, cm ; C (h), , cm 3 g cm - 3 g d - 1, , cm ; E (t), cm g d - 1 ; hl (t) 1 h (z, t) h 2. ], d - 1 ; T p ; L nrd (z ) h (L, t) = hl (t) t > 0 (4)

Μέγεθος: px
Εμφάνιση ξεκινά από τη σελίδα:

Download ", cm ; C (h), , cm 3 g cm - 3 g d - 1, , cm ; E (t), cm g d - 1 ; hl (t) 1 h (z, t) h 2. ], d - 1 ; T p ; L nrd (z ) h (L, t) = hl (t) t > 0 (4)"


1 T ransactions of the CSA E V o l. 20 N o. 4 July ( ) : : : ; ; ; ; : S152. 7; S : A : (2004) [ 9 - ] [ 1 ] [ 2-7 ] [ 2 8 ] W u [ 9 ] ; D irk sen C (h) 5h 5t = 5 K (h) ( 5h - 1) - S (z t) (1) 5z 5z [ 10 ] Hom aee [ 5 ] M u sters Bou ten [ 7 ] h (z 0) = h 0 (z ) 0 z L (2) ; Coelho O r [ 11 ] M u sters Bou ten [ 7 ] V rugt [ 12 ] - K (h) ( 5h 5z - 1) = - E (t) t > 0 (3) z = 0 h (L t) = hl (t) t > 0 (4) [ 13 ; ] [ ] Zuo Zhang [ 16 ] h cm ; C (h) cm - 1 ; K (h) cm g d - 1 ; S (z t) cm 3 g cm - 3 g d - 1 ; L cm L L r L r cm ; E (t) cm g d - 1 ; hl (t) cm ; z cm ; t d [ ] S (z t) [ ] S (z t) = Χ(h)S m ax (z ) = Χ(h) T p L r L nrd (z ) (5) Y (z ) - L nrd (z ) = (6) 1 L r L r Y (z ) dz 0-0 h (z t) h 1 Θ h (z t) - h 2 Χ(h) = 1 - h 1 < h (z t) < h 2 h 1 - h 2 : : : 863 (2001AA ) ; : (1965- ) Em ail: qiangzuo@cau. edu. cn 1 h (z t) h 2 [ ] [ 2 8 S m ax ] d - 1 ; T p cm g d - 1 [ 9 ; L nrd (z ) ] ; Y (z ) cm g cm - 3 ; Χ(h) (7)

2 [ 7 ] h 1 h 2 Χ(h) cm h (z t) h 2 Χ(h) h (z t) h 1 Χ(h) = 0; Θ T p L r Η 3 (z 2T ) ; 2T Η(z 1. 2 L nrd (z ) (5) S (z T ) = T 1 T S (z t) d t 0 T pl nrd (z ) L r Χ[h (z 0) ] + Χ[h (z T ) ] 2 (8) SNA P SCAN 1236 ( A GFA ) (8) W inrh IZO ( R egen t L nrd (z ) In strum en ts ) : Η(z 0) Η(z T ) ; [ ] S (z 0 T ) ; L nrd (z ) ; 0 2T T p L r L nrd (z ) L nrd (z ) (5) 0 2T ; (1) (4) 2T Χ D irk sen [ 10 ] 2T ) Η 3 (z 2T ) Η(z T ) Η(z 2T ) Hom aee [ 5 ] : [ 21 Χ ] h Χ(h) Χ(h) h 1. 3 ( ) [ 8 ] 45 cm 10 PV C M u sters Bou ten [ 7 ] (7) g cm cm cm Χ(h) h 1 h 2 M u sters Bou ten [ 7 ] h 1 = cm h 2 = - 64 cm Θ h 1 h cm 4 2 [ 7 ] 450 Θ : hm - 2 ( ) 3 cm : Y (z ) ( (5) ) Θ Θ 3 : R 3 (S S E ) d S S E ; W 1 6 d Θ S S E Θ R 50% ; W 2 6 d Θ 70% R W 1 ( ) 13 : 3 ; 5 10 ( 6 d R W 1 2 ) 5 W 2 3 ( ) Θ d 1 (t = 0 T ) Η(z 0) Η(z T ) 0 T S (z T ) [15 16 ] h 0 T T p L r Y (z ) : PV C PV C 4 cm 25 cm 20 cm 1) E: R W 1 3 (8) 0 T (

