.; OUVOTOI Va TeAei TO iepa MUOTiPIO T~e.;. EKK Aoio c.; )..IE TOUe.; un ' OUTOV iepeie.;. TJ.~)..Io Koi OUVEXeo outiie; Tiie.; MUOTIPoKfe.; ~wiie.; onoteaei Koi TO KJ)puYIJO TOU Beiou Aoyou. Xwpie.; Ti V euaovio TaU KOVOVIKOU ' EmOKonou Op6000~0 KiPUY)JO oev eivo OUVOTOV va UnOp~EI. Koi OTOV Koveic.; EnJ,JEve va KIPUTTEI xwpie.; euaovia, TO KPUVJ.0 TaU Exe T V 6~io nou EXouv Koi o M uoipo TWV oxoj,jonkwv nou TEAoOVTOI ono 4JEUOOEmoKonoue.; Ko 4Jeuoo"iepEie.;. ' Enioe.; i 0eoAoVIKi iooto J,JEOO on;v. Op6000~1 ' EKKAoia OEV anoktotoi jje TO ntuxio novemotjjoki')e; xoafie.;, aaa!i eivoi xopo)ja TOU novoviou n veu J,JaToe.;. nou CJnOKTO TOI)JE Konoue; OOKITKoue.;, )..IE aneivwo, unakoi, EKKon!i TOO ioiou 6eAi )JoToe.; Koi iotoitepo nopexetoi )JE TO iepo MUOTiPIO Tiie.; ' epwouvie.; " 000 Via «TjV EmTOY, Tij } auveojaew;» nou EmKoAouVTOI, eivo npo4>ov~e.; i npoeoavtki Tie.; npoeaeuo Koi ~ ovu no p~io TOO opou Koi T~c.; Evvoioe.; outfe.; onv ' Op6000~1 nop60001, OTOV ookeitot EPi}JIV T~ e.; 6~Ewe.; Tiie.; 'EKKAoiae.;. Aeyouv Via Va KoAuVOUV TiV ou60peofo TOUe.; OTI «uyape 0"0 TjV natpioo JE Ti; uxe} Kai Ti; Eu), oyie; "V!UJGTIKWV "atepwv Kai o/(5aako),wv» (TOU ioiou). ' 0. AnOOToAoe.; n ouaos eva I oo4>ie.; (novto KOTO TO~IV Koi eu axi)j ovwe.; YvE06w). KOeWe.; Koi i KovovKi TO~Ie.; Tiie.; ' EKKAIOioe.;, WOTe va J,Ji )..Inopei a anotoooinote nveuj,jotikoe.; notip Koi 6106oKOAoe;vci unep(3ove ie.;6pj,j0- OoTITee.; Koi OIKOooooiEe.; nou TOO opi~ouv oi ' Iepof Kovovee.; T~e.;. EK KA oiae.;.. 0 K. WTIPonouAoe.; oe /JIO EVTun onoaovio TOU (4)uAAa- 610) 4>eoveJ va oatunwoe TiV npwtokouoti 600 Koi onapo6e KTI Koi novteawe.; 6VTOp6000~1 Kof ovtekkaioaonki 6EWpfo, on 6 ' ApX1EnioKonoe.; EAEyxe TOV ' EKK AoOOTIKo xwpo Kaf oxt TO YEWYPO$ IKO Xwpo Kof ETOI oev npenei va EvoXAEiTOI, 64>ou autoc.; 6ev K~pu~e oie.; ' EKKAoi ee.; oaao OE o nto Koi 0~160uOEe;. nvaivovtae.; OTiv AUoTpoAia outokaitoi, nepq>povwvtoe.; TOV KOVOVIKO. EnioKono Kof apo O}JOPTaVOVTOe.; a' auto TOU TO TO M UOT~PIO Tfje.;. EKKAIOioC;. KaTonoWVToe.; K06E Evvoia ' EKKAIOIoOTIKfj e.; TO~Ewe.; Kai napoooaewe; Kaf Eni naeov auko4>ovtwvtoe.; TOV iepo KA~po Eni npooooiq Tiie; nioewe.; Koi npo(3aaaovtoe.; /JE OIJETPO eywio/jo TO KIPuVJ,Joo TOUe; we; o /Jovo. Op6000~0, 6ev ~ T av OUVOTOV napa va EYKOTo Ae4>60uv ono i XaPI ou novo Viou n veu J,JaTOe.; Kof va yivouv nwi Topoxiie.;, E}Jno6eioe.;. OKOTOoToooe.;. KOKiae.; Kai OUK04>OVTioe.;, Ya TOUe.;EOUTOUc.; TOUe.; Koi TOUe.; ToAoinwpoue.; anaooue.; TOUe.;. noaaoi XpOTIavoi )JO e.; einov: «OP6pOOT! va nope atjv. EKKAf]oia jjj"wt; Ep80uv auo; Koi KaVOUV tpaoopia Kai Tapa X80uv TO na/(510 Ja;, nou JEaa ae TOOet; ouokome; aywvi(opaate va Ta KpOTjOOUPE KOVTa at,v OAj(}EIO». Kof noaaoi aaaoi J,JO e.; E~0).JoAov i6iko V, OTi nopoaup61kov Kat nfjvav oa KIPuYIJOTa TWV «eeo),oywv». 6AAo )JETa KOTOAoaov TO Ao60e.; TOUe; Kai ~ITOUoav auyxwpioi. TeAEwvoVTOe.; 6EAouJ,Je v6 euxopiotiooujje T00e; K. «eeo),oyout;» 610TI o~iwaav Kai EJ,JOe.; TWV O(3pewv TOUe; Koi TWV auko4>av TWV TOUe.; )Je TO va )JOe.; anokoaeaouv «68Mou;» Kof «KoapapEVOU;» (K~pUVJa OTOV TiJ,JIO TOUPO TOU K. WTIPonou Aou OT MeA(3oupVI. EnT. 86), onawe.; Kai J,Jovo oon npottouj,je TO Ko6fjKOV J,Jae;, ' AKOIJI) J,JE TO va ojooeuoouv oi onoooi TOUe.; Ai(3EAAo EVOVTiov J,Jo e.;. oov ~EVI 61J,Jooieuo, OTV E4>IJ,JEpioo.' EM, K~pu\» ( ), ' A,~8eo, Ti <> I M6e'<I> ~ np6\~ wi Ti Ev6 104>EPOV Via TiV OiK OOO).Ji TWV motwv. EivOi OTEAEwTa npoy)jo «TO iepa"ootd),ika Koop8wJoa» TaU KAIJ.OKiou. oaao TO 6vo4>ep6EvTo eiva OPKETO Via Va EVIJ,Jepwoouv Kof va KOTooTiaouv YVWOTi TiV aai;6eo Via TO ouij(3ai VOVTa OTiv AUOTpoAio oe K06e KoA6moTo ovoyvwoti, EiJeie.; EuxojJE6a ono TO (30611 Tii e.; 4Juxiie.; JJOt; va 4>wTiOEI 6 KUpoe.; TOU e.; «em),oyou;» TOU TO Uc.; Kof va TOUe.; E).JnAioEI TOU EipvonOIOu Tou n VEU)JOTOe.;, WOTe onou (3piaKovTa va OKOpnoOv Tiv Eip~VI ou 0eou Kai OXI on we.; TWPO TiV Tapaxi Koi TiV OKoTooTaoio, ouj,j4>wva Je TO anootoaiko: «avepa oe EOTI Ta f p ya Tijt; oapko;. atva eon,., fx8po, (ij)'oi, 8uJoi, EpI8E'-0I. oxooaoio. aipeoei;. tp(}6voi,.,. Kai TO ojoa outo;. a npo),eyw U/J'-v Ka8w; Ka; "po!'-nov, OTI 0; TO o/gua "paaaovtet; pao)'e"iov Beou au K),f}POVO/JjOOUOV' 0 ae Kap"Ot; ou nveupoot; EOTIV ayanf). xapa. EipjVf], JOKpo(}uJia. XPf]OTOTf];. aya8wauvf7, " ;at;. "paotf];, i:.ykpateio» (oa )... AYov.. Opo~ 26 Mo'iou 1987

6 THE ETHICA CONTENT OF DEMOCRACY (on the occasion of an annivesay) (C) By Achbishop S yfianos of Austaia V. What we said above does not excude the ceation of the impession that in the neo-heenic poaisation of eft Right we ony condemned the downfa of the fome fom Tadition and the nationa entiety. Theefoe, we must expicity state hee that just as fom the eft wing's absoute negation a wam affimation of Tadition esuted in the couse of time, even as a bight minoity, simi ay fom th e ight wing's easoned esevation and consevatism a naow-minded and tyannica cass evoved in the couse of time, which coud not but ead to an impasse in the nation's ife. The cetificates of socia behaviou - we a know we who issued them and fo how ong they kept them vaid; thee is no point, theefoe. in accusing ony the peson who intoduced them! -, the aests, the dispacements, the beatings and the totues in the Poice Secuity Offices wee not discoveed in one night on the 21 st of Api, The sevenyea duation of tyanny of couse poved a spuious, yet cetainy a natua offsping of county-taffic that had deveoped by stages ove many decades. This is why the tuy democatic peope of the Ri ght o the eft found themseves united in thei stugge against the junta, not suddeny and unexpectedy, but pefecty accoding to natua aw. Unfotunatey, howeve, the suviva of a eements of cused totaitaianism was destined to pevai both in the Right and in the eft, obviousy fo the simpe eason that no change of tactics no econciiation intevened. Thus, afte the change of govenment it was ony those who initiated the miitay coup d'etat who wee condemned and impisoned, whie thei spiitua and appaent fathes wee eft fee and exempt, and in some cases they wee even pomoted in ode to efom, in the same dictatoia manne, the Geece in the aftemath of dictatoship. Yet, with what kind of ogic do we demand of the coones geate sensitiveness to the spiitua vaues of Democacy, and we impison them fo aboishing these va ues, whie we gant amnesty so easiy to thei 'spiit ua' pedestas and in essence thei mentos? No one denies that the initiatos of the miitay coup shoud be punished. Howeve, a shoud be punished accoding to the degee of thei esponsibiity, at east those who wee poven to have (consciousy) coaboated in the coup. Of couse the govenment, afte the dictatoship, took cetain ostentatious steps to democatise ou pubic ife paae to a mutitude of fantic and impemissibe neoheenic society extemities as fo instance the egaisation of the Communist Paty of Geece, the ecognition of nationa esistance in a fonts, the simpification of the anguage, the equaity of the two sexes in many aspects, the ibeaisation of the civi code, civi maiage with potentiaity fo divoce. the impovement of famiy aw at east in some aspects and othes. Yet, even fom this peiod of Dpmocacy of Euopean type, unique in the histoy of the moden Geek state, scandaous cases of anti democatic behaviou in fundamenta mattes of pubic ife wee not absent. It is tagic that fom these vaious changes thee even deveoped a: 'mbeaabe popuism in ou genea cutua ife, and with the inguistic change thee pevai ed in the pubic sevices and in the adio - T.V. news mass media a babaity without pecedent. This babaity is chaacteisticay efected not ony in the unacceptabe vocabuay and in the mutitude of incedibe ingu- 82 istic fabications, but in the case of pubic sevices even in the Simpe aboition of the fom of addess and civiised concuding note of with honou in a kind of officia coespondence with the citizen. As fo poitica mannes, especiay afte the accession of PASOK to powe, they wee competey cooded by hypocicy, demagog ism, the factionaism of a and cynicism. Of couse, we do not mean hee the Govenment attitude in eation to NATO, the Common Maket and foeign poicy in genea; we efe hee to the uttey incompehensibe attitude of the Rues in the intena affais of the county - which M Papandeou, in moments of seit-citicism, had the sinceity to chaacteise, enienty though it was, as aogance of authoity, the contempt of paiamentay conto and diaogue, especiay the enewed division of ou peope with the entiey mechanica poaisation of Right-eft, paticuay at a time of majo nationa pei s. How can one tak, on the one hand, about nationa unity and econciiation, and fo obivion of the bitte past, and on the othe hand poject as a fundamenta motto the fiey Peope do not foget what Right means not ony in the pe-eection peiod, but aso at evey moment of assessment and account? Coud not any othe paty aso fabicate appopiate divisive passwods fo its opponents? In any case, who is 'the peope' and which is the Right in Geece? Anothe exampe not ony of hypocicy and demagog ism, but aso of audacious undeestimation of the inteigence of the Geeks is the fact that on the one hand the sogan Geece of Geek Chistians is chaacteised - and ighty so - as demagogic and of the junta, whie on the othe hand the sogan Geece fo the Geeks is pojected as the highest nationa taget afte dictatoship. Yet one may ask: is the atte any ess demagogica and junta-ike than the fome? In ode to ende justice, we woud say that we shoud chaacteise the atte passwod as even moe cunning than the fist. to the degee that the fist one was pojected by miitay minds, whie the second one by supposedy enightened academics. Yet, shoud such fase sogans be pemissibe fo any esponsibe and democatic pesons at a time when nationaims of the past have consideaby withdawn to a cimate of univesa soid aity and coaboation? Ae such sogans even moe so pemissibe fo the ips of a Geek pubic peson, when it is known that haf of the Geek popuation today is found outside of Geece as Geeks aboad? What woud be the fate of a this peope - on whom we fequenty ca at times of nationa cises - if a counties put fowad such sogans as thei nationa taget? Futhemoe, the attitude 01 the pesent Rues of Geece towads the Chuch is extemey enightening in eation tc" the subject of 'Democacy', because it pesents batant phenomena of unpecedented totaitaianism and hypocisy: on the one hand, they name the Chuch the highest institution of the nation with a eminde of how much the Nation owes Othodoxy, its Mothe and nuse; on the othe hand, they manipuate it as the most unesteemed ode of peope, toeating, if not cevey inciting, its defamation by a means. This anti-democatic and extemey inimica attitude to the Chuch became aeady cea and undisguised fom the unsuccesfu endeavou of the Govenment of PASOK to impose civi maiage as compusoy aw, despite

