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1 ANNUAL EXAMINATION. FIRST AND SECOND YEARS. Translate into Latin Prose The life and faculties of man, at the best but short and limited, cannot be employed more rationally or laudably, than in the search of knowledge ; and especially of that sort which relates to our duty, and conduces to our happiness. Whenever I perceive any glimmering of truth before me, I readily pursue and endeavour to trace it to its source ; without any reserve or caution of pushing the discovery too far, or opening too great a glare of it to the public. I look upon the discovery of anything which is true, as a valuable acquisition to society ; which cannot possibly hurt, or obstruct the good effect of any other truth whatsoever : for they all partake of one common essence, and necessarily coincide with each other ; and, like the drops of rain, which fall separately into the river, mix themselves at once with the stream, and strengthen the general current.

2 YEARLY EXAMINATION. SECOND YEAR.. 1. Translate into English, with explanations Accedit quod ilia contionalis hirudo œrarii, misera ac jejuna plebecula, me ab hoc Magno unice diligi putat. Et hercule multâ et jucundâ consuetudine conjuncti inter nos sumus, usque eo ut nostri isti comissatores conjurationis, barbatuli juvenes, illum in sermonibus Gnœum Ciceronem appellent. Itaque et ludis et gladiatoribus mirandas ζΐτισημασιάς sine ullâ pastoricia fistula auferebamus. Nunc est exspectatio comitiorum, in quas omnibus invitis trudit noster Magnus AuIi filium ; atque in eo neque auctoritate neque gratia pugnat, sed quibus Philippus omnia castella expugnari posse dicebat, in quœ modo asellus onustus auro posset ascenderé. Consul autem ille, Doterionis histrionis similis, suscepisse negotium dicitur et domi divisores habere ; quod ego non credo. Sed senatûs consulta duo jam facta sunt odiosa, qu e in consulem facta putantur, Catone et Domitio postulante ; unum, ut apud magistratus inquirí liceret, qui domi divisores haberent adversus rem publicam. Lurco autem tribunus plebis, qui magistratum simul iniit, solutus est lege. Eliâ et Fufiâ, ut legem de ambitu ferret ; quam ille bono auspicio claudus homo promulgavit. Ita comitia in ante diem vi kal. Sext. dilata sunt. Novi est in lege hoc, ut qui nummos in tribus pronuntiarit, si non dederit, impune sit ; sin dederit, ut, quod vivat singulis tribubus HS cío Cío eco debeat. Dixi hanc legem P. Clodium jam ante servasse ; pronuntiare enim solitum esse et non dare. Sed heus tu videsne consulatum illum nostrum, quem Curio ante άποθέωσι,ν vocabat, si hic factus erit, fabulam mimum futurum? quare ut opinor φίχοσοφητέον, id quod tu facis, et istos consulatus non flocci facteon. d

3 2. Translate into English, with explanations Modo mihi date Britanniam quam pingam coloribus tuis, penicillo meo. Sed quid ago? quod mihi tempus, Romas prassertim ut iste me rogat, manenti, vacuum ostenditur? sed videro. Forfcasse enim, ut sit, vincet tuus amor omnes difficultates. Trebatium quod ad se miserim persalse et humaniter etiam gratias mihi agit ; negat enim in tantâ multitudine eorum qui una essen't, quemquam fuisse qui vadimonium concipere posset. M. Curtió tribunatum.ab eo petivi (nam Domitius se derideri putasset, si esset a me rogatus : hoc enim est ejus quotidianum, se ne tribunum militum quidem faceré ; etiam in senatu lusit Appium collegatn, propterea isse ad Cassarem ut aliquem tribunatum auferret), sed in alterum annum. Id etiam Curtius ita volebat. Tu, quemadmodum me censes oportere esse in re publica et in nostris inimicitiis, ita et esse et fore auricula infimâ scito molliorem. Res Romanas se sic habebant : erat nonnulla spes comitiorum, sed incerta ; erat aliqua suspicio dictaturas, ne ea quidem certa : summum otium forense, sed senescentis magis civitatis quam acquiescentis. Sententia autem nostra in senatu ejusmodi, magis ut alii nobis assentiantur quam nosmetipsi. τοιανθ ο τχήμων πόλεμος èfjepyaçercu. 1. Explain the following Messala Consul Autronianam domum emit, H. S. cxxxiv. Mihi non perinde est ut quisque proficiscitur. Biduo per unum servum confecit totum negotium : arcessivit ad se, promisit, intercessit, dedit. Operas Clodianas pontes occuparant. Tabellas ministrabantur, sed ita ut nulla daretur, UTI ROGAS. Argiletani asdificii reliquum dodrantem emit. Asiani qui de censoribus conduxerunt, questi sunt se nimium magno conduxisse : ut induceretur locatio postulaverunt.

4 EXAMINATION PAPEßS. Vides me esse ad scribendum. Explain fully the " Senatûs auctoritates." Ejusdem diei scribens ad me acta. 2. Explain the epistolary historical tense. 3. What period of Cicero's life is contained in these letters? Mention the most important events which occurred to himself to the State during that time. 4. Who were " Teucris" Βόωπις Galvus ex Nanneianis Sampsiceramus? 5. Give from Cicero a character of Pompeius, as private friend as statesman. YEARLY EXAMINATION. SECOND YEAR. 1. Translate into English " Τ ιί2 Κροίσε, επιστάμενόν με το θείον πάν εον φθονερόν τε " καϊ ταραχώδες, επειρωτας άνθρωπηίων πρηγμάτων περί ; εν " yàp τω μακρω χρόνω irowà μεν εστί ίδεειν τα μη τις εθελει, " ποχχα Be καϊ παθεειν. ες yàp εβδομήκοντα ετεα ονρον της " ζόης άνθρώπω προτίθημι. ούτοι εόντες ενιαυτοϊ εβδομήκοντα, " παρέχονται ημέρας δνηκοσίας καϊ πεντακισχιλ,ιας και δισ- " μυρίας, εμβόλιμου μηνός μη γινομένου, el δε Βη εθεχησει " τουτερον των ετεων μηνι μακρότερον <γίνεσθαι, "να Βη αϊ ωραι " συμβαίνωσι παραηινόμεναι ές το δέον, μήνες μεν παρά τα " εβδομήκοντα ετεα οι εμβόλιμοι γίνονται τριήκοντα πέντε " ημεραι Βε εκ των μηνών τούτων χί\ιαι πεντήκοντα, τοντεων " των άπασεων ημερεων των ες τα εββομήκοντα ετεα εουσεων " πεντήκοντα και διηκοσίων καϊ εζακισχιλιεων και Βισμυριεων, " η ετερη αντεων TT ετέρη ήμερτ/ το παράπαν ονδεν όμοΐον

5 EXAMINATION PAPEES. " προσάτ/ει πρτρ/μα. οΰτω ων, ω Κροίσε, ττάν εστί άνθρωπος " σύμφορη, εμοί Be συ καν πλουτέειν μεν μέγα φαίνεαι, και " βασιλεύς είναι ποχλών ανθρώπων εκείνο Βε το εϊρεό με - " ούκω σε εγω λέγω, πρϊν αν τελευτήσαντα καχώς του αιώνα " πύθωμαι. où <γάρ τοι ο μέγα πλούσιος μάχλον του ev ήμέρην " έχοντος ο\βιώτερος εστί ει μη οι τύχη επίσποιτο, πάντα " καλά έχοντα τεχευτησαι εν τον βίον." (a.) Give some account of the Greek year. What number of days in the year seem to be here given? Where does Herodotus give the true number? Cb.) What is the probable explanation of the legend of Solon's visit to Croesus? Is it chronologically possible? (e.) Give Aristotle's criticism on Solon's maxim χρη τέλος opâv. 2. Translate into English ΕπειΒη aíei τω πολεμώ εσσονντο ΰπο Τεγεητέων, πέμψαντες θεοπρόπους ες Δελφούς επειρώτεον τίνα αν θεών ίλασάμενοι κατύπερθε τω πόλεμψ Τεγεητέων γενοίατο. η Be Πυθίη σφι έχρησε, τα Ορέστεω του Αγαμέμνονος οστεα επαγατ/ομενους. ως Βε άνευρεΐν ουκ οίοι τε εγινέατο την θηκην του Όρεστεω, επεμπον αΰτις την ες θεον επειρησομένους τον χωρον èv τω κέοιτο ό 'Ορέστης, είρωτώσι Be ταΰτα τοίσι θεοπρόποισι λέγει η Πυθίη τάδε "Εστί τις ΆρκαΒίης Τεγέη λευρω êvl χώρω, ενθ' άνεμοι πνείουσι Βύο κρατερής υπ ανάγκης, και τύπος άντίτνπος, και πημ επί πηματι κείται, ενθ' 'ΆγαμεμνονίΒην κατέχει φυσίζοος ala' τον σύ κομισσάμενος, Τε<γέης επιτάρροθος εσση. Ώς Βε /cal ταΰτα ηκουσαν οι ΛακεΒαιμόνιοι, απεσχρυ της έξευρέσιος ούβεν έλασσον, πάντα Βιζημενοι ες ου Βη Λίχης των