3 4 : 3 ) R W cm E g d - 1 E = cm d - 1 ( 2. 0 m 3. 0 m ) 2) T p: E T R R E T E ( ) T p 3) : van Genuch ten [ 22 ] 5 d ΗS = cm 3 cm - 3 Ηr = cm 3 cm - 3 ; Α= : 1 6 ) cm - 1 n = m = mm m = 1-1gn 4) K (h) : van Genuch ten [ 22 ] K S = cm d cm (FW cm : 0 70 cm 70 cm 3 1 T able 1 So il hydraulic param eters in the field experim ent gcm K S gcm g d - 1 ΗS gcm 3 g cm - 3 Ηrgcm 3 g cm - 3 Αgcm - 1 n : 3 Θ= 4 10 cm 15 cm (5) ( 15 cm 2) W : 1 ) E: [ M icro lysim eter (M L s) ] M L s [14 ] ( : Sarto riu s W eender L andstrasse ; : ) 0 15 kg : 7 kg 0. 2 g; 7 kg 0. 5 g 2) T p : Penm an E T p [ 24 ] E p [ 25 ] T p = E T p - E p : Θ 1 W 1 W 2 W 2 F ig. 1 M easured so il w ater content p rofiles fo r treatm ent W 1 and W 2 and the sim ulated one fo r treatm ent W 2 in the co lum n experim ent W ( 1) ( 2) (7) Θ : Θ= (7) Θ

4 W 1 W 2 F ig. 4 M easured so il w ater content distributions F ig. 2 M easured roo t length density distributions fo r treatm ent W 1 and W 2 in the co lum n experim ent 4 W 1 fo r treatm ent W 1 in the co lum n experim ent 6 Θ Θ= F ig. 3 Comparisons betw een the m easured and the FW sim ulated so il w ater content distributions fo r P lo t 6 in the field experim ent 6 2 ( L nrd (z ) ( W 1) W ( 4) W 1 L nrd (z ) 5 : ( ) (8) : (8) ; 5 W 1 L nrd (z ) F ig. 5 Comparisons betw een the m easured and the estim ated no rm alized relative roo t length density distributions fo r treatm ent W 1 in the co lum n experim ent ) L nrd (z ) cm F ig. 6 M easured so il w ater content distributions L nrd (z ) fo r P lo t 6 in the field experim ent : 0 10 cm L nrd (z )

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6 Symp Soc Exp B io l[c ] : [25 ] R itch ie J T. A model fo r p redicting evapo ration from a row crop w ith incomp lete cover[j ]. W ater R esour R es : Abstract: Estimating normalized root length den sity d istr ibution of win ter wheat using m easured so il water con ten t prof iles Zuo Q ia ng M e ng Le i W a ng D ong (Colleg e of R esou rces and E nv ironm ent and K ey L aboratory of P lant2s oil Interactions M inistry of E d ucation Ch ina A g ricu ltu ral U niversity B eij ing Ch ina) It is very difficu lt even no t im po ssib le to m easu re roo t den sity tim ely and accu rately especially in the field. How ever it is an essen t ia l p a ram eter fo r roo t study. In th is study an app roach to est im a t ing the no rm alized roo t length den sity distribu tion w as p ropo sed w h ich w as based on tw o m easu red so il w ater con ten t p rofiles and the inverse m ethod to estim ate the average roo t2w ater2up take rate. T he app roach w as also u sed to estim ate the no rm alized roo t length den sity distribu tion s of w in ter w heat grow n in so il co lum n s and in the field. T he resu lts show ed that the app roach w as reliab le to estim ate the no rm alized distribu tion s of relative roo t length den sity com pared w ith the m easu red valueṡ T herefo re the estim ated effective roo t den sity param eter can be p rovided fo r roo t2w ater2up take m odels and so il w ater flow can be sim u lated con tinuou sly even w ithou t any m easu red roo t den sity info rm ation. Key words: no rm alized roo t den sity; roo t2w ater2up take rate; so il w ater; inverse m ethod

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Bank A ssetgl iab ility Sheet w ith Em bedded Op tion s

