O verlay A lgo rithm of H ierarch ical M ap s

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1 (2004) , 1, 2 2, (1., ; 2., ), M G IS (m ilitary geograph ic info rm ation system ), ; ; F282 A T he M u lti2ob jective L ocation M odel Based on O verlay A lgo rithm of H ierarch ical M ap s W EN G Dong2feng 1, FE I Q i 1, L IU X iao2jing 2, J IAN G Yun 2 ( 1. In stitu te of System Engineering, H uazhong U n iversity of Science and T echno logy, W uhan , Ch ina; 2. Guangzhou N avy A cadem y, Guangzhou , Ch ina) Abstract T h is paper gives an analysis of the objects and restriction conditions of the defense facility location, and a m ultiobjective model of the facility location is set up. By using the overlay algo rithm of the theo ry of m ilitary geograph ic info rm ation system, the p roblem of search ing feasible set o r lim ited schem es in decision space based on overlay algo rithm of h ierarch ical m ap s com es up. T he so lu tion m ethod by constructing the criterion decision m atrix of facility location is put fo rw ard, and an examp le is given. Key words facility location; m ulti2objective decision m ak ing; model 1, ,, ; 80 90, [ 1 ] ; n q i (qi1, q i2) (i = 1, 2,, n), x (x 1, x 2), m ax i{gx 1 - q i1g + gx 2 - q i2g } (M in- M ax) F rancis [ 2 ] H alpern [ 3 ] M cginn is W h ite [ 4 ] H an sen [ 5 ], O h saw a Im ai [ 6, 7 ] [ 8 (B icriteria M odel) ], (02GJ ) (1959- ),,,

2 10 55 [9 ]- [12 ], (m ilitary geograph ic info rm ation system, M G IS), [ 13, 14 ] 2 8, x = (x 1, x 2), q i = (qi1, qi2) (i = 1, 2,, n), n, s j = (sj1, sj2) (j = 1,, m ), m, rk = (rk1, rk2) (k = 1,, p ), p 1), ( ) m in im ax, m in 1 (x) = m ax w i x - i {1,, n } q i, (1) w i i 2),,, m in im izef 2 (x) = 6 m w j x - j= 1 s j, (2) w j j 3),,,, m ax im in w k m ax F 3 (x) = k m in w k x - rk, (3) k { 1,, p } 4) P 1, P 2, P 3 m ax F 4 (x) = 1 - P 1 (1 - P 2) P 3. (4) 5) C l (l = 1, 2,, s), m in F 5 (x) = 6 s C l. (5) (1) - (3), (4) (5)

3 ) t1 v 1 d 1 = v 1t1, q i g Φ d 1. (6) 2) t2 v 2 d 2 = v 2t2 s jg Φ d 2. (7) j {1,, m } 3), d 3 k {1,, p } rkg Ε d 3. (8) 4),, d 4 S (x) S (x) Ε d 4. (9) 5) 8, d 5 V (x) V (x) Ε d 5. (10) 6) d 6 d 6 Φ 1 - P 1 (1 - P 2) P 3 Φ 1. (11) 7),,,, d 7, 6 s C l Φ d 7. (12),, D R m inf 1 (x) = m ax x 8 F 3 (x) = m in F 5 (x) = 6 s C l s. t. q i g Φ d 1, s j g Φ d 2, j {1,, m } rk k {1,, p } S (x) V (x) Ε d 4, Ε d 5, g Ε d 3, m ax w i x - m in w k x - k { 1,, p } x 8 q i, m in im izef 2 (x) = 6 m w j x - j= 1 j (1,, m ) rk, m ax F 4 (x) = 1 - P 1 (1 - P 2) P 3, s j, (13)

4 10 57 d 6 Φ 1 - P 1 (1 - P 2) P 3 Φ 1, 6 s C l Φ d 7. 3 (13) (overlay), ; (T echn ique fo r O rder P reference by Sim ilarity to Ideal So lu tion, TO PS IS) 1) (M G IS) (6) - (12) 8 k 2) (TRU E, FAL SE) 8 1,, 3) 8 3 = ,, 8 k- 1 8 k (14), X = ,, 8 k- 1 8 = {x 1,, x n} (15),,, [ 15 V o rono i ], (2), 4) (13) A = x 1 x 2 g x n F 1 (x) F 2 (x) F m (x) x 11 x 12 x 1m x 21 x 22 x 2m x n1 x n2 x nm 5) TO PS IS, A Y = (y ij) n m, g (16) x ij y ij =, i = 1,, n; j = 1,, m. (17) 6 n x 2 ij i= 1, Y Z = (z ij) n m, w j j, x 3 j x - j x 3 j z ij = w j y ij, i = 1,, n; j = 1,, m. (18) = m ax i z ij, j T 1; x 3 j = m in i z ij, j T 2 x - j = m in z i ij, j T 1; x 3 j = m axz i ij, j T 2. T 1 T 2 (19)