6 EXAMINATION PAPEKS. αγαθοεργών κάλεομένων ΊΕ,παρτιητεων, άνευρε,- οί δε αγαθοεργοί είσϊ των ιστών εξιόντες εκ των ιππέων αίεϊ οί πρεσβΰτατοι, πέντε ετεος εκάστου τους Βει τούτον τον ενιαυτον τον αν εξίωσι εκ των ιππέων, Χπαρτιητεων τω κοινω Βιαπεμπομένους μη ελινύειν άλλους αχλη. (a.) Write in Attic Greek from, επειδή to πυθίη τάδε. And give the general characteristics of the Herodotean Ionic. (b.) Explain the following : άλλοι τε καϊ Sr και έρχομαι ερέων τυγχάνει ποιέων όπως ποιήσεις 1 'όσα μεν αργύρου... ποίησης J αναθήματα, εστί οι πλείστα e'ç τον προκατίζων έβίκαζε ουβαμοι 'ότι μη Χίοι μδυνοι μυρίη ίππος οΐος ποιειν otó? τε ποιειν του βίου ευ ηκειν συος χρήμα μέγα καίπερ εων εν κακω τρίτον ήμιταλαντον ola παί&ων οί υπαρχόντων δια τρίτου ετεος. 1. What was Herodotus' relation to the earlier λογόγραφοι, and the following historians? 2. What is the general plan of Herodotus' book? How far is it executed in the first book? 3. What is the latest date mentioned by Herodotus? 4. Give a sketch of Lydian history to Croesus as far as it is known. What were the probable ethnological affinities of the Meians the Lydians? 5. What persons mentioned in the Old Testament are found in the 1st Book of Herodotus? Explain clearly the circumstances which led to the war between Croesus and Cyrus. How were the Babylonians and Egyptians concerned in it? 6. Herodotus identifies the Ionic and Doric with the Pelasgian and Hellenic races respectively explain this. What does he mean by saying that the Pelasgian language was βάρβαρος? 7. What is meant by the tyrannic period of Greece? In what relation did these tyrants generally stand to democracy? Illustrate in the case of the Peisistratida?.

7 EXAMINATION PAPEES. 8. What is the probable date of the Lycurgean constitution at Sparta? Its relation to the ancient heroic constitutions? What is Aristotle's criticism on it generally on the Ephors especially? 9. What were the Spartan knights? and αγαθοεργοί? 10. Explain προμαντήιη άτεχείη προεδρίη έίςέίναι τω βουκομένω γενέσθαι ΔεΚφον. 11. Of the two readings in the following passages, which do you prefer, and why? c. 27. Χαβειν άειράμενοι \ άρώμενοι J c. 33. ταΰτα ( Χέγοντι \ Κροίσος \οϋτε εγαρίζετο. \ Χέγων ) τω Κροίσω J, Ç./5- f άμαθέα )? κάρτα οοξας.-<, η\ ζ είναι. 12. Explain the moods in Κροίσος εττειρωτα ει στρατεύηται έττϊ Πέρσας, και ει τίνα στράτον ανδρών ττροσθεοπο σύμμα χον. YEARLY EXAMINATION. SECOND YEAE. 1. Translate into English Τις οντιν à θεσπιέπεια ΔεΧφϊς είπε πέτρα ίρρητ άρρητων τελ,εσαντα φοινιαισι χερσιν ; ώρα νιν άεχκά&ων ϊππων σθεναρώτερον φυγά πόδα νωμάν.

8 ενοπχος <yàp επ" αύτον επενθρωσκει πυρι και στεροπαΐς ό Διός yeverar είναι ο αμ έπονται. Κηρες άναπχάκητοι. έλαμψε yàp του νιφόεντος αρτίων φανεϊσα φάμα Παρνασοΰ τον αβηχον ανβρα πάντ ίγνεύειν. φοιτά yap ΰπ àypiav ΰΧαν ανά τ άντρα καϊ πέτρας ατε ταύρος, μεχεος μεχεω ποβϊ χηρεύων, τα μεσόμφαχα yâς άπονοσφίζων μαντεία τα δ' et ζώντα περιποτάται. Βεινα μεν ουν, Βεινα ταράσσει σοφοί οιωνοθετας, ούτε Βοκοΰντ οΰτ άποφάσκονθ' ο τι Χεξω δ απορώ, πετομαι δ' ελπίσιν οΰτ ενθάο" ορών οΰτ οπίσω, τι yàp η ΛαβΒακίΒαις ή τω ΠοΧύβου νείκος εκειτ οΰτε πάροιθεν ποτ βγωγ' ούτε ταννν πω εμαθον προς 'ότου Βη βασάνω επϊ ταν επίβαμον φάτιν ειμ.' ΟΙΒιπόΒα επίκουρος άβήχων θανάτων. 2. Translate into English "Ιππι αναξ ΠόσειΒον, φ 'χαχκοκροτων ίππων κτύπος και γρεμετισμος άνβάνει, και κυανεμβοχοι θοαϊ μισθοφόροι τριήρεις, μειρακίων θ ίιμιχχα Χαμπρυνομενων εν αρμασιν ΛαβΒακίΒαις

9 καϊ βαρυδαιμονούντων, δεΰρ' έ'λο' èç γορον, ω -χρυσοτρίαιν, ω δελφίνων μεδέων, Έ,ουνιάρατε, ω Γεραίστιε παΐ Κρόνου, Φορμίωνί τ φίχτατ, εκ των άλλων τε θεών Αθηναίοις προς το παρεστος. ευχο^/ήσαι βουχόμεσθα τους πατέρας ημών 'ότι άνδρες,ήσαν τήσδε της γης άξιοι καϊ του πέπλου, ο'ίτινες πεζαΐς μάγαισιν εν τε νανφρακτω στρατω πανταγοΰ νικώντες αεί τήνδ' εκόσμησαν ποχιν ου yàp ονδεϊς πώποτ αυτών τους εναντίους ίδων ηρίθμησεν, àxx ο θυμός ευθύς ην άμννίας εΐ δέ που πεσοιεν ες τον ωμον εν μάγτ) τινι, τοντ άπεψησαντ αν, εΐτ ηρνονντο μη πεπτωκέναι, άλλα διεπαχαιον αύθις, καϊ στρατηγός ούδ' αν εις τών προ του σίτησιν ητησ έρομενος ΚΧεαίνετον νυν δ' εάν μη προεδρίαν φέρωσι καϊ τα σίτία, ου μα χεΐσθαί φασιν. ημείς δ' άζιουμεν τη πόχει προίκα 'γενναίως άμύνειν καϊ θεοίς έγχωρίοις. καϊ προς ουκ αιτοΰμεν ουδέν, πχην τοσουτονί μόνον ην ποτ ειρήνη γενηται και πόνων παυσώμεθα, μη φθονείθ' ημΐν κομώσι μηκ άπέστχεγγισμένοις.