Bank A ssetgl iab ility Sheet w ith Em bedded Op tion s 00 8 8 : 10006788 (00) 08005506, (, 710049) :,, ;, ; : ; ; ; ; ; : F830 : A α Con tro l O ver In terest R ate R isk of Bank A ssetgl iab ility Sheet w ith Em bedded Op tion s LU O D aw ei, W AN D ifang

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D esign and Imp lem en tation of Parallel Genetic A lgo rithm

D esign and Imp lem en tation of Parallel Genetic A lgo rithm 2004 6 6 : 100026788 (2004) 0620061206 1, 2, 1 2, (1., 230027; 2., 230039) : PGA, : ; ; : T P301. 6 : A D esign and Imp lem en tation of Parallel Genetic A lgo rithm fo r F inding Roo ts Comp lex Functional

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,, 1 mm,, : 250 g, 200 g, 120 g, 50 g 1. 1. 2 50 2 450 g T, 80, , ;,, ,,,,, 1. 2. 1%, 2%, 3% 2005209230 11230, 15 d, 60 d ( ) 1 2 1.

,, 1 mm,, : 250 g, 200 g, 120 g, 50 g 1. 1. 2 50 2 450 g T, 80, , ;,, ,,,,, 1. 2. 1%, 2%, 3% 2005209230 11230, 15 d, 60 d ( ) 1 2 1. 34 6 ( ) V o l. 34 N o. 6 2006 6 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A ri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Jun. 2006 Ξ,, (, 712100) [ ] 80 50 T,, 16,,, 1%, 2%, 3%,,,,,, 2% T,LH, FSH (P < 0. 05); T, L

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1999, 17 (1): J ourna l of W uhan B otan ica l Resea rch ( ) ( ) 2, 3. (Celosia cristata L. ),

1999, 17 (1): J ourna l of W uhan B otan ica l Resea rch ( ) ( ) 2, 3. (Celosia cristata L. ), 1999, 17 (1): 15 20 J ourna l of W uhan B otan ica l Resea rch Ξ ( 210013) (210095),, W HO g FAO, 3, 10, 3 ( ) 2317% 2714%,, 83147% 86194%, (EAA ) 4012% 4117%, (M et+ Cys) 10,,,,,,,,,,, 1 (Celosia cristata

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Jou rnal of M athem atical Study

Jou rnal of M athem atical Study 38 4 2005 12 Jou rnal of M athem atical Study V ol 38 o 4 D ec 2005 α (, 361005),, (SVV ), SVV, SVV, SVV - H elm holtz, (SEM ); (SVV ); O 174 52 A 1,, 1g, ( ),, 80,, ( [ 4 ]),,,, (e g [ 1 ]),, Gibbs,,,,,,

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:,UV IKON 810, 700 nm. DU 27Spectropho to neter 1. 1 U S2KT P

:,UV IKON 810, 700 nm. DU 27Spectropho to neter 1. 1 U S2KT P 31 3 ( ) V o l. 31 N o. 3 2003 6 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) June 2003 Ξ,,,, (, 712100) [],, 100, 217,, 18, 8,, 36. 34, 1. 32, 2. 4 : 1 15 45 2 h, 2 10 70

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17 1 V o l. 17 N o CH IN ESE JOU RNAL O F COM PU TA T IONAL M ECHAN ICS February 2000 : A

17 1 V o l. 17 N o CH IN ESE JOU RNAL O F COM PU TA T IONAL M ECHAN ICS February 2000 : A 7 V o l. 7 N o. 000 CH IN ESE JOU RNAL O F COM PU TA T IONAL M ECHAN ICS February 000 : 0074708 (000) 000808 Ξ, (, 0098) :,,,,,,, N ew tonr aph son,, : ; ; ; : TU 3933; O 48 : A 80, [, Geiger Fu ller ],

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, , ; ,,, ,,, ; > cm , 62. 5% 66. 5%, 0. 2 g g,, 67% , , ;, , : V o l. 24, N o. 4 A ug.

, , ; ,,, ,,, ; > cm , 62. 5% 66. 5%, 0. 2 g g,, 67% , , ;, , : V o l. 24, N o. 4 A ug. 24 4 2 0 0 5 8 Sichuan W ater Pow er V o l. 24 N o. 4 A ug. 2 0 0 5 ( 611731) : : : TU 435 TU 441 : B : 100122184 (2005) 0420024205 1 3. 1 3. 1. 1 : 1 1 2 : > 0. 25 cm 3. 1. 2 : 62. 5% 66. 5% 0. 2 g 0.

