N 120 kgghm 2, m (N ) m (P 2O 5) m (K 2O ) = ,

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1 34 11 ( ) V o l. 34 N o Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) N ov α 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3 (1, ; 2, ; 3, ) [],,, , ; 22, ; 22, , 2, , []; ; ; ; ; [ ] T S [ ] A [] (2006) , [1 ] 20 60, [229 ],, [10211 ] [12 ] [13 ] [14 ] [15 ] [16 ] [17219 ] [8 ] [20 ] [21 ],,, [22 ], [23 ],,,,, (), ggkg, m ggkg, m ggkg, m ggkg, ph cm, 50 cm, N 120 kgghm 2, m (N ) m (P 2O 5) m (K 2O ) = ,, 8 (X2F, C3F B 2F),, mm,, 10 α [] [] ( ) [](1957- ),,,, [](1964- ),,,,

2 78 ( ) 34 ; ml g g 0. 5 ml 350 ml ; 60 ml (SD E) 2. 5 h, 250 ml, 5 g N a2so 4,,, 100 ml, 60 1 ml, (SD E) - (GC2M S) : GCgM S2Q P25000 SH IM AD 2U ( PE ) GCgM S : H P25 (60 m mm Λm ) ; H e; 0. 8 ml gm in; 250, 280, 177 ; 50 (2 m in) 2 gm in 120 (5 m in ) 2 gm in 240 (30 m in) ; 1 15; 2 ΛL ; 70 ev ; : am u () ; M S, N IST (X 1)(X 2) (X 3)(X 4)(X 5)(X 6) 22 (X 7) 52(X 8) 22 (X 9) (X 10) Β2(X 11) (X 12) (X 13)(X 14) 21 (X 15) 22 (X 16) 23 (X 17) (X 18) 2, 42(X 19) 2, 42 () (X 20) (X 21) (X 22)(X 23) 32(X 24) (X 25) ; (Y 1)(Y 2) (Y 3), (X 1 X 4), (X 5 X 9), (X 10), (X 11 X 21), (X 22) (X 23 X 25) (0. 8 mm, 70 mm, mm ( 1 g), ( ) Pa),,, GB , [24225 ], (X 1 X 25), (Y 1)(Y 2) (Y 3),,,, ,, 1,,,,, : Y 1 = X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 25, (R = ) Y 2 = X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 25, (R = ) Y 3 = X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 25, (R = ), Y 1 Y 3,, 2. 2,, 1

3 11, : 1 79 T able 3 Partial co rrelation and direct path coefficient betw een neutral arom a constituents and smok ing results N eutral arom a constituents Concentration Partial co rrelation coefficient Q uality Smoking to tal sco res Concentration D irect path coefficient Q uality X X Smoking to tal sco res X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X : 3, 3 3 5% 1% N o te: 3, 3 3 m ean significant difference level at 5% and 1%, respectively , 25, 16,, ; 52 2, ; 22 Β , 42 () , 25, 16,, 22 ; , ; Β , 42 () , 25, 16,, 22 ; 22 Β , 42 2, 42() ;

4 80 ( ) 34,, , ; 2, , , 22 ; 52 2, , , 22 ; , 42 Β2 2, 42(), 3 1),,, 2), , 32, 22, ;,, 2, , 52, 3), 22,, 22 ;, 32, 52 22, 2, , 4), 22,, 22 ; , 42 Β2 2, 42 (), 32,, 22, , , ; 22, ; 22, , 2, ,,,, [] [ 1 ]. [M ].,. :, 1993: [ 2 ] Schultz T H, F lath R A, Eggling S B, et a1. Iso lation of vo latile components from a model system [J ]. A gric Food Chem, 1977, 25: 4462

5 , : 81 [ 3 ] W eek s W W. Chem istry of tobacco constituents influencing flavo r and arom a[j ]. Recent A dvance of Tobacco Science, 1985, 11: [ 4 ],,,. [J ]., 2000, 6 (2) : 125. [ 5 ],,,. [J ]., 2000, 6 (1) : 126. [ 6 ],,. [J ]., 1992, 7 (2) : [ 7 ],,. ph [J ]., 1994, 15 (1) : [ 8 ],,,. [J ]., 2005, 38 (9) : [ 9 ],,. [J ]., 2006, 25 (1) : [ 10 ],,,. [J ]., 2005, 21 (5) : [ 11 ],,. [J ]., 2005, 11 (4) : [ 12 ],,,. [J ]. :, 2005, 31 (2) : [ 13 ],,,. [J ]., 1993 (3) : 123. [ 14 ],,,. [J ]., 2004, 10 (1) : [ 15 ],,,. [J ]. :, 2004, 30 (1) : [ 16 ],,,. [J ]., 2005, 10 (3) : [ 17 ],,,. [J ]., 1995 (5) : [ 18 ],,,. [J ]., 1996, 11 (3) : [ 19 ]. [J ]., 1997 (3) : [ 20 ],,,. [J ]. :, 2005, 31 (1) : [ 21 ],,,. [J ]., 2006, 22 (1) : [ 22 ] L ayten D D. Tobacco p roduction, chem istry and techno logy[m ].,. :, 2003: [ 23 ],. [M ]. :, 1998: [ 24 ],. D PS [M ]. :, 2002: [ 25 ],,,. SPSS fo r W indow s[m ]. :, 1997: R esearch on relation sh ip s betw een neu tral arom a con stituen ts and sm ok ing resu lts of flue2cu red tobacco in Panx i tobacco2grow ing areas Y U J ian- jun 1, PANG Tian-he 1, J iao Gui-zhen 1, X IA L in 2,W U Ren- jun 2,L I X ia 2,L IU Y u- li 1, 3 (1 N ational T obacco Cu ltivation & P hy siology & B iochem istry R esearch Center, H eπnan A g ricu ltu ral U niversity, Z heng z hou, H eπnan , Ch ina; 2 S ichuan P rov ince T obacco Comp any, Cheng d u, S ichuan , Ch ina; 3 P engshui J iny i T obacco,l td., P engshui, Chongqing , China) Abstract: To research on quan titative relation s betw een neu tral arom a con stituen ts and smok ing resu lts of flue2cu red tobacco in Panx i tobacco2grow ing areas, the au tho rs carried ou t partial co rrelation ana lysis, p a th ana lysis and stepw ise reg ression ana lysis. T he resu lt s show ed tha t reg ression m odel of quality, concen tration and smok ing to tal sco res w ere estab lished, and all of their co rrelation w ere sign ifican t at 1% level. 25 k inds of rep resen tative neu tral arom a con stituen ts in flue2cu red tobacco had differen t direct influence on quality, concen tration and smok ing to tal sco reṡ 62m e252hep tene222dione from the degrading p roducts of caro tene had greatest direct po sitive influence on concen t ra t ion of a rom a. B enzvl a lcoho l from the deg rad ing p roduct s of hypog lycem ia com pound s had greatest direct negative influence on concen tration. 22acetyl fu ran from b row n ing reaction had greatest direct po sitive influence on quality. N eophytadiene had greatest direct negative influence on qua lity of a rom a. 22acetyl fu ran from b row n ing react ion had g rea test d irect po sit ive influence on smok ing to tal sco reṡ 62m e252hep tene222dione from the degrading p roducts of caro tene had greatest direct nega t ive influence on sm ok ing to ta l sco reṡ Bo th neryl acetone and benzofu ranone from the deg rad ing