10 YEARLY EXAMINATION. FIRST AND SECOND YEARS. ARISTOTLE'S RHETORIC BOOK I. 1. Ή ρητορική εστίν αντίστροφος τχι διαλεκτική. Plato says that rhetoric is αντίστροφος τί) οψοποιητικ^. How does this difference of view illustrate the general opposition between Aristotle's and Plato's way of dealing with practical abuses? 2. Distinguish exactly "rhetoric," "dialectic," and "apodictic." 3. What are Aristotle's three constituents of persuasion? Explain them, and shew that the ήθος and πάθος are not peculiar to rhetoric, (moral education), but belong to education on all subjects. 4. Make a tabular view of the Rhetoric ; and state how far the system is carried out in the first book? 5. Tb ενθύμημα εξ ολνγων και ποχλάκις εξ ελαττόνων η ο πρώτος συλλογισμός. This does not mean that the euthymeme has a premise suppressed. What does it mean? 6. Distinguish carefully βίκος, and the three kinds of σημειον, shewing how they are related to the conclusion as whole or part. How does τεκμήριον differ from scientific proof? Under which sign comes circumstantial evidence? When is circumstantial evidence cumulative? 7. Distinguish carefully Aristotle's example from his induction. The difference between them is material not logical. 8. Explain εϊβη κοινά εϊβη τόποι. Enumerate the κοινά εϊβη. To which of the kinds of persuasion are they respectively natural? e

11 9. Explain Aristotle's three kinds of rhetorical speech. To what do they answer in private life? What is the special value of the Epideictic? 10. Give cases of epideictic oratory in Greece and Rome. Shew how modern sermons grew out of the orations of the ancient professors of rhetoric ; and are in fact the re-animation of their dry bones. 11. The greater part of moral and literary education is epideictic" rhetoric. 12. Shew Aristy>tle's method in pointing out the sources of εί&η for deliberative rhetoric. 13. The connexion of politics with rhetoric. Give Aristotle's enumeration of forms of government, and explain them. 14. Why is αρετή popularly used for benevolence? 15. Distinguish σωφροσύνη ävbpeoa, Βικαιοσύνη φρόνηση. 16. Where does Aristotle examine the ατεκνοι πίστεις? YEARLY EXAMINATION. SECOND YEAR. FIRST DIVISION. ALGEBRA. 1. Determine the sum of a Geometric series of which the first and last terms and the number of terms are given. 2. Find the number of Permutations of n things taken r together. How many different arrangements can be made of six persons sitting round a table?

12 3. Assuming the Binomial Theorem for positive, prove it for negative and integral indices. 4. Reduce one million from the denary to the septenary scale, and extract its square root in that form. 5. Determine the relation between a and b, that the expression a + */~h ma y have a square root of the same form ; and extract the square root of */~Q^ 6. State the principle on which the use of indeterminate co-efficients depends ; and apply it to resolve the fraction 7 χ - 25 (¾ - 3) (a; - 4) (as - 5) ' 7. Prove that an equation of the form ax + Iy = c, may have an infinite number of integral but not of positive mtegral solutions. 8. Find the amount of an annuity of 100 left unpaid for three years, money being worth 5 per cent. 9. Expand a x in ascending powers of x, and deduce the series for log«(1 +»). 10. Prove the rules for multiplying and dividing numbers by means of their Logarithms. 11. Explain the method of using the tables of Differences attached to Logarithm Tables. If the Logarithms of and were given, how would you find the Logarithm of 284, 717?

13 YEARLY EXAMINATION. SECOND YEAR. SECOND DIVISION. ALGEBRA. 1. If a = 2, 6 = 3, and c 4, find the values of and of (a + b c) (6 + c a) (c + i δ). 2. Find the sum and difference of (j? 2q) χ + 2 (j) + q) y, and (3p - g) κ - 3 (ρ - q) y. 3. Prove the rule for finding the greatest common measure of two numbers. Find the highest common factor of * 3 1 and x 2 + χ Divide a; 5 px* + gœ 3 qx 2 + px 1 by χ Prove α χ a" = a m+b and a m -r a" = α Β1_κ, m and «being any integers.. 6. Extract the square root of x re 8-2x 6 + 9x A - 6x Simplify the following expression, and find its value to four places of decimals ('VT- 1 VT)-(^i - 8 Vi). 8. Solve the following equations ( 1 ) T - _ ~^~ = K - 6

14 (2) ( 1 + \ V 7 ST^ = g VÎ. (3) «'- y _ 2 _ χ + y 5 y 1 as 4.4 6»2 = 4Î/ (α - 2i/) (4) -j χ + 3 _ 7y -5 5 ~ What number is that whose third part is as much greater than 10, as its fourth part is than 7? 10. The sum of two numbers is 34, and the difference of their square roots is 2 ; find the numbers. YEARLY EXAMINATION. SECOND YEAR FIRST DIVISION. TEIGONOMETEY AND ANALYTICAL GEOMETEY. 1. Trace the variations in sign and magnitude of the secant of an angle through the four quadrants. 2. Prove the formules Sin (A + B) = Sin A Cos B + Cos A Sin B Cos 2A=2 Cos 2 A - I = 1-2 Sin 2 A tan (45 + A) - tan (45 - A) = 2 tan 2 A.

15 3. Investigate formulas for solving a triangle when two sides and the included angle are given. 4. Shew that the area of a triangle = I Jc Sin A= ν s (s a) (s b) (s c). 5. Find the areas of regular polygons of η sides, inscribed in and circumscribed about a circle of given radius. Deduce the formulas for the area of a circle. 6. Find χ from the equation 1 2 Cos 2a. tan (a + «) ten (a - a) = χ + 2 Cog 2a " 7. Prove Demoivre's Theorem for a positive integral index. 8. Shew that,. α 2 α* Cos a = Find the equation to a straight line passing through a given point and perpendicular to a given straight line. Ex. ( 3, 2) the given point, Sx 4y = 6 the given line. 10. Shew a priori, that the equation Ax + By + C = o represents a straight line ; and find the intercepts on the axes. 11. Find the equation to the line touching a circle in terms of m, the tangent of the angle which the touching line makes with the axis of x. 12. Find the equation to the line joining the points of intersection of the circles (x - a) 2 + (y - δ) 2 = c 2 {χ - a,)* + (y - δ,) 2 = o, 2, and shew that this chord is perpendicular to the line joining the centres of the circles.

16 YEARLY EXAMINATION. FIRST YEAR. 1. Translate into English Τον yàp Φωκικοΰ σνστάντος ποχεμον, ου Si εμέ {ου yàp 8η eyωye επολιτευομην πω τότε), πρώτον μεν νμεΐς ούτω 8ιέκεισθε ώστε Φωκεας μεν βουκεσθαι σωθήναι, καίπερ ού δίκαια ποιονντας ορώντες, Θηβαίοις δ' ότιοΰν αν εφησθήναι παθοΰσιν, ουκ λόγω? ούδ' αδίκως αύτοίς ορ^ιζόμενοι. οϊς yàp εύτυχήκεσαν εν Λεύκτροις, ού μετρίως εκέχρηντο. επειθ" η Πελοπόννησος άπασα διειστήκει, καϊ ονθ" οι μισονντες Λακεδαιμονίους όντως ισχύον ώστε άνεχείν αυτούς, ον& οι πρότερον 8ι εκείνων άρχοντες κύριοι των πόλεων ήσαν, αλλά Ttç ην άκριτος καϊ παρά τούτοις και παρά τοις άλλοις απασιν ερις και ταραχή. Ταντα δ ορών 6 Φίλιππος {ού yàp ην αφανή) τοις παρ' εκάστοις προδόταις χρήματ άναχίσκων πάντας σννεκρονε καϊ προς εαυτούς ετάραττεν. 1. Give a short account of the circumstances which led to the delivery of this oration. "What was the result? 2. What were the Λειτoυpyíaι? Give the derivation of the word? 3. Give an account of the battle of Chaeronœa, with date. What did it lead to? 4. Give an account of the earliest encroachments of Philip upon the possessions of Athens. What events drew from Demosthenes the " Philippics " and the " Olynthiac " orations? How was./eschines mixed up with Demosthenes in the settlement of the peace made with Philip? 5. What was the Amphictyonic Council? How did it influence the struggle between Athens and the Macedonians? 6. Explain ψήφισμα, άρχοντες, προβονλενμα.