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E stab lish ing Syn thesis Evaluation Index

E stab lish ing Syn thesis Evaluation Index 2004 10 10 100026788 (2004) 1020080209 PL S, (, 100083) PL S (partial least square),, ;,,,, PL S,, PL S ; ; O 212 A T he A pp lication R esearch of Partial L east Square Path M odeling on E stab lish ing

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G IS A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA. V o l. 55, N o. 1 Jan., 2000 : (2000) E2m ail: lreis1ac1cn

G IS A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA. V o l. 55, N o. 1 Jan., 2000 : (2000) E2m ail: lreis1ac1cn 55 1 2000 1 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 1 Jan., 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 01200015210 G IS,,, (, 100101) :,,,,, : ; ; : X91515 : A 1 111,, 3,,,, 112,,,,,,,,,, [1 ] ; ( ) : 1999210207; :

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A ( SPA ) Su lfo succin im idyl 62[ 3 2( 22pyridyldith io ) p rop ionam ido ]hexanoate (Su lfo2l C2SPD P) C E2m ail: w

A ( SPA ) Su lfo succin im idyl 62[ 3 2( 22pyridyldith io ) p rop ionam ido ]hexanoate (Su lfo2l C2SPD P) C E2m ail: w V o l. 25 N o. 1 2 0 0 4 1 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 44 49 -C 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3 (1., 400038; 2., 400032; 3. 26, 400060) A T 10M H z, C, 2 5 2C.. 215 16010 m IU gl C 01375 1210 nggml,

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, 4, 6, 8 m in; 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% 100% 15, 30, 45, 60, s V c

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A multipath QoS routing algorithm based on Ant Net

A multipath QoS routing algorithm based on Ant Net 3 4 Vol. 3. 4 2008 8 CAA I Transactions on Intelligent System s Aug. 2008 AntNet QoS, (, 200237) : AntNet,, QoS, AntNet QoS. QoS,, AntNet QoS,, QoS : ; ; QoS; : TP393 : A : 67324785 (2008) 0420349206 A

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Supporting Information

Supporting Information Supporting Information Aluminum Complexes of N 2 O 2 3 Formazanate Ligands Supported by Phosphine Oxide Donors Ryan R. Maar, Amir Rabiee Kenaree, Ruizhong Zhang, Yichen Tao, Benjamin D. Katzman, Viktor

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On Channel-adaptive Error Con trol Techn ique V ideo Comm un ication

On Channel-adaptive Error Con trol Techn ique V ideo Comm un ication 21 10 V o l. 21 N o. 10 Con trol and D ecision 2006 10 O ct. 2006 : 100120920 (2006) 1021153206,, (, 100084) :,,.,,.,,. : ; ; ; : T P18 : A On Channel-adaptive Error Con trol Techn ique V ideo Comm un

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B id irectional Ind irect Coupled F in ite Elem en tm ethod for Estimating Am pac ity of Power Cable

B id irectional Ind irect Coupled F in ite Elem en tm ethod for Estimating Am pac ity of Power Cable 42 2 o l. 42 N o. 2 V 2010 4 Jou rnal of N an jin U n iversity of A eronau tics & A stronau tics A p r. 2010 1 1 2 2 (1.,, 210016; 2., ) : 3D,,, 2,, 2, 2, 90 C,,, : ; ; ; ; : TM 726. 4: A : 100522615 (2010)

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TR IBOLO GY N ov, 2004 , P I2. , 120 M Pa, P I. 6 mm 7 mm 30 mm [7, 8 ] mm,. JSM 25600LV 1. 1 (EDXA ).