6 82 ( ) 34 p roducts of caro tene had direct po sitive influence on quality, concen tration and smok ing to tal sco res. 2, 42hendiene2al and 62m e222dione from the degrading p roducts of caro tene had direct negative influence on quality, concen tration and smok ing to tal sco res. It p roves that arom a componen ts that are good fo r smok ing cou ld be imp roved by regu lating the modu lation condition s. T he arom a componen ts that are bad fo r smok ing shou ld be reduced po ssib ly. Key words: flue2cu red tobacco; neu tral arom a con stituen t; smok ing resu lt; step2w ise linear regression; partial co rrelation analysis; path analysis (76 ) Abstract ID: (2006) CA D evelopm en t of new w heat varieties and new germ p lasm w ith disease resistance by tran sferring alien genes in to comm on w heat REN Zh i- long,w ANG Chang-you, ZHANG Hong, CA ID ong-m ing, W ANG Ya- juan,w ANG Qiu-y ing, XUE X iu-zhuang, J IW an-quan (Colleg e of A g ronomy,n orthw est A & F U niversity, Y ang ling, S haanx i , Ch ina) Abstract: N ew germ p la sm (N 9207, N 9209, N 9134, N 9628 and N 9659) resistan t to st rip e ru st o r pow dery m ildew and new w heat cu ltivars (Shaanm ai 8003, Shaanm ai 8007, Shaanm ai 150, and Yuanfeng 175) resistan t to st rip e ru st w ere b red by t ran sferring a lien resistance gene ( s ) from T h inopy ron in term ed ium, S eca le cerea l, T rticum d icoccoid es, H ay na ld ia v illosa and A eg ilop s um bellu la ta in to common w heaṫ By cro ssing comm ercial w heat varieties w ith developed germp lsam resistan t to disease. Shaanm ai 139, a noodle w heat strain w ith disease resistance, h igh yield, good quality, and adap tab ility, w as b red by pyram iding desirab le genes. Key words: common w heat; alien gene (s) ; germp lasm w ith disease resistance

GPS, 0. 5 kg ( In tegrated Fertility Index, IF I) 1. 1 SPSS 10. IF I =

GPS, 0. 5 kg ( In tegrated Fertility Index, IF I) 1. 1 SPSS 10. IF I = 34 11 () V o l. 34 N o. 11 2006 11 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) N ov. 2006 α 1, 1, 2, 1 (1, 450002; 2, 410007) [ ]12 () 1 612,, ( IF I ) : (1), ( ) ( ), ph

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(T rip tery g ium w ilf ord ii Hook) ,Beroza [6 ] 4 W ilfo rine W ilfo rdine W ilfo rgine W il2. Euon ine 1. 0% 1980, 1. 1 ; 1. 0%, ; 0.

(T rip tery g ium w ilf ord ii Hook) ,Beroza [6 ] 4 W ilfo rine W ilfo rdine W ilfo rgine W il2. Euon ine 1. 0% 1980, 1. 1 ; 1. 0%, ; 0. 34 12 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 12 2006 12 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) D ec. 2006 Ξ 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2 (1, 712100; 2, 712100; 3, 450008) [ ], 0. 1%, 3 48

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6 cm, 1. 2 IAA, NAA, 2. 1

6 cm, 1. 2 IAA, NAA, 2. 1 30 6 ( ) V o l. 30 N o. 6 2002 12 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) D ec. 2002 Ξ 1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4, 1 (1 ; 2 ; 3, 712100; 4, 733200) [],,,,,, ; 1g2 M S, 1g3M S

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( , ,

( , , 33 9 ( ) V o l. 33 N o. 9 2005 9 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep. 2005 Ξ 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 (1 010018; 2 512005) [],, 8 8 9, () (),,,,,, ;, ;,, ;,,,

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,, 1 mm,, : 250 g, 200 g, 120 g, 50 g 1. 1. 2 50 2 450 g T, 80, , ;,, ,,,,, 1. 2. 1%, 2%, 3% 2005209230 11230, 15 d, 60 d ( ) 1 2 1.

