F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE

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1 839 1, 1, 2, 2 1Ξ, (11, ; 21, ) : 10, 10, 10, 10,,,,,,, 27 14, 10 ( 7 ), 9 : ; ; : R 283; R : A : (2006) F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE GUO T ao 1, SU I Y in 1, SUN Y i 2, L I Fa2m ei 2, GAO Sheng2chuan 1 (11 D epartm ent of Pharm acy, T he General Ho sp ital of Shenyang M ilitary R egion, Shenyang , Ch ina; 21 Co llege of Pharm acy, Shenyang Pharm aceu tical U n iversity, Shenyang , Ch ina) Abstract: Objective To develop a m ethod of quality con tro l fo r fingerp rin ts of X in shu O ral L iqu id1 M ethods Based on electropho regram of ten batches of genu ine R ad ix A ng elicae S inensis (RA S), ten batches of genu ine R h iz om a Chuanx iong (RC), and ten batches of genu ine F los Ca rtham i (FC ) by h igh perfo rm ance cap illary electropho resis (H PCE) to com pare the fingerp rin ts betw een X in shu O rall iqu id and the genu ine m edicinal herb s, single herb decoction, nagetive con tro l herb so lu tion, respectively1 T he fin2 gerp rin t assignm en t w as m ade by com paring the UV spectra and relative m igration tim e1 Results To com pare the fingerp rin ts of ten sam p les from differen t batches and single herb, the co rrelation of peak s be2 tw een fingerp rings w as found1 F inally the standard fingerp rin ts and the m ethod of quality con tro l w ere estab lished1 Conclusion Based on the fingerp rin ts of ten batches of p rearation s, an average electro2pho re2 gram w as u sed as the standard fingerp rin t1 T here are 27 comm on peak s in the fingerp rin t, am ong them 14 from RA S, ten from RC (in w h ich seven are comm non) and n ine from FC1 Key words: X in shu O ral L iqu id; fingerp rin ts; h igh perfo rm ance cap illary electropho resis (H PCE) H P 3D G1600A ( A gilen t, ) ; A S5150A ( ) ;, (, ), 10 ( ) 10 (, ) 10 ( ), 10, ; ( ), ( ) ( ) ; (10 ml g, 10 ) Ξ :

2 840 Ch inese Traditional and Herbal D rugs : 50 mm o lgl, 10 mm o lgl, 2% (ph 916), 24 kv 40 mm o lgl, 40 mm o lgl, 5% (ph 819), 24 kv 50 mm o lg L, 18% (ph 917), 24 kv 105 mm o lgl (ph 917), 0 30 m in kv, m in 28 kv 210 nm, 5 kpa 5 s, m o lgl m in, F ig11 Electrophoregram s of reference substances 8 m in [ 1 3 ] 212 : m g 40 m g 40 m g, 60%, 50 ml, 0145 Λm, A : 12B 12ferulic acid 22adeno sine 32Pentobarbital sodium 42R ifamp icin 52rutin 62quercetin, 0145 Λm,,, 213 : 2 2 (A) (B) (C) F ig12 3D UV Electrophorogram of extracts of RAS (A), RC (B), and FC (C) : 5,,, h, R SD R SD 110%, 018%, R SD 416% R SD 415%, R SD 113%, 24 h R SD 512% :, R SD 116%, R SD 0145 Λm, 3 612% 215 : : 1,, [ 4, 5 ] h,, R SD 019%, R SD 411% 10, 27 R SD 019%,, R SD 419% 13, 18, 27 R SD 112%, R SD % , 1, 2

3 841 3 (A) (B) (C) (D ) (E) (F) (G) F ig13 Electrophorogram s of X in shu Oral liquid (A), decoction s of RAS (B), RC decoction (C), FC decoction (D ), negative sam ples without RAS (E), without RC (F), and without FC (G) 1 10 Table 1 Relative m igration tim e of f ingerpr in t for ten batches of X in shu Oral L iquid RSD g% , , 6, 17 12, 16, 19, 10, 10 10, 17 10, 27 4, 11 13, 18, 27,