TR IBOLO GY N ov, 2004 , P I2. , 120 M Pa, P I. 6 mm 7 mm 30 mm [7, 8 ] mm,. JSM 25600LV 1. 1 (EDXA ). 24 6 V o l 24, N o 6 2004 11 TR IBOLO GY N ov, 2004,,, (, 730000) : MM 2200 (PT FE) M os2 (P I) GC r15, X P I, PT FE M os2 P I, P I+ 30%M os2, P I 50%. P I+ 10% PT FE+ 20%M os2, P I, P I+ 20% PT FE+ 10%M

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Regula tion Effect of Cultiva ted M ea sures on Gra in Y ield and Bak ing Qua l ity in Bread W hea t

Regula tion Effect of Cultiva ted M ea sures on Gra in Y ield and Bak ing Qua l ity in Bread W hea t 28 6 V ol. 28, N o. 6 2002 11 797802 A CTA A GRONOM ICA S IN ICA pp. 797802N ov., 2002 Ξ 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ( 1, 100081; 2, 301800), :,,,,,,,,,,,, ; ; ; : S512 : A Regula tion Effect of Cultiva ted M ea sures

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( P- V EP, ER G K8,A g- A gc1. V EP s. : oh z 30H z; : 0. 24, 0. 48, 0. 96, 1. 85, %

( P- V EP, ER G K8,A g- A gc1. V EP s. : oh z 30H z; : 0. 24, 0. 48, 0. 96, 1. 85, % 79 (P- V EP) 16 25 33 P- V EP N 1 P 1 ; 0. 8 5m s P- V EP M V T - g 16 ( P- V EP ER G ) : [ 1 ] 10 2. : [ 2 V EP 10-20 ] P- V EP 5K8 A g- A gc1 P - V EP s 3. : : ; : 1. 6H z; : ; : 16 95% ; : oh z 30H

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STUD IES ON THE GENOTOX IC ITY OF 83- ITS M AJOR M ETABOL ITE 1 HERB IC ID E AND. H eng Zhengchang 1, T O ng 2 1997 9 3 Carcinogenesis T eratogenesis and M utagenesis V o l 9 N o 3 1997 831 1 T O ng 2 1 610041 2 D ivision of R esp irato ry D isease Studies,N IO SH,U SA Am es V 79 H PR T (SCE) 831 ( ) 2, 4 6 (DCA

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Comparison of Evapotranspiration between Indigenous Vegetation and Invading Vegetation in a Bog

Comparison of Evapotranspiration between Indigenous Vegetation and Invading Vegetation in a Bog J. Jpn. Soc. Soil Phys. No. +*-, p.-3.1,**0 ** * *** Comparison of Evapotranspiration between Indigenous Vegetation and Invading Vegetation in a Bog Toshiki FUJIMOTO*, Ippei IIYAMA*, Mai SAKAI*, Osamu

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Math 6 SL Probability Distributions Practice Test Mark Scheme

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The Research on Sampling Estimation of Seasonal Index Based on Stratified Random Sampling

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ED SS (Environm en tal D ecision Suppo rt

ED SS (Environm en tal D ecision Suppo rt 55 6 2000 11 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 6 N ov., 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 0620652209 1, 1, 1, 2, 3 (11, 510655; 21, 510000; 31, 511400) : ED SS (Environm ental D ecision Suppo rt System

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SCHOOL OF MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES G11LMA Linear Mathematics Examination Solutions

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V isualization of the functional or ien tation column s in the cat v isual cortex by in vivo optical imag ing based on in tr in sic signals

V isualization of the functional or ien tation column s in the cat v isual cortex by in vivo optical imag ing based on in tr in sic signals 355 : 1 2 1 1 2 3 (11 200433; 21 230027; 31 100101) [ ] [ ] ; ; ; V isualization of the functional or ien tation column s in the cat v isual cortex by in vivo optical imag ing based on in tr in sic signals

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Research Progress of Collecting Ra in Effect in Urban Perv ious Surfaces

Research Progress of Collecting Ra in Effect in Urban Perv ious Surfaces 2 0 2 2 0 0 9 4 Jou rnal of W ater R esou rces &W ater Engineering V o l. 20 N o. 2 A p r., 2009 1, 2, 1, 1 (1., 116024; 2., 116085) :, : ; ;, : : ; ; : TV 122: A : 16722643X (2009) 0220005205 Research

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CHAPTER 25 SOLVING EQUATIONS BY ITERATIVE METHODS CHAPTER 5 SOLVING EQUATIONS BY ITERATIVE METHODS EXERCISE 104 Page 8 1. Find the positive root of the equation x + 3x 5 = 0, correct to 3 significant figures, using the method of bisection. Let f(x) =

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Im pact of capac ity a lloca tion on bullwh ip effect in supply cha in

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F ig. 1 Flow chart of comprehen sive design in the research of com patibil ity. E2m ail: ac. cn