,, 1 mm,, : 250 g, 200 g, 120 g, 50 g 1. 1. 2 50 2 450 g T, 80, , ;,, ,,,,, 1. 2. 1%, 2%, 3% 2005209230 11230, 15 d, 60 d ( ) 1 2 1. 34 6 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 6 2006 6 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A ri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Jun. 2006 Ξ,, (, 712100) [ ] 80 50 T,, 16,,, 1%, 2%, 3%,,,,,, 2% T,LH, FSH (P < 0. 05); T, L

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Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep , 1 [7 ] ,, 2 ,, 1 85% [1 4 ], [ ]

Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep , 1 [7 ] ,, 2 ,, 1 85% [1 4 ], [ ] 33 9 () V o l. 33 N o. 9 2005 9 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep. 2005 60 Co Χ Ξ,,, (, 712100) [ ] 3 60 Co Χ, 3,, 60 Co Χ, Χ, ; 60 Co Χ,,,, ;, 60 Co Χ, 3,

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(H ipp op hae rham noid es L. ) , ; SHB 2g , 1. 0, 2. 0, 3. 0, 4. 0, 5. 0 ml mm. : Y = X - 0.

(H ipp op hae rham noid es L. ) , ; SHB 2g , 1. 0, 2. 0, 3. 0, 4. 0, 5. 0 ml mm. : Y = X - 0. 34 10 () V o l. 34 N o. 10 2006 10 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) O cṫ 2006 Ξ 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2 (1, 712081; 2, 712100; 3, 123000) [ ],,, : V ( ) V ( 95% ) =

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, 4, 6, 8 m in; 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% 100% 15, 30, 45, 60, s V c

, 4, 6, 8 m in; 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% 100% 15, 30, 45, 60, s V c 32 6 ( ) V o l. 32 N o. 6 2004 6 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) June 2004 Vc Ξ 1, 2, 2, 1, 3, 3 (1, 712100; 2, 450002; 3, 453003) [ ], V c, V c, V c ; V c,

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(M ed icag o sa tiva L. )

(M ed icag o sa tiva L. ) 33 8 ( ) V o l. 33 N o. 8 2005 8 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) A ug. 2005 Ξ,,,,,,,, (, 266109) [ ] (CF) (Ca) (P), 3 8, 8, 6, 61. 5, 101. 0, 136. 0, 170. 5,

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26 3 V o l. 26 N o A cta Eco logiae A n im alis Dom astici M ay ,

26 3 V o l. 26 N o A cta Eco logiae A n im alis Dom astici M ay , 26 3 V o l. 26 N o. 3 2005 5 A cta Eco logiae A n im alis Dom astici M ay 2005,,,,, (, 524088) [ ] 1 200, 3,, 28 31, 83 87%, 1 2 0. 1% 0. 3% : 1 38 47 (P < 0. 05), 48 57 1 (P < 0. 05),,, 1 (P > 0. 05)

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1. 2 , N RC (1998) d m g 1

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:,UV IKON 810, 700 nm. DU 27Spectropho to neter 1. 1 U S2KT P

:,UV IKON 810, 700 nm. DU 27Spectropho to neter 1. 1 U S2KT P 31 3 ( ) V o l. 31 N o. 3 2003 6 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) June 2003 Ξ,,,, (, 712100) [],, 100, 217,, 18, 8,, 36. 34, 1. 32, 2. 4 : 1 15 45 2 h, 2 10 70

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V o l122, N o13 M ay, 2003 PRO GR ESS IN GEO GRA PH Y : (2003) , : TU 984. , (Eco logy fo r evil) [1 ] (R ich Boyer), 2.

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V irus ide ntifica tion a nd sc re e ning v irus ic ide s of pe ppe r v irus d ise a se in S ha a nxi P rov ince

V irus ide ntifica tion a nd sc re e ning v irus ic ide s of pe ppe r v irus d ise a se in S ha a nxi P rov ince 35 1 () V o l. 35 N o. 1 2007 1 Journal of N o rthw est A & F U niversity (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Jan. 2007 Ξ 1, 2, 2, 1, 1 (1, 712100; 2, 710003) [] 126, 5, DA S2EL ISA,, (CM V ) (TM V ) (T EV ) Y (PV Y) (BBWV

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, ( , (P anax qu inquef olius) ) ; L C2V P series U H PE), M Pa R E252. C18 (5 Λm, 250 mm 4. 6 mm ) ( )

, ( , (P anax qu inquef olius) ) ; L C2V P series U H PE), M Pa R E252. C18 (5 Λm, 250 mm 4. 6 mm ) ( ) 150 21 5 2005 5 T ransactions of the CSA E V o l. 21 N o. 5 M ay 2005,,,,, (, 130025) :,, CO 2 : 70%, 200M Pa, 50 1, 2 m in, : ; ; ; : O 62335; TQ 036 +. 4 : A : 100226819 (2005) 0520150205,,,. [J ].,

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A Knowledge M odel for D esign of Population Nutr ien t Index D ynam ics in W heat

A Knowledge M odel for D esign of Population Nutr ien t Index D ynam ics in W heat 2005, 25 (3): 47 52 Journal of T riticeae C rop s Ξ,,,, ( g,, 210095) :,,,,, ( ) 2,, RM S E 8. 13 kgghm 2, RM S E 0. 20%, : ; ; ; ; : S 512. 1; S 311 : A : 100921041 (2005) 0320047206 A Knowledge M odel