17 2. Translate into English EXAMINATION PAPERS. 2υνηδειν μεν εκ παντός του χρόνου μέχρι τής ημέρας άφ' ης αύτος êirï το βήμα άνεβην, et περί πρωτείων και τιμής και δόξης cir/ωνιζομένην την πατρίδα, και πχείω και χρήματα και σώματα άνηχωκυΐαν υπέρ φιχοτιμίας και των πασι συμφερόντων η των άχχων ΕΧΧηνων υπέρ αυτών άνηχώκασιν έκαστοι, έώρων δ' αυτόν τον ΦιΧιππον, προς ον ην ημίν ó cvycóv, υπέρ αρχής και δυναστείας τον οφθαχμον εκκεκομμενον, την κχεΐν κατεωγότα, την χείρα, το σκεχος πεπηρωμενον?παν ο Tt βουχηθείη μέρος ή τύχη του σώματος παρεχεσθαι, τούτο προϊεμενον, ώστε τω Χοιπω μετά τί /χή? και δόξης ζήν. και μην ούδε τοΰτό <γε ουδεϊς αν ειπείν τοχμήσαι, ώς τω μεν ΠεΧΧη τραφεντι, χωρίω άδόξω τότε γε δντι καΐ μικρω, τοσαύτην με'γαχο-^υχίαν προσήκεν εγγενεσθαι ώστε τής των 'ΕΧΧηνων αρχής επιθυμήσαι και τοϋτ εις τον νουν εμβαχεσθαι, υμϊν δ ουσιν 'Άθηναίοις καϊ κατά την ημεραν εκάστην εν πασι και XóyoK και θεωρήμασι τής των προγονών αρετής υπόμνημα θεωροΰσι τοσαύτην κακίαν ΰπάρξαι, ώστε τής ελευθερίας αύτεπαγγεχτους εθεχοντας παραχωρήσαι ΦιΧίππω. YEARLY EXAMINATION". FIRST YEAR. 1. Translate into English Τ Γ ρά σε ΤαυροπόΧα Διός "Αρτεμις, ω μεηάχα φάτις, ώ μάτερ αισχύνας εμάς,

18 EXAMINATION PAPEES. ωρμασε πανβάμους επϊ βοΰς άγεχαίας, η πού τίνος νίκας άκάρπωτον χάριν, η ρα κκυτων ενάρων ^τενσθεΐςί άβώροις εϊτ ελαφηβοχίαις ; η γαχκοθώραξ η τιν ΈνυάΧιος μομφαν έχων ξυνον Βορος εννυ-χίοις μαγαναΐς ετίσατο Χωβαν ; ου ποτέ jàp φρενόθεν γ επ αριστερά, παΐ ΤεΧαμώνος, εβας τόσσον εν ποίμναις πίτνων ήκοι <γάρ αν θεία νόσος αλλ.' άπερύκοι και Ζευς κακαν καϊ φοΐβος Άρ<γείων φάτιν ει δ' υποβαλλόμενοι κχεπτουσι μύθους οι μεγαχοι βασιχης, ή τάς ασώτου ΣισυφιΒαν γενεάς, Γ μη μη μ, αναξ, εσ ωο εφαλοις κχισιαις ομμ χων κακαν φάτιν apr. άλλ άνα εξ εβράνων, οπον μακραίωνι στηρίζει ποτέ ταδ' αγωνιώ σχολά άταν ούρανίαν φχε<γων. εγθρων δ' νρβις άτάρβητος ρμάται εν εύανεμοις βάσσαις, πάντων καχαζοντων <γλώσσαις βαρυάχγητα εμοι B αχός εστακεν. 2. Translate into English Χώρει, πρόβαιν ερρωμενως. ω Κωμία, βραβννεις ; μα τον Δι, ου μεντοι προ του %, αλλ' ησ& μας κύνειος νυνϊ Βε κρείττων εστί σον ΧαρινάΒης βαβίζειν. ω ΣτρνμόΒωρε ΚονθνΧεΰ, βέλτιστε συνβικαστων, f

19 Εύερ<γίδης αρ εστί ττου 'νταΰθ'', ή Χάβης ο φλυεύς ; ττάρεσθ', ο Βη Χοιττόν y er εστίν, άτητατταΐ ττατταιάξ, ήβης κείνης, ήνίκ èv Βνζαντίω ξυνημεν φρουρουντ έγώ τε καϊ σύ κατά ττεριττατουντε νύκτωρ της άρτοττώλ,ιβος Χαθόντ εκ\έ ψαμεν τον ολ,μον, καθ' ήψαμεν του κορκόρου, κατασχίσαντες αυτόν. αλλ' εηκονωμεν, ωνβρες, ως εσται Λάχητι νυνί σίμβχον Βε φασι χρημάτων εχειν ατταντες αυτόν, χθες ουν Κλέων ó κηβεμων ήμΐν εφειτ εν ωρα ήκειν έχοντας ήμερων όρ^ην τριών ττονηραν εττ αυτόν, ως κοχωμενους ων ήβίκησεν. άλλα σττεΰβωμεν, ωνβρες ηλίκες, ττρϊν ήμεραν γενέσθαι, χωρώμεν, άμα τε τω Χύχνω ττάντη Βιασκοττωμεν, μη ττου Χαθών τις εμττοβων ημάς κακόν τι Βράση. Π. τον ττη\ον, ω ττάτερ πάτερ, τουτονϊ φύλαξαι. YEARLY EXAMINATION. FIRST YEAR. TERENT: HEAUT TIMORUMENOS. 1. Translate into English Nam quod rumores distulerunt malevoli, Multas contaminasse Grrœcas dum facit Paucas Latinas ; factum hic esse id non negat, Ñeque se id pigere : et deinde facturum autumat.

20 Habet bonorum exemplum : quo exemplo sibi Licere id faceré quod illi fecerunt putat. Turn quod malevolus vêtus poëta dictitat, Repente ad stadium hune se applicasse musicum, Amicûm ingenio fretum haud natura sua ; Arbitrium vestrum, vestra existimatio Valebit ; quamobrem omnes vos oratos volo, Ne plus iniquûm possit quam œquûm oratio. Facite sequi sitis : date Crescendi copiam Novarum qui spectandi faciunt copiam Sine vitiis. 1. Explain the uses of the tenses in the following phrases, distinguishing the two cases of the Aorist : Contaminasse dum facit. Dum (mulieres) comuntur annus est. Dum abs te absum omnes mihi labores fuere leves, Preeterquam tui carendum quod erat. Somnum oculis non vidi meis dum id qusero. id facere 2. Distinguish me 1^ P^? fc ) ^uod il!i fecei,uafc I. '. s me ejus piget ),, fecerint ) mi usus veniet usu 3. Explain the construction novarum spectandi ; giving examples out of Sallust. 4. What was the insinuation alluded to in verses 7-9? 2. Translate into English Mulier commoda, et faceta hase. CH. Sane idem visa 'st mihi. SY. Et quidem hercle forma luculenta. CH. Sic satis. SY. Ita non ut olim, sed uti nunc sane bona : Minimeque miror Clinia hanc si dépérit.