F ig. 1 Flow chart of comprehen sive design in the research of com patibil ity. E2m ail: ac. cn V o l. 25 N o. 9 2 0 0 4 9 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 1632 1636,,,, (, 116011) H PL C2PAD 2M S,,.,. H PL C2PAD 2M S.,.,,. 2 ; ; O 652. 7 A 025120790 (2004) 0921632205,,., [1 5 ]

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2. Chemical Thermodynamics and Energetics - I

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The Changes of Card iova scular Respon se to O rthosta tic Stress Caused by Hypovolem ia Inuced by W e ightlessness: A Sim ula tion Study

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* ** *** *** Jun S HIMADA*, Kyoko O HSUMI**, Kazuhiko O HBA*** and Atsushi M ARUYAMA***

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On- l ine com puter detecting system of p ipel ine leak and its algor ithm

On- l ine com puter detecting system of p ipel ine leak and its algor ithm 19 4 V o l. 19 N o. 4 Con trol and D ecision 2004 4 A p r. 2004 : 100120920 (2004) 0420377206, (, 110004) :,.,,, GPS.. : ; ; ; : T P277 : A On- l ine com puter detecting system of p ipel ine leak and its

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GS3. A liner offset equation of the volumetric water content that capacitance type GS3 soil moisture sensor measured

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1. 2 , N RC (1998) d m g 1

1. 2 , N RC (1998) d m g 1 33 2 () V o l. 33 N o. 2 2005 2 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Feb. 2005 Ξ,,,,, (, 450002) [ ] 48, 6, 8, 0, 40, 60, 80, 100 120 ggkg : (1) (P > 0. 05), (P

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V irus ide ntifica tion a nd sc re e ning v irus ic ide s of pe ppe r v irus d ise a se in S ha a nxi P rov ince

V irus ide ntifica tion a nd sc re e ning v irus ic ide s of pe ppe r v irus d ise a se in S ha a nxi P rov ince 35 1 () V o l. 35 N o. 1 2007 1 Journal of N o rthw est A & F U niversity (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) Jan. 2007 Ξ 1, 2, 2, 1, 1 (1, 712100; 2, 710003) [] 126, 5, DA S2EL ISA,, (CM V ) (TM V ) (T EV ) Y (PV Y) (BBWV

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, 2166 m, 4162 m,,, 29 10 3 m 3 gs, 924 10 8 m 3,, 5 10, 7117%, 11 4, 2813%,, 266 10 3 m 3 gs, ;, ;,,,,,,,,

, 2166 m, 4162 m,,, 29 10 3 m 3 gs, 924 10 8 m 3,, 5 10, 7117%, 11 4, 2813%,, 266 10 3 m 3 gs, ;, ;,,,,,,,, 55 2 2000 3 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 2 M ar., 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 0220243208 1, 1, 2 (11,, 200062; 21, 200002) :, 4,, 3,,,, : ; ; ; ; : P34315; P967 : A,, 80, 1, 2166 m, 4162 m,,,

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1 g, , CO 2 5% CO 2 , 37,, Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) M arch 2004 , 2

1 g, , CO 2 5% CO 2 , 37,, Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) M arch 2004 , 2 32 3 ( ) V o l. 32 N o. 3 2004 3 Jour. of N o rthw est Sci2T ech U niv. of A gri. and Fo r. (N aṫ Sci. Ed. ) M arch 2004 Ξ,,,, (, 712100) [ ],,,, ;,, ;,, ( );,,,,, ;, 2 4 ;, ; ; ; [ ] ; ; ; [ ] S827. 9

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Correction of chromatic aberration for human eyes with diffractive-refractive hybrid elements

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V ladim irov A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.

V ladim irov A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 55 3 2000 5 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 3 M ay, 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 0320257209 1, 2, 1 (11, 100101; 21, 100875) :, 40, 4,, 39, : ; ; ; : P33112; P333; P34311 : A 20 70, 1972 1998

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P P Ó P. r r t r r r s 1. r r ó t t ó rr r rr r rí st s t s. Pr s t P r s rr. r t r s s s é 3 ñ

P P Ó P. r r t r r r s 1. r r ó t t ó rr r rr r rí st s t s. Pr s t P r s rr. r t r s s s é 3 ñ P P Ó P r r t r r r s 1 r r ó t t ó rr r rr r rí st s t s Pr s t P r s rr r t r s s s é 3 ñ í sé 3 ñ 3 é1 r P P Ó P str r r r t é t r r r s 1 t r P r s rr 1 1 s t r r ó s r s st rr t s r t s rr s r q s