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IRBB 4 (Xa24) IRBB 7 (Xa27) IRBB 21 (Xa221) 6

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Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects of L odging on Gra in Y ield and Qual ity

Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects of L odging on Gra in Y ield and Qual ity 2006, 26 (1): 87 92 Journal of T riticeae C rop s Ξ,,,,, ( g, 225009) : 6,,,,,,, : ; ; ; ; : S 512. 1; S 318 : A : 100921041 (2006) 0120087206 Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects

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China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. O ct., 2005

China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.  O ct., 2005 23 10( 142) V ol. 23, N o. 10 200510 System s Engineering O ct., 2005 100124098 (2005) 1020081205 Ξ 1, 2, 1 2, (1., 710049; 21, 266033),,,,,,,, ; ; F224. 32 A 20 6070 [1, 2 ], 1, 1. 1, (1) T = {1, 2},

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Error ana lysis of P2wave non2hyperbolic m oveout veloc ity in layered media

Error ana lysis of P2wave non2hyperbolic m oveout veloc ity in layered media 28 1 2009 3 Vol128 No11 GLOBAL GEOLOGY Mar1 2009 : 1004 5589 (2009) 01 0098 05 P 1, 1, 2, 1 1., 130026; 2., 100027 :,,,, 1%,,, 12187%,, : ; ; ; : P63114 : A Abstract: Error ana lysis of P2wave non2hyperbolic

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1999, 17 (1): J ourna l of W uhan B otan ica l Resea rch ( ) ( ) 2, 3. (Celosia cristata L. ),

1999, 17 (1): J ourna l of W uhan B otan ica l Resea rch ( ) ( ) 2, 3. (Celosia cristata L. ), 1999, 17 (1): 15 20 J ourna l of W uhan B otan ica l Resea rch Ξ ( 210013) (210095),, W HO g FAO, 3, 10, 3 ( ) 2317% 2714%,, 83147% 86194%, (EAA ) 4012% 4117%, (M et+ Cys) 10,,,,,,,,,,, 1 (Celosia cristata

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(P seudo rab ies, PR ) (A u jeszky, s D isease, AD ), (Pesuderab ies viru s, PRV )

(P seudo rab ies, PR ) (A u jeszky, s D isease, AD ), (Pesuderab ies viru s, PRV ) 34 9 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 9 2006 9 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep. 2006 W G Ξ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2 (1, 712100; 2, 723600) [ ]ge2el ISA 6 187 (P seu2 do rabies

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(classical sw ine fever, CSF) (CSFV ) (O IE) A 15, 1999202212 96,, C2,, 20 70 80, 1. 1 SXZZ), 1. 2

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Fe, Cu, Zn,M n, Se I 54. 0, 9. 2, 11. 0, 66. 5, 0. 08, m ggkg, 100%, 200%, 300%

Fe, Cu, Zn,M n, Se I 54. 0, 9. 2, 11. 0, 66. 5, 0. 08, m ggkg, 100%, 200%, 300% 31 2 ( ) V o l. 31 N o. 2 2003 4 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) A p ṙ 2003 Ξ 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 (1, 712100; 2, 711700; 3, 712100) []170 540 3, 3, (P > 0. 05),

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F ig. 1 Flow chart of comprehen sive design in the research of com patibil ity. E2m ail: ac. cn

F ig. 1 Flow chart of comprehen sive design in the research of com patibil ity. E2m ail: ac. cn V o l. 25 N o. 9 2 0 0 4 9 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 1632 1636,,,, (, 116011) H PL C2PAD 2M S,,.,. H PL C2PAD 2M S.,.,,. 2 ; ; O 652. 7 A 025120790 (2004) 0921632205,,., [1 5 ]

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Stud ies on Chem ica l Con stituen ts and M orpholog ica l Characters of the Fruits of Seven Labia tae Plan ts

Stud ies on Chem ica l Con stituen ts and M orpholog ica l Characters of the Fruits of Seven Labia tae Plan ts 2003, 21 (3): 276 280 J ourna l of W uhan B otan ica l Resea rch 7 1, 2, 1 1, Ξ (1., 361005; 2., 350007) : ; ; ; ; ; : Q 946; Q 949. 777. 6 : A : 10002470X (2003) 0320276205 Stud ies on Chem ica l Con

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,,,. , 1. 2 1. 1. 1 BM B 005 ( ] 1. 1. 2 , SJM - IM L - 90 ( V ellank [ 15 ] 1. 2. 1 1. 5 2. 0 2. 5 3. 0. 49. 7 58. 5 67. 3 76. 1 84.

,,,. , 1. 2 1. 1. 1 BM B 005 ( ] 1. 1. 2 , SJM - IM L - 90 ( V ellank [ 15 ] 1. 2. 1 1. 5 2. 0 2. 5 3. 0. 49. 7 58. 5 67. 3 76. 1 84. 21 2 2005 2 T ransactions of the CSA E V o l. 21 N o. 2 Feb. 2005 25,,, (,,, 430070) : 30 75 750 rgm in,,,, A rrhenius,, : ; ; ; : Q 81 : A : 100226819 (2005) 0220025205,,,. [J ]., 2005, 21 (2): 25-29.

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; (A con itum kusnez of f ii R eichb. ),.