7 the fact that it was demanded by a sma poitica minoity of the Othodox Geek peope. As is known, thi s unundestandabe enmity was consummated in the unjust aw passed unde a pandemonium of potests. w hich did not cease, but on th e contay ae on the incease both within and outside of Geece. Yet, this un acceptabe Govenment at titude does not in any way emove fom us th e obigation aso to cauteise - in an honest sef-citicism - a anti-democatic and anti-spiitua aspects which have been indicated at times in the entie behaviou of cetain ministes of the Chuch, chiefy Bi shops, not ony duing the peiod of the junta, but aso at times of peace and democatic govenment. By this we cetainy do not at a mean the affais of eccesiastica justice, which atey they wish to modify so supeficia y and so inconsideatey on a moe ationa basis, whie they ae competey ign oant of the saced ness of the chistoogica and Chist-imitated Office of the Bishop, and of the theoogy of the Chuch in genea. Hee we mean of couse evey king of despotism, abitay mentaity and conduct, seviity towads those who u e, faction ism and favouitism, whi ch unfotunatey do not aways aow th e pesence of th e nomative authoity of the di vi ney-estabished ad ministation in th e Chuch. In ode to co mbat a these ph enomena, which undemine the authoity of the Chuch. a bod sef-citi cism and cathasis in the fe a of God is needed. In the context of such vigiance, thee is no doubt that the Chuch ought not on y to toeate but aso to pusue and egitimate auditing of its affais by the Auditing Counci, thus giving fist the exampe of a we conducted and good administation. In cosing, these genea emaks on the occasion of thi s yea's bitte annivesay, we do not egad exceedingy sevee the fina concu sion: if we take into consideatio n th e high pice paid by ou peope in a fieds fo the idea of Democa cy duing the ast fifty yeas, we must admit that post-junta Geece does not have much eason to boast of its doubtfu degee of pogess as a State of aw and tue Democacy. The deepe undestanding of this inequaity between the sacifices and the esuts wi pehaps aso bing about the most essentia stat of the necessay univesa cathasi s of the matte in case. Fo, in the fina anaysis, Democ acy is not meey an eectoa victoy, but a aboiou s moa conquest. i u _. i ) i. i. i i ) AUSTRAIAN COUNCI OF CHURCHES i ) } The ACC seeks a GENERA SECRETARY to ue appointed : : by the Executive Committee of the 13 membe chuches., } The Genea Secetay shoud be a peson of committment { : to the ecumenica movement and of vision fo a just and peacefu ~ t community. f? ay o ce gy peope may appy. The position occus in ~, Januay 1988 and those inteested shoud contact: ~ : The Chai m an of the Nominations Committee, t I : M. John Denton, { I P. O. Box Q190, I, Queen Victoia Buiding, { I SYDNEY, N.SW I i fo a copy of job desciption and tems of appoi ntment. Appica- } } ti ons cose 31st Juy ; i ~ /.X Moments in the Divine itugy THE VICTORY HYMN Duing the fist euchaistic paye of th e Hoy Anaphoa th e piest says, sienty: " We thank you aso fo this itugy which you ae peased to accept fom ou hands, though thee stand befoe you thousands (Danie 7:10) of achanges and tens ofthousands 01 anges (Hebews 12:22), cheubim and seaphim, six-winged (Isaiah 6:2) and many-eyed, soaing aoft on wings... " and then he conti nues in a oud voice: "_ singing, shouting, cying out the hymn of victoy and saying... " Whie the piest makes this excamation, he takes the asteisk in his ight hand and makes the sign of the coss with it ove the diskos. The choi ( and the congegation) then si ng the Victoy Hymn (6 EmviKo, u~vo,) : "Hoy, hofy, hofy is the od of Sabaoth: heaven and eath ae u ofthygoy (c. Isaiah 6:3). Hosanna in the highest. Bessed is he that cometh in the name of the od: (Psam 117: 25, 26 (XX), Matthew 21 :9, Mak 11 : 9-10) Hosanna in the highest." Fom apostoic times the Hoy Chuch has joined the song of the seaphim (Isaiah 6:3) with the tiumphant cy of the Jews who geeted ou Saviou at his entance into Jeusaem. 5t Gemanus, patiach of Constantinope ( A.D.) gives us an expanation of the fou wods "_ singing, shouting, cying out, _ saying _ ". He associates these fou wods with the fou iving ceatues of the Apocaypse (Reveations 4 : 6-8 and Ezekie 1 : 10). He said: the eage sings ( 60vo), the ox shouts (~OWvTO), the ion cies out (KEKpay6TO), and the man speaks (AEyOVTO). 5t Gemanus goes on to eate futhe the events of Isaiah 6 with the Divine itu g y at this point. " Then few one of the seaphim to me, having in his hand a buning coa which he had taken with tongs fom the ata. And he touched my mouth, and said: Behod this has touched you ips; you guit is taken away, and you sin fogiven." (Isaiah 6 : 6, 7). this epesents the piest who w ith the tongs (his hands) hods in the hoy ata the spiitua coa, Chist, who sanctifies and puifies th ose who eceive and patake. At the vespes fo the Meeting of ou od (" YnanavT~, Febuay 2nd) we aso efe to Chist as the ive coa, but thee it is the Vigin Mothe who is the mystic tongs, hoding the Chist ch id in he hands, in pesentation to Simeon. The wod "hosanna " (meaning 's ave now') was used as an accamation of homage and as a cy fo savation (e.g. Psam 117 : 25 (XX)). In the Jewish synagogue the efain "hosanna" was then used in specia penitentia itanies (hence caed 'hoshanot'), in the way that we use "od, have mecy". In the eay Chuch, as on Pam Sunday, it was used moe in the fist meaning, ike we woud use the wod "haeuia" o «aivdte». The excamation "Hoy, hoy, hoy is the od of Sabaoth: the whoe eath is u of his goy" (Isaiah 6 : 3) aso constitutes a most ancient pat of the Jewish itugy, used as a congegationa esponse in the so caed Kedusha doxoogy. It was modified sighty and adopted by the Chistians in the vey fist centuies, and the victoy hymn is thus one of the odest pats of the Chistian itugy. We sing this hymn now, confessing the heaveny chaacte of th e Euchaist, standin g now with the anges, in the pesence of God, in the pesence of hi s goy, w ith expessions of goification and adoation. Jvd H B3

8 KUPIOK 30 AUYOUUTOU (MaTe. 19: 16-26) Eiva ToaD EUKOAo va m OTEjJEI Koveic; on ~ neptypa ) TaU naouoou VEOU nou «anija8e AUnOUJ.1EVO~» (o. 22) 6vacpepETOI,.OvaXa ooue; naouoouc;. ACHO au~f3aivet ouv;8wc; Ko f OOV o Jf3wva 6AA6 Kof OTo-uoA6 nov nepoootepwv.. OnoTE 6 naouaoc; eiva navtote «6 aaao~», EVW EJ-EiC; TijJ O iopwvo UI-iE o) j3on6a'!-ac; Via TO KoAo j3ej3oo T~C; OiKOYEVEIOC;, i)c; KOvwviac;, Tfic; napi6ee;. " owe; OIJW C; oi hoyo TOU X ptotoo va I- V eva Kof T6ao napvop'tk oi: oav "eye.. OnOYE, nwafjo6vaou TO mop Xova... KO; OEUPO, OKO),OU(}EI JJO/» (at. 21), eivoi n oa P I ~IKi ) anaito Tau. IE KOnOtOV nou 6va~I1ToOaE an6autec; asiec;, «(wjv aiwvov» (at. 16), ) an6vtof )J ovov an6aut] '.Jnopouoe va eiva: «ei 8i),E/~ TiAE'O~ eivo...» (o. 21 ). ij.ev yiveo EKKA'Of anawt; Y( eaewoouvf - oi naoudo npoo epouv n epooo Tepa' OUTe OKOnOt; etvo ~ KoAAITepeuOf TOU XOPOKT~POt; - oi naouoo eivo ouxva «Ka8w~ npine/» av8pwno' oute naai eivo Kpiof KOTO wv naouoiwv Ko ~ovov - 6 XPIOTOt; exe Koi euko TOOTO TOUt; iaout; 6nwt; TOV NIK06f~0. To npopaf~o aneueuve TOI oe ~a t; : «Ti o'vo8ov nofjaw EYW );» (at. 16). Oi Aoyo Ao mov TOU ' foou 6q,opoOv TOUe; n6vtec; oe ~IO KOvwvio 6 nou ~ pia, 6 OVTOYWVIO~Ot;, 6 KomToA.o~ot;, 6 6TO~IK1-0~ 0C; KO! ~ ouopkeo podaeuouv. - Ex ouv oxeof ~ e TiV enoxi ~O t;, nou 6 XPIOT I OVIO~OC; n e popi~etoi oe IJIO noaueaeo, Ya nao uoouc; Koi TWXOUC; n apo~o iw t;: KOTivTf oe 6 XPIOTIOVIOIJOt; EVo neptto Ko8 ~K OV, K06e oaao napa «TO KUPIO qjoyfto» oo oeinvo Tnt; ~w~t;. i~epo oj QVepWnOI etvoi yeijato: ono Tit; I A060~iet; Tout;, Tit; nepi Beou ioeet;, Tic; opetec; TOUt; (6nwt; Koi 6 veot; T~t; n ep'kon~t;, at. 20), Ti v euoe3eo TOUt;, eaiko eivoi ye~atoi 6no TOV eouto TOut;. ij.ev unopxe OU Te XpOVOC; oue xwpot; yo TOV Beo, EK TOC; Wt; KOT' ekaoy'v otoao f) 4JUXOAOYIKi ovaykf.. AKoIJ' KI.; Evvoia TOO BeoO Koi TOU nopooeioou oev eivoi napa npo3oa' OTOIJIKWV i'i ouvoo6fjjotikwv e m6u~wv, 6veyepof eiowawv JJO t; OTi 6eof TOU jjovou oa'6ivou Beou. ~ ETm OIJWt; 6 B eot; jjnopei va a noteaei ~epot; aaa' onwooinote OXI TO KevTpo T~ t; ~wiit; JJOt;, nou va aoxoaeitoi jje Ka6e jjo t; PiijJo. ' 0 ~WV T OVOt; Beat; TWV n OTepwv jj Ot; 86Aeye : «(jnoye, nwafaov aou TO unopxovto» (OT. 21) - niyove va owoet;oti oe e jjn oo i~e ono TOU va Me okoaou6eit; ' onekouoou oao o neptto evoujjoto nou oe onotpenouv ono TOU va ME yvwpioet;' oyvo'oe Kaee 1J060, 600 euaoj3it; KIOV eivo, n ou 60Awvei T'V 6poo' oou. oi IJnopei Koveic; va eivo neo).jevot; OTI AOTpeue TOV BeD, KI O-wt; ' EKeivoc; «va oj1oaoyi}o 1 m.ij(; Ko86Aou OEV TOV YVwpi(EI» (MaTe. 7 : 23). AUTO nou eivoi onopoitfo eivo va xaoe Koveic; TI'V 4JUx' TOU (MoT6. 10 : 39), va Kevwoe TOV eouto TOU, va yive TWXOt;, «on ouokoaw~ naouooc; eioea uoetoi eic; Ti}V!3oOAEiav TWV oupavwv» (at. 23). Mia TEOm ooo ).JopoiwC; n poko Aei TO EpwTI ).J O: «Ti en UOTepw;» (at. 20). '0 Beot; oev etvoi onawt; TO oui.maipwjo 6 AAo.; na'poto Tiit; ~wfjc; ).JOt;. Koi OnOTe! moti oyan: YI ' auto Koi Mye oo veo va 1J0pOOei o unopxovo TOU, T'V"'OIO TJi V unop~i TOU, OTOUt; TWXOUC;. e eaik' ov6auo', TOV npooto~e 6 Kupot; va oyon'oe, YIOTi onoot; oev Dyana oev Exe yvwpioe TOV BeD (A' w6v. 4 : 8, 16). No okoaou8ei c; TOV Sea, va npooeuxeoo, OJoive va oyan'oet; TOV naoiov aou. ~ OTav ayana Koveic;., I-IETopaive EK TOU 8avoTou eit; Ti V ~wiv (A ' ' w6v. 3 : 14). AUTO eivo o Eva npayja nou uotepouoe 6 veot;, TO Eva npay-o nou xpe6~eta (!\OUK. 10 : 42), TO I-IOVO nou eva I TO novto. n. 'I. X. SUNDAY 30 AUGUST (Matt. 19: 16-26) It is easy enough to dismiss the account of the ich young man who "went away soowfu" (v. 22) as efeing to the weathy aone_ This is most often what ocus in pupits and in the minds of peope. So we aways conside the "o the peson" as being weathy, whie ouseves as woking in an honest way fo the good aways of ou famiy, o u society, ou county. Pehaps, howeve, the wod s of Chist ae not so comfoting : when He says "go, se what you have... and come, foow me" (v. 21), He is in fact making a moe adica demand. To a peson seeking absoute vaues, "e tena ife" (v. 16), the epy coud ony be absoute: "if you wi be pefect... " (v. 21). This is no mee appea to chaity - the ich coud offe moe; these wods do not aim at impoving one's chaacte - ich peope ae often vey espectabe; it is no judgement against the ich aone - Chist aso had we-todo fiends such as Nikodemus. The pobem is diected towads us: "What must I do...?" (v. 16). The wods, then of ou od ought to be bought much cose to home, because they concen eveyone in a wod whee foce, competition, capitaism, individuaism and sefsufficiency eign. In such a wod, Chistianity is educed to a uxuy, fo ich and poo aike: it has become an unnecessay obigation, not the "main couse" of ife's banquet. Peope today ae fu : of thei ambitions, thei ideas about God, thei vitues (ike the young man in the Gospe, v. 20), thei piety, fu utimatey of themseves. Thee is no time and no pace fo God in ou ife, except as an optiona onament o psychoogica need. Ou vey undestanding of God and heaven is often no moe than a pojection of individua o emotiona desies, an eection of ou own idos. Such a God may be pat of ou ife, but He is cetainy not the cente of ife, invoved with ou evey move. The iving God of ou Fathes woud say to us: "I do not seek yous, but you" (II Co. 12 : 1 4) ; He woud insist: "Go, se what you have" (v. 21) - go and give away eveything that in fact hindes you fom foowing Me; take off a supefuous gaments which pevent you om knowing Me ; ignoe a myths, no matte how pious, that bu you vision of Me. Fo though one may be convinced that he is woshipping God, on that day He "wi pofess that He neve knew him" (Matt. 7: 23). What is needed is to ose one's sou (Matt. 10 : 39), to empty onesef, to become poo, "o a ich man shaf hady ente the kingdom 01 heaven" (v. 23). An attitude such as this can ony povoke the question: "What do I sti ack?" (v. 20) God is not meey the competion, the "topping up"of ou ife but its funess. Hedemands an unsweving ove: this is why the young man is tod to shae a his beongings, his vey existence, with the poo. In the fina anaysis, he is commanded to ove, because he that does not ove has not known God (I John 4: 8,16). To foow God, to eate to God, is to ove one's neighbou. And one is abe to pass fom death to ife ony if one oves (I John 3 : 14). This is the one thing acking in the young, the one thing which aone is necessay (uke 10 : 42), the one thing that means eveything. F J. C.