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Phys460.nb Solution for the t-dependent Schrodinger s equation How did we find the solution? (not required)

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By R.L. Snyder (Revised March 24, 2005)

By R.L. Snyder (Revised March 24, 2005) Humidity Conversion By R.L. Snyder (Revised March 24, 2005) This Web page provides the equations used to make humidity conversions and tables o saturation vapor pressure. For a pd ile o this document,

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Gro wth Properties of Typical Water Bloom Algae in Reclaimed Water

Gro wth Properties of Typical Water Bloom Algae in Reclaimed Water 31 1 2010 1 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE Vol. 31,No. 1 Jan.,2010, 3, (,, 100084) :,.,, ( Microcystis aeruginosa),3 (A 2 O ) 10 6 ml - 1,> 0139 d - 1. A 2 O222,. TP ( K max ) ( R max ), Monod. :; ; ; ; :X173 :A

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- dp = 1 2 Θdv 2 + dp l (1)

- dp = 1 2 Θdv 2 + dp l (1) 00 3 7 () Journa of X i an Petro eum Institute (N atura Science Edition) : 00536 (00) 0003304 M ar. 00 V o. 7 N o. A New Ca cua tion M ethod of the Pressure D rop Around the W ebore of a Gravepacked Perfora

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(g ) A quanau tics,, , 33. 1%. O , O CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES (,,, )

(g ) A quanau tics,, , 33. 1%. O , O CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES (,,, ) V o l. 19 N o. 10 1 9 9 8 10 CH EM ICAL JOU RNAL O F CH IN ESE UN IV ERS IT IES 1584 1588 (g ) (,,, 300071) (, ),,..,, 1. 0 g1,., 33. 1%.,,, O 632. 5, O 629. 7. (H b),., Bonaven tu ra 80, H b, H b 50 100

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HOMEWORK 4 = G. In order to plot the stress versus the stretch we define a normalized stretch:

HOMEWORK 4 = G. In order to plot the stress versus the stretch we define a normalized stretch: HOMEWORK 4 Problem a For the fast loading case, we want to derive the relationship between P zz and λ z. We know that the nominal stress is expressed as: P zz = ψ λ z where λ z = λ λ z. Therefore, applying

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CAO Shu2qing 1, ZHA IH u2qu 1, YAN G Tu2nan 2, ZHAN G Rong2xian 1, 3, KUAN G T ing2yun 3

CAO Shu2qing 1, ZHA IH u2qu 1, YAN G Tu2nan 2, ZHAN G Rong2xian 1, 3, KUAN G T ing2yun 3 (Ch inese J R ice S ci) 2001 15 (1) : 29 4 1 1 2 1 ( 1 2 210095; 212400; 10009; ) Studies on Pho to syn thetic R ate and Function D u ration of R ice Germ p lasm R esou rces CAO Shu2qing 1 ZHA IH u2qu

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G IS N N E E, , km 2, 92% A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA 55 4 2000 7 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 4 July, 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 0420407210 G IS,, (, 100101) : G IS, 1982 1997 ;, : ; ; ; G IS; : F301124; F29312; N 94511 : A 20 80 90, [1, 2

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Reminders: linear functions

Reminders: linear functions Reminders: linear functions Let U and V be vector spaces over the same field F. Definition A function f : U V is linear if for every u 1, u 2 U, f (u 1 + u 2 ) = f (u 1 ) + f (u 2 ), and for every u U

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, km K K

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Retrieval of Seismic Data Recorded on Open-reel-type Magnetic Tapes (MT) by Using Existing Devices

Retrieval of Seismic Data Recorded on Open-reel-type Magnetic Tapes (MT) by Using Existing Devices No. 3 + 1,**- Technical Research Report, Earthquake Research Institute, University of Tokyo, No. 3, pp. + 1,,**-. MT * ** *** Retrieval of Seismic Data Recorded on Open-reel-type Magnetic Tapes (MT) by

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1998, 18 (1): 1 7. A cta T heriolog ica S inica (,, ) (Grow th layer group s, GL Gs) 168, 42,