21 Sed habet patrem quendam avidum miserum, atque aridum, Vicinum hunc : nostin'? at quasi is non divitiis Abundet, gnatus ejus profugit inopia. Sein' esse factum ut dico? CH. Quid ego nesciam? Hominem pistrino dignum! ST. Quern? CH. Istunc servolum Dico adolescentis. ST. Syre, tibi timui male. CH. Qui passus est id fieri. SY. Quid faceret.? CH. Rogas? Aliquid reperiret, fingeret fallacias, Unde esset adolescenti amicse quod daret ;. Atque hunc difficilem invitum servaret senem. SY. Garris. CH. Hsec facta ab illo oportebant Syre SY. Eho! laudas, queeso, héros qui fallunt? CH. In loco Ego vero laudo. SY. Recte sane. CH. Quippe quia Magnarum sœpe id remedium asgritudinum 'st. Huic jam mansisset unicus gnatus domi. SY. Jocon' an serio illsec dicat nescio ; Nisi mihi quidem addit animum quo lubeat magis. 1. Explain the potential moods reperiret, fingeret; supplying the omitted conditional clause. 2. Give the Greek for the sane in and 4 ; and jam in ; and distinguish nisi, and nisi si. 3. Explain Sic me di amabunt ut me ejus miser et. 4. Explain the nature of the literary crisis at Rome, in the time of Terence. 5. Why did Comedy not become national with the Romans as with the Athenians? What literature in Rome anwsered to Athenian Comedy?

22 YEARLT EXAMINATION. FIRST YEAR. 1. Translate into English Nam seepe audivi Q. Maximum, P. Scipionem, prseterea civitatis, nostras prœclaros viros solitos ita dicere, CUM MA JORUM IMAGINES INTÜERENTÜR VEHEMENT1SSIME SIBI ANIMUM AU VIRTUTEM ACCENDi. Scilicet non ceram illam neque figuram tantam vim in sese habere ; sed memoria rerum gestarum earn flammam egregiis viris in pectore crescere, neque prius sedari, quam virtus eorum famam atque gloriam adœquaverit. At contra, quis est omnium his moribus, quin divitiis et sumtibus, non probitate neque industria cum majoribus suis contendat? etiam homines novi, qui antea per virtutem soliti erant nobilitatem antevenire, furtim et per latrocinia potius quam bonis artibus ad imperia et honores nituntur. Promde quasi prœtura et consulatus, atque alia omnia hujuscemodi per se ipsa clara et magnifica sint ; ac non perinde habeantur ut eorum qui sustinent virtus est. Verum ego liberius altiusque processi dum me civitatis morum piget tsedetque : nunc ad inceptum redeo. (a.) Distinguish audivi dicere quum dicerent dicentes what is the tense of adœquaverit give derivation and distinguish proinde quasi -perinde. r. (b.) Explain the expressions ceram -figuram homines novi nobilitas imperia honores. Distinguish virtute, per virtutem. (c.) Who were Q. Maximus, and P. Scipio? Did these families ever become connected? When, and through what other illustrious family?

23 2. Explain the expressions EXAMINATION PAPERS. Animus agit atque habet cuneta Imperium magnum atque late valuit, Ut erat impigro ingenio. Distinguish paucis diébus paucispost Ubi irrupere divorsi regem quserere. historical infinitive. diebus -postpaucos dies. Explain the use of the Ceterum mos partium popularium et Senati factionum ac deinde omnium malarum artium paucis ante annis Bomas ortus, otio et abundantia earum rerum quae prima mortales ducunt. Nam ante Carthaginem deletam populas et Senatus Romanus placide modesteque inter se rempubucam tractabant : neque gloriae, neque dominationis certamen inter cives erat : metus hostilis in bonis artibus civitatem retinebat. Sed ubi illa formido mentibus discessit ; scilicet ea, quas secundas res amant, lascivia atqae superbia incessere. Ita, quod in adversis rebus optaverant, otium, postquam adepti sunt, asperius acerbiusque fuit. Namque cœpere nobilitas dignitatem, populas libertatem in lubidinem verteré : sibi quisque ducere, trahere, rapere. Ita omnia in, duas partes abstracta sunt : respublica, quae media faerat, dilacerata. Ceterum nobilitas factione magis pollebat plebis vis soluta atque dispersa in multitudine minus poterat : paucorum arbitrio belli domique agitabatur : penes eosdem asrarium, provincias, magistratus, glorias triumphique erant : populus militia atque inopia urgebatur ; prasdas bellicas imperatores cum paucis diripiebant. Interea parentes aut parvi liberi militum, ut quisque potentiori confinis erat, sedibus pellebantur. (a.) Give a clear account of the social and political consequences of the Carthaginian War and especially of the causes which produced the Agrarian Law of Tib. Gracchus.

24 (h.) Shew that the social and political state of Rome after the death of the Gracchi inevitably tended to a military despotism. 4. What are the characteristics of Sallust (1) as writer ; (2) as historian? 5. The history of Masinissa. 6. The fortunes of Sulla and Marius after this war. YEARLY EXAMINATION. FIEST YEAR. EUCLID. 1. State the three Postulates necessary for the construction of geometrical figures ; and give instances of the use of all three, in propositions of Euclid. 2. If two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the other, and have likewise their bases equal ; the angle contained by the two sides of the one shall be equal to the angle contained by the two sides, equal to them, of the other. 3. The opposite sides and angles of Parallelograms are equal to one another and the diameter bisects them. 4. Divide a given right line into two such parts, that the rectangle contained by the whole and one part shall be equal to the square on the other part. 5. Draw a straight line from a given point to touch a given circle. 6. In equal circles the angles which stand upon equal arcs are equal to one another, whether they are at the centres or circumferences.

25 EXAMINATION PAPERS. 7. Cut off a segment from a given circle which shall contain an angle equal to a given rectilineal angle. 8. Inscribe a circle in a given triangle. 9. If any number of magnitudes be proportionals, as one antecedent is to its consequent so is the sum of the antecedents to the sum of the consequents. 10. In right angled triangles the rectilineal figure described on the side opposite to the right angle is equal to the similar figures on the sides containing the right angle. 11. Three straight lines being drawn from a given point, draw another straight line cutting them in such a manner that its segments intercepted between them shall be equal. 12. Prove that any four sided figure whose opposite sides are equal must be a Parallelogram. 13. The straight lines joining the points of bisection of the sides of any quadrilateral figure, form a parallelogram whose area is one-half that of the quadrilateral. YEARLY EXAMINATION. FIRST YEAR. ARITHMETIC AND ALGEBRA. 1. Explain the meaning of the symbol ; and shew that a b ml when m is a positive integer. Hence shew how any number of vulgar fractions may be added together. ma

Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations

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Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates Kiryl Tsishchanka Areas and Lengths in Polar Coordinates In this section we develop the formula for the area of a region whose boundary is given by a polar equation. We need to use the formula for the

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Lecture 2. Soundness and completeness of propositional logic

Lecture 2. Soundness and completeness of propositional logic Lecture 2 Soundness and completeness of propositional logic February 9, 2004 1 Overview Review of natural deduction. Soundness and completeness. Semantics of propositional formulas. Soundness proof. Completeness

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Nuclear Physics 5. Name: Date: 8 (1)

Nuclear Physics 5. Name: Date: 8 (1) Name: Date: Nuclear Physics 5. A sample of radioactive carbon-4 decays into a stable isotope of nitrogen. As the carbon-4 decays, the rate at which the amount of nitrogen is produced A. decreases linearly

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k A = [k, k]( )[a 1, a 2 ] = [ka 1,ka 2 ] 4For the division of two intervals of confidence in R +

k A = [k, k]( )[a 1, a 2 ] = [ka 1,ka 2 ] 4For the division of two intervals of confidence in R + Chapter 3. Fuzzy Arithmetic 3- Fuzzy arithmetic: ~Addition(+) and subtraction (-): Let A = [a and B = [b, b in R If x [a and y [b, b than x+y [a +b +b Symbolically,we write A(+)B = [a (+)[b, b = [a +b

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5.4 The Poisson Distribution.