; (A con itum kusnez of f ii R eichb. ),. V o l. 26 N o. 4 2 0 0 5 4 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 638 641,,, (, 130022) (, 021400)., 4,.,,. ; ; O 657 A 025120790 (2005) 0420638204 (A con itum kusnez of f ii R eichb. ),, [1

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A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA 55 2 2000 3 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 2 M ar., 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 0220129210 1, 1, Guen ther F ischer 2, Sylvia P rieler 2 (11, 100101; 21, ) : 1958 1997 310,, 3, H adcm 2 CGCM

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17 1 V o l. 17 N o CH IN ESE JOU RNAL O F COM PU TA T IONAL M ECHAN ICS February 2000 : A

17 1 V o l. 17 N o CH IN ESE JOU RNAL O F COM PU TA T IONAL M ECHAN ICS February 2000 : A 7 V o l. 7 N o. 000 CH IN ESE JOU RNAL O F COM PU TA T IONAL M ECHAN ICS February 000 : 0074708 (000) 000808 Ξ, (, 0098) :,,,,,,, N ew tonr aph son,, : ; ; ; : TU 3933; O 48 : A 80, [, Geiger Fu ller ],

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cm, ph 7 8, m 1. 3 m 1. 5 m, 1. 5 cm,, , mm

cm, ph 7 8, m 1. 3 m 1. 5 m, 1. 5 cm,, , mm 33 9 () V o l. 33 N o. 9 2005 9 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep. 2005 Ξ,,,, (, 450002) [ ] 750, 5 0 ( ), 50 (g ), 100 (g ), 150 (g ) 200 ggkg (g ),, (1)

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Physique des réacteurs à eau lourde ou légère en cycle thorium : étude par simulation des performances de conversion et de sûreté

Physique des réacteurs à eau lourde ou légère en cycle thorium : étude par simulation des performances de conversion et de sûreté Physique des réacteurs à eau lourde ou légère en cycle thorium : étude par simulation des performances de conversion et de sûreté Alexis Nuttin To cite this version: Alexis Nuttin. Physique des réacteurs

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1998, 18 (1): 1 7. A cta T heriolog ica S inica (,, ) (Grow th layer group s, GL Gs) 168, 42,

1998, 18 (1): 1 7. A cta T heriolog ica S inica (,, ) (Grow th layer group s, GL Gs) 168, 42, 1998, 18 (1): 17 A cta T heriolog ica S inica Ξ (,, 210097), 3,, 3 C (O dum, 1983), 0 2, 24 11 3 R 0 Κ1, rm 0,, ; ; ; ;, (Sh i2 rak ihara, 1993; Gao, 1993)Gao (1993) 3 56,, (, 1995),, 3,, 1974 229, 86,

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nested touch down PCR

nested touch down PCR 33 2 () V o l. 33 N o. 2 2005 2 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Feb. 2005 nested touch down PCR CAPN1 EST Ξ 1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3 (1, 712100; 2, 730070; 3, 100083;

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The toxicity of three chitin synthesis inhibitors to Calliptamus italicus Othoptera Acridoidea

The toxicity of three chitin synthesis inhibitors to Calliptamus italicus Othoptera Acridoidea 2011 48 4 909 914 * 1 2** 2 2 2 2 2*** 1. 110161 2. 100081 026000 3 Calliptamus italicus L. 3 LC 50 LC 90 1. 34 14. 17 mg / L LC 50 LC 90 2. 09 45. 22 mg / L 50 mg / L 14 d 87% 100% 50 mg / L 50% The toxicity

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CAO Shu2qing 1, ZHA IH u2qu 1, YAN G Tu2nan 2, ZHAN G Rong2xian 1, 3, KUAN G T ing2yun 3

CAO Shu2qing 1, ZHA IH u2qu 1, YAN G Tu2nan 2, ZHAN G Rong2xian 1, 3, KUAN G T ing2yun 3 (Ch inese J R ice S ci) 2001 15 (1) : 29 4 1 1 2 1 ( 1 2 210095; 212400; 10009; ) Studies on Pho to syn thetic R ate and Function D u ration of R ice Germ p lasm R esou rces CAO Shu2qing 1 ZHA IH u2qu

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1. 1 R x (Strain R x of m arine Pho to syn thetic Bacteria )

1. 1 R x (Strain R x of m arine Pho to syn thetic Bacteria ) 32 9 () V o l. 32 N o. 9 2004 9 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Sep. 2004 Rx Ξ 1, 2, 2, 1, 2 (1, 110016; 2, 110161) [ ] R x, DNA G+ C, R x, (0. 5 0. 7) Λm (1.

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YU Yong2ting, X IE Yuan2yuan, HUAN G L i2li, KAN G Zhen2sheng

YU Yong2ting, X IE Yuan2yuan, HUAN G L i2li, KAN G Zhen2sheng 35 2 ( ) V o l. 35 N o. 2 2007 2 Journal of N o rthw est A & F U niversity (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Feb. 2007 Β21, 32 α,,, (, 712100) [ ] M S,, 7, 14, 21 d (26, 150 rgm in), 3, 52 (DN S) Β21, 32,,, Β21, 32,,,,,

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(g ) A quanau tics,, , 33. 1%. O , O CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES (,,, )

(g ) A quanau tics,, , 33. 1%. O , O CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES (,,, ) V o l. 19 N o. 10 1 9 9 8 10 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 1584 1588 (g ) (,,, 300071) (, ),,..,, 1. 0 g1,., 33. 1%.,,, O 632. 5, O 629. 7. (H b),., Bonaven tu ra 80, H b, H b 50 100

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Differences in Contents of Neutral Aroma Components and Sensory Evaluation in Air-cured Burley Leaves from Different Curing Barns