9 BOOK REVIEW John Chyssavgis' Fie and ight: Aspects of the Easten Othodox Tadition ight and ife Pubishing Co., Minneapois, 1987, 76 pages, $11.00] spings fom his expeience of the pesona natue of edemption, fom "the goy and stength of God's Jove... shown in the incanation of His own Son" po 7]. One of the most attactive featues of this book is that whie it opens up much of the ich tadition of th e Fathes on th e natue of the spiitua ife, it aso possesses the featues of pesonaestimony and expei ence which give it a paticua wamth and conviction. I suspect that the fou chaptes of this book may have begun as occasiona papes o taks to a ive audience. They sti bea many of the maks of spoken athe than witten speech. Occasionay this gives an immediate and stiking tone. In othe paces the autho's intentions ae not seved by this. The book gives th e impession that it went to pess in something of a huy and without the benefit o f the sevices of an edito. The substance of th e book is good, bu thee ae cetain paints 10 be negotiated befoe one can get to the unaoyed substance of the wok. The vey fist paagaph efes to a "nation", but we have no idea of what th at nation is. I suspect that one coud ony know if one was in the audience when the pototype of the intoduction was fi st spoken. This coud put the seious eade off, and it woud be a geat pity if he missed chaptes II, III and IV on " The Way of Paye", "The itugy as Tadition", and "A Vision of Fie and ight". The chapte on paye abounds in citati ons and expanations chiefy of the teaching of the geat ascetica Fathe, SI. John Cimacus John of the adde], one time abbot o f the monastey of St. Catheine, MI. Sinai. The cai ty and au th oi ty of SI. John seves to demonstate th at th ee is a specific, doctinat, and authentic expeience of God in paye. This is usefu when, in a time such as ou own, a sots of gimmicky and subjective fads (aen ony sefcongatuatoy monoogues) masqueade as contempoay chistian appoaches to paye. Again, an edito woud have heped if ony to decide o n the pospective eadeship o f th is book. Ae the eades to be we infomed Othodox, othe Chistians, o enquies of goodwi? If the atte two goups wee con tempated at a, "hesychia" and "ascesis", intoduced on page 13with out any expanation, wi stump them uttey. In the quite fine chapte on " The itugy as Tadition", nonspeciaist eades fom anothe Chi stian confession (with the possibe exception 0 1 Roman Cathoics) woud find much of the anguage extemey difficut. Even such wods as 'itugy' need to be unpacked. t may be quite wong, but I think th at th e diffeences in the stye of the Geek anguage in theoogy and the uses of Engish in theoogy appy hee. I suspect that Geek deights to pactice moe inticate kind of inguistic economy tending to a moe decamatoy tone, whie En gish in its best moments, tends to be moe discusive. I may now eay be imagining things, but Deacon Chyssavgis' witing seems em iniscent of that of Abbot Vasieios of the Stavonikia Monastey. The odd thing is that Deacon John has witten in Engish whie Abbot Vasi eios in Geek, yet thee seems to be something of one in the othe. Deacon Chyssavgiswites, 'The saints ae itugica pesons thai gathe aound the heaveny ata and ae theefoe aways contempoay and pesent with us. They ae not idos: if they wee they shoud be smashed. They ae the iving itugy of ou Chuch" p. 40). Compae this with Abbot Vasieios: " That is why, when man is pataking in the Divine itugy, he is in his eement, whee he can thive; in his homeand whee eveything is weff - known and famiia to him. The anguage spoken hee is his mothe ongue." Engish tans.; Hymn of Enty, S.V.S. New Yok 1984, p. 61 J. The witing in both authos is vey powefu, and whie one appeciates th e pofundity 0 1 the thought, one sti wants the authos to say moe, to expain by beginning at a moe obvious and mundane eve. Theoogicay this witing is athe ike the bi th of th e goddess Paas Athena. It eaps into th e wod fuy fom ed and fuy amed. The best pat of the book is the as t chapte, "A Vision of Fie and ight", in which the autho speaks fom his expeience of two spiitua fathes, Sophony, a monk in a monastey in Essex himsef a sp iitua son of the famous ede, Staets SiJouan and AimiJi anos, fom the monastey of Simonos Peta on Mt. Athas. The othe chaptes ae passionate and eaned, but the ast one is mo e uminous and existentiay ecognisa b e. Fo exampe; "When we face a dead end, God opens doos; when we each the abyss of wates beow, with the enemy behind us, then God opens the Red Sea of ou ives as he opened the sea fo Moses and the Isaeites. Thee is no need fo despai but wemust beieve in Godand in Him aone" po 631. Th is is good witing and a mastey expanation of the famous and deep saying of the Staets Siouan, "Keep you sou in he and despai not ". This fina chapte paticuay undeines the most impotant featue of the spiitua ife as it has come down to us fom Chist, which is that the spiitua ife is the fuest intepesona ife and that "Chist poceeds though the ages in the agency of pesons" {po 64J. De acon Chyssavgis' expeience is vauabe in that it eminds us that this tansmission of the Gospe is not an impesona pocess o a aw, a moa idea o an idea. It is the chuch, the oveaf God made visibe in the communion of saints. ikewise, paye is not a matte of eaning a technique o of gaining esoteic knowedge. It is a gift of Gad. It is communion with God, a eationship of ove in which God gives us fiends and guides in the way of paye. Chistianity, in its utimate anaysis, is a Peson - Chist. We do not ente into contact with a peson though wods o aguments, but by the phenomenon of communion. Deacon John's book gives futhe va uabe insight into the natue of this communion in the pesons of Fathes Sophony and Aimiianos. awence Coss ~~*~*~*~*~-~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~ A Visit To Bendigo On Sun day, 24th May, 1987, a mixed goup of nine young aduts, who with the Bishop Ezekie's bessing ae cuenty being tained by F. Styianos Menis as youth eades, taveed to the Victoian county town of Bendigo whee a feowship meeting was conducted. Bendigo, the histoica queen city of Centa Victoia's godfieds, boasts a substantia Geek popuation both in the city aea and the suounding faming disticts. The chiden of the Geek Othodox famiies of Bendigo and the suounding towns wee invited by the Meboune goup to attend a vey specia day at thei chuch, the Assumption of Ou ady. The pogam, which was conducted unde the guidance of F. Styianos, the ocum tenens fo the Bendigo Paish, began with Divine itugy, sung in Engish and Geek. Afte the itugy, the youth wee divided into thee goups accoding to age and undestanding; the ages anged fom 7 to mid 20's. These goups povided oppotunity fo the youth to ean moe about ou chuch, to have many doubts and questions answed and to eceive Bibe study eafets, infomation sheets, chuch caendas, etc. Th e adies Auxiiay Committee of the Pai sh and the Community povided a geneous unch which competed a vey peasant day. The age attendance maked the success of the day. The expeience and joy gained by the feowship ws an encouaging ewad fo the Meboune Goup, who pan to continue visits ike this. I.M. <>ONH TH OP80\O:::IA 242 Ceveand St., Redfen, EoioUJov opvavov Tie; ' I.. ApXIEmoKon;C; AUOTpaAiac;. EK6i6eoi an6 I:uvTOI(TIK". EmTpon" 'YnEu8uvo( EK66oEW(: npwtonp. MIAn6611C; XpuoouyfJc; TEXV/Kt'/ En/pEAE/a:. IEPEUC; AVVEAoC;. AAu:j)IEpOKI1C; Pinted by S. Hakeas Pinting Py. id. - Te.:

10 -A-P-X-IE-n-I:-K-T-O-~-I-;-H-P-~-~-;-:-O -E-~-E-~-A-H_I:_A_P_~_,w-~vE-n-~-6:-~-,~-~~-,~-s-~-v~-,"-po-:-~-e;-a~-,-o-u--U"-~O-U-M-OU-'E-KK-A'-O...J,,! ~ -- Ā. 0 evikoc;;. APXIEPOTKOc;. Eniponoc;;. npwtonp. MIATo61S Xpu- MtoS. AVOTOAfis (9.7.87). OQuviic; EKnpoOwn'OE ov ej3eoi-hoao oic; KOWa. EK61AwaeC;: - MiAnoe ot: OUVO~f nijv. Opeo66~wv 01T'TWV TaU navenoti ~iou uoveu Via T~V. Opeo6o~fo oiv AUoTpaAia. (1.7.87) - n apokoe.,oe o6. Avo..Vf"oTKo'..einvQ ie; EKA en' EUKOpiQ ie; 13.,<;; oneeiou nic; Toupdic; eio/3o'\;;<; OTV Kunpo (4.7.87). - napoj3pe9'ke on'} EVIK) IuveAeua., fjc; n peoj3uteptovfic; EKKAOioC; AUoTpoAiac; OH; NEO NOTIO DuoAa (6.7.S7). - npoeotf i')c; A ' uveopooewc; iie;;. 0pYOVWTKi'jC; ' Ennponfic; Yc'! TO ' n OAn Ew<:6 IUVEOPIO. EAAvopao66~ou NEOAaiac; Tiie; A' ApXenoKonKfie; nep epeioe; (7.7.87). - U~jJETeoxe otie; EPvooiee; uve6pooewe; TOU Sydney Coege of Divinity we; ovtnpoownoe; Tfie; 0eo~ovI(fie; Ixo~fie; oo. AnooT6Aou Av6peou (8.7.87). - nopok081']oe oe.6.einvo TOO AUOTpoAovoO UjJj3ouAiou. EKKAI'] - - nopokoaou81']0e OUVeVTeu~1 Tie; OVTnpoowneioe; TOO IUjJj3ou Aiou. E!;!;AI']Oov Meo']e;. AVOTOAfie; nou Ese8EOE TiV I!;OTOOTOOI'] TWV EKei. E!;!;A']owv OE avtinpoownoue; TOO AUOTpoAovoO IUjJj3ouAiou. EKKAI OIWV ( ). - nopoj3pe8']ke OE. AKOAou8io nou 610pvovw81I!;E uno TOO AuoTpaAovou IUjJj3ouAiou. h!;aioiwv En ' EUI!;OpiQ Tfie; EOiOKeJEWe; OTV AUOTpoAio nov ovtnpoownwv TWV ' E!;!;AI']OIwv Meoe;. AVOTOAie; OTOV. AyyAIKOVIKO Noo. Av. okwj3ou. Iu6veu ( ). - MiAI']OE OE OUVOs'] veoaaioe; TOG. Aviou ewpvfou Rose Bay Via Ti 0. AEITOUpvio ( ). - UjJjJETEOXE TWV EPvaOwv ouvo~ewe;. Op8060swv OIHITWV ao noveoioti~io TOO!U6VEU ( ). -.6.EXTIK OTO po Eia Tie;. I.. ApXIEnoKoni"e; EnioK,J0VTInPOawneios Tis N oaooe; Newcaste ( ). nopok081']oe OE.6.Einvo Tie;. EpavKie; 'EOITponiie; Via TI;V avo- -A_n_O T_O B_A_I:_I_A_E_IO T_O_N Z_O_O_ N - O_I O_p O_N_E_I: ---I1 Oi KuvYoi, npv IvoOv Via va Tv8I']PEUOOUV, npoeto jja~ovtoi JJE TpjJep'] VIOTEio Koi Esavvi~oVTCI JJE Ei61KES TEAHEe; KO! XopOUe;. 'OjJOIWjJoTO WKEIOe;, Ton06eoOvTOI OTO KOVW TaUS Via va Tie; npooeakuoouv Koi. OXETIKES npooeuxee; ovonejjnovtoi mous 6EOUS Ei60AAwe; oi npoono- 6 IEe; ETvOi KOT06IKOOjJEVEe; v OnOTUXOUV. -YOTEpO 6E ano TO OKOTWjJO, TO KE oaio nov ~WWV, an ipoxto Koi OVEno o, Ton06eouVTOI Eswono TiS " Ingoo" TOUS, Via va Ev6oppuvouv KI aaaes WKEIES va EA90Uv otfv nepoxf. Oi KUOTEIe; joopponoe;1 TOUe; ojjwe; EnmpE OVTOI JJE jjevaaes IEPOTEAeoTiES nfow OTO VEPO, KOTW ono TOV novo, WOTE 01 JIUXEe; nov O OVIJEVWV ~WWV va SOVOV VV600v Koi TO 9fpojJO va nai']60ivei novto E oi KUVYoi K090pi~oVTo ana TO OVOjJ'1jJO TaUS, jje TO va n'1 600v novw ono MVES nou ovoj3ouv onokaeiotiko Via TOV OKono TOUo.. 0 6fj9EV noaitojjevos OUVXPOVOS j3opj3opos, 6EV EXEI UOIKO OVOVK'1 6no TO owjjo Tiie; CJ>WKEIOe;, j3pike OjJWS TO 6epjJo ou jjkpoo "KOUT0j3I00.. Tie; esoipeto VOUVOPIKO KO! OToAI61 noauteaeioe; Via TI e; naouoes VUVOiKES.. AnoAAoVjJEvos6e ana Tie; npoai'j C:; wi Tie; 6U jjovies TOU npwtovovou KUVYOO Koi TOO' EOKjJWOU, TOO EnITE91Ke ~E oao TO JJEOO KOTOOTpO iie; nou 6109ETEI. - Ea, e TOOE OTO OjJEio VOTfv seka'1pioei oxe60v EVTEAwS ono TO npoowno Tis vis. XOPIS OjJWS OTiS npoono9ees TWV ~wocj>iawv, nou Evw9'1KOV Koi Tfv unepoonioti'kov jje EVTOVES 610jJOPTUpiES Kof EVTOVO ooojj not6~» TWV VOUVOPIKWV nou (310 - jjxovonooovto 6no TO et60e; ooto, avovkaotikov oj noaitikoi OTO j30pei0 f')jjo opio va 9eonioouv TWPO TeAwTOio vojjous npootooios vu:' TO ~WO Koi va eoj3oaouv OUVKEKPjJjJEVOUS KOVOVES VIC TO KuviVI TOU. Twpo 010 jjovo oi nop060otokoi Kuvivoi EOiTpEnETOI va Tfv 81'peuouv Via npoownkf TWV jjovo xpfot Koi 0XI Via EjJnopo. Oi 6e j310mvo jje oio060~io 610ntOTWVOUV nws 6 KOOjJOS nov WKWV apxoe noai va naisoive. KOtvouPVo (3AOOTOPIO ejj ovi~ovtoi OI'jJepo OTO noaio KI EVKOTOAEI~~EVO AIjJEPIO TWV npovovwv TI)S KO! XOiPOVTOI T~ V 6jJop 10 Tis CtvE jjeais ~wis TWV.. An' E6W Koi jjnpos JJOVO TO 6iXTUO TWV 4JOPO- 6wv Koi oi TO~IKES X'jJtKEe; ooiee;, nou OOUAAOVIOTO pixvoujje otie; 60AoooEe; 1J0S, EivOt oi jjov061koi Kiv6uvOI Via Tie; XOpITWjJEvee; Vopvoves. E EOS n.x. vupw OTfv Neo ZtAov6io EKOTO WKEIES j3pfjkov 661KO SOVOTO jjnep6euovtos OTO 6iXTUO TWV 4Jop06wv. ' AvoAUoee; 6E nov 10TWV TaU OWjJOTOC:; TOUe; j3e(3owvouv TOUS ~oj3ous TWV Ei6IKWV, nwe; EntKiv6uvo 61'APPo, onws 6 u6popvupoe;, TO KUOVIO, 0 XOAKOS Koi TO Koj3oATIO, OUOOWPEUOVTOI OE UJAEc:; ovoaovies OTO djjo jjos (osikoti)to). ' EsoA09peuTES Koi Enij3ouAous EX8pouc:; 6AAoue;, EKTOS ono TOV av8pwno, 6ev EXOUV TO wkoei6i.. AVTOVWVIOTES TOUe; OTV npoonogeto Via e~eupeo TOO _EntOUOIOU " gewpoov ~ovo wpojjevo onoto oaao KiTI. Mo TO OUVOVWVi~OVTOI eokoao KI asia, VIOTi UnepT poov oe KoAuJ, j3i)tikt; TOXUTITO Koi KOT06UTtKi J,OOTOpIO. 1. ' H KuofJ ioopponim;. PaO/Ka 6pvavo naeuoew; VIC7 a IpOPI. nepexe OEPJa, nou napavovo ana eioikou; ooive; oo pm.vovvavou fj; Ka ovoaova IJE )v nieo, fj;, o t.popa ioopponoov oo c5o opa pa8fj xwpi; va poua/a(ouv oo mia" va anw8auvg o,v Ef1I OVE/o. 86. htos ono JIOPIO Koi nponovtwv TOV ooawjjo, nou unepovono Kof TOV ouaaojj!3ove otfvovtos eve6po OTO nepoojjoto TOU, f') CJ>WKEIO npo TjJo i610iepo TiS oouoiee; nou j300kouv KOTOIJEvoAO Kon0610 OTO jjevoao (3091). Movoe; ovtinoaos OTf Axou610 TiS TOUT'1, evoj,to ana TiS 4>oAOI YES, 1'1 onopjjoke. KI 01 6uo TOUS, 6UTES 6UVOjJ IKOi, OPIOTO E~onA IOjJEVOI Via OUVOVWVIOJ,O eivoi ikoves va KOTEj3ouv jjexpi KO! XiAIO jjetpo OKOjJO, I!;POTWVTOS Tfv avonvof TOUe; VIa J,of wpe, OIVOjJEVO npovjjotiko I!;OTOn~IKTIKO OVOjJEOO o cao TO ~WO, nou ovonveouv jje nveujjovee;. No ojjws, nwe; netuxoivouv TOV 69Ao TOOo :. H ct>wkeo npoetoiijo~eto I ono npv on061keuovos osuvovo jjeoo OTOUS I-Iue; TOU OWjJOTOS TIS uno jjop '\v jjuoocpopivis Koi, TO XPfOjJonOIEi JJE9061KO Koi }JETPI'IJEVO, woe va T'\V TOOEI jjexpi va EOiapE4J 1 SOVO otfv EOI OVEIO Via va nope avaoo Koi CJ>PEOKO oepo.. AnocpEuve 6ev TTiv 009EVE10, fj jje81' TOU j3090u~, nou eivo TO jjevoautepo npoj3aij,o TWV j3otpoxov9pwnwv, JJE TO va!3vo~e I CAov TOV oepo JJEOO ono TO nveujjovo TiS Koi va TOV KpOTei jjeoo oous!3povxouc:; I!;oi Tfv TPOXEio TIS.. H 00gevEI0 TOO j3060ue;, 6 eiaetoi otf 610ni6OI TOO O~WTOU 6no TiS nveujjovikes KUJIeAi6ee; Koi TTiV Eoo60 TaU jjeoo OTO djjo. OJ uooaai6es TOOTES, ox'1jjoti~ouv jj pokto i't EIJ!3IAo J,EOO OTo oijo opo 6yyeio, nou Tpo 060TOOv TO KeVTpKO VEUptKO OUOT'1jJO Koi nposevoov nopoauo, wi eaiko TOV BOVOTO. ME TO va 61wxve aaov TOV OEPO ana TO nveujjovio TIS oj KU4JeA16es Ti e; CJ>WKEIOS 66e0~ouv TEAE/W e; Koi TO TOIXWjJoo TOUe; OUV KoMwVTOI EPjJITIKO, EIJn061~ovTos eo I!;oi Tfv nopojjkpf 610 uvf 6~WTOU. Mo Koi a un' op8jj. EVo ovtinoaos TI'C:;, i 6VKw6eOTOTJ1 Koi AoijJoPV'1 onepjjokiti Exe TO 61KO Tie; jjuotiko Tfje; KOT06uo'~. To KpOVIOKO TJ1S OOTO OXjJoTi~ouv IJIO 6E~ojJEvf EvTEAwe; ~exwpiott; ana Tfv EVKE4>oAIKf 8TiKI T'1S. TTiv KotAoTiTO TOUT'1, nou Exe j3aevvovovo naouoio OE OVVEio, jjnopei va OUVKEVTpwve Vupw OTO nevfvto (50) KIAO on6 TO AIOOOCJ>eipo TJ1S.. Evw KOT06ueoi KoJEXPI nou va TaOe mo TEAos nis 6106pojJiis npoe; Tfv _ Tpone~opo " T'1S, j30ge10 Koej3oivEI, TOOO Ko no KPUO TO VEPO, To Ainoe; TIS novwve ono Tfv 4Ju~1 Koi Tis XP'10IjJEUEI Via j3api61. nou TiV Tpoj3a npoe; TO KOTW, OUSOVOVTOS OAOEVO Tfv TOXUT'1Tc T'1e;, onwe; okpij3wc:; TO IJoAuj3evo!3op'1 nou Kouj3oAa 6 j3otpoxav8pwnos otf ~wv I TaU. -Onws ojjws veujjotj~e OTO naouoto Tpone~1 TOU WI!;EOVOO, KOTEu8uvei TOUTOXPOVO Koi jjevoaes noootitec:;ono TO ~eoto T'1S O-jJO OTO ovveio nou naouti~ouv TiV jjejjj3povf Tfjc:; Am06E~0IJeviie; TI'C:;. ME Tf 8epjJj TO U AUWVEI GIVO ava TO novwjjevo Anm;, nou EUKOAo 010 oav uvp6 A061, onoppocpatoj ono Tfv KUKAo opio TIS. vetoi OTOV etvot ETOjJi va enotpeje otfv eo oveo, KoAujJna jje Taxu TiTO Topn~IS, VIOTi TO vepo onwgei TO noa 010 eao$po TWPO Ke oai HIS, npovijo nou Tiis esoo$oai~e oxe60v ootpomoio 6vo6uOI. 'H CJ>WKEIO EntOTPOTEUEI aaaes TEXVIKes Via VPvoP'1ovo6uOf. uv61- O~EI TO naeovektijjo Tis ovotojjikf'je; KOTooKeuC;e; TOU OWjJOTO~ Tie;, jje TO jjuit61 Koi EUKivtTO Epwo HIe; n AAAwOTe O auto XPWOTO omkai'p'1 i ouvojjoto~io TWV CJ>WKOEI6wv TO XOPOKTI'PIOTIKO OVOjJO TOUe; (/)Epanooapa. oti TOOo OKp!3we; of"jjjoive 6 eno'1jjos AOTIVIKOe; TiAoe; TOUe;: Pinnipeds. I..