5.4 The Poisson Distribution. The worst thing you can do about a situation is nothing. Sr. O Shea Jackson 5.4 The Poisson Distribution. Description of the Poisson Distribution Discrete probability distribution. The random variable

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Trigonometric Formula Sheet

Trigonometric Formula Sheet Trigonometric Formula Sheet Definition of the Trig Functions Right Triangle Definition Assume that: 0 < θ < or 0 < θ < 90 Unit Circle Definition Assume θ can be any angle. y x, y hypotenuse opposite θ

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Mean bond enthalpy Standard enthalpy of formation Bond N H N N N N H O O O

Mean bond enthalpy Standard enthalpy of formation Bond N H N N N N H O O O Q1. (a) Explain the meaning of the terms mean bond enthalpy and standard enthalpy of formation. Mean bond enthalpy... Standard enthalpy of formation... (5) (b) Some mean bond enthalpies are given below.

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10/3/ revolution = 360 = 2 π radians = = x. 2π = x = 360 = : Measures of Angles and Rotations

10/3/ revolution = 360 = 2 π radians = = x. 2π = x = 360 = : Measures of Angles and Rotations //.: Measures of Angles and Rotations I. Vocabulary A A. Angle the union of two rays with a common endpoint B. BA and BC C. B is the vertex. B C D. You can think of BA as the rotation of (clockwise) with

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Phys460.nb Solution for the t-dependent Schrodinger s equation How did we find the solution? (not required)

Phys460.nb Solution for the t-dependent Schrodinger s equation How did we find the solution? (not required) Phys460.nb 81 ψ n (t) is still the (same) eigenstate of H But for tdependent H. The answer is NO. 5.5.5. Solution for the tdependent Schrodinger s equation If we assume that at time t 0, the electron starts

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ANSWERSHEET (TOPIC = DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS) COLLECTION #2. h 0 h h 0 h h 0 ( ) g k = g 0 + g 1 + g g 2009 =?

ANSWERSHEET (TOPIC = DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS) COLLECTION #2. h 0 h h 0 h h 0 ( ) g k = g 0 + g 1 + g g 2009 =? Teko Classes IITJEE/AIEEE Maths by SUHAAG SIR, Bhopal, Ph (0755) 3 00 000 ANSWERSHEET (TOPIC DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS) COLLECTION # Question Type A.Single Correct Type Q. (A) Sol least

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΟΣ ΣΥΝΔΕΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY 21 ος ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ Δεύτερος Γύρος - 30 Μαρτίου 2011 Διάρκεια Διαγωνισμού: 3 ώρες Απαντήστε όλες τις ερωτήσεις Μέγιστο Βάρος (20 Μονάδες) Δίνεται ένα σύνολο από N σφαιρίδια τα οποία δεν έχουν όλα το ίδιο βάρος μεταξύ τους και ένα κουτί που αντέχει μέχρι

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Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 6665/01 Edexcel GCE Core Mathematics C3 Advanced. Thursday 11 June 2009 Morning Time: 1 hour 30 minutes

Paper Reference. Paper Reference(s) 6665/01 Edexcel GCE Core Mathematics C3 Advanced. Thursday 11 June 2009 Morning Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Centre No. Candidate No. Paper Reference(s) 6665/01 Edexcel GCE Core Mathematics C3 Advanced Thursday 11 June 2009 Morning Time: 1 hour 30 minutes Materials required for examination Mathematical Formulae

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F-TF Sum and Difference angle

F-TF Sum and Difference angle F-TF Sum and Difference angle formulas Alignments to Content Standards: F-TF.C.9 Task In this task, you will show how all of the sum and difference angle formulas can be derived from a single formula when

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Instruction Execution Times

Instruction Execution Times 1 C Execution Times InThisAppendix... Introduction DL330 Execution Times DL330P Execution Times DL340 Execution Times C-2 Execution Times Introduction Data Registers This appendix contains several tables

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ 6/5/2006 Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Ολοι οι αριθμοί που αναφέρονται σε όλα τα ερωτήματα είναι μικρότεροι το 1000 εκτός αν ορίζεται διαφορετικά στη διατύπωση του προβλήματος. Διάρκεια: 3,5 ώρες Καλή

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Συντακτικές λειτουργίες

Συντακτικές λειτουργίες 2 Συντακτικές λειτουργίες (Syntactic functions) A. Πτώσεις και συντακτικές λειτουργίες (Cases and syntactic functions) The subject can be identified by asking ποιος (who) or τι (what) the sentence is about.

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Practice Exam 2. Conceptual Questions. 1. State a Basic identity and then verify it. (a) Identity: Solution: One identity is csc(θ) = 1

Practice Exam 2. Conceptual Questions. 1. State a Basic identity and then verify it. (a) Identity: Solution: One identity is csc(θ) = 1 Conceptual Questions. State a Basic identity and then verify it. a) Identity: Solution: One identity is cscθ) = sinθ) Practice Exam b) Verification: Solution: Given the point of intersection x, y) of the

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9.09. # 1. Area inside the oval limaçon r = cos θ. To graph, start with θ = 0 so r = 6. Compute dr

9.09. # 1. Area inside the oval limaçon r = cos θ. To graph, start with θ = 0 so r = 6. Compute dr 9.9 #. Area inside the oval limaçon r = + cos. To graph, start with = so r =. Compute d = sin. Interesting points are where d vanishes, or at =,,, etc. For these values of we compute r:,,, and the values

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ 24/3/2007 Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Όλοι οι αριθμοί που αναφέρονται σε όλα τα ερωτήματα μικρότεροι του 10000 εκτός αν ορίζεται διαφορετικά στη διατύπωση του προβλήματος. Αν κάπου κάνετε κάποιες υποθέσεις

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The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus

The Simply Typed Lambda Calculus Type Inference Instead of writing type annotations, can we use an algorithm to infer what the type annotations should be? That depends on the type system. For simple type systems the answer is yes, and

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C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions

C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions C.S. 430 Assignment 6, Sample Solutions Paul Liu November 15, 2007 Note that these are sample solutions only; in many cases there were many acceptable answers. 1 Reynolds Problem 10.1 1.1 Normal-order

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ΦΥΛΛΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ Α. Διαβάστε τις ειδήσεις και εν συνεχεία σημειώστε. Οπτική γωνία είδησης 1:.

ΦΥΛΛΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ Α.  Διαβάστε τις ειδήσεις και εν συνεχεία σημειώστε. Οπτική γωνία είδησης 1:. ΦΥΛΛΟ ΕΡΓΑΣΙΑΣ Α 2 ειδήσεις από ελληνικές εφημερίδες: 1. Τα Νέα, 13-4-2010, Σε ανθρώπινο λάθος αποδίδουν τη συντριβή του αεροσκάφους, 2. Τα Νέα,

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EE512: Error Control Coding

EE512: Error Control Coding EE512: Error Control Coding Solution for Assignment on Finite Fields February 16, 2007 1. (a) Addition and Multiplication tables for GF (5) and GF (7) are shown in Tables 1 and 2. + 0 1 2 3 4 0 0 1 2 3

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HISTOGRAMS AND PERCENTILES What is the 25 th percentile of a histogram? What is the 50 th percentile for the cigarette histogram?

HISTOGRAMS AND PERCENTILES What is the 25 th percentile of a histogram? What is the 50 th percentile for the cigarette histogram? HISTOGRAMS AND PERCENTILES What is the 25 th percentile of a histogram? The point on the horizontal axis such that of the area under the histogram lies to the left of that point (and to the right) What

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is like multiplying by the conversion factor of. Dividing by 2π gives you the

is like multiplying by the conversion factor of. Dividing by 2π gives you the Chapter Graphs of Trigonometric Functions Answer Ke. Radian Measure Answers. π. π. π. π. 7π. π 7. 70 8. 9. 0 0. 0. 00. 80. Multipling b π π is like multipling b the conversion factor of. Dividing b 0 gives

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Math221: HW# 1 solutions

Math221: HW# 1 solutions Math: HW# solutions Andy Royston October, 5 7.5.7, 3 rd Ed. We have a n = b n = a = fxdx = xdx =, x cos nxdx = x sin nx n sin nxdx n = cos nx n = n n, x sin nxdx = x cos nx n + cos nxdx n cos n = + sin

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Example Sheet 3 Solutions

Example Sheet 3 Solutions Example Sheet 3 Solutions. i Regular Sturm-Liouville. ii Singular Sturm-Liouville mixed boundary conditions. iii Not Sturm-Liouville ODE is not in Sturm-Liouville form. iv Regular Sturm-Liouville note

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Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5

Solutions to Exercise Sheet 5 Solutions to Eercise Sheet 5 Let X and Y be random variables with joint pdf f(, y) = 3y( + y) where and y. Determine each of the following probabilities. Solutions. a. P (X ). b. P (X

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Trigonometry 1.TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS Trigonometry.TRIGONOMETRIC RATIOS. If a ray OP makes an angle with the positive direction of X-axis then y x i) Sin ii) cos r r iii) tan x y (x 0) iv) cot y x (y 0) y P v) sec x r (x 0) vi) cosec y r (y

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(1) Describe the process by which mercury atoms become excited in a fluorescent tube (3)

(1) Describe the process by which mercury atoms become excited in a fluorescent tube (3) Q1. (a) A fluorescent tube is filled with mercury vapour at low pressure. In order to emit electromagnetic radiation the mercury atoms must first be excited. (i) What is meant by an excited atom? (1) (ii)

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Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1.