Differences in Contents of Neutral Aroma Components and Sensory Evaluation in Air-cured Burley Leaves from Different Curing Barns 2 0 1 0 25 3 1 13-1 1 7 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1. 450002 2. 635000 6 > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > S572 A 1000-7091 2010 03-0113 - 05 Differences in Contents of Neutral Aroma Components and Sensory Evaluation in

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Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου

Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου Το άτομο του Υδρογόνου Δυναμικό Coulomb Εξίσωση Schrödinger h e (, r, ) (, r, ) E (, r, ) m ψ θφ r ψ θφ = ψ θφ Συνθήκες ψ(, r θφ, ) = πεπερασμένη ψ( r ) = 0 ψ(, r θφ, ) =ψ(, r θφ+, ) π Επιτρεπτές ενέργειες

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T he Op tim al L PM Po rtfo lio M odel of H arlow s and Its So lving M ethod

T he Op tim al L PM Po rtfo lio M odel of H arlow s and Its So lving M ethod 2003 6 6 00026788 (2003) 0620042206 H arlow, 2 3, (., 70049; 2., 7006; 3., 200433) H arlow,,,,, ;, ; ; F832. 5; F830. 9 A T he Op tim al L PM Po rtfo lio M odel of H arlow s ad Its So lvig M ethod W AN

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1 g, , CO 2 5% CO 2 , 37,, Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) M arch 2004 , 2

1 g, , CO 2 5% CO 2 , 37,, Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) M arch 2004 , 2 32 3 ( ) V o l. 32 N o. 3 2004 3 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) M arch 2004 Ξ,,,, (, 712100) [ ],,,, ;,, ;,, ( );,,,,, ;, 2 4 ;, ; ; ; [ ] ; ; ; [ ] S827. 9

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Optimizing Microwave-assisted Extraction Process for Paprika Red Pigments Using Response Surface Methodology

Optimizing Microwave-assisted Extraction Process for Paprika Red Pigments Using Response Surface Methodology 2012 34 2 382-387 http / /xuebao. jxau. edu. cn Acta Agriculturae Universitatis Jiangxiensis E - mail ndxb7775@ sina. com 212018 105 W 42 2 min 0. 631 TS202. 3 A 1000-2286 2012 02-0382 - 06 Optimizing

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(diam inobenzidine,dab ) ; 0. 5 mmo lgl, : N ac l 8 g, KC l 0. 2 g T ris 3

(diam inobenzidine,dab ) ; 0. 5 mmo lgl, : N ac l 8 g, KC l 0. 2 g T ris 3 34 8 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 8 2006 8 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) A ug. 2006 Ξ 1, 2, 1 (1, 712100; 2, 100850) [ ] g,,, 85%,,, 8 ; 6. 5 10 5 g; Fas2L, 95% ;, [

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Rub isco. Rubisco. R ubisco R ubisco , R ubisco

Rub isco. Rubisco. R ubisco R ubisco , R ubisco (Ch inese J R ice S ci) 2001 15 (1) : 35 40 Rub isco Rub isco ( 310029) R ub isco A ctivase and Its R egu lation on D iu rnal Changes of Pho to syn thetic R ate and the A ctivity of R ibu lo se 1 52B ispho

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acrysta ll iferous stra in Btk BE20

acrysta ll iferous stra in Btk BE20 J ou rnal of N anj ing A g ricu ltu ral U niversity S18-4 - Btk BE20 3 1 2 2 2 2 ( 1, 321004; 2, 510275) S1824, PH T 3101, DNA P stl, B tk BE 20 SD S2PA GE, 2,, S1824 ; 2 ; ; S48217 Clon ing and expression

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TR IBOLO GY N ov, 2004 , P I2. , 120 M Pa, P I. 6 mm 7 mm 30 mm [7, 8 ] mm,. JSM 25600LV 1. 1 (EDXA ).

TR IBOLO GY N ov, 2004 , P I2. , 120 M Pa, P I. 6 mm 7 mm 30 mm [7, 8 ] mm,. JSM 25600LV 1. 1 (EDXA ). 24 6 V o l 24, N o 6 2004 11 TR IBOLO GY N ov, 2004,,, (, 730000) : MM 2200 (PT FE) M os2 (P I) GC r15, X P I, PT FE M os2 P I, P I+ 30%M os2, P I 50%. P I+ 10% PT FE+ 20%M os2, P I, P I+ 20% PT FE+ 10%M

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(TPP)Co 1. 1 ], [ 1, 2 ] V o l. 3 N o. 4 N ov EL ECTROCH EM ISTR Y ) ) ,, Co V V. (T PP) Co (Py) , - 1.

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ZrO 2, ZrO 2. (M ) W O 3g ( 100% ) SO 4 2- W O 3 M oo 3, SO ( Zr (OH ) 4 ) ( ( 0. 1 mo l. L - 1 A gno 3 ), Zr (OH ) 4 SO (0.