11 ' naaoiwa Tau' I. KoSe6pIKoG NoaD ony A~teouaa TOU. Ayiou nupiowva, (187.87). - ' AvEnEI.HVE EnfJvWOOUVI oeqaq TO KEvOO$IO Matin Pace en' EUKOIpia T~C; 1311<; toete/au T~C; TOUPKIK~C; Eio~oA~C; at~v Kunpo ( ) - nopoko6oe DE benvo Tfic; KunpOKfic; KOIVOU1TOC; 2UOVEU o6 ~Evo6oXEio Regent ( ). B ' APXIEn:KOniKH nep<i>epeia KivUs 0eoq,Aeun'ITOU BO]80U. ETTUKOnOU.ep3]S K.. e~ekia Kma TOV IJi1va 'o0aov 6 0eo IAEoTOTOC; ExoPOOOToev, emt TOUpyqOE wi EK"pU~EV eie; TOUe; KOWa. epouc; Naouc;: - EiC; ov navfvupi~ovto 'I. Na6v TWV. Ayiwv. Avapyupwv Oak eigh (5.7.B7). - KOTa TOV. EanepvDv eie; ov ' I. Na6v TWV. Ayiwv KWVQTOVivou KQi. EAEvqC;, nep6,,<;, TEAeo6Evo en! T~ Evcip;Et niv i:pyogwv TOO B' nep >EpEIOKOU uve6piou.6.utiki'}c; AumpoAiac;. - KoC nv 0. AeIToupyiavee;Tov ' 1. NaovTwv Ayiwv KWVOTOVTivou Kai. EAEvqe;. nepsie;. oujnopoototoujevoe; unotwv A6eo. epewv npwtonp. n. KUPaKOU 4JOAIOU. OiKOV. n. ewpyiou AfTo Kof n. TUAIO vou BOKpa ( ). - KOTO Tiv 6. AetToupyiov eie; TOV.1. Noov T~e; YnonovT~e; TaU Kupiou Cobug ( ), -' EEAeoe TI;V 6eiov AeToupyiov eie; TOV 'I.. ApXeniOKOniKOV Naov Tau' Ayiou EUOTOBiou. 8th Meboune En eukopfq T~e; EOpT~e; TOU 'Ayiou Ev60~ou npo /:TOU e~ek A. KOS iv aye TO OVOIJOOTPIO TOU. Eie; Hv 0, Aenoupyiav nopeotoov oi. epeie; Tfe; MeA~OUpVje;, IJEAf TWV tj.. UIJ~ouAiwv TOV KOIVOTTWV wf ' Evopwv Kai na~80e; niotwv. oi onoioi IJETO TO nepm; Tfe; 0. Aenoupyioe; unefaaov TO OE~j TWV wi qux8ioov TOV 0eQ(pIAEoTOTOV Eni Tij OVOIJOOTKij TOU EOPTi) eie; TV A-ISouoav tj.e~.ooewv Tie;.1.. ApXemoKonfe; Koi of Kupiee; Tie; ctaomw XOU npooe epov YAUKO Kai OVOVUKTIKo. - KOTO TOV 'Eonepvov eie; TOV novqyupi~ovto 'I. Noov T~ e;. Ayioe; napookeuie; SI. Abans nepotoixoujevoe; uno TOO 'I. KAPoU MeA ~aupvo, ( ). - KaTo TV 0, Amoupyiov eie; TOV-1610V '1. Noov I:OTO Tiv KUPIWVU IJOV ijepav Tie; eoptie; Tfie; ' Ayiae; napaokeufie; ( ). - KOTo TOV. Eonepvov eie; TOV nov f yupi~ovto ' I. Noov TOU ' Ayiou navteaejovoe; Dandenong nepotoixoujevoe; uno TOU ' I. KAI1Pou MeA~oUpvie; (26.7,87)., - KOTo Tv 6, Amoupyioveie; TOV-1610V 'I, Noov KOH TI'jVKUPIWVU IJOV ijepav Tfe; EOpTie; TOU 'Ayiou novteaei'jijovoe; ( ). - Tiv npwav npoeoti ouvo~ewe; TOU 'I, KA.;pou MeA~OUpVIe; KOTo TV onoiav evijepwoe TOUe; 'Iepeie; OXETIKa IJE TO TOsei61 TOU eie; TOUe;. Ayioue; To noue;. TiV KWVOTOVTvoUnoAIV. TV yeveepav Koi TO - AYov - Opoe;. (2.7.87) _. AvexwPoe 610 TiV n EpSIV npokej VOu va nopocnei eie; TO B' n ep epeoko uvi:6pov NeoAoioe; Tfie;tJ.UTKie; AUOTpaAioe;ovTnpoowneuwv TO e~ooij I WTOTOV Kof Mofe IJEpOe; eie; TOe; 6 Io opoue; EK6qAwoee; ( ). To O~~aTOV O'v ' ouaiou e.e. TO npwi EEAEOe TOV 'AYooJov enf Ti) evap~e TOO uve6piou KOi npo OTt TWV EpyaOwv KOS ' oaov TO npwivo KaTa TO onoiov Enio]..IOe; OIJIAITi e; ito a A i6eoj. npwtonpeo~u TepOe; n. KUpoKOe; '+OAoe; Je SEI-IO.. npo~aijjoto Tie; 'EAAvOp8060~ou NeoAOioe;». To onoyeujjo TfJe; i6ioe; ijepoe; a 0eo IAEoTOTOe; unip~ev 0 B' OjJIAITe; IJE SEJa " Inside ou Othodox Chuch - What we see and what it means", Tv KUPIOKiV 121v ouaiou E,e, ]..ETa TI)V 0. AeTOupyiov nopeko Sqoev eie; eu]..io ]..IeS' OAWV TWV uve6pwv Kof ev ouvexeiq npoeoti TtOV epyoowv TOO uve6piou. KOS' oaov TO cmoyeujjo Tfe; KUpIOKie;. KOTO TO onoiov eniojoe; O].. IAITI'te; fjto a io TpOe;, AnooTOAOe; BOYIOT~ie;. METa TO nepoe; TtOV epyoowv TOO uve6piou 0 0eo IAEOTOTOe; uxopiotoev anovtae; EK IJEpOUe; TOU e~ao]..iwtatou Kof IUXiSI eie; OUTOUe; e opjjo YV TWV ono ooo8evtwv. 'EneoTpe4JeV eie; MeA~oupviv ( ). - uv06euojevoe; un o 'Iepewv Tie; MeA~OUpVie; nopeotq eie; Xopoeon epi6o, Ii anoia E66SI ee; TO «KpfTIKO XWPIO», n poe; EvioxUOIV TaU' ovoyep6evtoe; Knpiou TWV po$eiwv Tfie; ' 1.. ApXenoKonfe; ev MeA~aupvo. ( ) - ' AvexwPoe 610 Bpo~ov f v, -IVO nopaotfj eie; TOe; epyooioe; TOO nep epeiokou uve6piou NeoAoioe; KOUfvoMv6qe; ovtnpoowneuwv Kof noav TOV e~oo]..iwtotov. ( ) ' APXIEn:KOnIKH nep<i>epeia Kiv'US 0eoq,AeuT<Tou BO]80U. EnUKonou XpuTavounoAews K. nauaou ' 0 0eo IAeOTOTOe;: - ExoPOoToToe KOTO T V 0. AeToupyfav eie; TOV ' I. Noov TOO ' Ay, novteae]..ovoe; Geneg (1,7.87), - iepoupyj0e Kai W]..I iaioev eie; TOV ' 1. Noov TaU' Ay. t.iijitpiou Saisbuy Koi EV ouvexeiq, eie; TO npoouaiov TOU 'J. Noou. En eukopiq Tie; eopt~e; TWV. Ay.. Avopyupwv, euaoyioe euja. TO onoov nopete61 npo<; TO EKKAfOioo]..O uno TOO npoe6pou. TWV ]..IEAWV TOU tj.'okjtkou U]..I~ouAiou we; Kof uno TWV jjeawv Tfe; IAomwxou. A6eA otitoe; TfJe; w<; ovw. Evopioe; (5.7.87), - Tv ]..EV npwi"ov EXoPOoToToe KOTo TV 0. AeToupyiav eie; TOV. I, Noov TOU. Ay. novteaei)jjovoe; TO 6E onoyeuja, ]..ETa TOO npoe6pou T~e;, En T pon~e; St. Basi's Homes fo Aged in S.A. K. BOOA. T OAIOVT~~ Kof TOO npoioto]..ievou T~e; OiKovo/-,IKfi<;. Ynpeoio<; Tie; ' I.. ApXeOoKonfie; K. nup. '+wja, PETE~f npoe; EnioKe4.V TWV EKTeAOU]..IEVWV epywv Tfie; «BOOIAea6oe; ~ eie; N oaunga (7.7,87). - iepoupyoe KOi wjiaioev eie; TOV ' I. Noov TOU ' Ay. n OvTeAe'j/-,ovoe; wi EV ouvexe;q eie; TO O"'KfIJO Tie; '.. ApXeOiOKonie; euaoyfoe Tpane~O, niv onoiav nope8eoov npoe; TOUe; o/-,oyeveie;. i6ioe; E~o601e; oi Kupfo - Avvo Kove'Pf wi Mopio ' Av6p.KonouAou unep ouykevtpwoewe; XPjJe'Twv npoe; onoofeov TOO U$IOTOIJEVOU xpeoue; OUTOU (12.7,87), - napouoiq TaU n poe6pou Tfi e;, EniTpOn~e; TOO KEVTPOU n povoiae; Tfie; ' ' ApXeOoKonie; t..kiyopou K. 0eo6. K06i, ]..IeAWV T~e; npoovo cpep8eioe; 'EnITpon ie;, we; Koi cipijo6fou UnOAAAOU TOO 'Ynoupyeiou MeovooTEuoeWe; E6EXSI uno4jt ioue; npokejevou onwe; najpwsfi 8EGe; KeVi KO'VWVIK~e; AeToupyoO ei e; TO KEVTPOV ( ). - iepoupyoe wi w/-,iaioev EmKOipwe; eie; TOV. I. Noov TaU 'Ay. ewpyiou Thebaton. Eie; TOV"1610V 'I. Noov I-I ETa TO nepoe; T~e; 0. Ae TOupyfoe; npoeo TI EOI JvJOOUVOU 6eoewe; unep TWV SU/-,oTWV KOTa Tiv nepi060v T~e; TOUpKIKie; e io~oane; ei e; niv]..iopupikv MeyoAOvoOV, Tv Jeo]..fpiov, jjeta TOO evtp. evikou npo~evou K. Kwv/ vou Kopo]..ne" TOi. TOU n poe6pou Tie; I.E.K.A. K. T. tj.,o/-,ovti6', TOU npoeopou Tne; EV 'A6eAoi"61 KunpOKne; KOIVOTITOe; K. TO]..IoTI, EKnpoownwv Ku~epv oewe; Kai. A~IW]..OTIKie; OVTnOATeUOeWe;, we; Koi amwv EKnpoownwv ojjoyeveokwv 'Opyovwoewv KO;. A6eA(ioTiTwv, onju8uve XOIPETIO]..OV EK I-IEpOUe; T~e; 'EKKAoioe; KOTa TiV OUYKEVTPWOIV eie; Edes Pak, eux'seie; Toxeiav Kef 61Ko iav AUOIV TOU KunpoKou,. Ev ouvexeiq nopeupe8' eie; TO MVIIJeiov TOO ' AYVWOTOU IponwTou, onou EAo~e xwpo KOToSeOe; otecpovwv unep TWV EV Kunp4J unep niotewe; Koi notpi60e; neoovtwv, To EonEpOe; Tit; outne; i]..epoe; 6 0eo(IAEoTOTOe;, naoooujjevoe; uno TaU ' 1. KAPoU ' A6eAo"i60e;, EXOPOoToTioe Koi WJiAJ10e KOTO TOV M.. Eoneptvov eie; TOV novyupi~ovto 'I. Noov TOO npo ttou. HA.ou Nowood (19.7,87), - iepoupyoe Koi WJiAOEV EnKOipwe;, Evwnov nukvou EKKA'OO OIJOTOe;, eie; TOV n poovo(\ep8evto ' I. Noov Koi EV ouvexeiq PETO TOU ' epotik we; npoi"otojjevou n. TOUpOU 40POIJIJOT, TtOV ouaaetoupy OoVTWV 'epewv Koi TaU EKKAiOIOOjJOToe;, nopekos"oev eie; eojo, TO onoi ov nopeseoev.i EOPTa~OUOO IAonpoo60e;. Evopio-KovoTqe;. - En' eukoipiq Ti)e; ]..Ivi]..' e; Tfie; 'Ay. n opookeuie; EXOPOOTOTiOe KOTa TOV M.. Eonepvov Koi wpiaioev EOIKOipwe; eie; TOV '(I. Naov Tau ' Ay., AVTwviou Pospect.. AKoAou8we;, nopeupe8' eie; TiV eqoiov xopoeonepi6a Tie;, Evopioe;. Ay. novteae]..ovoe;, i 6noio A(I~ e xwpov eie; TV o80uoov TOO tj.q]..opxeiou Geneg, W]..IAtOOe; KOTOAAiAwe; (25,7.87). - TV IJEV npwov iepoupyjoe Ko i w/-'i Afoe eie; TOV '1. Noov TaU npo(\tou. HAou Nowood, TO 6E EonEpOe;, naoioiou/-'evoe; uno TOO 'I. KAPOU. A6eAai"60c;, EXoPOoToToe KOTO TOV M, 'Eonep vov Kof wpiaioev eie; TOV novtyup i ~ovto 'I. Noov TOO' Ay. novteaeti/-,ovoe; Geneg ( ). - epoupyfoe Kof w]..iiaioev, evwmov nukvou EKKAfOIOO]..OTOe;, eie; T~V npoavoc\epsevto ' I. Noov Kof Ev ouvexeiq ]..IETO TaU ' epot, npoi OTO ]..IEVOU n. NIKOMOU nouaou. TWV ouaaetoupy'oovtwv. 'epewv Koi TWV EUAO~WV o ]..oyevwv IJOe;. nopeupe8q eie; tj.e~iwov. TV anoia v, nopeseoev Ii IAonwxOe; 'A6eA otte; Tn e; we; avw ' Evopioe; eie; Tiv d.souoo TWV EV ' A6eAoi 61 pa eiwv Tfie; ' I.. ApXenoKonfe; ]..Ioe; (27,7.87). 87