Exercises 10. Find a fundamental matrix of the given system of equations. Also find the fundamental matrix Φ(t) satisfying Φ(0) = I. 1. Exercises 0 More exercises are available in Elementary Differential Equations. If you have a problem to solve any of them, feel free to come to office hour. Problem Find a fundamental matrix of the given

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Partial Differential Equations in Biology The boundary element method. March 26, 2013

Partial Differential Equations in Biology The boundary element method. March 26, 2013 The boundary element method March 26, 203 Introduction and notation The problem: u = f in D R d u = ϕ in Γ D u n = g on Γ N, where D = Γ D Γ N, Γ D Γ N = (possibly, Γ D = [Neumann problem] or Γ N = [Dirichlet

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Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude

Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude Approximation of distance between locations on earth given by latitude and longitude Jan Behrens 2012-12-31 In this paper we shall provide a method to approximate distances between two points on earth

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Core Mathematics C12

Core Mathematics C12 Write your name here Surname Other names Pearson Edexcel International Advanced Level Centre Number Candidate Number Core Mathematics C12 Advanced Subsidiary Wednesday 25 May 2016 Morning Time: 2 hours

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Second Order Partial Differential Equations

Second Order Partial Differential Equations Chapter 7 Second Order Partial Differential Equations 7.1 Introduction A second order linear PDE in two independent variables (x, y Ω can be written as A(x, y u x + B(x, y u xy + C(x, y u u u + D(x, y

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14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense

14 Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense Lesson 2: The Omega Verb - Present Tense Day one I. Word Study and Grammar 1. Most Greek verbs end in in the first person singular. 2. The present tense is formed by adding endings to the present stem.

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The challenges of non-stable predicates

The challenges of non-stable predicates The challenges of non-stable predicates Consider a non-stable predicate Φ encoding, say, a safety property. We want to determine whether Φ holds for our program. The challenges of non-stable predicates

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Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016

Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016 Concrete Mathematics Exercises from 30 September 2016 Silvio Capobianco Exercise 1.7 Let H(n) = J(n + 1) J(n). Equation (1.8) tells us that H(2n) = 2, and H(2n+1) = J(2n+2) J(2n+1) = (2J(n+1) 1) (2J(n)+1)

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Figure 1 T / K Explain, in terms of molecules, why the first part of the graph in Figure 1 is a line that slopes up from the origin.

Figure 1 T / K Explain, in terms of molecules, why the first part of the graph in Figure 1 is a line that slopes up from the origin. Q1.(a) Figure 1 shows how the entropy of a molecular substance X varies with temperature. Figure 1 T / K (i) Explain, in terms of molecules, why the entropy is zero when the temperature is zero Kelvin.

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CHAPTER 48 APPLICATIONS OF MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS CHAPTER 48 APPLICATIONS OF MATRICES AND DETERMINANTS EXERCISE 01 Page 545 1. Use matrices to solve: 3x + 4y x + 5y + 7 3x + 4y x + 5y 7 Hence, 3 4 x 0 5 y 7 The inverse of 3 4 5 is: 1 5 4 1 5 4 15 8 3

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Srednicki Chapter 55

Srednicki Chapter 55 Srednicki Chapter 55 QFT Problems & Solutions A. George August 3, 03 Srednicki 55.. Use equations 55.3-55.0 and A i, A j ] = Π i, Π j ] = 0 (at equal times) to verify equations 55.-55.3. This is our third

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Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics

Fourier Series. MATH 211, Calculus II. J. Robert Buchanan. Spring Department of Mathematics Fourier Series MATH 211, Calculus II J. Robert Buchanan Department of Mathematics Spring 2018 Introduction Not all functions can be represented by Taylor series. f (k) (c) A Taylor series f (x) = (x c)

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Επιβλέπουσα Καθηγήτρια: ΣΟΦΙΑ ΑΡΑΒΟΥ ΠΑΠΑΔΑΤΟΥ

Επιβλέπουσα Καθηγήτρια: ΣΟΦΙΑ ΑΡΑΒΟΥ ΠΑΠΑΔΑΤΟΥ EΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΕΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΟ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΚΟ ΙΔΡΥΜΑ ΤΕΙ ΙΟΝΙΩΝ ΝΗΣΩΝ ΤΜΗΜΑ ΔΗΜΟΣΙΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ & ΕΠΙΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΣ Ταχ. Δ/νση : Λεωφ. Αντ.Τρίτση, Αργοστόλι Κεφαλληνίας Τ.Κ. 28 100 τηλ. : 26710-27311 fax : 26710-27312

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Pg The perimeter is P = 3x The area of a triangle is. where b is the base, h is the height. In our case b = x, then the area is

Pg The perimeter is P = 3x The area of a triangle is. where b is the base, h is the height. In our case b = x, then the area is Pg. 9. The perimeter is P = The area of a triangle is A = bh where b is the base, h is the height 0 h= btan 60 = b = b In our case b =, then the area is A = = 0. By Pythagorean theorem a + a = d a a =

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Reminders: linear functions

Reminders: linear functions Reminders: linear functions Let U and V be vector spaces over the same field F. Definition A function f : U V is linear if for every u 1, u 2 U, f (u 1 + u 2 ) = f (u 1 ) + f (u 2 ), and for every u U

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Mock Exam 7. 1 Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company. Section A 1. Reference: HKDSE Math M Q2 (a) (1 + kx) n 1M + 1A = (1) =

Mock Exam 7. 1 Hong Kong Educational Publishing Company. Section A 1. Reference: HKDSE Math M Q2 (a) (1 + kx) n 1M + 1A = (1) = Mock Eam 7 Mock Eam 7 Section A. Reference: HKDSE Math M 0 Q (a) ( + k) n nn ( )( k) + nk ( ) + + nn ( ) k + nk + + + A nk... () nn ( ) k... () From (), k...() n Substituting () into (), nn ( ) n 76n 76n

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Strain gauge and rosettes

Strain gauge and rosettes Strain gauge and rosettes Introduction A strain gauge is a device which is used to measure strain (deformation) on an object subjected to forces. Strain can be measured using various types of devices classified

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Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set

Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set Every set of first-order formulas is equivalent to an independent set May 6, 2008 Abstract A set of first-order formulas, whatever the cardinality of the set of symbols, is equivalent to an independent

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ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ ΣΕ ΕΙΔΙΚΑ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ & ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑΣ ΑΓΓΛΙΚΗ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ ΣΕ ΕΙΔΙΚΑ ΘΕΜΑΤΑ ΔΙΕΘΝΩΝ ΣΧΕΣΕΩΝ & ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΑΣ Ενότητα 1β: Principles of PS Ιφιγένεια Μαχίλη Τμήμα Οικονομικών Επιστημών Άδειες Χρήσης Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό υπόκειται σε άδειες χρήσης

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ΚΥΠΡΙΑΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡΕΙΑ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ CYPRUS COMPUTER SOCIETY ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ 11/3/2006 ΠΑΓΚΥΠΡΙΟΣ ΜΑΘΗΤΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΑΓΩΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΠΛΗΡΟΦΟΡΙΚΗΣ 11/3/26 Οδηγίες: Να απαντηθούν όλες οι ερωτήσεις. Ολοι οι αριθμοί που αναφέρονται σε όλα τα ερωτήματα μικρότεροι το 1 εκτός αν ορίζεται διαφορετικά στη διατύπωση

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2 2 2 The correct formula for the cosine of the sum of two angles is given by the following theorem.