4 842 Ch inese Traditional and Herbal D rugs Table 2 Relative peak area of f ingerpr in t for ten batches of X in shu Oral L iquid RSD g% ,,, 10,, 24, 3, 2 3 ; Table 3 Recogn itive of correlative peak in f ingerpr in ts, between X in shu Oral L iquid and single herbs m in, 45 m in, 45 m in , 17, 2 ;, m in, 40 m in, 40 m in , ,, 3 ;

5 843, References: m in, 50 m in, 50 m in 314, ), 2003, 23 (5) : 3481,, , (14 ), (10 ), (9 ) [ 1 ] Chen Y, Cheng Z Y, H an F M, et al1 Q uantitative analysis of ferulic acid content in D anggui by h igh perfo rm ance cap illary electropho resis [J ]1 Ch in J A nal Chem ( ), 1999, 27 (12) : [ 2 ] Guo T, Sun Y, Sui Y, et al1 D eterm ination of ferulic acid adeno sine in A ngelica sinensis by m licellar electrokinetic cap il2 lary ch rom atography [J ]1 Ch in J P harm A nal ( [ 3 ] Sun Y, Guo T, Sui Y, et al1 D eterm ination of adeno sine, rutin and quercetin in Cartham us tinctorius by H PCE [J ]1 A cta P harm S in ( ), 2003, 38 (4) : 2831 [ 4 ] W ang L X, X iao H B, L iang X M, et al1 V ecto rial angle m ethod fo r evaluating the sim ilarity betw een two ch rom a2 to2 graphic fingerp rints of Chinese herb1 [J ]1 A cta P harm S in ( ), 2002, 37 (9) : [ 5 ] W ang X H, A n R, Zou Y, et al1 A pp lication of ch rom ato2 graph2digitized fingerp rint spectrum in identification of m edici2 nal m aterials and qualitative contro l of Shuang2 huanglian p reparation [J ]1 Ch in T rad it H erb D rug s ( ), 2002, 33 (2) : , 3 Ξ,,,, (, ) :, ; 2H PL C,, 1 3, ;, ; 98 nm, ( ) % (n= 3) : ; ; ; : R : A : (2006) Prepara tion of brev iscap ine proliposom e by f luid ized bed coa ting m ethod L E I Guo2feng, D EN G Y ing2jie, ZHAN G L i2na, ZHON G H ai2jun, L I Zhe, ZHAN G Yong (Schoo l of Pharm acy, Shenyang Pharm aceu tical U n iversity, Shenyang , Ch ina) Abstract: Objective To enhance the o ral b ioavailab ility of b reviscap ine and investigate the feasib ility of p reparing the p ro lipo som e of b reviscap ine by flu idized bed coating m ethod1m ethods T he flu idized bed coating m ethod w as u sed to p repare b reviscap ine p ro lipo som e and u ltrafiltration2h PL C w as app lied to de2 term ination of the encap su lation efficiency1 T he influence facto rs on encap su lation efficiency including car2 riers, drug2lip id w eigh t ratio, in let air tem peratu re, sp ray rate, and sp ray air vo lum e w ere investigated1 Results W hen the carrier w as so rb ito l and the drug2lip id w eigh t ratio w as under 1 3, the encap su lation efficiency cou ld be h igher1 In let air tem peratu re, sp ray rate, and sp ray air vo lum e had som e effects on the encap su lation efficiency1 By the m ethod, the flu idity of the p ro lipo som e granu les w as w ell and the particle size distribu tion ratio of them w as un ifo rm ; the m ean particle size of lipo som al fo rm u lation of b reviscap ine after rehydration w as 98 nm, and the encap su lation efficiency w as ( ) % (n= 3) 1 Conclusion It is feasib le to p repare the b reviscap ine p ro lipo som e w ith flu idized bed coating m ethod1 Key words: b reviscap ine; p ro lipo som e; flu idized bed; encap su lation efficiency :