ZrO 2, ZrO 2. (M ) W O 3g ( 100% ) SO 4 2- W O 3 M oo 3, SO ( Zr (OH ) 4 ) ( ( 0. 1 mo l. L - 1 A gno 3 ), Zr (OH ) 4 SO (0. 14 2 V o l. 14,N o. 2 2000 4 JOU RNAL O F M OL ECULA R CA TAL YS IS (CH INA ) A p r. 2000 : 100123555 (2000) 0220111208 WO 3gZrO 2 - g. ZrO 2,,, 1) (, 130022) : ZrO 2 WO 3gZrO 2 SO 4 2- gzro 2 M oo 3gZrO

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Fo recasting Stock M arket Q uo tation s via Fuzzy N eu ral N etw o rk Based on T 2S M odel

Fo recasting Stock M arket Q uo tation s via Fuzzy N eu ral N etw o rk Based on T 2S M odel 2001 2 2 : 100026788 (2001) 0220066207 T 2S,, (, 400044) : T 2S,,, ( ),,. : ; ; α Fo recasting Stock M arket Q uo tation s via Fuzzy N eu ral N etw o rk Based on T 2S M odel CH EN X ing, M EN G W ei2dong,

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Bank A ssetgl iab ility Sheet w ith Em bedded Op tion s

Bank A ssetgl iab ility Sheet w ith Em bedded Op tion s 00 8 8 : 10006788 (00) 08005506, (, 710049) :,, ;, ; : ; ; ; ; ; : F830 : A α Con tro l O ver In terest R ate R isk of Bank A ssetgl iab ility Sheet w ith Em bedded Op tion s LU O D aw ei, W AN D ifang

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DY NAM IC CHANGE OF EP ID ERM AL STEM CELL S IN THE WOUND HEAL ING COURSE OF D IABETIC RATSg 693 (diabetes m ellitus, DM ) (ep iderm al stem cells, ESC s), ESC s DM 48 W istar,, 180 200 g DM, 24 DM DM 115 cm 118 cm 2154 cm 2 ( 96 ), 3 7 14 21, ;, H E 19 (keratin 19, K19) Β1, 3 7 14 21, 24148%

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= R s - jx s = R 1 +

= R s - jx s = R 1 + 18 19 3 2003 5 T ransactions of the CSA E V o l. 19 N o. 3 M ay 2003,,, (, 150030) :,, 4,,,, : ; ; : S125 : A : 100226819 (2003) 0320018205 1 1 = R s - jx s = R 1 + 1gR 2 + 1gr + jξc Z = V gi ;,, Co le-

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Couplage dans les applications interactives de grande taille

Couplage dans les applications interactives de grande taille Couplage dans les applications interactives de grande taille Jean-Denis Lesage To cite this version: Jean-Denis Lesage. Couplage dans les applications interactives de grande taille. Réseaux et télécommunications

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A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA 55 6 2000 11 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 6 N ov., 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 0620744207, (, 510070) :, 6 87, 3 ( ), 1485 1897, 3 1485 1527 1606 1767 1835 1897, 2 3 016, - 1 : ; ; : P53416;

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ACI sécurité informatique KAA (Key Authentification Ambient)

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Νόµοςπεριοδικότητας του Moseley:Η χηµική συµπεριφορά (οι ιδιότητες) των στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού.

Νόµοςπεριοδικότητας του Moseley:Η χηµική συµπεριφορά (οι ιδιότητες) των στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού. Νόµοςπεριοδικότητας του Moseley:Η χηµική συµπεριφορά (οι ιδιότητες) των στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού. Περιοδικός πίνακας: α. Είναι µια ταξινόµηση των στοιχείων κατά αύξοντα

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rs r r â t át r st tíst Ó P ã t r r r â

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copula, 5 3 Copula Κ L = lim System s Engineering M ay., 2006 : (2006) ,,, copula Ξ A rch im edean copula (Joe,

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Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Tsinghua Tongfang Optical Disc Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. 2004 3 4 1 Ch in J Pancreato l, M arch 2004, V o l. 4, N o. 1 5 (severe acute pancreatitis, SA P), SA P 32,, 4 : (N S) (tetrandrine, T et) (ch inese m edicine qing yi tang, CM Q ) T et + CM Q 12 h, 6 h,,

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Changes in Activ ities of Three Enzym es A ssoc ia ted w ith Starch Syn thesis in R ice Gra in s dur ing Gra in F illing

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A R, H ilbert2h uang T ran sfo rm and A R M odel

A R, H ilbert2h uang T ran sfo rm and A R M odel 004 10 10 : 10006788 (004) 1000906 H ilberth uang A R,, (, 41008) : H ilberth uang A R H ilberth uang IM F ( Intrinsic M ode Function), IM F, IM F A R, M ahalanobis,, : H ilberth uang ; ; ; A R ; ; : TH

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G IS N N E E, , km 2, 92% A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA 55 4 2000 7 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 4 July, 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 0420407210 G IS,, (, 100101) : G IS, 1982 1997 ;, : ; ; ; G IS; : F301124; F29312; N 94511 : A 20 80 90, [1, 2

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J. of Math. (PRC) Banach, , X = N(T ) R(T + ), Y = R(T ) N(T + ). Vol. 37 ( 2017 ) No. 5

J. of Math. (PRC) Banach, , X = N(T ) R(T + ), Y = R(T ) N(T + ). Vol. 37 ( 2017 ) No. 5 Vol. 37 ( 2017 ) No. 5 J. of Math. (PRC) 1,2, 1, 1 (1., 225002) (2., 225009) :. I +AT +, T + = T + (I +AT + ) 1, T +. Banach Hilbert Moore-Penrose.. : ; ; Moore-Penrose ; ; MR(2010) : 47L05; 46A32 : O177.2

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( Iso2 IM O SBO S FO S XO S Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) July 2006 , ;

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mm % H 2O 2 10 m in SABC (Strep t A vidin2b io tin Comp lex)

mm % H 2O 2 10 m in SABC (Strep t A vidin2b io tin Comp lex) 34 11 () V o l. 34 N o. 11 2006 11 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) N ov. 2006 α 1, 2, 1 (1, 710062; 2, 714000) [](testo sterone, T ) (B atrachup erus tibetanus),,