2 2 2 The correct formula for the cosine of the sum of two angles is given by the following theorem. 5 TRIGONOMETRIC FORMULAS FOR SUMS AND DIFFERENCES The fundamental trignmetric identities cnsidered earlier express relatinships amng trignmetric functins f a single variable In this sectin we develp trignmetric

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Volume of a Cuboid. Volume = length x breadth x height. V = l x b x h. The formula for the volume of a cuboid is

Volume of a Cuboid. Volume = length x breadth x height. V = l x b x h. The formula for the volume of a cuboid is Volume of a Cuboid The formula for the volume of a cuboid is Volume = length x breadth x height V = l x b x h Example Work out the volume of this cuboid 10 cm 15 cm V = l x b x h V = 15 x 6 x 10 V = 900cm³

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ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ. Ψηφιακή Οικονομία. Διάλεξη 7η: Consumer Behavior Mαρίνα Μπιτσάκη Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών

ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ. Ψηφιακή Οικονομία. Διάλεξη 7η: Consumer Behavior Mαρίνα Μπιτσάκη Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΚΡΗΤΗΣ Ψηφιακή Οικονομία Διάλεξη 7η: Consumer Behavior Mαρίνα Μπιτσάκη Τμήμα Επιστήμης Υπολογιστών Τέλος Ενότητας Χρηματοδότηση Το παρόν εκπαιδευτικό υλικό έχει αναπτυχθεί

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Finite Field Problems: Solutions

Finite Field Problems: Solutions Finite Field Problems: Solutions 1. Let f = x 2 +1 Z 11 [x] and let F = Z 11 [x]/(f), a field. Let Solution: F =11 2 = 121, so F = 121 1 = 120. The possible orders are the divisors of 120. Solution: The

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Capacitors - Capacitance, Charge and Potential Difference

Capacitors - Capacitance, Charge and Potential Difference Capacitors - Capacitance, Charge and Potential Difference Capacitors store electric charge. This ability to store electric charge is known as capacitance. A simple capacitor consists of 2 parallel metal

Διαβάστε περισσότερα 1 1 1 Q1. The magnetic flux through a coil of N turns is increased uniformly from zero to a maximum value in a time t. An emf, E, is induced across the coil. What is the maximum value

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Derivations of Useful Trigonometric Identities

Derivations of Useful Trigonometric Identities Derivations of Useful Trigonometric Identities Pythagorean Identity This is a basic and very useful relationship which comes directly from the definition of the trigonometric ratios of sine and cosine

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Section 8.2 Graphs of Polar Equations

Section 8.2 Graphs of Polar Equations Section 8. Graphs of Polar Equations Graphing Polar Equations The graph of a polar equation r = f(θ), or more generally F(r,θ) = 0, consists of all points P that have at least one polar representation

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Aquinas College. Edexcel Mathematical formulae and statistics tables DO NOT WRITE ON THIS BOOKLET

Aquinas College. Edexcel Mathematical formulae and statistics tables DO NOT WRITE ON THIS BOOKLET Aquinas College Edexcel Mathematical formulae and statistics tables DO NOT WRITE ON THIS BOOKLET Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced Subsidiary and Advanced GCE in Mathematics and Further Mathematics Mathematical

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4.6 Autoregressive Moving Average Model ARMA(1,1)

4.6 Autoregressive Moving Average Model ARMA(1,1) 84 CHAPTER 4. STATIONARY TS MODELS 4.6 Autoregressive Moving Average Model ARMA(,) This section is an introduction to a wide class of models ARMA(p,q) which we will consider in more detail later in this

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Jesse Maassen and Mark Lundstrom Purdue University November 25, 2013

Jesse Maassen and Mark Lundstrom Purdue University November 25, 2013 Notes on Average Scattering imes and Hall Factors Jesse Maassen and Mar Lundstrom Purdue University November 5, 13 I. Introduction 1 II. Solution of the BE 1 III. Exercises: Woring out average scattering

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department listing department name αχχουντσ ϕανε βαλικτ δδσϕηασδδη σδηφγ ασκϕηλκ τεχηνιχαλ αλαν ϕουν διξ τεχηνιχαλ ϕοην µαριανι

department listing department name αχχουντσ ϕανε βαλικτ δδσϕηασδδη σδηφγ ασκϕηλκ τεχηνιχαλ αλαν ϕουν διξ τεχηνιχαλ ϕοην µαριανι She selects the option. Jenny starts with the al listing. This has employees listed within She drills down through the employee. The inferred ER sttricture relates this to the redcords in the databasee

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Lecture 2: Dirac notation and a review of linear algebra Read Sakurai chapter 1, Baym chatper 3

Lecture 2: Dirac notation and a review of linear algebra Read Sakurai chapter 1, Baym chatper 3 Lecture 2: Dirac notation and a review of linear algebra Read Sakurai chapter 1, Baym chatper 3 1 State vector space and the dual space Space of wavefunctions The space of wavefunctions is the set of all

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2 2 2 The correct formula for the cosine of the sum of two angles is given by the following theorem.

2 2 2 The correct formula for the cosine of the sum of two angles is given by the following theorem. 5 TRIGONOMETRIC FORMULAS FOR SUMS AND DIFFERENCES The fundamental trignmetric identities cnsidered earlier express relatinships amng trignmetric functins f a single variable In this sectin we develp trignmetric

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Right Rear Door. Let's now finish the door hinge saga with the right rear door

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Problem Set 9 Solutions. θ + 1. θ 2 + cotθ ( ) sinθ e iφ is an eigenfunction of the ˆ L 2 operator. / θ 2. φ 2. sin 2 θ φ 2. ( ) = e iφ. = e iφ cosθ.

Problem Set 9 Solutions. θ + 1. θ 2 + cotθ ( ) sinθ e iφ is an eigenfunction of the ˆ L 2 operator. / θ 2. φ 2. sin 2 θ φ 2. ( ) = e iφ. = e iφ cosθ. Chemistry 362 Dr Jean M Standard Problem Set 9 Solutions The ˆ L 2 operator is defined as Verify that the angular wavefunction Y θ,φ) Also verify that the eigenvalue is given by 2! 2 & L ˆ 2! 2 2 θ 2 +

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Εγχειρίδια Μαθηµατικών και Χταποδάκι στα Κάρβουνα

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Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES

Code Breaker. TEACHER s NOTES TEACHER s NOTES Time: 50 minutes Learning Outcomes: To relate the genetic code to the assembly of proteins To summarize factors that lead to different types of mutations To distinguish among positive,

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Ordinal Arithmetic: Addition, Multiplication, Exponentiation and Limit

Ordinal Arithmetic: Addition, Multiplication, Exponentiation and Limit Ordinal Arithmetic: Addition, Multiplication, Exponentiation and Limit Ting Zhang Stanford May 11, 2001 Stanford, 5/11/2001 1 Outline Ordinal Classification Ordinal Addition Ordinal Multiplication Ordinal

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DuPont Suva. DuPont. Thermodynamic Properties of. Refrigerant (R-410A) Technical Information. refrigerants T-410A ENG

DuPont Suva. DuPont. Thermodynamic Properties of. Refrigerant (R-410A) Technical Information. refrigerants T-410A ENG Technical Information T-410A ENG DuPont Suva refrigerants Thermodynamic Properties of DuPont Suva 410A Refrigerant (R-410A) The DuPont Oval Logo, The miracles of science, and Suva, are trademarks or registered

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