5 S 3 i = z i - x 3, i = 1,, n. S ī = z i - x -, i = 1,, n. (20) C i = S ī g(s 3 i + S ī ), 0 Φ C i Φ 1; i = 1,, n. (21), C i 4 B q i g Φ d 1 = 150km, s j g Φ d 2 = 300km, j {1,, m } rk k {1,, p } g Ε d 3 = 30km, S (x) Ε d 4 = 0. 2km 2, S (x) Ε d 4 = 0. 5km 2, (22) V (x) Ε d 5 = 4tgm 2, V (x) Ε d 5 = 7m, 6 s C l Φ d 7 = , ( ) S (x), S (x), V (x), V (x) ; d 4, d 4, d 5, d 5 (13) 9 8 M G IS, 9 X 1 1, X,

6 10 59, B A = x 1 x 2 x 3 x 4 x 5 F 1 F 2 F 3 F 4 F x 1,, x 5, F 1 m in im ax, F 2 m in isum, F 3 m ax im in, F 4, F 5, A H P (23) w j = [ ] (24) (17) A Y = (18) Y Z = (19) x 3 = ( ) x - = ( ) (20) S 3 i = z i - x 3 = ( , , , , ) T S ī = z i - x - = ( , , , , ) T (28) (21) C i = ( ) T (29) x 2 x1 x 4 x5 x 3 (25) (26) (27) 5,, M G IS, TO PS IS [1 ],. [J ]., 2001, (3) W eng Dongfeng, Fei Q i. Scien tific decision2m ak ing on defence engineering con struction under heigh t tech condition s

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W eb. W eb Information Extraction Based on Tree Structure. REN Zhong- sheng 1, XUE Y ong- sheng 2

W eb. W eb Information Extraction Based on Tree Structure. REN Zhong- sheng 1, XUE Y ong- sheng 2 25 3 2009 5 ( ) Journal of Fujian N o rm al U niversity (N atural Science Edition) V o l125 N o13 M ay 2009 : 100025277 (2009) 0320039208 W eb 1, 2 (11, 350108; 21, 361005) : W eb. H TM L, H TM L,,.,,,.,

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Quick algorithm f or computing core attribute

Quick algorithm f or computing core attribute 24 5 Vol. 24 No. 5 Cont rol an d Decision 2009 5 May 2009 : 100120920 (2009) 0520738205 1a, 2, 1b (1. a., b., 239012 ; 2., 230039) :,,.,.,. : ; ; ; : TP181 : A Quick algorithm f or computing core attribute

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Application of a novel immune network learn ing algorithm to fault diagnosis

Application of a novel immune network learn ing algorithm to fault diagnosis 3 5 Vol. 3. 5 2008 10 CAA I Transactions on Intelligent System s Oct. 2008 1, 2, 1, 2 (1., 525000; 2., 030024) :,.,.,.,., 5. : ; ; ; : TP18 : A : 167324785 (2008) 0520449206 Application of a novel immune

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A multipath QoS routing algorithm based on Ant Net

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M in ing Recursive Function s Ba sed on Gene Expression Programm ing

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E stab lish ing Syn thesis Evaluation Index

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ACTA MATHEMATICAE APPLICATAE SINICA Nov., ( µ ) (  ( 35 Þ 6 Ð Å Vol. 35 No. 6 2012 11 ACTA MATHEMATICAE APPLICATAE SINICA Nov., 2012 È ÄÎ Ç ÓÑ ( µ 266590) (E-mail: jgzhu980@yahoo.com.cn) Ð ( Æ (Í ), µ 266555) (E-mail: bbhao981@yahoo.com.cn) Þ» ½ α- Ð Æ Ä

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F ingerpr in ts of X in shu Ora l L iquid by HPCE

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ER-Tree (Extended R*-Tree)

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The Changes of Card iova scular Respon se to O rthosta tic Stress Caused by Hypovolem ia Inuced by W e ightlessness: A Sim ula tion Study

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B id irectional Ind irect Coupled F in ite Elem en tm ethod for Estimating Am pac ity of Power Cable

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Experiment on axial compressive properties of high2strength concrete column wrapped w ith CFRP

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Stem Character istics of W heat w ith Stem L odging and Effects of L odging on Gra in Y ield and Qual ity

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:,UV IKON 810, 700 nm. DU 27Spectropho to neter 1. 1 U S2KT P

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V ladim irov A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved.

V ladim irov A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 55 3 2000 5 A CTA GEO GRA PH ICA S IN ICA V o l. 55, N o. 3 M ay, 2000 : 037525444 (2000) 0320257209 1, 2, 1 (11, 100101; 21, 100875) :, 40, 4,, 39, : ; ; ; : P33112; P333; P34311 : A 20 70, 1972 1998

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Χωροθέτηση υποψηφίων θέσεων ΧΥΤΑ Αξιολόγηση υποψήφιων θέσεων ΧΥΤΑ. Δρ. Ι. Φουντούλης, Αν. Καθηγητής Εμμ. Ανδρεαδάκης, MSc, Υπ.Δρ. Χωροθέτηση υποψηφίων θέσεων ΧΥΤΑ Αξιολόγηση υποψήφιων θέσεων ΧΥΤΑ Δρ. Ι. Φουντούλης, Αν. Καθηγητής Εμμ. Ανδρεαδάκης, MSc, Υπ.Δρ. 1 Χωροθέτηση και Επιλογή θέσεων Χ.Υ.Τ.Α. Πολύπλοκη και δύσκολη εργασία Απαιτείται

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