26 3 V o l. 26 N o A cta Eco logiae A n im alis Dom astici M ay ,

26 3 V o l. 26 N o A cta Eco logiae A n im alis Dom astici M ay , 26 3 V o l. 26 N o. 3 2005 5 A cta Eco logiae A n im alis Dom astici M ay 2005,,,,, (, 524088) [ ] 1 200, 3,, 28 31, 83 87%, 1 2 0. 1% 0. 3% : 1 38 47 (P < 0. 05), 48 57 1 (P < 0. 05),,, 1 (P > 0. 05)

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F ig. 1 Flow chart of comprehen sive design in the research of com patibil ity. E2m ail: ac. cn

F ig. 1 Flow chart of comprehen sive design in the research of com patibil ity. E2m ail: ac. cn V o l. 25 N o. 9 2 0 0 4 9 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 1632 1636,,,, (, 116011) H PL C2PAD 2M S,,.,. H PL C2PAD 2M S.,.,,. 2 ; ; O 652. 7 A 025120790 (2004) 0921632205,,., [1 5 ]

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GPS, 0. 5 kg ( In tegrated Fertility Index, IF I) 1. 1 SPSS 10. IF I = 34 11 () V o l. 34 N o. 11 2006 11 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) N ov. 2006 α 1, 1, 2, 1 (1, 450002; 2, 410007) [ ]12 () 1 612,, ( IF I ) : (1), ( ) ( ), ph

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(H ipp op hae rham noid es L. ) , ; SHB 2g , 1. 0, 2. 0, 3. 0, 4. 0, 5. 0 ml mm. : Y = X - 0. 34 10 () V o l. 34 N o. 10 2006 10 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) O cṫ 2006 Ξ 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 2, 2 (1, 712081; 2, 712100; 3, 123000) [ ],,, : V ( ) V ( 95% ) =

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The toxicity of three chitin synthesis inhibitors to Calliptamus italicus Othoptera Acridoidea

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Η βραχόπτωση της 17/12/09 στα Στενά των Τεµπών, σε σχέση µε τις δονήσεις των ανατινάξεων διάνοιξης της νέας οδικής Σήραγγας

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ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑΣ ΠΑΝΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΙΟ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΙΑΣ Πρόγραμμα Μεταπτυχιακών Σπουδών του Τμήματος Bioyiiudac & Βιοτετνολονίας «Βιοτεχνολογία - Ποιότητα Διατροφής & Περιβάλλοντος» υγγιατ'1 '-ε,λχ-βε0τ Χ ϊο4ο Γ/4ΐ/ '****f*tf*wftieg{

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Error ana lysis of P2wave non2hyperbolic m oveout veloc ity in layered media

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Synthesis of Imines from Amines in Aliphatic Alcohols on Pd/ZrO 2 Catalyst at Ambient Conditions

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N 120 kgghm 2, m (N ) m (P 2O 5) m (K 2O ) = ,

N 120 kgghm 2, m (N ) m (P 2O 5) m (K 2O ) = , 34 11 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 11 2006 11 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) N ov. 2006 α 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 3 (1, 450002; 2, 610000; 3, 409600) [],,, 3 6 25 62 252

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On Channel-adaptive Error Con trol Techn ique V ideo Comm un ication

On Channel-adaptive Error Con trol Techn ique V ideo Comm un ication 21 10 V o l. 21 N o. 10 Con trol and D ecision 2006 10 O ct. 2006 : 100120920 (2006) 1021153206,, (, 100084) :,,.,,.,,. : ; ; ; : T P18 : A On Channel-adaptive Error Con trol Techn ique V ideo Comm un

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IL - 13 /IL - 18 ELISA PCR RT - PCR. IL - 13 IL - 18 mrna. 13 IL - 18 mrna IL - 13 /IL Th1 /Th2

IL - 13 /IL - 18 ELISA PCR RT - PCR. IL - 13 IL - 18 mrna. 13 IL - 18 mrna IL - 13 /IL Th1 /Th2 344 IL - 13 /IL - 18 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 13 18 IL - 13 /IL - 18 10% / OVA /AL OH 3 5% 16 ~ 43 d 44 d ELISA BALF IL - 13 IL - 18 PCR RT - PCR IL - 13 IL - 18 mrna IL - 13 mrna 0. 01 IL - 18 mrna 0.