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The p re pa ra tion a nd a ntiba c te ria l a c tiv ity in vitro of be rbe rine hyd rochlo ric na nom e te r m ic roem uls ion

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IL - 13 /IL - 18 ELISA PCR RT - PCR. IL - 13 IL - 18 mrna. 13 IL - 18 mrna IL - 13 /IL Th1 /Th2

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F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE

F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE 839 1, 1, 2, 2 1Ξ, (11, 110015; 21, 110016) : 10, 10, 10, 10,,,,,,, 27 14, 10 ( 7 ), 9 : ; ; : R 283; R 286102 : A : 0253 2670 (2006) 06 0839 05 F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE GUO T

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Correction of chromatic aberration for human eyes with diffractive-refractive hybrid elements

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Ch : HÀM S LIÊN TC. Ch bám sát (lp 11 ban CB) Biên son: THANH HÂN A/ MC TIÊU:

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A ( SPA ) Su lfo succin im idyl 62[ 3 2( 22pyridyldith io ) p rop ionam ido ]hexanoate (Su lfo2l C2SPD P) C E2m ail: w

A ( SPA ) Su lfo succin im idyl 62[ 3 2( 22pyridyldith io ) p rop ionam ido ]hexanoate (Su lfo2l C2SPD P) C E2m ail: w V o l. 25 N o. 1 2 0 0 4 1 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 44 49 -C 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3 (1., 400038; 2., 400032; 3. 26, 400060) A T 10M H z, C, 2 5 2C.. 215 16010 m IU gl C 01375 1210 nggml,

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kg, H 2O 14 g, KH 2PO 4 2 g,n H 4C l 3 g, KC l 5 g, CaC l2

kg, H 2O 14 g, KH 2PO 4 2 g,n H 4C l 3 g, KC l 5 g, CaC l2 34 7 () V o l. 34 N o. 7 2006 7 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) July 2006 Ξ 1a, 2, 1a, 1b, 1b (1 a., b., 214036; 2, 230036) [ ], L 2 (M et) ( ) L 2 ( ), 2 (A

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ΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΠΑΝ. Εικόνα 1. Φωτογραφία του γαλαξία μας (από αρχείο της NASA)

ΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΠΑΝ. Εικόνα 1. Φωτογραφία του γαλαξία μας (από αρχείο της NASA) ΓΗ ΚΑΙ ΣΥΜΠΑΝ Φύση του σύμπαντος Η γη είναι μία μονάδα μέσα στο ηλιακό μας σύστημα, το οποίο αποτελείται από τον ήλιο, τους πλανήτες μαζί με τους δορυφόρους τους, τους κομήτες, τα αστεροειδή και τους μετεωρίτες.

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Émergence des représentations perceptives de la parole : Des transformations verbales sensorielles à des éléments de modélisation computationnelle

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; E lm an - ; Fernando [15 ], TCG, Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Jun.

; E lm an - ; Fernando [15 ], TCG, Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Jun. 34 6 () V o l. 34 N o. 6 2006 6 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Jun. 2006 Ξ 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (1, 712100; 2, 066004) [ ], 3, 0. 035 ggml,, (46. 34 0. 52)

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ΝΟΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΠΕΡΙΟ ΙΚΟΤΗΤΑΣ : Οι ιδιότητες των χηµικών στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού.

ΝΟΜΟΣ ΤΗΣ ΠΕΡΙΟ ΙΚΟΤΗΤΑΣ : Οι ιδιότητες των χηµικών στοιχείων είναι περιοδική συνάρτηση του ατοµικού τους αριθµού. 1. Ο ΠΕΡΙΟ ΙΚΟΣ ΠΙΝΑΚΑΣ Οι άνθρωποι από την φύση τους θέλουν να πετυχαίνουν σπουδαία αποτελέσµατα καταναλώνοντας το λιγότερο δυνατό κόπο και χρόνο. Για το σκοπό αυτό προσπαθούν να οµαδοποιούν τα πράγµατα

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STUD IES ON THE GENOTOX IC ITY OF 83- ITS M AJOR M ETABOL ITE 1 HERB IC ID E AND. H eng Zhengchang 1, T O ng 2 1997 9 3 Carcinogenesis T eratogenesis and M utagenesis V o l 9 N o 3 1997 831 1 T O ng 2 1 610041 2 D ivision of R esp irato ry D isease Studies,N IO SH,U SA Am es V 79 H PR T (SCE) 831 ( ) 2, 4 6 (DCA

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Solving an Air Conditioning System Problem in an Embodiment Design Context Using Constraint Satisfaction Techniques

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Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) A p ril 2006 , ( P < 0.

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300071; 3. , ) E2m ail: 263. net CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES CH 2CO 2H N H H N

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A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA 54 4 1999 7 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 54, N o. 4 July, 1999 : 037525444 (1999) 0420299210 2, (, 510275) :,,, 2,, : ; 2; : F2992127: A,, :,,, [1 ] ; 1995, GD P 52129% 51136%, [2 ] ;, [3 ] 2,

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SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. Fully Automated Total Metals and Chromium Speciation Single Platform Introduction System for ICP-MS

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P P Ó P. r r t r r r s 1. r r ó t t ó rr r rr r rí st s t s. Pr s t P r s rr. r t r s s s é 3 ñ

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U (x, y ) = : K (x i- x k) K (x i- x k, y j- y l), 2. 1

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Protease-catalysed Direct Asymmetric Mannich Reaction in Organic Solvent

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10 mm 10 mm 20 mm, 180 # 240 # 600 # 800 # # 2 mm 2 mm, TR IBOLO GY Sep, 2004

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