1998, 18 (1): 1 7. A cta T heriolog ica S inica (,, ) (Grow th layer group s, GL Gs) 168, 42, 1998, 18 (1): 17 A cta T heriolog ica S inica Ξ (,, 210097), 3,, 3 C (O dum, 1983), 0 2, 24 11 3 R 0 Κ1, rm 0,, ; ; ; ;, (Sh i2 rak ihara, 1993; Gao, 1993)Gao (1993) 3 56,, (, 1995),, 3,, 1974 229, 86,

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ZrO 2, ZrO 2. (M ) W O 3g ( 100% ) SO 4 2- W O 3 M oo 3, SO ( Zr (OH ) 4 ) ( ( 0. 1 mo l. L - 1 A gno 3 ), Zr (OH ) 4 SO (0. 14 2 V o l. 14,N o. 2 2000 4 JOU RNAL O F M OL ECULA R CA TAL YS IS (CH INA ) A p r. 2000 : 100123555 (2000) 0220111208 WO 3gZrO 2 - g. ZrO 2,,, 1) (, 130022) : ZrO 2 WO 3gZrO 2 SO 4 2- gzro 2 M oo 3gZrO

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D NA , ) SCGE DNA. 14 5 V o l114,n o15 1998 10 Ch inese Jou rnal of B iochem istry and M o lecu lar B io logy O cṫ 1998 SCGE D NA (, (, 030006) 030006) (SCGE) ; SCGE Χ DNA, Χ DNA, :,DNA,, Pr inc iple and M ethod of the Single

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Inverse trigonometric functions & General Solution of Trigonometric Equations. ------------------ ----------------------------- -----------------

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F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE

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Section 8.3 Trigonometric Equations

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Mean bond enthalpy Standard enthalpy of formation Bond N H N N N N H O O O

Mean bond enthalpy Standard enthalpy of formation Bond N H N N N N H O O O Q1. (a) Explain the meaning of the terms mean bond enthalpy and standard enthalpy of formation. Mean bond enthalpy... Standard enthalpy of formation... (5) (b) Some mean bond enthalpies are given below.

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o l. 26 N o Jou rnal of N an jing In stitu te of M eteo ro logy Feb. 2003

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W eb. W eb Information Extraction Based on Tree Structure. REN Zhong- sheng 1, XUE Y ong- sheng 2

W eb. W eb Information Extraction Based on Tree Structure. REN Zhong- sheng 1, XUE Y ong- sheng 2 25 3 2009 5 ( ) Journal of Fujian N o rm al U niversity (N atural Science Edition) V o l125 N o13 M ay 2009 : 100025277 (2009) 0320039208 W eb 1, 2 (11, 350108; 21, 361005) : W eb. H TM L, H TM L,,.,,,.,

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SOLUTIONS TO MATH38181 EXTREME VALUES AND FINANCIAL RISK EXAM SOLUTIONS TO MATH38181 EXTREME VALUES AND FINANCIAL RISK EXAM Solutions to Question 1 a) The cumulative distribution function of T conditional on N n is Pr T t N n) Pr max X 1,..., X N ) t N n) Pr max

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ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 4 ΘΕΡΜΟΦΥΣΙΚΕΣ Ι ΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ ΤΩΝ ΤΡΟΦΙΜΩΝ ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 4 ΘΕΡΜΟΦΥΣΙΚΕΣ Ι ΙΟΤΗΤΕΣ ΤΩΝ ΤΡΟΦΙΜΩΝ Εισαγωγή Η µελέτη και ο σχεδιασµός όλων των διεργασιών των τροφίµων απαιτούν τη γνώση των θερµοφυσικών ιδιοτήτων τους. Τα τρόφιµα είναι γενικά ανοµοιογενή

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1, +,*+* + +-,, -*, * : Key words: global warming, snowfall, snowmelt, snow water equivalent. Ohmura,,**0,**

1, +,*+* + +-,, -*, * : Key words: global warming, snowfall, snowmelt, snow water equivalent. Ohmura,,**0,** 1, +,*+* + +-,, + : /+* m,1+ m, -*, * +3132* : Key words: global warming, snowfall, snowmelt, snow water equivalent + IPCC,,**+ Inoue and,**2 Yokoyama,**- Ohmura,,**0,**0 +331 +332 + +2- **+, ++,* 14 1,

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