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V isualization of the functional or ien tation column s in the cat v isual cortex by in vivo optical imag ing based on in tr in sic signals

V isualization of the functional or ien tation column s in the cat v isual cortex by in vivo optical imag ing based on in tr in sic signals 355 : 1 2 1 1 2 3 (11 200433; 21 230027; 31 100101) [ ] [ ] ; ; ; V isualization of the functional or ien tation column s in the cat v isual cortex by in vivo optical imag ing based on in tr in sic signals

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TR IBOLO GY July, %. [1 3 ]. [7, 8 ], , mm mm , 350 # 700 # 900 # 1. 1 PAN. R a = Λm, : ( ).

TR IBOLO GY July, %. [1 3 ]. [7, 8 ], , mm mm , 350 # 700 # 900 # 1. 1 PAN. R a = Λm, : ( ). 25 4 V o l 25, N o 4 2005 7 TR IBOLO GY July, 2005 M os2 PTFE 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 (1., 730000; 2., 100039) : 2 PT FE M os2, M os2, X. : M os2, PT FE ; M os2 5% 15%,M os2 ; M os2 10%,M os2 ;, M os2 ; 240,,

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Fe, Cu, Zn,M n, Se I 54. 0, 9. 2, 11. 0, 66. 5, 0. 08, m ggkg, 100%, 200%, 300%

Fe, Cu, Zn,M n, Se I 54. 0, 9. 2, 11. 0, 66. 5, 0. 08, m ggkg, 100%, 200%, 300% 31 2 ( ) V o l. 31 N o. 2 2003 4 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) A p ṙ 2003 Ξ 1, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3 (1, 712100; 2, 711700; 3, 712100) []170 540 3, 3, (P > 0. 05),

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W eb. W eb Information Extraction Based on Tree Structure. REN Zhong- sheng 1, XUE Y ong- sheng 2

W eb. W eb Information Extraction Based on Tree Structure. REN Zhong- sheng 1, XUE Y ong- sheng 2 25 3 2009 5 ( ) Journal of Fujian N o rm al U niversity (N atural Science Edition) V o l125 N o13 M ay 2009 : 100025277 (2009) 0320039208 W eb 1, 2 (11, 350108; 21, 361005) : W eb. H TM L, H TM L,,.,,,.,

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SIEMENS Squirrel Cage Induction Standard Three-phase Motors

SIEMENS Squirrel Cage Induction Standard Three-phase Motors - SIEMENS Squirrel Cage Induction Standard Three-phase Motors 2 pole 3000 rpm 50Hz Rated current Power Efficiency Rated Ratio Noise Output Frame Speed Weight 3V 400V 415V factor Class 0%Load 75%Load torque

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V o l. 53, N o. 3 M ay, 1998 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA ) m 3 gs,

V o l. 53, N o. 3 M ay, 1998 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA ) m 3 gs, 53 3 1998 5 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 53, N o. 3 M ay, 1998 (, 11201), 1,,,, [1, 2 ] 60 00 m 3 gs, 266 300 m 3 gs, 01226 8 [2 ],,, 2 A B ( 1a),,, 1a E F, E F, CN F ( 1b), 1a A CN F 1b A Cf,

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,,,. , 1. 2 1. 1. 1 BM B 005 ( ] 1. 1. 2 , SJM - IM L - 90 ( V ellank [ 15 ] 1. 2. 1 1. 5 2. 0 2. 5 3. 0. 49. 7 58. 5 67. 3 76. 1 84.