12 OIKOVMENIKO natpiapxeio -. 0 MaK. notp6 px ~, Pou~a v iac; K. 8eOKTooc; npavjatonoi~ae TOV nepaoijevd M6'io Jiv npwti enia-i1 EniOKE4JI, J.,IETO Ti V EKAoyi TOU we; nop.cpxou PoujJoviac;, OTO OiKOUIJEVIKO nopopxeio 6nou naipo<t>opi81ke axetiko )..IE iv E~EA I ~ 11 ii c; ' na vo p9066~ ou npoauvoojki;c; ~uveaeuaew c;. AYITPAAIA -. H KupoK; 16 Auyouoou Exe 6p108ei we; KupOK TOG. Epu8pou TOUpOU. ' H. EKKAnoioJoC; 86 avane-!- 4JEI OEIO., Via T() uv8pwmotko Koi <t>a6v8pwno epyo TOU AuopaAavou. Epu9pou TOUPOU, nov apxioe TO A/\/\IA - T6 60 ' Op966a,a uve6pa \UTK~, Eupwn~, npa YIJOTo no i81ke TOV nepaoijevd M aio OTiV. AAaoia!-IE 1ft OU IJ IJETOXi avtinpoawnwv 6Awv axecov nov fiutikwv EupwnoKwv xwpwv. M ETa~u n.ov oj..iiai1twv iioqv Tonovo KopiTaE ~a, npe a >otf) E~6paToc; ana Ti OBIETIKI HEvwoq, 6 n. nouaoc; To p6~1 6no TOV.. AYo BAooijJPo T~C; N EOC;. YOPK]C;, 0 O ivie Cement, aaaoc; 8eoA6yoc;, Ko8wc; Koi 6 M]TponoAiTq c;. AVTWVIOC; Boom EK I\ovoivou. ITAAIA - uveopo Ya Ti o]jjoofo nov Ei KOVWV npoyjjotonoi- 118qKE OTO Bai IJ ETO~U Mo'iou. TO OUVEOPIO npoopeuoov 6 PWIJOIOK08oAIK OC;. ApXenioKonoc; TOU Bai Koi 6 eb. MITponoAiT] C; Mupwv K. XP UOOOTOIJOC;..110q)OPOI EmOTIIJOVec; ojia]oov Ya Ti C; EiKoves KOTa Ti m:piooo Tiic; eikovojoxioc;. EI\AA.A - ' EK ojji81 EV Ku pi4j 6 eb. MITponoAiTIC; npwv Kwou ' e<ekiia OTic; 23 ' ouaiou ' 0 EV Aoyw 'epopxic; unpetioev WC;. epeuc; Koi ' EnioKonoc; OTIV ' I. ' ApXIEmoKon, AjJEPIKiic; Koi CtKoAou8wc; EXPIjJ on oe. ApXIEnioKonoc; AUOTPO AioC; 6no TO 1959 jj expi TO AVnTOI -. H Ae.n. 6 OiKou~evK6, not p6 px~, K.K..1J-IiTPIO C; EmoKe 811KE TO notp OPXEiov 'AAe~ovopEioc; TOV nepaoj-evo M aio Kai eyve oe KToc; on'o TOV MOK. notpo PX ' AAe~ovopEioC; K.K. napgevov ' Ka9wc; EniOI C; Koi ana TOV n atpopxi Shenouda Tiic; KonTKiic;. EKKA]ofoC;. TI ouvexeo 0 n OTpIOPXIC; J- OC; EmOKE 9IKE TIV ' I. MOVI. Ay. AiKoTepivC; OTO ive. IEPOYIAI\HM - METa v.a:'yuntov, ) A,B.n. O OiKOUIJEVI KOC; n OTpIO PXC; E moke<>8ik ~ TO ' epoooaujo 6nou EYve OEK TO C; 6no TOV MOK. notp OPXv K.K..1100WpOV. KOTa TIV Beio I\e Toupyia OTOV 1. N. T~ C;' AvooTooEwC;60iK. n OTpOPXIe;eovOe TIV OJOoio Tii c; EVOTIT Oe; Kof TOU ooaoyou jje oaaee; ' EKKAoiee; Kof 8PoKeiee;, ' Eniofe; 6 notpiopxic; IJO C; eyve oekt6s 6no TOV n poeopo TOO ' opoia ov SomAea Tie; ' Iopoovioc; Kof 6no 6pXyoue; Tiic; PWjJooKoSoAIKiic; ' EKKAIOfo C; Koi Tiie; wv ' ApjJeviwv, ASH NA - KOTO Tv npoo oti En ioke4) 1 TaU OTIV. A8'vo TOV nepao jjevo Maio, 0 EV. po JjJOTE UC; TOU n aykoo jjiou UjJ BouAiou nov' EKKA qmwv K. Emiio Casto OUV6VT)OE TOV MO K. 'ApXIEnioKonov 'A9]vwv Kof nooe; 'EAAaooe; K. epa<>eijj Ka i unoypojjjjoe TI'v un ootitp ~1 TOU n,. E. OTO SejJo Tiic; EKKAIOIO o TKiie; nepouaiae;, napojjoo unootp I ~1 ETovoav jje EmoToAI TOUe; npoc; TOV ' ApXIEnioKonov. A81vWV EK jjepoue; TOU BOTK O VOU 6 KapovoAoC; SiAAEjJnpovc; Koi 6 ' ApXenioKonOe; KavTouopiae; K. Runcie. AYITPAAIA - '0. Opyavo jj oc; Austcae KOVEI EKKA'O' Ya TIV KoonoAeJOI T~e; m:ivae; ati v. A PIK)..1wpEEe; i) a XE TI Kee; na~po<>opi e, ana: Austcae Bay St.. Boadway, CONSTANTINOPE - On the 14th of May the newy eected Pat iach of Rumania, Theoctist, aived in Constantinope fo his fist officia visit to the Ecumenica Patiac hate. Amongst othe mattes was discussed the pogess made by the 3d Pan- Othodox peconciia confeence. AUSTRAIA - Sunday, 16th August is dedicated as Red Coss Sunday to mak the bithday and the humanitaian wok 01 the Austaian Red Coss Society. Ou Chuches wi be offeing payes fo the Society which was inauguated in FRANCE - The Sixth Othodox Congess of Westen Eu ope met in May in Asace and was attended by Ohodox fom most Westen Euopean counties. The eading speakes wee Tatiana Goitcheva, a ecent exie fom the Soviet Union; F. P. Taazi, a Paesti nian theoogian; Oivie Cement. a Fench theoogian and Metopoitan Anthony Boom of ondon. ITA V - A confeence on the Cut of Icons took pace at Bai an the 11-13th May. The co-pesidents wee the Cathoic Achbishop of Bai and Metopoitan Chysostam of Mya. Papes on many aspects o f the Iconocast contovesy wee ead by schoas of m an y eigious denominations. GREECE - The Most Reveend Metopoian Ezek ie sept in the od on Juy 23, The ate Metopoitan Ezekie seved fo many yeas as piest and bishop in the Achdiocese of Ameica and was Achbishop of Austaia fom 1959 to EGYPT - The Ecumen ica Patiach. Dimitios I visited Egypt in May. He w as eceived by Patiach Pahenios III, and aso by Pope Shenouda. Patiach of the Coptic Chuch. He taveed by ai to the m onastey of St. Catheine at Sinai. JERUSAEM - Fom Egypt the Ecumenica Patiach. Dimitios I taveed 10 J eusaem whee he was eceived by the Patiach, Diodaos. Afte a pigimage to Gaiee he ceebated the itugy in the Chuch of the Resuection, Patiach D imitios emphasised the impotance o f unity in the view of pe-conciia t aks, and of d iaogue with the o the Chuches and othe,faiths.he was aso eceived by Pesiden Hezog o f Isae, King Hussein of Jodan, the atin Patiach of Jeusa em and epesentatives o f the Amen ia n Chuch. ATHENS - Duing a visit to Geece in May. the Secetay Genea of the Wod Counci of Chuches, Emiio Casto. me Achbishop Seaphim of Athens. H e e-affimed the suppot 0 1 the W.C.C. o th e Geek Chuch in is dispute w ith th e Govenment about Chuch pospeity. Simia suppot has been expessed by Cadina Wiebands o n behaf of the Vatican and by Achbishop Runcie 01 Cantebuy. AUSTRAIA - Austcae in tying to assist staving famiies in Mozambique, Afica, uges peope to spon so an Afican famiy fo $50 ove two months. D onations o enquiies to: Austcae Bay Steet. Boadway 2000.

(a,b) Let s review the general definitions of trig functions first. (See back cover of your book) sin θ = b/r cos θ = a/r tan θ = b/a, a 0

(a,b) Let s review the general definitions of trig functions first. (See back cover of your book) sin θ = b/r cos θ = a/r tan θ = b/a, a 0 TRIGONOMETRIC IDENTITIES (a,b) Let s eview the geneal definitions of tig functions fist. (See back cove of you book) θ b/ θ a/ tan θ b/a, a 0 θ csc θ /b, b 0 sec θ /a, a 0 cot θ a/b, b 0 By doing some

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«Kai EfiAr\a8lloav anavte<; nve u ~ato". Ayiou. Koi i')pt;ovto AaAEiv ETEpOII; yawaaoll;_. (npaeewv 2:4) XPIUTOC; Koi.

«Kai EfiAr\a8lloav anavte<; nve u ~ato. Ayiou. Koi i')pt;ovto AaAEiv ETEpOII; yawaaoll;_. (npaeewv 2:4) XPIUTOC; Koi. ETm II,IIII600ETo, 0n6 E",ponii~. npovoio TOU I (pnojwtoou "ApXfn,OKOnOu 242 Ceveand St., Redfen, 2016. Te. 698-5066 «Kai EfiA\a8oav anavte

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Anr.,,,,1"\1" ~" r~ MJ(lffl~LIj\ " " \t eobl..:t3g. + ~HMHTPIO:r. 6~IJ,oupvia TOO 0EOO eo em~liao, 6 eavotos eo IiTT~eij, ~

Anr.,,,,1\1 ~ r~ MJ(lffl~LIj\   \t eobl..:t3g. + ~HMHTPIO:r. 6~IJ,oupvia TOO 0EOO eo em~liao, 6 eavotos eo IiTT~eij, ~ ~ '""~" JI'! I NU OX ST. AN RE An.,,,,1"\1" ~" ~ MJ(ff~Ij\ " " \t eob..:t3g ' 0 AbvoC; 610' OKOUETE auk EaT... EJ,O" _Kaf tna'obfooy 6noVTEC; nveuj,otos. Ayou. aam TOU ne-ii'ovtoc; ).IE notp6s-. ('Iweiv.

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r r r. r. .,,,< ~ usnraua

r r r. r. .,,,< ~ usnraua .. IUvaOOH(1I una' EniTpon'j... npovofq TOU.IE JaO'~uT6TOU. APXIEnt(JKonou 242 Ceveand St., Redfen, 2016. Te. 698-9915.,,,< ~ usnaua, FGE, Y.Kai En"I'o9f'!O'QV 6naVTE~ n V U~aTO O;;. Ayou, Kai i'jpeovto

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Phys460.nb Solution for the t-dependent Schrodinger s equation How did we find the solution? (not required) Phys460.nb 81 ψ n (t) is still the (same) eigenstate of H But for tdependent H. The answer is NO. 5.5.5. Solution for the tdependent Schrodinger s equation If we assume that at time t 0, the electron starts

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LESSON 14 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ) REF : 202/057/34-ADV. 18 February 2014

LESSON 14 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ) REF : 202/057/34-ADV. 18 February 2014 LESSON 14 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΕΚΑΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ) REF : 202/057/34-ADV 18 February 2014 Slowly/quietly Clear/clearly Clean Quickly/quick/fast Hurry (in a hurry) Driver Attention/caution/notice/care Dance Σιγά Καθαρά Καθαρός/η/ο

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The Neutrix Product of the Distributions r. x λ

The Neutrix Product of the Distributions r. x λ ULLETIN u. Maaysia Math. Soc. Secod Seies 22 999 - of the MALAYSIAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY The Neuti Poduct of the Distibutios ad RIAN FISHER AND 2 FATMA AL-SIREHY Depatet of Matheatics ad Copute Sciece

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Example Sheet 3 Solutions

Example Sheet 3 Solutions Example Sheet 3 Solutions. i Regular Sturm-Liouville. ii Singular Sturm-Liouville mixed boundary conditions. iii Not Sturm-Liouville ODE is not in Sturm-Liouville form. iv Regular Sturm-Liouville note

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3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β

3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS. NOTE: cos(α+β) cos α + cos β cos(α-β) cos α -cos β 3.4 SUM AND DIFFERENCE FORMULAS Page Theorem cos(αβ cos α cos β -sin α cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α NOTE: cos(αβ cos α cos β cos(α-β cos α -cos β Proof of cos(α-β cos α cos β sin α Let s use a unit circle

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NEAm.&Jr JL (0) 1L1L i. APTI (Q) TI A(Q)Jr APlI& N. ««[}={]»» [M[}={]u l] (Q) tf (Q) (O)ll.(0)1 TJF. (O)j].$,,

NEAm.&Jr JL (0) 1L1L i. APTI (Q) TI A(Q)Jr APlI& N. ««[}={]»» [M[}={]u l] (Q) tf (Q) (O)ll.(0)1 TJF. (O)j].$,, [ [ r I [ nepie X OMENA *XAIPETIIMOI TOY npoe4poy (I:EAlaA 1) *renikh IYNEAEYIH (I:EAlaA 2) A. EK8EIH nenparmennn 2009 B. TAMEIAKH EK8EIH r. npoynoi\orlimoi 2010 6. ANABA8MIIH YnHPEilnN E. EKI\OrH 6. IYMBOY

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7 Present PERFECT Simple. 8 Present PERFECT Continuous. 9 Past PERFECT Simple. 10 Past PERFECT Continuous. 11 Future PERFECT Simple

7 Present PERFECT Simple. 8 Present PERFECT Continuous. 9 Past PERFECT Simple. 10 Past PERFECT Continuous. 11 Future PERFECT Simple A/ Ονόματα και ένα παράδειγμα 1 Present Simple 7 Present PERFECT Simple 2 Present Continuous 8 Present PERFECT Continuous 3 Past Simple (+ used to) 9 Past PERFECT Simple she eats she is eating she ate

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Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations

Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations 99 Section 8. Trigonometric Equations Objective 1: Solve Equations Involving One Trigonometric Function. In this section and the next, we will exple how to solving equations involving trigonometric functions.

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Q π (/) ^ ^ ^ Η φ. <f) c>o. ^ ο. ö ê ω Q. Ο. o 'c. _o _) o U 03. ,,, ω ^ ^ -g'^ ο 0) f ο. Ε. ιη ο Φ. ο 0) κ. ο 03.,Ο. g 2< οο"" ο φ.

Q π (/) ^ ^ ^ Η φ. <f) c>o. ^ ο. ö ê ω Q. Ο. o 'c. _o _) o U 03. ,,, ω ^ ^ -g'^ ο 0) f ο. Ε. ιη ο Φ. ο 0) κ. ο 03.,Ο. g 2< οο ο φ. II 4»» «i p û»7'' s V -Ζ G -7 y 1 X s? ' (/) Ζ L. - =! i- Ζ ) Η f) " i L. Û - 1 1 Ι û ( - " - ' t - ' t/î " ι-8. Ι -. : wî ' j 1 Τ J en " il-' - - ö ê., t= ' -; '9 ',,, ) Τ '.,/,. - ϊζ L - (- - s.1 ai

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Homework 8 Model Solution Section

Homework 8 Model Solution Section MATH 004 Homework Solution Homework 8 Model Solution Section 14.5 14.6. 14.5. Use the Chain Rule to find dz where z cosx + 4y), x 5t 4, y 1 t. dz dx + dy y sinx + 4y)0t + 4) sinx + 4y) 1t ) 0t + 4t ) sinx

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Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------

Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- ----------------- Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. 1. Sin ( ) = a) b) c) d) Ans b. Solution : Method 1. Ans a: 17 > 1 a) is rejected. w.k.t Sin ( sin ) = d is rejected. If sin

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Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics

Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics Fourier Series MATH 211, Calculus II J. Robert Buchanan Department of Mathematics Spring 2018 Introduction Not all functions can be represented by Taylor series. f (k) (c) A Taylor series f (x) = (x c)

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ST5224: Advanced Statistical Theory II

ST5224: Advanced Statistical Theory II ST5224: Advanced Statistical Theory II 2014/2015: Semester II Tutorial 7 1. Let X be a sample from a population P and consider testing hypotheses H 0 : P = P 0 versus H 1 : P = P 1, where P j is a known

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6.1. Dirac Equation. Hamiltonian. Dirac Eq.

6.1. Dirac Equation. Hamiltonian. Dirac Eq. 6.1. Dirac Equation Ref: M.Kaku, Quantum Field Theory, Oxford Univ Press (1993) η μν = η μν = diag(1, -1, -1, -1) p 0 = p 0 p = p i = -p i p μ p μ = p 0 p 0 + p i p i = E c 2 - p 2 = (m c) 2 H = c p 2

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Srednicki Chapter 55

Srednicki Chapter 55 Srednicki Chapter 55 QFT Problems & Solutions A. George August 3, 03 Srednicki 55.. Use equations 55.3-55.0 and A i, A j ] = Π i, Π j ] = 0 (at equal times) to verify equations 55.-55.3. This is our third

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2 Composition. Invertible Mappings

2 Composition. Invertible Mappings Arkansas Tech University MATH 4033: Elementary Modern Algebra Dr. Marcel B. Finan Composition. Invertible Mappings In this section we discuss two procedures for creating new mappings from old ones, namely,

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Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1.

Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1. Exercises 0 More exercises are available in Elementary Differential Equations. If you have a problem to solve any of them, feel free to come to office hour. Problem Find a fundamental matrix of the given

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SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions

SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES GLMA Linear Mathematics 00- Examination Solutions. (a) i. ( + 5i)( i) = (6 + 5) + (5 )i = + i. Real part is, imaginary part is. (b) ii. + 5i i ( + 5i)( + i) = ( i)( + i)

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9.09. # 1. Area inside the oval limaçon r = cos θ. To graph, start with θ = 0 so r = 6. Compute dr

9.09. # 1. Area inside the oval limaçon r = cos θ. To graph, start with θ = 0 so r = 6. Compute dr 9.9 #. Area inside the oval limaçon r = + cos. To graph, start with = so r =. Compute d = sin. Interesting points are where d vanishes, or at =,,, etc. For these values of we compute r:,,, and the values

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1 B0 C00. nly Difo. r II. on III t o. ly II II. Di XR. Di un 5.8. Di Dinly. Di F/ / Dint. mou. on.3 3 D. 3.5 ird Thi. oun F/2. s m F/3 /3.

1 B0 C00. nly Difo. r II. on III t o. ly II II. Di XR. Di un 5.8. Di Dinly. Di F/ / Dint. mou. on.3 3 D. 3.5 ird Thi. oun F/2. s m F/3 /3. . F/ /3 3. I F/ 7 7 0 0 Mo ode del 0 00 0 00 A 6 A C00 00 0 S 0 C 0 008 06 007 07 09 A 0 00 0 00 0 009 09 A 7 I 7 7 0 0 F/.. 6 6 8 8 0 00 0 F/3 /3. fo I t o nt un D ou s ds 3. ird F/ /3 Thi ur T ou 0 Fo

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MATH 38061/MATH48061/MATH68061: MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS Solutions to Problems on Matrix Algebra

MATH 38061/MATH48061/MATH68061: MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS Solutions to Problems on Matrix Algebra MATH 38061/MATH48061/MATH68061: MULTIVARIATE STATISTICS Solutios to Poblems o Matix Algeba 1 Let A be a squae diagoal matix takig the fom a 11 0 0 0 a 22 0 A 0 0 a pp The ad So, log det A t log A t log

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Fax no +302106505936 To. 2310263139 Page: 1/12

Fax no +302106505936 To. 2310263139 Page: 1/12 rom Ktimatoiogio SA ax no +302106505936 To. 2310263139 Page: 1/12 Date 11/19/2015940.39 Mv1 EeNtKo KTHMATOAOnO a XAPTOrPAeHlH A.I. A911va, 18/11/2015 A.n.: 15317781L\.AK 926 nuos: YnoOT]KoAaKdo Nto)v

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Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5

Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5 Solutions to Eercise Sheet 5 jacques@ucsd.edu. Let X and Y be random variables with joint pdf f(, y) = 3y( + y) where and y. Determine each of the following probabilities. Solutions. a. P (X ). b. P (X

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.Kai tnal\a9'1oav 6novTE<; nveuljatoc;. Aylou Koi r'\p(avto AaAEiv c:d:palci vawooa.. ;_. (npli(ewv 2 :4) flatpiapxikh AnO.4EIEIE Em TQ, f7ad(a,

.Kai tnal\a9'1oav 6novTE<; nveuljatoc;. Aylou Koi r'\p(avto AaAEiv c:d:palci vawooa.. ;_. (npli(ewv 2 :4) flatpiapxikh AnO.4EIEIE Em TQ, f7ad(a, IuvTC~ao(fOI " 0 A6vo~ 6v OKOU ETE DUIt IUTIv 160; omo TOO n IIVOVT6C; IIE notp6o;-, Iwav. 14:24) uno 'E",'ponik. npovoq TaU doo~,""m.tou ApX'mo~6nOt 242 Ceveand St., Redfen, 2016. Te. 698-5066 VOUME 10

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Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * *

Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * * Chapter 2 * * * * * * * Introduction to Verbs * * * * * * * In the first chapter, we practiced the skill of reading Greek words. Now we want to try to understand some parts of what we read. There are a

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4.6 Autoregressive Moving Average Model ARMA(1,1)

4.6 Autoregressive Moving Average Model ARMA(1,1) 84 CHAPTER 4. STATIONARY TS MODELS 4.6 Autoregressive Moving Average Model ARMA(,) This section is an introduction to a wide class of models ARMA(p,q) which we will consider in more detail later in this

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SUPERPOSITION, MEASUREMENT, NORMALIZATION, EXPECTATION VALUES. Reading: QM course packet Ch 5 up to 5.6 SUPERPOSITION, MEASUREMENT, NORMALIZATION, EXPECTATION VALUES Readig: QM course packet Ch 5 up to 5. 1 ϕ (x) = E = π m( a) =1,,3,4,5 for xa (x) = πx si L L * = πx L si L.5 ϕ' -.5 z 1 (x) = L si

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LESSON 12 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΩΔΕΚΑ) REF : 202/055/32-ADV. 4 February 2014

LESSON 12 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΩΔΕΚΑ) REF : 202/055/32-ADV. 4 February 2014 LESSON 12 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΔΩΔΕΚΑ) REF : 202/055/32-ADV 4 February 2014 Somewhere κάπου (kapoo) Nowhere πουθενά (poothena) Elsewhere αλλού (aloo) Drawer το συρτάρι (sirtari) Page η σελίδα (selida) News τα νέα (nea)

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' iivepwno Yla va rou yvwpioeit08ea ~~ a Tou. - H6~ Aomov 1 JIWTO' OUTO TOUTO TO YEYOVO~ Tii~. AnOKOAu41EWS eivoio f30glkoc;

' iivepwno Yla va rou yvwpioeit08ea ~~ a Tou. - H6~ Aomov 1 JIWTO' OUTO TOUTO TO YEYOVO~ Tii~. AnOKOAu41EWS eivoio f30glkoc; > :--_-------,------------, ~. 0 ).oyo,> OV O(OUETE OUK E01"V E)JOo; elmo TaU ne"-4jovtoc; )JE notpa.. _, f" w6v. 14:24) «Koi E"hio9l1oov onovn; nveu)jotoc; Ayiou. lcoi i)p~(vto J.o),fiiv ETEpol'; vau:.oool

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1 ΚΩΝΣΤΑΝΤΙΝΟΣ Δ. ΤΡΙΤΑΡΗΣ 69 Φεβρουάριος 2011 Περιεχόμενα Η συμβολή του Ιωάννη Καποδίστρια στην εδραίωση της ανεξαρτησίας και της ουδετερότητας της Ελβετίας σ. 1 Οι νέες ισορροπίες στην Ασία και Μ. Ανατολή Η ινδοϊστραηλινή συνεργασία

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l L L L L l L (AI 0EOl\OrlA KAI ZQH + A.r. 53 VOLUME 7 NO.6 Regiltlfed by Austr.lja Post Publicillion No NAA 3565 TeuXD<; 780v

l L L L L l L (AI 0EOl\OrlA KAI ZQH + A.r. 53 VOLUME 7 NO.6 Regiltlfed by Austr.lja Post Publicillion No NAA 3565 TeuXD<; 780v fq\t\, :1tEGi: ' a Aoyos: 6v CKOUETE auk EO'TV EJ.,Os: _om6 TaU n ej..ovtos: J.E natp6s:_, ("wav, 14:241.Koi EnACto81oav 6navTES: nveuj.otos: 'Ayou Ka! ip~ovto AoAEiv ETEpOS: yawaoos:", (np6~ewv 2:41 EnHMO

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IIANEilILTHMIO AlrAIQy MYTIAHNH ::~~~1ID @ IIANEilILTHMIO AlrAIQy MYTIAHNH DANEnu:.THMI0 AlfAIOY I:.YPOI:. ::"~~~1ID EMHNIKH l1hmokpatia AlJapOUOIO, 071avouaplou 2010 ynoypreio nai~eiar Ap. npwt. BaSIJ6~ npotep I1/A BIOY MA8HrHr KAI 8PH~:KEYMATON

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r ' Yrro 'Ap)(lETTlOKorrOV Avarpo}Jor:; K..[ TVAlavoV

r ' Yrro 'Ap)(lETTlOKorrOV Avarpo}Jor:; K..[ TVAlavoV ' 0 A6voC; 6v ''''OUETE 0";", EO'TIV fo6c; am6 TOU neoii4oiovtoc; ot: notpos-, ('w6v, 14:24) IUVTOOOE'QI VOUME uno ' EOiTponi'O, npov(iq TOCi I(poo~.I wt cf ou. APX1uo.6nou 242 Ceveand St.. Redfen, 2016.

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O ITIKH 4-17. Ô ÎÔÈÓˆÓÈÎfi apple Î ÙÔ apple ÚÔ ÒÓ appleô ı ÂÍ ÁÁÂ ÏÂÈ Ô. apple Ó- Ú Ô ÛÙË.

O ITIKH 4-17. Ô ÎÔÈÓˆÓÈÎfi apple Î ÙÔ apple ÚÔ ÒÓ appleô ı ÂÍ ÁÁ ÏÂÈ Ô. apple Ó- Ú Ô ÛÙË. B EK O H www.enet.gr 22 AY OY TOY 2010 ñ ºY O 1.698 ñ ÂÚ Ô Ô B 6. YNENTEY H. KAT E H «K ÎfiÁÔ ÛÙÔ È Ó È Û ÚÔ ÌÔ» H Ô ÚÁfi OÈÎÔÓÔÌ Î Ù ÁÁ ÏÏÂÈ Û ÌÊ ÚÔÓÙ Î È Û ÓÙÚÔÊÈÎ Ì ÈÚÒÌ Ù Ûˆ fi ÙÈ Ê Ì ÁÈ Â ÈΠÌÂÓÔ

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21. Stresses Around a Hole (I) 21. Stresses Around a Hole (I) I Main Topics

21. Stresses Around a Hole (I) 21. Stresses Around a Hole (I) I Main Topics I Main Topics A Intoducon to stess fields and stess concentaons B An axisymmetic poblem B Stesses in a pola (cylindical) efeence fame C quaons of equilibium D Soluon of bounday value poblem fo a pessuized

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Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES

Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES TEACHER s NOTES Time: 50 minutes Learning Outcomes: To relate the genetic code to the assembly of proteins To summarize factors that lead to different types of mutations To distinguish among positive,

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b. Use the parametrization from (a) to compute the area of S a as S a ds. Be sure to substitute for ds!

b. Use the parametrization from (a) to compute the area of S a as S a ds. Be sure to substitute for ds! MTH U341 urface Integrals, tokes theorem, the divergence theorem To be turned in Wed., Dec. 1. 1. Let be the sphere of radius a, x 2 + y 2 + z 2 a 2. a. Use spherical coordinates (with ρ a) to parametrize.

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Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests

Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests Statistical Inference I Locally most powerful tests Shirsendu Mukherjee Department of Statistics, Asutosh College, Kolkata, India. shirsendu st@yahoo.co.in So far we have treated the testing of one-sided

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The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus

The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus Type Inference Instead of writing type annotations, can we use an algorithm to infer what the type annotations should be? That depends on the type system. For simple type systems the answer is yes, and

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Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1

Econ 2110: Fall 2008 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8  questions or comments to Dan Fetter 1 Eon : Fall 8 Suggested Solutions to Problem Set 8 Email questions or omments to Dan Fetter Problem. Let X be a salar with density f(x, θ) (θx + θ) [ x ] with θ. (a) Find the most powerful level α test

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Homework 3 Solutions

Homework 3 Solutions Homework 3 Solutions Igor Yanovsky (Math 151A TA) Problem 1: Compute the absolute error and relative error in approximations of p by p. (Use calculator!) a) p π, p 22/7; b) p π, p 3.141. Solution: For

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Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door

Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door Right Rear Door Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door You may have been already guessed my steps, so there is not much to describe in detail. Old upper one file:///c /Documents

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ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ανοικτά Ακαδημαϊκά Μαθήματα στο ΤΕΙ Ιονίων Νήσων ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ενότητα 11: The Unreal Past Το περιεχόμενο του μαθήματος διατίθεται με άδεια Creative Commons

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Matrices and Determinants

Matrices and Determinants Matrices and Determinants SUBJECTIVE PROBLEMS: Q 1. For what value of k do the following system of equations possess a non-trivial (i.e., not all zero) solution over the set of rationals Q? x + ky + 3z

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Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 (Εξαϋλωμένη Νύχτα, Έργο 4) Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951)

Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 (Εξαϋλωμένη Νύχτα, Έργο 4) Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) 1 Verklarte Nacht, Op.4 (Εξαϋλωμένη Νύχτα, Έργο 4) Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) Αναγνώσματα από το βιβλίο Η Απόλαυση της Μουσικής (Machlis, Forney), για τους μαθητές που θα μελετήσουν το έργο: «Ο Σαίνμπεργκ

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LESSON 26 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΕΞΙ) REF : 102/030/26. 18 November 2014

LESSON 26 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΕΞΙ) REF : 102/030/26. 18 November 2014 LESSON 26 (ΜΑΘΗΜΑ ΕΙΚΟΣΙ ΕΞΙ) REF : 102/030/26 18 November 2014 But Weekend I love The song I sing I smile I laugh Greek (thing) Greek(people) Greek (man) αλλά (το) Σαββατοκύριακο αγαπώ (το) τραγούδι τραγουδώ

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Section 9.2 Polar Equations and Graphs

Section 9.2 Polar Equations and Graphs 180 Section 9. Polar Equations and Graphs In this section, we will be graphing polar equations on a polar grid. In the first few examples, we will write the polar equation in rectangular form to help identify

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ECE145a / 218a Tuned Amplifier Design -basic gain relationships

ECE145a / 218a Tuned Amplifier Design -basic gain relationships ca note, M. Rodwe, copyrighted 009 ECE45a / 8a uned Ampifier Deign -aic ga reationhip -deign the (impe) uniatera imit it Mark Rodwe Univerity of Caifornia, anta Barara rodwe@ece.uc.edu 805-893-344, 805-893-36

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Potential Dividers. 46 minutes. 46 marks. Page 1 of 11

Potential Dividers. 46 minutes. 46 marks. Page 1 of 11 Potential Dividers 46 minutes 46 marks Page 1 of 11 Q1. In the circuit shown in the figure below, the battery, of negligible internal resistance, has an emf of 30 V. The pd across the lamp is 6.0 V and

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ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ανοικτά Ακαδημαϊκά Μαθήματα στο ΤΕΙ Ιονίων Νήσων ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΙΑΚΗ ΑΛΛΗΛΟΓΡΑΦΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑ ΣΤΗΝ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ Ενότητα 9: Inversion Το περιεχόμενο του μαθήματος διατίθεται με άδεια Creative Commons εκτός

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ΦΥΛΛΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ Α. Διαβάστε τις ειδήσεις και εν συνεχεία σημειώστε. Οπτική γωνία είδησης 1:.

ΦΥΛΛΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ Α.  Διαβάστε τις ειδήσεις και εν συνεχεία σημειώστε. Οπτική γωνία είδησης 1:. ΦΥΛΛΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ Α 2 ειδήσεις από ελληνικές εφημερίδες: 1. Τα Νέα, 13-4-2010, Σε ανθρώπινο λάθος αποδίδουν τη συντριβή του αεροσκάφους, http://www.tanea.gr/default.asp?pid=2&artid=4569526&ct=2 2. Τα Νέα,

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Adjectives. Describing the Qualities of Things. A lesson for the Paideia web-app Ian W. Scott, 2015

Adjectives. Describing the Qualities of Things. A lesson for the Paideia web-app Ian W. Scott, 2015 Adjectives Describing the Qualities of Things A lesson for the Paideia web-app Ian W. Scott, 2015 Getting Started with Adjectives It's hard to say much using only nouns and pronouns Simon is a father.

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14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense

14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense Day one I. Word Study and Grammar 1. Most Greek verbs end in in the first person singular. 2. The present tense is formed by adding endings to the present stem.

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HOMEWORK 4 = G. In order to plot the stress versus the stretch we define a normalized stretch:

HOMEWORK 4 = G. In order to plot the stress versus the stretch we define a normalized stretch: HOMEWORK 4 Problem a For the fast loading case, we want to derive the relationship between P zz and λ z. We know that the nominal stress is expressed as: P zz = ψ λ z where λ z = λ λ z. Therefore, applying

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I am. Present indicative

I am. Present indicative εἰμί eimi Present indicative εἰμί εἶ ἐστί(ν) ἐσμέν ἐστέ εἰσί(ν) John 3:28 εἰμὶ ἐγὼ ὁ χριστός eimi ego ho christos John 3:28 εἰμὶ ἐγὼ ὁ χριστός eimi ego ho christos the Christ John 1:19 Σὺτίςεἶ; Su tis

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Fractional Colorings and Zykov Products of graphs

Fractional Colorings and Zykov Products of graphs Fractional Colorings and Zykov Products of graphs Who? Nichole Schimanski When? July 27, 2011 Graphs A graph, G, consists of a vertex set, V (G), and an edge set, E(G). V (G) is any finite set E(G) is

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Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ.

Απόκριση σε Μοναδιαία Ωστική Δύναμη (Unit Impulse) Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο. Απόστολος Σ. Απόκριση σε Δυνάμεις Αυθαίρετα Μεταβαλλόμενες με το Χρόνο The time integral of a force is referred to as impulse, is determined by and is obtained from: Newton s 2 nd Law of motion states that the action

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Calculating the propagation delay of coaxial cable

Calculating the propagation delay of coaxial cable Your source for quality GNSS Networking Solutions and Design Services! Page 1 of 5 Calculating the propagation delay of coaxial cable The delay of a cable or velocity factor is determined by the dielectric

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!"!# ""$ %%"" %$" &" %" "!'! " #$!

!!# $ %% %$ & % !'!  #$! " "" %%"" %" &" %" " " " % ((((( ((( ((((( " %%%% & ) * ((( "* ( + ) (((( (, (() (((((* ( - )((((( )((((((& + )(((((((((( +. ) ) /(((( +( ),(, ((((((( +, 0 )/ (((((+ ++, ((((() & "( %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(

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Delhi Noida Bhopal Hyderabad Jaipur Lucknow Indore Pune Bhubaneswar Kolkata Patna Web: Ph:

Delhi Noida Bhopal Hyderabad Jaipur Lucknow Indore Pune Bhubaneswar Kolkata Patna Web:     Ph: Seria : 0. T_ME_(+B)_Strength of Materia_9078 Dehi Noida Bhopa Hyderabad Jaipur Luckno Indore une Bhubanesar Kokata atna Web: E-mai: info@madeeasy.in h: 0-56 CLSS TEST 08-9 MECHNICL ENGINEERING Subject

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Εγχειρίδια Μαθηµατικών και Χταποδάκι στα Κάρβουνα

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Tutorial Note - Week 09 - Solution

Tutorial Note - Week 09 - Solution Tutoial Note - Week 9 - Solution ouble Integals in Pola Coodinates. a Since + and + 5 ae cicles centeed at oigin with adius and 5, then {,θ 5, θ π } Figue. f, f cos θ, sin θ cos θ sin θ sin θ da 5 69 5

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4.2 Differential Equations in Polar Coordinates

4.2 Differential Equations in Polar Coordinates Section 4. 4. Diffeential qations in Pola Coodinates Hee the two-dimensional Catesian elations of Chapte ae e-cast in pola coodinates. 4.. qilibim eqations in Pola Coodinates One wa of epesg the eqations

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Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set

Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set May 6, 2008 Abstract A set of first-order formulas, whatever the cardinality of the set of symbols, is equivalent to an independent

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I Feel Pretty VOIX. MARIA et Trois Filles - N 12. BERNSTEIN Leonard Adaptation F. Pissaloux. ι œ. % α α α œ % α α α œ. œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ ƒ.

I Feel Pretty VOIX. MARIA et Trois Filles - N 12. BERNSTEIN Leonard Adaptation F. Pissaloux. ι œ. % α α α œ % α α α œ. œ œ œ. œ œ œ œ. œ œ. œ œ ƒ. VOX Feel Pretty MARA et Trois Filles - N 12 BERNSTEN Leonrd Adpttion F. Pissloux Violons Contrebsse A 2 7 2 7 Allegro qd 69 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 B 10 11 12 1 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2 24 C 25 26 27 28 29

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COONH THr OP60LlO,=IAr T A I.' 0 A6yo~ 6v iuouue OUK IOTIV E6~ ama TOO nt:p""avt6~ PE notp6~, Iwav, 4:24).. Ka ma\a9qaav anavte~ nveuiotqci ' Ayiou, Ka I'\pEaVTo AaAEIv.dpa~ yawaaa~'" Inp(EWV 2:4) COONH TH OP60O,=IA VOICE OF

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«ΨΥΧΙΚΗ ΥΓΕΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΣΕΞΟΥΑΛΙΚΗ» ΠΑΝΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗ ΕΡΕΥΝΑ ΤΗΣ GAMIAN- EUROPE «ΨΥΧΙΚΗ ΥΓΕΙΑ ΚΑΙ ΣΕΞΟΥΑΛΙΚΗ» ΠΑΝΕΥΡΩΠΑΪΚΗ ΕΡΕΥΝΑ ΤΗΣ GAMIAN- EUROPE We would like to invite you to participate in GAMIAN- Europe research project. You should only participate if you want to and choosing

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Matrix Hartree-Fock Equations for a Closed Shell System

Matrix Hartree-Fock Equations for a Closed Shell System atix Hatee-Fock Equations fo a Closed Shell System A single deteminant wavefunction fo a system containing an even numbe of electon N) consists of N/ spatial obitals, each occupied with an α & β spin has

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5 Ι ^ο 3 X X X. go > 'α. ο. o f Ο > = S 3. > 3 w»a. *= < ^> ^ o,2 l g f ^ 2-3 ο. χ χ. > ω. m > ο ο ο - * * ^r 2 =>^ 3^ =5 b Ο? UJ. > ο ο.

5 Ι ^ο 3 X X X. go > 'α. ο. o f Ο > = S 3. > 3 w»a. *= < ^> ^ o,2 l g f ^ 2-3 ο. χ χ. > ω. m > ο ο ο - * * ^r 2 =>^ 3^ =5 b Ο? UJ. > ο ο. 728!. -θ-cr " -;. '. UW -,2 =*- Os Os rsi Tf co co Os r4 Ι. C Ι m. Ι? U Ι. Ι os ν ) ϋ. Q- o,2 l g f 2-2 CT= ν**? 1? «δ - * * 5 Ι -ΐ j s a* " 'g cn" w *" " 1 cog 'S=o " 1= 2 5 ν s/ O / 0Q Ε!θ Ρ h o."o.

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FINAL TEST B TERM-JUNIOR B STARTING STEPS IN GRAMMAR UNITS 8-17 FINAL TEST B TERM-JUNIOR B STARTING STEPS IN GRAMMAR UNITS 8-17 Name: Surname: Date: Class: 1. Write these words in the correct order. /Γράψε αυτέσ τισ λέξεισ ςτη ςωςτή ςειρά. 1) playing / his / not /

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ΙΠΛΩΜΑΤΙΚΗ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑ. ΘΕΜΑ: «ιερεύνηση της σχέσης µεταξύ φωνηµικής επίγνωσης και ορθογραφικής δεξιότητας σε παιδιά προσχολικής ηλικίας»


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Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme

Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme. (a) Note: Award A for vertical line to right of mean, A for shading to right of their vertical line. AA N (b) evidence of recognizing symmetry

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Section 7.6 Double and Half Angle Formulas

Section 7.6 Double and Half Angle Formulas 09 Section 7. Double and Half Angle Fmulas To derive the double-angles fmulas, we will use the sum of two angles fmulas that we developed in the last section. We will let α θ and β θ: cos(θ) cos(θ + θ)

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Στο εστιατόριο «ToDokimasesPrinToBgaleisStonKosmo?» έξω από τους δακτυλίους του Κρόνου, οι παραγγελίες γίνονται ηλεκτρονικά.

Στο εστιατόριο «ToDokimasesPrinToBgaleisStonKosmo?» έξω από τους δακτυλίους του Κρόνου, οι παραγγελίες γίνονται ηλεκτρονικά. Διαστημικό εστιατόριο του (Μ)ΑστροΈκτορα Στο εστιατόριο «ToDokimasesPrinToBgaleisStonKosmo?» έξω από τους δακτυλίους του Κρόνου, οι παραγγελίες γίνονται ηλεκτρονικά. Μόλις μια παρέα πελατών κάτσει σε ένα

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Ειδικό πρόγραμμα ελέγχου για τον ιό του Δυτικού Νείλου και την ελονοσία, ενίσχυση της επιτήρησης στην ελληνική επικράτεια (MIS 365280)

Ειδικό πρόγραμμα ελέγχου για τον ιό του Δυτικού Νείλου και την ελονοσία, ενίσχυση της επιτήρησης στην ελληνική επικράτεια (MIS 365280) «Ειδικό πρόγραμμα ελέγχου για τον ιό του Δυτικού Νείλου και την ελονοσία, ενίσχυση της επιτήρησης στην ελληνική επικράτεια» Παραδοτέο Π1.36 Έκδοση ενημερωτικών φυλλαδίων Υπεύθυνος φορέας: Κέντρο Ελέγχου

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.Koi enll.r'lo9rtoov anovtec; nveu",otoc;. AVioU, Koi ilp~ovto li.oll.eiv ETEpOrc; va-wooerc;-. (npa~ewv 2:4)

.Koi enll.r'lo9rtoov anovtec; nveu,otoc;. AVioU, Koi ilp~ovto li.oll.eiv ETEpOrc; va-wooerc;-. (npa~ewv 2:4) .Koi enll.r'lo9rtoov anovtec; nveu",otoc;. AVioU, Koi ilp~ovto l.oll.eiv ETEpOrc; va-wooerc;-. (npa~ewv 2:4) Enl1:HMON opranon THr EPA APXEmrKonHr AYrTPAJ\Ar 242 Cleveland St., Redfern, N.S.W. 2016. Phone

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates

Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the

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C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions

C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions Paul Liu November 15, 2007 Note that these are sample solutions only; in many cases there were many acceptable answers. 1 Reynolds Problem 10.1 1.1 Normal-order

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΟΣ ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY 21 ος ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ Δεύτερος Γύρος - 30 Μαρτίου 2011 Διάρκεια Διαγωνισμού: 3 ώρες Απαντήστε όλες τις ερωτήσεις Μέγιστο Βάρος (20 Μονάδες) Δίνεται ένα σύνολο από N σφαιρίδια τα οποία δεν έχουν όλα το ίδιο βάρος μεταξύ τους και ένα κουτί που αντέχει μέχρι

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ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ. Ψηφιακή Οικονομία. Διάλεξη 7η: Consumer Behavior Mαρίνα Μπιτσάκη Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών

ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ. Ψηφιακή Οικονομία. Διάλεξη 7η: Consumer Behavior Mαρίνα Μπιτσάκη Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ Ψηφιακή Οικονομία Διάλεξη 7η: Consumer Behavior Mαρίνα Μπιτσάκη Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών Τέλος Ενότητας Χρηματοδότηση Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό έχει αναπτυχθεί

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