,,,. , 1. 2 1. 1. 1 BM B 005 ( ] 1. 1. 2 , SJM - IM L - 90 ( V ellank [ 15 ] 1. 2. 1 1. 5 2. 0 2. 5 3. 0. 49. 7 58. 5 67. 3 76. 1 84. 21 2 2005 2 T ransactions of the CSA E V o l. 21 N o. 2 Feb. 2005 25,,, (,,, 430070) : 30 75 750 rgm in,,,, A rrhenius,, : ; ; ; : Q 81 : A : 100226819 (2005) 0220025205,,,. [J ]., 2005, 21 (2): 25-29.

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A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA 55 6 2000 11 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 6 N ov., 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 0620744207, (, 510070) :, 6 87, 3 ( ), 1485 1897, 3 1485 1527 1606 1767 1835 1897, 2 3 016, - 1 : ; ; : P53416;

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Im pact of capac ity a lloca tion on bullwh ip effect in supply cha in

Im pact of capac ity a lloca tion on bullwh ip effect in supply cha in 7 4 00 8 JOU RNAL O F SYST EM S EN G IN EER IN G V o l 7 N o 4 A ug 00 ( 30007) : - - - : ; ; ; ; : F5 : A : 000578 (00) 04034009 Im pact of capac ity a lloca tio o bullwh ip effect i supply cha i W AN

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Οι απόψεις και τα συμπεράσματα που περιέχονται σε αυτό το έγγραφο, εκφράζουν τον συγγραφέα και δεν πρέπει να ερμηνευτεί ότι αντιπροσωπεύουν τις

Οι απόψεις και τα συμπεράσματα που περιέχονται σε αυτό το έγγραφο, εκφράζουν τον συγγραφέα και δεν πρέπει να ερμηνευτεί ότι αντιπροσωπεύουν τις Οι απόψεις και τα συμπεράσματα που περιέχονται σε αυτό το έγγραφο, εκφράζουν τον συγγραφέα και δεν πρέπει να ερμηνευτεί ότι αντιπροσωπεύουν τις επίσημες θέσεις των εξεταστών. i ΠΡΟΛΟΓΟΣ ΕΥΧΑΡΙΣΤΙΕΣ Η παρούσα

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(CHD ), (Β= , P < 0101) ; P I P I ( IGT ) (T G) (LDL 2C) CHD R R R ,, P < 0101)

(CHD ), (Β= , P < 0101) ; P I P I ( IGT ) (T G) (LDL 2C) CHD R R R ,, P < 0101) 21 6 1 9 9 9 1 2 A CTA A CAD EM IA E M ED IC INA E S IN ICA E V o l. 21, N o. 6 D ecem ber, 1999 # 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 α (, 100005) 628 1948 1954 (CHD ) (Β= - 010018, P < 0101) ; (P I),, (P I 24 kggm 3 ) OR

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Study on the Strengthen Method of Masonry Structure by Steel Truss for Collapse Prevention

Study on the Strengthen Method of Masonry Structure by Steel Truss for Collapse Prevention 33 2 2011 4 Vol. 33 No. 2 Apr. 2011 1002-8412 2011 02-0096-08 1 1 1 2 3 1. 361005 3. 361004 361005 2. 30 TU746. 3 A Study on the Strengthen Method of Masonry Structure by Steel Truss for Collapse Prevention

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ss rt çã r s t Pr r Pós r çã ê t çã st t t ê s 1 t s r s r s r s r q s t r r t çã r str ê t çã r t r r r t r s

ss rt çã r s t Pr r Pós r çã ê t çã st t t ê s 1 t s r s r s r s r q s t r r t çã r str ê t çã r t r r r t r s P P P P ss rt çã r s t Pr r Pós r çã ê t çã st t t ê s 1 t s r s r s r s r q s t r r t çã r str ê t çã r t r r r t r s r t r 3 2 r r r 3 t r ér t r s s r t s r s r s ér t r r t t q s t s sã s s s ér t

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